wariness 发音
英:[ˈwerinəs] 美:[ˈweərinəs]
英: 美:
wariness 中文意思翻译
wariness 反义词
wariness 词性/词形变化,wariness变形
名词: wariness |形容词比较级: warier |形容词最高级: wariest |副词: warily |
wariness 短语词组
1、wariness define ─── 谨慎定义
2、wariness synonym ─── 警惕同义词
3、wariness meaning ─── 警惕意义
4、wariness antonym ─── 警惕反义词
5、wariness sentence ─── 谨慎判决
6、wariness definition ─── 警惕性定义
7、wariness thesaurus ─── 警惕性词库
wariness 同义词
deliberation |suspicion | care | circumspection | caution | distrust | chariness
wariness 相似词语短语
1、waxiness ─── n.蜡质;可塑;柔软
2、wartiness ─── 价值
3、waviness ─── n.波浪状;波状
4、bardiness ─── 吟游诗人
5、wiriness ─── n.铁丝一样的形状
6、unwariness ─── n.不注意;疏忽
7、wateriness ─── n.平淡;多水;稀薄
8、weariness ─── n.疲倦,疲劳;厌倦
9、warmness ─── n.温暖;亲切
wariness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Foreigner: Yes,I could feel people's wariness when I talked with them. They all talked in the same way and seemed to be reciting rather than talking. ─── 外:是的,那时我和人们谈话时,我能够感觉得到他们的拘谨,他们说起话来都是一个调,就好像是在背诵而不像是在说话。
2、You always have wariness with others and always want to avoid to be very close to them. ─── 你往往对周围的人怀有戒心,总是想方设法避免与他们做过分亲密的来往。
3、Although Mr Trichet remained relatively upbeat about the eurozone's economic recovery, his wariness about signalling likely interest rate trends beyond next month might also reflect the uncertainty about the strength of the upswing. ─── 尽管特里谢对欧元区经济复苏仍相对乐观,但他在暗示下个月之后利率走向方面的谨慎,可能也反映出经济复苏力度的不确定。
4、It was a warning he should heed: team bosses, aware that F1 is nowadays as much an advertisement as a sport, will regard such behaviour with considerable wariness. ─── 这(可)是个他要注意的警告:车队老板,意识到当今F1越来越有商业味道,会很注意这种行为的。
5、Goldman has expressed wariness about joining up with a big commercial bank. ─── 高盛对与大型商业银行合并持谨慎态度。
6、characterized by great cautious and wariness. ─── 以极为注意、谨慎为特点。
7、His wariness of the South"s overtures, apparent in the sullen manner with which he first greeted Mr.Roh on Tuesday, remained visible to the end.Mr. ─── 他对韩国提出的合作建议态度谨慎,这从他周二与卢武铉首次会谈时的阴沉面色上就能明显看出,他的这一态度直至卢武铉此次访朝结束也未改变。
8、Such wariness is a hallmark of Mr. Buffett's investing style, and many on Wall Street have wondered when he might jump in. ─── 这种小心谨慎正是巴菲特投资风格的特点,而华尔街人均在好奇他什么时候出手。
9、Drivers' wariness about road pricing is understandable, but they would probably benefit. ─── 司机们对道路计费系统的谨慎关注是可以理解的,不过他们也可能从中收益。
10、catching the wariness in their tired faces , ─── 捕捉到在他们的谨慎疲倦的面孔
11、Our eyes met and the female's flanks shuddered as she watched me with a wariness that only a true wild thing can display. ─── 我和雌驴四目相接,她的侧腹部抖动着,带着一种野生动物特有的戒心望着我。
12、feelings of wariness ─── 小心谨慎
13、Time is short and the light is now set to remove the wariness of the dark shadows on display. ─── 时间短暂,光现在准备要移除那显现的细小的黑暗阴影。
14、lately I read ......Because of war,she grown up with wariness,treachery,fears and confused. ─── 经历过战争的人,更能明白活着的意义!
15、Our eyes met and the female's flanks shuddered as she watched me with a wariness that only a true wild thing can display. ─── 当我们目光相遇的时候,我发现她的胁腹在颤抖,目光中则带着一种只有真正野生的动物才有的谨慎和小心。
16、wariness principle ─── 谨慎性原则
17、"There is a little bit of uneasy wariness in this entire process, but it going to be very short term. ─── 乔普拉说:“整个行业现在都有点不安。但这将是短期的。
18、Yet a certain wariness ought to be maintained. ─── 然而保持一定程度的谨慎还是应该的。
19、Wariness about Bolt stems from the fact that he has run the 100 only five times professionally, yet he has posted two of the three fastest performances ever. ─── 对博尔特的猜疑来源于他只参加过五次100米的专业比赛,却已名列三甲的事实。
20、2. Displaying, having, or feeling no wariness; incautious: ─── 不留神的,不谨慎的:展示、有或感到无警惕的;轻率的:
21、There certainly is a history of wariness about using the R-word. ─── 历史表明绝对应当谨慎使用“衰退”一词。
22、All the wildness and wariness seemed to have fallen away from him, was a man drops useless garment when he enters his own home. ─── 就像一个男人回到家时扔掉一件无用的外衣,粗野与谨慎在他身上已荡然无存。
23、But it was not hostility, exactly;merely a kind of wariness, a momentary stiffening, as at the passing of some unfamiliar animal ─── 可严格点讲,这还算不上什么敌意,不过是种警惕,是种一时的木讷,犹如什么陌生的动物从身边经过。
25、13 With such a consideration, Chuang Tzu put forth wariness of knowledge and exhorted us not to apply knowledge blindly.He asked people to beware of its sequela. ─── 在这样的考虑与评估下,庄子提出了对知识的谨慎及戒心,要求我们小心防止知识的盲目被运用,提防其后遗症;
26、Yields on 3-month treasury fell at 1% reaching -0.01%, a stark indication of the investors' continued wariness of risk. ─── 3月期国债的发放量下调1%至-0.01%,表明投资者仍然在谨慎地规避风险。
27、Even those who benefit from China's growth express some wariness. ─── 甚至那些得益于中国发展的也表现出了谨慎。
28、There is wariness, too, between the club's Central Asian members. ─── 在俱乐部的中亚成员中间也有这种谨慎。
29、There is a wariness about services, particularly personal services, and a pride in being the world's biggest exporter. ─── 德国在服务业,尤其是私人服务方面畏手畏脚,而且以自己是世界上最大的出口国为荣。
30、? wariness of forming a new partnership is just one of the challenges facing Europe as it seeks to compete in technology with market leaders from the United States and Asia. ─── ?当它寻求在技术方面,和来自美国和亚洲的市场领袖竞争的时候,形成新的合夥的注意只是挑战之一面对欧洲。
31、They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.They are not those who, according to the doctor, require extra care or special wariness on our part. ─── 医生的这一句话揭露的是一个令人难过的事实:某些新加坡人摆 脱不了自己内心中妄自菲薄的心理障碍。
32、A little wariness may save much weariness. ─── 谨慎可省去很多麻烦。
33、One deaf activist spoke about this wariness of outsiders, those who are not a part of Deaf culture. ─── 一位耳聋激进分子就聋文化门外汉的小心谨慎发表过意见。
34、They are not those who, according to the doctor, require extra care or special wariness on our part. ─── 然而他们却不是医生口中需要我们特别照顾或感到害怕的人。
35、Her wariness of him turned to deepest mistrust. ─── 她对他的警惕变成了极度的不信任。
36、The civilisation's capital was near modern-day Ayacucho, in the Andes, but the Wari travelled widely and are known for building Peru's first extensive network of roads. ─── 瓦里文明的首都近于位于安第斯山脉的现代都市阿亚库乔,但是瓦里的占地要更为广阔,也因建造了秘鲁的首个广泛的道路网络而更负盛名。
37、In some cases this wariness is justified. ─── 在某些情况下,这种谨慎是有道理的。
38、The Berlin-plus arrangement is in jeopardy, however, particularly because of Turkey’s wariness of potential ERRF missions. ─── 柏林多名协议的安排是处于危险,然而,特别因为潜在的欧盟快速反应部队任务是土耳其的谨慎。
39、a wariness in her tone. ─── 她的语气中透出一丝谨慎。
40、While the Inca state lasted around a century, the Wari civilisation flourished for more than four hundred years. ─── 当印加国持续了1个世纪之之时,瓦里文明已经繁盛了400多年。
41、watchfulness; vigilance; wariness; alertness ─── 戒心
42、Still, the continued expansion among Asia-Pacific manufacturers and wariness by their policy makers pose a risk that policy will be tightened prematurely. ─── 不过,亚太地区制造业活动持续扩张,同时该地区决策者十分谨慎,有可能造成政策过早收紧的风险。
43、I am too streight,and don't have any wariness . ─── 太过于直率,对人没什么防戒心.
44、To reflect the financial situation and the result of operation of the companies, the principle of allowance for impairment assets obeys the fundamentals of wariness, but it is different in reality. ─── 减值准备计提所遵循的原则是谨慎性原则,其初衷是为了使会计报表能够客观地反映企业的财务状况和经营成果,但现实中却不是这样。
45、Rembrandt's depiction of his own eyes classically served as the windows to his soul, revealing his years and his wariness. ─── 林布兰把自己的眼睛视为灵魂的窗户,透露了他的年龄和谨慎。
46、All the wildness and wariness seemed to have fallen away from him, was a man drops useless garment when he enters his own home. ─── 就像一个男人回到家时扔掉一件无用的外衣,粗野与谨慎在他身上已荡然无存。
47、He is opposite begin our hold wariness, I and his chitchat, he sees us be respected to a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest, it is glad very, said glibly. ─── 开头他对我们持有戒心,我与他攀谈了一阵,他看我们对道人尊重,很是高兴,便滔滔不绝地说了起来。
48、Experts think that oxytocin exerts its range of effects by boosting some social behaviours: it may encourage animals or people to overcome their natural wariness when faced with a risky situation. ─── 科学家认为催产素的作用主要是施展在促进某些社会行为上:它会鼓励动物或人类在面对危险情境时,克服天生的担忧本性。
49、The connotation of self-renewal in Book of Changes includes personality features of men of honor such as humility, wariness, good faith and wide mind. ─── 《易经》中自强的含义包括自强者(君子)的人格特徵,即谦虚、谨慎、诚信、胸怀宽阔。
50、But this doesn't reflect a wariness to spend as much as the absence of things to buy, places to put money other than state-bank savings accounts, and concern about health-care costs. ─── 但这并非在于中国人对消费非常谨慎,而在于可买的东西不够丰富、投资渠道匮乏、担心医疗保健费用等事实。
51、And fears that China is starting to pour its economic might into a more powerful military is adding to the wariness. ─── 他们并且害怕中国正在开始将它的经济力量注入更强的军事领域,更增加了他们的担心。
52、All their care, their caution, their wariness had been wrecked on the rock of the inevitable. ─── 他们所有的小心、谨慎和提防都在这无法避免的事实面前触礁了。
53、Yields on three-month Treasuries fell, at one point reaching -0.01%, a stark indication of investors' continued wariness of risk. ─── 3月期美国国债收益率为-0.01%,明显表示出投资者们依旧对风险保持警惕。
54、Archaeologists say the find could provide the missing link between the ancient cultures of the Wari people and the earlier Moche civilisation. ─── 考古学家称这个发现可以将瓦里人和更早的莫奇克文明遗失的关系连连接起来。
55、After both sides meets, repass greets, have a meal the wariness that waits for a method to reduce them further, cheat them finally to the hotel room that has booked beforehand inside. ─── 双方见面后,再通过寒暄、吃饭等手段进一步降低她们的戒心,最终把她们骗到事先订好的旅馆房间内。
56、unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book. ─── 如果不特别小心的话,误杀好人和误禁好书就会同样容易。
57、Fewer market correlated investments, specifically hedge funds with a genuine focus on capital preservation and a healthy wariness of leverage, should serve their investors well. ─── 较少进行与市场相关的投资,尤其是那些真正关注资本保值、对杠杆有清醒认识的对冲基金,应该能够很好地服务于自己的投资者。
58、More awareness of the technology could also reinforce wariness, argues Jean Halloran, head of food policy initiatives at Consumers Union. ─── 愈是知觉科技的存在,忧虑影响的程度就愈大。
59、The site, near the Pacific coastal city of Chiclayo, probably dates to the Wari culture which ruled the Andes of modern Peru between the 7th and 12th Century. ─── 这里毗邻太平洋海滨城市奇特拉约,瓦里文明对现代秘鲁的安第斯山地区的控制大约可以追溯到7-12世纪。
60、This study examined the influence of reciprocation wariness, a general fear of exploitation in interpersonal relationships, on negotiators' motivational orientation, negotiation behavior and outcomes. ─── 摘要回报谨慎是人们害怕在人际关系中被他人利用的一种信念。研究考察了回报谨慎对谈判者的动机倾向、谈判行为及谈判结果的影响。
61、Compared with ordinary youth group,the difference in respect of the wariness of personality,the actuation and the adventure of self-control,and the latitude of the juvenile criminal are obviously different. ─── 与普通少年组相比,犯罪少年在谨慎性、冲动冒险性、自我情绪性、道德观、接受权威及需要表达等维度上差异显著;
62、The stubby man looked in no way frightened but his anger had a certain wariness about it. ─── 那个矮胖子丝毫没有害怕的样子,与此相反,他那愤怒的表情里流露出几分警惕的神色。
63、And yet, on the other hand, unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; ─── 人可以错杀,好书亦可以错毁。是不可不慎也。杀一人,杀一有理性之生命,杀一上帝之子孙耳。
64、7. A little wariness prevents great weariness. ─── 一点点的谨慎避免莫大的疲劳。
65、The prospect of the shift in power in Tokyo inspires a measure of wariness in both foreign capitals. ─── 日本政权更迭的前景,在上述两个外国首都引发了一定程度的警觉。
66、displaying or feeling no wariness. ─── 没有表现出或者没有感觉到谨慎。
67、After another few seconds of sniffing , youching whisker-twitching , curiosity overcame wariness. ─── 在一番闻闻后,...?屡了屡胡须,好奇心胜过了警惕.
68、There was a wariness in her tone. ─── 她的语气中透出一丝谨慎。
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