condolence 发音
英:[kənˈdoʊləns] 美:[kənˈdəʊləns]
英: 美:
condolence 中文意思翻译
condolence 词性/词形变化,condolence变形
condolence 短语词组
1、condolence definition ─── 吊唁定义
2、condolence letter ─── 吊唁信
3、condolence flowers ─── 吊唁花
4、condolence poems ─── 吊唁诗
5、condolence basket ─── 吊篮
condolence 相似词语短语
1、condole ─── vi.慰问;吊唁;哀悼
2、nonviolence ─── n.非暴力;非暴力事件
3、indolence ─── n.懒散,懒惰;无痛
4、condoler ─── 秃鹰
5、condoled ─── vi.慰问;吊唁;哀悼
6、condolent ─── adj.哀悼的;吊慰的
7、consilience ─── n.符合,一致
8、condolences ─── n.慰问(condolence的复数);哀悼
9、condense ─── vi.浓缩;凝结;vt.使浓缩;使压缩
condolence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、to express condolence ─── 吊唁
2、Please convey my condolence and kind greeting to your family. ─── 请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。
3、I was touched, I said something in condolence with him. ─── 我受感动了,说了些话安慰他。
4、He apologized for his belated note of condolence to the widow of his friend and explained that he had just learned of her husband's untimely death. ─── 他给他朋友的遗孀的慰问信发迟了,为此他深表歉意;但他解释说,他是刚刚得悉她丈夫不幸亡故的消息的。
5、After Hitler committed suicide, he sent a telegram of condolence to the German people. ─── 希特勒自杀之后,他还给德国人民寄去了一份吊唁信。
6、express one's condolence to ─── 向...表示吊唁
7、Which variety condolence telegram regardless of being, generally speaking, has the title, the opening, the main text, the ending and inscribes several parts of constitutions.... ─── 无论是哪品种型的唁电,一般而言,都有标题、开头、正文、结尾和落款几部分构成。...
8、a letter of condolence ─── 吊唁信
9、A Letter of Condolence to a Friend ─── 悼念友人
10、For 4 months, all I heard was the condolence from relatives and friends. ─── 4个月以来,我听到的只有亲友的吊唁。
11、B. I'm worry to hear that, please accept my condolence, take time off as necessary. ─── 听到这消息我很难过,请接受我的哀悼,如果需要的话,就请假吧.
12、Care for orphaned children, senior citizens and the disabled and make sure the resettling and condolence work is done in a proper way. ─── 关心因灾害造成的孤儿、孤老和孤残,做好安置、安抚工作。
13、He sent a message of condolence. ─── 他发了一份吊唁电。
14、Please accept my heartfelt condolence on president untimely pass please convey our profound sympathy to bereaved family ─── 总裁不幸去世,深表哀悼,并请转达对其家人的深切慰问。
15、stereotyped phrases of condolence. ─── 固定不变的安慰词。
16、We have received numerous messages of condolence and support, and this out pouring of sympathy is appreciated. ─── 意外发生后本会收到大量的慰问和表示支持的信息,对此我们深表感谢。
17、Private activities of celebration or condolence; and; ─── 私人庆吊活动;
18、The international community responded with messages of condolence and various forms of aid, but the relief effort ran into difficulties in remote areas where access was cut off. ─── 国际社会除纷纷致电表示哀悼外,各种形式的救援也不断涌入。但许多偏远灾区因交通中断,使得救援工作困难重重。
19、The Institute also sent condolence letters to the counterparts and members in Sichuan to express our concerns about their present situation. ─── 学会亦已向四川的对口单位及会员发出吊慰信函以表达我们对他们现况的关注。
20、The Traditions of Condolence on Qu Yuan and Ode to Li Sao and the Change of Thoughts of Literati and officialdom in Han and Jin Dynasties ─── 吊屈咏骚传统与汉晋文人士大夫心态变异
21、After signing a condolence book at Pakistan's embassy in Washington, President Bush offered his sympathy. ─── 布什总统在巴基斯坦驻美大使馆的悼念簿上签字后,表示了他的慰问。
22、funeral cloth expressing condolence ─── 祭幛
23、All these and your basic birthday, condolence and get-well-soon greetings are free and e-mail-ready at more than a half dozen Web sites ─── 所有这些以及祝贺生日、慰问和祝早日康复等基本的贺卡都是免费的,有半打以上的万维网网站以电子邮件的形式时刻为你准备着。
24、On May 12, 2008, a devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan county, Sichuan province, which has claimed severe casualties, we would like to extend our warmest condolence to the Chinese people! ─── 值此中国西南部四川省汶川县遭受强地震袭击之时,谨向中国人民表示诚挚的慰问!
25、China's catastrophic earthquake last week in Sichuan province has prompted words of condolence from Canada's government, in a written press release. ─── 上周发生于中国四川的地震灾难促使加拿大政府表达悼念,但只是以新闻稿形式发布。
26、10 Will you immediate back to home if you receive condolence news from indonesia? ─── 你是否会立即回乡当你从印尼收到不幸消息?
27、Please accept our warmest condolence to the Chinese Government, and the Chinese people that we bear so much love and respect! ─── 请接受我们使馆向中国政府,以及我们充满爱和敬意的友好的中国人民的真诚慰问。
28、In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly. ─── 事实上,尼克松总统已经拟好了悼词,做了最坏的准备。
29、Men with an intolerable air of condolence have appeared, as though drawn by the smell of death, dressed comfortably, speaking a manipulated tongue, terminally evil. ─── 人们露出悲哀的样子,令人难以忍受。似乎是死亡的气息把他们引来的。他们穿着宽松舒适的衣服,说话字斟句酌,十分谨慎,最后仍然露出险恶的用心。
30、a message of condolence ─── 唁电
31、My heartfelt condolence to you ─── 致以深切的慰问。
32、A formal declaration of condolence. ─── 吊唁正式慰问的声明
33、cable one's condolence ─── 发唁电
34、"We stand with you during this tragic moment as you mourn the loss of so many loved ones and search for those still missing," Bush wrote in a condolence book before pausing for a moment of silence. ─── 在吊唁中他说,“在这悲惨的时刻,当你们哀悼你们的亲人,当你们在搜寻那些仍然失踪人的时候,我们和你们站在一起。”然后,他默哀了一会儿。
35、Some left condolence cards. ─── 有的人留下了吊唁卡。
36、My family and I hereby send heartfelt condolence to all those who perish through no fault of their own. ─── 不过这起不到实际的作用。如果真的想帮助灾区的话,那么就捐献吧。
37、13. I feel that a mother's sorrow for the loss of a beloved child can't be assuaged by the commonplace condolence. ─── 我知道,对于一位失去可爱的孩子的母亲,几句普通的话是难以表示哀悼和安慰的。
38、Mr Brown had earlier misspelt her surname in a letter of condolence. ─── 此前,布朗先生曾在悼词中拼错了这位母亲的姓。
39、I was shocked to hear the sudden death of Mr. Green. He was a devoted teacher and was loved by all his students. Please accept my heartfelt condolence. ─── 惊悉格林先生突然去世。他是一位尽职的教师,深受学生的爱戴。谨表真挚的悼念。
40、Condolence for the death of a woman ─── 瑶池返驾
41、the most sincere condolence to you for having uch a sister... ─── 也许他觉得有酱的姐姐是他人生中最最最大的灾难吧??
42、The State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokespeople also make the statement on 17th, to its passed expression profound condolence. ─── 国务院台办发言人也于17日发表谈话,对其逝世表示深切哀悼。
43、There will be memorial activities during the Congress to remember the profound contribution of Prof.Chern and to pay our deepest condolence. ─── 据悉,在第三届世界华裔数学家大会召开期间,广大数学家们将在香港深切缅怀国际数学大师陈省身先生的丰功伟绩,以寄讬对陈先生的哀思。
44、He wrote in the condolence book that "we mourn the quake victims together with our Chinese brothers and sisters. ─── 他写道,在吊唁本书说:“我们悼念地震灾民加上我们中国的兄弟姐妹。
45、Queen Elizabeth has sent a message of condolence to families of the victims. ─── 伊丽莎白女皇对受害者家属表示深切的慰问。
46、Send/receive a telegram(of congratulations,condolence,etc. ─── 发[收](祝贺、吊唁等)电报.
47、profound condolence ─── 深切哀悼
48、My colleague was telling me to write a condolence card when Paris lost, but I was busy hoisting up the British flag. ─── 法国申办失利后,我的同事总叫我写封悼念卡,可我却一直是英国的忠实拥趸。
49、Neil sent him a letter of condolence. ─── 尼尔给他发了一封吊唁信。
50、Many condolence from the entertainment world of Hong Kong were reported. ─── 从香港的娱乐世界来的许多悼唁被报告。
51、send/receive a telegram (of congratulations, condolence,etc) ─── 发收(祝贺﹑ 吊唁等)电报.
52、The purpose of writing letters of condolence is to show your concern and to cheer up the unhappy victims of misfortune. ─── 写信的目的是为了表示关切和鼓励不幸者。
53、We made a call of condolence. ─── 我们前去吊唁。
54、sympathy and condolence ─── 同情和慰问
55、pay a condolence call ─── 吊丧
56、stereotyped phrases of condolence; even his profanity was unimaginative ─── 吊唁的老套措辞;甚至连他的咒骂都是没有想象力的
57、Assistance is impossible;condolence, insufferable. ─── 他们两个人都没有多少钱;
58、Joseph: World leaders have also been sending messages of condolence to the Vatican. ─── 约瑟夫:各地领袖的吊唁词,也都寄到梵谛岗了。
59、China began a three-day national mourning to express our deep condolence for those who died in the earthquake. ─── 为表达对地震中死难同胞的深切哀悼,我国开始为期三天的全国哀悼日。
60、condolence book ─── 吊唁簿
61、You should, however, send a letter of condolence to your father-in-law." ─── 但汝岳父处应去一信唁之。”
62、After launching the new fundraising effort, President Bush and former presidents Bush and Clinton visited the embassies of India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand to sign condolence books for those killed. ─── 新的筹款活动正式启动后,布什总统以及前总统布什和克林顿前往印度、里兰卡和泰国驻华盛顿的大使馆,在海啸死难者吊唁簿上签字。
63、Hearty condolence to you may you have strength to bear this great affliction ─── 致以深切的慰问并望节哀自重。
64、We would like to extends our condolence to the families of those killed. ─── 我们向枪击案受害者家属表示哀悼和慰问。
65、He apologized for his belated note of condolence to the widow of his friend and explained that he had just learned of her husband's untimely death ─── 他给他朋友的遗孀的慰问信发迟了,为此他深表歉意;但他解释说,他是刚刚得悉她丈夫不幸亡故的消息的。
66、condolence writing ─── 吊文
67、5.Shocked to learn of your mother death I express heartfelt condolence in your affliction. ─── 惊悉你母亲去世,谨此表示深切的慰问。
68、Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence calls on the two families on the same afternoon. ─── 两家碰巧相邻,所以我在同一天下午一块儿吊唁了他们。
69、Tomorrow many Canadians will line up at Chinese embassies and consulates to sign the book of condolence. ─── 明天很多加拿大人会在中国使领馆前排队,在吊唁簿上签字。
70、a missive of condolence; ─── 慰问公函;
71、Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence calls on the two families on the same afternoon. ─── 他们家离得很近,所以我在同一天下午就去他们两家吊唁。
72、Some people signed condolence cards to mourn the death while some signed the good wishes cards to express their support to the survived victims. ─── 不少人在吊唁咭上签上名字,向死者致意,亦有把祝福的语句,写在心意咭上,盼望向失去家园的人表示支持。
73、letter of condolence ─── 唁函
74、The performers in the condolence show are either young singers or middle-aged singers. ─── 参加本次慰问演出的都是中青年歌唱家。
75、Some situations are delicate and we need to use words that give comfort and condolence. ─── 有些场合很微妙,你应该说一些让人舒服、给人以安慰的话语。
76、In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly. ─── 事实上,总统尼克松已经事先准备好了一场未雨绸缪的吊唁演讲。
77、In fact, President Richard Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly. ─── 事实上,尼克松总统已准备好悼念演讲稿,以备发生不测时发表。
78、antithetical condolence or eulogistical classical couplets displayed at a memorial service ─── 挽联
79、Letters and telegrams of condolence streamed in from heads of state, housewives, politicians, millionaires, secretaries. ─── 国家元首、政治家、百万富翁、家庭主妇以及部长、大臣的唁电唁函涨潮般涌来。
80、a heartfelt condolence ─── 深沉的哀悼
81、I also feel heavy grieve for the people who had been taken away their lives by the earthquake disaster, so I must offer my silent condolence to them. ─── 我也为那些被地震灾害夺去生命的人们感到万分悲痛,向他们表示默默的哀悼。
82、News of Irwin's death shocked ordinary Australians, while government and opposition lawmakers rushed to issue statements of condolence within two hours of the first reports of his death. ─── 厄文的死讯不只为一般澳洲民众带来极大震惊;诸位当地朝野的立法委员,更是在消息发布了头两个小时当中,就捎来吊唁。
83、stereotyped phrases of condolence; even his profanity was unimaginative. ─── 吊唁的老套措辞;甚至连他的咒骂都是没有想象力的。
84、We express our condolence to the victims and sincerely hope that our contribution and care would hthe residents to resume normal lives and rebuild futures. ─── 我们向死难者表示沉痛的哀悼,真诚希望我们的微薄之力和发自内心的关注可以帮助活着的人早恢复正常生活,重建美好未来。
85、messages of condolence ─── 吊唁函电
86、The day after his death all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid, as is our custom. ─── 她父亲死后的第二天,所有的妇女们都准备到她家拜望,表示哀悼和愿意接济的心意,这是我们的习俗。
87、send/receive a telegram(of congratulations,condolence,etc) ─── 发[收](祝贺、吊唁等)电报.
88、This is the person that Fen Shen walked out of her black cloth while she was in a deep sorrow giving a condolence. ─── 这个朋友就是分身从她的黑衣走出来,当她是在很深的悲痛陈述她的哀悼。
89、"I cannot find enough words to express my condolence, " Wen said, winding up to the thirty-degree option. ─── 他说:“我无法找到足够的语言表达自己的难过”,最后选择做30度的鞠躬。
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