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08-29 投稿


conciseness 发音

英:[kənˈsaɪsnəs]  美:[kənˈsaɪsnəs]

英:  美:

conciseness 中文意思翻译



conciseness 反义词

redundant | diffuse |prolix

conciseness 词性/词形变化,conciseness变形

副词: concisely |名词: conciseness |

conciseness 短语词组

1、conciseness pdf ─── 简明pdf

2、conciseness quiz ─── 简明测验

3、conciseness tool ─── 简洁工具

4、conciseness owl ─── 简明猫头鹰

5、conciseness rule ─── 简明规则

6、conciseness definition ─── 简明定义

7、conciseness defined ─── 简洁性定义

conciseness 同义词

laconic | summarizing | brief | short and sweet | succinct | pithy | crisp | to the point |terse | short | summary | abridged | curt | compact

conciseness 相似词语短语

1、jocoseness ─── 诙谐

2、coarseness ─── n.粗;粗糙;劣等

3、conduciveness ─── n.促成;诱因

4、conceitedness ─── n.自负

5、contriteness ─── 悔悟

6、connateness ─── 合生

7、concreteness ─── n.具体;具体性;确实

8、preciseness ─── n.严谨;精确;古板

9、concaveness ─── 拱形;凹面物

conciseness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite those mixed feelings, the conciseness and liveliness of Internet language continues to attract Internet surfers for making efficient communication. ─── 尽管有各种各样的言论存在,网络语言继续以它的简明与活泼吸引冲浪者进行有效的交流。

2、The transferred epithet is pragmatically characterized by the transferred expression of feeling, conciseness and vividness. ─── 转类形容词具有借物抒情、言简意赅以及生动形象等语用特点或功能。

3、Conciseness means saying things in the fewest possible words. To achieve this, try to avoid wordiness or redundancy. ─── 商场如战场,人们都不愿意用太多的时间去读冗长的信,而简洁扼要又不失礼貌,清楚是最受欢迎的.

4、He defined a good style as "proper words in proper places." Clear, simple, concrete diction, uncomplicated sentence structure, economy and conciseness of language mark all his writings---essays, poems and novels. ─── 他创立了一种良好的文风,即“在恰当的地方用恰当的词”。无论是散文,诗歌,还是小说,简洁,具体,精确,没有复杂的句式永远是他的写作风格。

5、" I was amzed by his conciseness and forgot my other prepared questions. ─── 我讶异于他的简洁,一时间忘了自己准备好要问他的问题。

6、Easy Living Space : interior design in the construction, reject the traditional villa of red tape, conciseness and practical; ─── 宜居空间:在建筑室内设计上,摒弃了传统别墅的繁文缛节,力求简洁、实用;

7、Preciseness and Conciseness ─── 精约

8、The concept of a (use case) transaction helps to deal with the variation in length and conciseness typical of use case descriptions. ─── 事务(用例)的概念能够帮助处理不同长度以及大小的用例描述。

9、English proverbs always bring readers aesthetic perception due to their good order in form, conciseness in language, lively rhythm and modulation in tone. ─── 其形式工整、语言凝炼、节奏铿锵、音律顿挫,给读者带来诸多美感。

10、Signs are characteristic of conciseness, directness, and intertextualtity, with prompting, directing, referential and appellative functions. ─── 公示语在语体上有简洁性,直接性和互文性的特点,在功能上有提示,命令,指示和诉求的功能。

11、Conciseness means saying things in the fewest possiblewords. To achieve this, try to avoid wordiness or redundancy. ─── 商场如战场,人们都不愿意用太多的时间去读冗长的信,而简洁扼要又不失礼貌、清楚是最受欢迎的。

12、2.The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life. ─── 卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。

13、This paper mainly deals with the basic characteristics of Chekhov: plainness and conciseness. ─── 文章主要对契诃夫作品中语言的根本特征:“朴素”、“简炼”进行了阐述,以助于我们更好地领会其作品的艺术魅力。

14、This is where the conciseness of Groovy really shines. ─── 这正是Groovy的简洁性真正擅长的方面。

15、Both conciseness and complication have the same goals of meeting people's visual and aesthetic demands dispise of the difference in expression methods and expression forms. ─── 摘要简洁与繁复在表现方法和视觉样式上迥然各异,但最终目的都是满足人们的视觉生理与审美需求。

16、On the Conciseness of the English Language in Advertising ─── 试论广告英语语言的简约美

17、Both languages have a similar dynamism and conciseness, so aside from spelling differences, one would expect the code to be similar ─── 这两种语言具有相似的动态性和简明性,所以除了拼写上的差别外,其代码很类似

18、On Conciseness of Oral Guide English ─── 论导游英语口译的简化

19、Documents have their special features and requirements for the use of language, including accuracy, conciseness, simplicity and solemnity. ─── 公文在语言运用上有自己的特点和要求,就是准确、简明、朴实、庄重。

20、Strive for conciseness and clarity in oral or written reports. ─── 口头或书面报告,力求简洁清唽。

21、Beauty of Conciseness in Product Designing ─── 简洁美在产品设计中的应用及其意义

22、The overall principle is balancing informativeness and conciseness: the total number of annotations and the amount of information of each should be controlled. ─── 注明典源、典面,必要时解释典义并提供"提示"。

23、In view of style, we think business English language has the following features:" clearness, conciseness, correctness, consistency, courtesy, formality and completeness". ─── 就风格而言,我们认为商务英语具有如下特征:清晰,简洁,精确,一致,谦让,形式性和完整性。

24、"Marked by clarity, conciseness, and briskness" ─── 明晰的、简洁的和活泼的

25、Conciseness: The bright and dark and the Yin and Yang of the universe. ─── 简洁之情:宇宙整体的一明一暗或一阴一阳。

26、Love is a recurring theme in John Keats's poetry, characterized by its qualities of lightness, conciseness and suggestive implications. ─── 摘要终其短暂而悲惨的一生,济慈深历了一场充满矛盾、痛苦而无果之爱。

27、Sentence reduction aims to improve the conciseness of generated summaries and sentence combination aims to improve the coherence of generated summaries. ─── 句子缩减的目标是去改善产生摘要的简洁性,句子合并的目标是去改善产生摘要的连贯性。

28、They're:consideration,completeness,correctness,concreteness,conciseness,clarity and courtesy. ─── 即:体贴、完整、正确、具体、简明、清楚、客气。

29、They should also strive to take good notes the first time and not plan to recopy notes -- or to do so only when clarity and conciseness demand it ─── 他们也应该努力做好笔记而不要打算重抄一遍--或只有需要看清或使其更简明扼要时才这样做。

30、Whether to proceed murals , or do some form, conciseness and try not to leave traces of decoration. ─── 无论是挂几幅壁画,还是做一些造型,都力求简洁,尽量不留下装修的痕迹。

31、The rhetorical device "parody" is an imitation of known materials by modifying certain elements such as words, phrases, sentences and passages to produce the effect of conciseness and humor. ─── 摘要仿拟辞格是模仿人们所熟知的现有材料,对其词语、短语、句子和篇章进行变动,以达到言简意赅、风趣幽默的效果。

32、Relevance and Conciseness in Overseas- targeted Publicity Translating ─── 论关联理论在经贸对外宣传资料翻译中的应用

33、Grammatical metaphor not only breaks the limitation of lexical metaphor research theoretically, but also enhances the features of scientific precision, conciseness and objectivity practically. ─── 语法隐喻的提出,不仅从理论上弥补了隐喻研究只停留在词汇层面的不足,而且通过语法功能的隐喻化使科技英语保留了其精确、客观、简洁的文体特征。

34、The poetic techniques and certain classical graces such as order, good form, unified structure, clarity and conciseness of language developed in this period have become a permanent heritage. ─── 在这一时期出现的诗歌技巧与古典气质,如秩序,优美的格式,统一的结构,简明的语言都成为永恒的文学传统。

35、From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze.The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian. ─── 沉默会产生神秘的威力,使思想经过筛滤如青铜般坚硬,历史上的压制造成了历史家的精确性。

36、A second problem to address is conciseness. ─── 第二个要解决的问题是简洁。

37、Conciseness is served when the sentence is so corrected. ─── 句子这样一改就简洁了。

38、The existence and use of those denominal verds imply the tendency of human thinking process towards simplification and conciseness. ─── 名源动词的大量存在与使用体现了人类思维过程趋向简洁化。

39、The lower figure shows a cause-style programme, gentle hearts, compatibility, conciseness, rigorous; ─── 右上图所示的方案属于事业型的风格,冷峻中兼容温柔,力求简洁、严谨;

40、Approaching conciseness design of classical furniture ─── 古典家具的简约主义设计初探

41、The special nature, objective, content and procedures of judicial practice determine the manifestation, solemnity, conciseness of the language in comparison with language for other specific purposes. ─── 司法实践的特殊性质、目的、内容和程序决定了司法语体同其它语体相比较具有显示性、庄重性、简约性等特点。

42、The topics of Diction section include Conciseness, Repetition Simple Words, and etc. ─── 字法单元的主题包括简洁、重复、简单的字等等。

43、It's fair enough to say that Xiao-geng’s mind runs as deep as still water .Easily comes to mind is the candidness and conciseness in his way of portraying an object. ─── 说晓刚的心境平静如水,绝无溢美之嫌,单看他对物象的形象的概括手法之洗练,便可略知一二。

44、conciseness and comprehensiveness ─── 文约意广

45、Conciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing carity or courtesy. ─── 信的内容应完整、简洁而不失清楚、委婉客气。

46、The intent is to clarify the concepts rather than to express optimal coding conciseness and style. ─── 其目的是阐明概念,而不是表述最佳的编码简明程度和风格。

47、Moreover (at least to me), Ruby achieves conciseness while still avoiding the "executable line noise" quality found in some Perl code. ─── 而且(至少对我而言),Ruby达到了简明性,而且还避免了在某些Perl代码中发现的“可执行行噪声”质量问题。

48、5、Conciseness and organization are extremely important. Key statements should present major ideas and results. ─── 论文的组织与简明扼要是极为重要的。关键部分必须指明主要的构想及结果。

49、Communicates with clarity, structure and conciseness in both one to one and group situations. Gears presentation to level listener or reader. ─── 在面对个人或群体时,都能配合听众或读者的水平清楚、有条不紊、准确地表达意思、语言内容。

50、Scientific Application of Conciseness in Newspaper Layout ─── 报纸版面元素简约化追求中的科学运用

51、Transferred epithet, a common used rhetorical device, is widely used for its originality, vividness conciseness and good conveyance no matter in depicting things or expressing one's feelings. ─── 摘要移位修辞法是一种常见的英语修辞手段。由于它新颖生动,简洁明快,无论是刻画人物还是写景抒情,都有很强的表现力,因而被广泛地运用。

52、Conciseness of Writing Rich Implication--on Artistic Style of Hemingway's Short Stories ─── 简约凝炼意蕴丰盈--海明威短篇小说艺术风格浅析

53、The use of language in the documents of civil judgement should lay stress on accuracy, standard, conciseness, simplicity and solemnity. ─── 摘要民事裁判文书的语言运用,追求准确、规范、简洁、质朴、庄重。

54、On Stressing Conciseness in Economic Research ─── 应重视经济学研究的简约性

55、To achieve conciseness of your letter-writing ,try to keep your sentences short ,avoid unnecessary wordiness or repetition ,and eliminate excessive details . ─── 要达到你信件写作的简洁,就要努力保持句子简短,避免不必要的多嘴和重复,清除多余的细节。

56、Being a good communicator during a job interview means inspiring your listener by speaking with passion, clarity and conciseness. ─── 一位优秀的沟通者在面试中会以热情的、清晰的以及简要的语言表达来引起招聘方的兴趣。

57、One of the advantages of using code blocks over a similar mechanism like anonymous inner classes lies in its conciseness. ─── 在类似匿名内部类的机制中使用代码块的一个优势是其简洁性。

58、In the interest of conciseness, the semantics of the XQuery operators were defined to include certain implicit operations. ─── 为了符合其简洁性原则,定义了XQuery运算符的语义,使其包括了某种隐式操作。

59、It wants students to reach the standard 4C that are completeness, clearness, conciseness and courtesy. ─── 本课程要求学生达到的标准是“4C”,即完整、清楚、简练、礼貌。

60、This paper analysed the features of modern business English letters based on some samples, such as straight to the point, simplicity of the language, conciseness, clearness, etc. ─── 从大量的事例分析了现代外贸英语信函常用语所具有的直截了当、门见山、次分明、言简练的特点,以及礼貌套语和词汇的特点。

61、principle of economic conciseness ─── 经济简明原则

62、Generally speaking,you will gain in clearness and conciseness by writing short sentences rather than long ones. ─── 总的来说,写短句子而不是长句子,你会同时获得清晰和简明。

63、The great peculiarity in the work of Maupassant which strikes any reader immediately, is his conciseness. ─── 莫泊桑的作品之所以能迅速打动人是因为它的简洁。

64、And armouring code to make it suffi-ciently robust can undermine clarity, efficiency, conciseness, and maintainability.Sometimes it's a case of: "Choose any one. ─── 这些规则涵盖了代码布局和命名规则,数据和控制结构的选择,程序解构和模块化,接口的设计和实现,面向对象设计,错误处理、程序测试和调试。

65、A professional diamond supplier, it is mature and has strong visual impact in capableness and conciseness. ─── 专业的钻石供应商,成熟,干练、简约中具备强烈的视觉冲击。

66、We designed this library in the hope that PTypes with its conciseness and intuitiveness could find its own 'target audience'. ─── 我们设计这个库并且希望它的简明和直观的特色能吸引需要、适合它的人。

67、Conciseness is served when the sentence is so corrected. ─── 句子这样一改就简洁了。

68、An idiom is a phrase refined from a longtime use with the features of conciseness, metaphor and penetration, etc. ─── 习语是经过长时间的使用而提炼出来的固定短语或短句,它一般具有文字简练,比喻形象,含义精辟等特点。

69、You will be graded for clarity, conciseness, originality, cogency of arguments, and ability to synthesize different lines of thinking. ─── 将针对论证的清晰、简洁、创新、中肯与否,和综合不同思路的能力,来评定你的成绩。

70、F ortunately ,s ome writing principles and techniques can be used.The principles are namely courtesy ,consideration ,completeness ,clarity ,conciseness ,concreteness and correctness. ─── 商务英语信函的写作是有规律可循的,首先,要坚持礼貌、体谅、完整、清楚、简洁、具体与正确性等原则;

71、Whether to proceed murals, or do some form, conciseness and try not to leave traces of decoration. ─── 无论是挂几幅壁画,还是做一些造型,都力求简洁,尽量不留下装修的痕迹。

72、The online sale system of Puyang Book Market regards its designing guideline as realization of operational convenience and conciseness of the codes ─── 浦阳书城网上销售系统以实现操作的方便和代码的精简为设计指导思想

73、Furthermore, the ability to test for membership in a dictionary directly with the in operator, also new in Python 2.2, has similar advantages in speed, clarity, and conciseness. ─── 更进一步,在一个带有操作符的字典里直接测试成员关系的能力在python2.2里也是新的。在速度,清晰度和简洁上,它也有相似的优势。

74、conciseness, and gracefu lness of wo rd cho ice in t ran slat ion. ─── 任何语言都是由词汇构成的,词汇是最小的语言单位。在英汉翻译活动中,词汇也起了不可估量的作用。

75、On the Conciseness of the Translation From English to Chinese ─── 谈汉译英译文的精炼性

76、The conciseness of a tool's aspect declarations should help determine the benefits of static checking for that tool. ─── AOP工具的方面声明的简洁性,应当有助于判断该工具静态检查的优势。

77、When writing business letters, euphemism, clearness, conciseness especially courtesy should be paid attention to. ─── 书写商务信函应做到措辞婉约,注重礼节,表达清晰,简明扼要,尤其注意措词的婉转礼貌。

78、At the same time it possesses the characteristics of particularity, conciseness, humorousness ... ─── 同时,副语言还具有与会话含意发生关联的特殊性、简洁性、幽默性以及模糊性等特征。

79、Designed safety production administration system lives up to the best of one's abilities conciseness understandability and practicality. ─── 设计的安全生产管理体系尽量做到简明易懂、实用。

80、The beauty of nature, conciseness, nihility, rhythm and empathy reflected by it shows clearly that it plays an important role in the appreciation of gardens. ─── 它所体现出的自然、简约、虚空、韵律、移情之美,充分说明了它在园林审美中的重要作用。

81、Su Tong is a noticeable writer in Chinese cotemporary literature, his novel is good in conciseness ,and grows perceptibly happy. ─── 苏童是现当代文学中一位不可忽视的作家,他的小说以凝炼、舒畅见长。

82、Conciseness and organization are extremely important. Key statements should present major ideas and results. ─── 论文的简明扼要、有组织是极为重要的。主要的结论必须给出大体的构想及结果。

83、Brevity of speech; conciseness. ─── 简洁语言的简洁;简明

84、This article, based on the aesthetic apperceive, aesthetic imagination and aesthetic creativity, argues that the beauties of chemistry are characterized by conciseness, harmony and novelty. ─── 化学科学美是指客观物质世界在化学运动过程中产生的美的属性,文章从化学科学审美感知、审美想象、审美创新三个方面阐述了化学科学美的主要特征是简明、和谐、新奇。

85、Using reflection like this represents a trade-off: complexity versus conciseness. ─── 像上面这样使用反射代表了一种权衡:复杂性和简洁性。

86、Conciseness needs to include any information that is to the point ,but to leave out those statements that do not bear on the subject. ─── 简洁要求包括任何指向要点的信息,过滤掉那些与主题无关的陈述。

87、an expression characterized by conciseness and elegance ─── 简明高雅的言词

88、On word conciseness in official document writing ─── 论公文写作语言的简洁性

89、Keywords biomedical resarch papers;English writing;clarity;conciseness;correctness;completeness;coherence; ─── 医学论文;英文写作;清楚;精练;准确;完整;前后一致;

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