carbine 发音
英:['kɑːbaɪn] 美:['kɑrbaɪn]
英: 美:
carbine 中文意思翻译
carbine 网络释义
n. 卡宾枪
carbine 短语词组
1、doglock carbine ─── 犬形卡宾枪
2、carbine studios ─── 卡宾工作室
3、chassepot carbine ─── 卡宾枪
4、pistol caliber carbine ─── 手枪口径卡宾枪
5、carbine definition ─── 卡宾枪定义
6、carbine rifle ─── 卡宾枪
7、carbine repeater ─── 卡宾枪中继器
8、c carbine c ─── 卡宾
9、carbine williams ─── 卡宾威廉姆斯
10、carbine kit ─── 卡宾枪套件
11、compensator for ruger pc carbine ─── 鲁格pc卡宾补偿器
12、carbine motors nola ─── 卡宾汽车公司诺拉
carbine 词性/词形变化,carbine变形
carbine 相似词语短语
1、carbineer ─── n.卡宾枪手(等于carabinier)
2、carbide ─── [无化]碳化物
3、carline ─── n.老太婆;女人;n.(Carline)人名;(英)卡莱恩
4、carbines ─── n.卡宾枪
5、carmine ─── adj.深红色的,洋红色的;n.深红色,洋红色,胭脂红;胭脂红色素;n.(Carmine)(意、英)卡尔米内(人名)
6、carabines ─── n.卡宾枪
7、carabiner ─── n.(提花机的)竖钩;登山用铁锁
8、carabine ─── n.卡宾枪
9、carbene ─── n.[有化]碳烯
carbine 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、,would you like the seat near the window or the seat inside?would you like economical carbin or commercial cabin? ─── 当让可以先生/女士,你想要靠窗的还是内侧的座位?
2、Recently, FN also introduced a civilian version of P90, designated as PS90 carbine. ─── 最近,还推出了民用版新生力量P90,列为ps90驳壳枪。
3、rapid-fires a carbine -- BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! -- his face lit up by the muzzle flashes. Captain Hadley. ─── 速射卡宾枪—砰!砰!砰!砰!---枪口喷出的火光照亮了那张脸,队长哈雷。
4、Method The cyclopropanation reaction of ethylene with copper carbine [Simmons-Smith(SS)reagent] are studied by means of the B3LYP hybrid density functional method. ─── 方法用密度泛函B3LYP方法研究了过渡金属铜卡宾与乙烯的环丙烷化反应的机理。
5、Virtually all mills, however, utilize tungsten carbine cutting surfaces. ─── 但是,几乎所有的铣鞋都利用碳化钨切削面。
6、A carbine version was also produced, and used around the time of the Galactic Civil War. ─── 此外还有一种卡宾枪型号,使用于银河内战时期。
7、N-heterocyclic carbine ─── 氮杂环卡宾
8、The diamond is made of carbin. ─── 金刚石是由碳元素构成的.
9、carbethoxy carbine ─── 乙酯基碳烯
10、Fixed - butt the AR- 70 rifle butt can also be unloaded, for a special carbine folding butt. ─── 固定枪托型的AR-70步枪的枪托也可卸下,换以特种卡宾枪的折叠枪托。
11、The US Army uses two distinct families of weapons in 5.56 x 45 mm calibre: the M16 rifle and the derivative M4 carbine form one group, the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon the other. ─── 美国陆军使用两种截然不同的5.56毫米口径木仓族:一种是M16步木仓以及其派生出来的M4卡宾木仓,另一种是M249班用机木仓。
12、The Chinese angelica root oil is obtained by carbin dioxide supercritical extraction method. ─── 其中当归油优选用二氧化碳超临界萃取法制得。
13、I saw one of the horsemen (soldiers by their caps and their long military cloaks) raise his carbine and take aim. ─── 我看到其中一名骑兵(从他们的帽子和斗篷辨认出的)举枪瞄准,他的一名同伴连忙撞了一下他的胳膊。
14、Bec de carbin? ─── 双锋战戟?
15、Teacher: You didn't cower? Despereaux: Is it a sword? Teacher: It's a carbine knife. ─── 老师:你难道不躲起来?德佩罗:这是一把刀吗?老师:它是一把卡宾刀。
16、Teacher It‘s a carbine knife. ─── 老师它是一把卡宾刀。
17、His primary role is an Infantry raper, with his rail gun carbine, and a base destroyer, with his C5 charges. ─── 他的主要角色是拿着卡宾轨道枪的步兵杀手,也是背着C5炸弹的拆建筑专家。
18、Also, to reduce carbin inmitions link carbon emissions linked to climit climate change, they promis promise to build fewer power stations that burn core coal than TXU had planedplanned. ─── 当然,它们也承诺为了减少碳的排放量对其后的影响,它们会建立比TXU计划中更少的火力发电站。
19、A sentinel struck the rings of his carbine against his left hand. ─── 一个哨兵把他的步枪拍的一声转到左手。
20、The captain gave him a loaded carbine ─── 船长给他一支实弹的马枪
21、The aircraft will shake with the airflow, and weswing in the carbine. ─── 感觉有些恶心,亦或有点缺氧。
22、The Influence of Deformation Temperature on The Superplasticity of High Carbin Steel Containing Cr and Si ─── 形变温度对高碳铬硅钢超塑性能的影响
23、The trainees include some carbine crews from Indonesia, some ground employee of airport department.All of them take part in the training actively. ─── 对了,参加今天培训的学员主要是来自印尼的乘务员和来自本地的机场部门员工,看得出他们对培训还是很积极哈。
24、Physiological Effects of Artificial Electro-discharge Environment on Pilots in Carbin of Naval Vessels ─── 人工电气候对舰艇内海军官兵生理学效应的观察
25、Through the Rapid Fielding Initiative, we provide deploying soldiers with state-of-the-art technologies, including the advanced combat helmet for survivability, improved carbine optics for lethality and knee pads for mobility. ─── 通过“快速装备计划”,我们将为投入部署的战士提供最尖端的技术,包括提高生存能力的高级战斗盔,提高杀伤能力的改进型枪械瞄准具和提供运动保护功能的护膝垫。
26、USGI M4A1 Carbine, W serial number prefix, US PROP marked, 1994-current: ─── 序列号前缀是"W",“美国财产”的刻字,装备时间1994至今
27、Design of Lacquer Spraying Carbin ─── 喷漆室的设计与计算
28、Despereaux: Is it a sword Teacher: It's a carbine knife. Despereaux :It's so beautiful. ─── 老师:你难道不躲起来?德佩罗:这是一把刀吗?老师:它是一把卡宾刀。德佩罗:这真是太酷了。
29、At the same time they saw the reflection of a torch on a carbine barrel ─── 同时在火把的反光之中,他们看到了一支马枪的枪筒。
30、When the boat was within twenty paces of the shore, the man on the beach, who carried a carbine, presented arms after the manner of a sentinel, and cried, "Who comes there?" ─── 当小船距岸二十步之内时,滩头上的那个人就把他的马枪做了一个哨兵遇见巡逻兵的姿势,并用撒丁语喊道:“哪一个?”
31、β - carbine ─── β-线型碳
32、Keywords Carbin fiber(CF);Acridine orange;Landfill leachate;Photosensitive oxidation;Unhomogeneous; ─── 碳纤维;吖啶橙;光敏氧化;非均相处理;垃圾渗滤液;
33、Dalleson said it while he slipped the magazine out of the carbine. ─── 达尔生一边说,一边卸下枪上的弹仓。
34、"By that time, the Fund may have to kill a carbine, and then to get out is in line with private equity. ─── “到时基金可能杀个回马枪,那时就正好配合私募全身而退。”
35、Copper-NHC is also successfully prepared through the transmetallation process via silver carbine 2. ─── 铜咪唑盐类可成功的制造经由银咪唑盐类进行金属置换反应得到。
36、The aircraft will shake with the airflow, and we swing in the carbine. ─── 感觉有些恶心,亦或有点缺氧。不过好在还能应付。
37、He had within his reach his pistols and carbine, and Ali, standing near him, held one of the small Arabian hatchets, whose form has not varied since the Crusades. ─── 手枪和马枪就在他的身边,阿里站在他的附近,手里握着一把那种自十字军以来从未改变过式样的阿拉伯小斧头。
38、He bounded like a chamois, cocking his carbine as he went, and in a moment reached the summit of a hill opposite to that on which he had perceived the traveller. ─── 他象一只羚羊似的跳向前去,一边跑,一边在他的马枪里装上了弹药,一会儿,就到达了一座小山顶上。
39、The Army's goal was a weapon that was cheaper, lighter, and more effective than the M16 and M4 Carbine series of weapons. ─── 陆军的目标是一种更便宜、更轻,比M16和M4系列更有效的步枪。
40、pistol carbine ─── 驳壳枪
41、control carbin ─── [化] 操纵室
42、s a carbine knife. ─── 德佩罗:这是一把刀吗?
43、Keywords calcium carbine;flue gas desulfurization;circulated economy; ─── 电石渣;烟气脱硫;综合利用;循环经济;
44、Recently, FN also introduced a civilian version of P90, designated as PS90 carbine. ─── 最近,还推出了民用版新生力量P90,列为ps90驳壳枪.
45、Microstructure of brazing joint between carbine and grey cast iron welded joint ─── 低碳钢与灰铸铁钎焊接头金相组织
46、The carbin is carried on with the gas through a trap and scrubber and may be separated as pellets. ─── 炭黑和气体通过捕集器和洗涤器,可以呈小粒状分离出来。
胸甲骑兵是装备了胸甲、马刀和火**的骑兵,是中世纪欧洲重骑兵的延续。这个兵种最早出现在15世纪末期的欧洲,是15世纪末期至19世纪欧洲战场上的主要突击力量,是拿破仑和普鲁士腓特烈二世大帝的最爱。胸甲骑兵因为装备了厚重的胸甲而得名,这种胸甲由前后两片甲板组成,主要材料是铁,搭扣和铆钉为黄铜,由皮带连接,表面抛光。为了背负沉重的胸甲,胸甲骑兵必须体格强壮,拿破仑胸甲骑兵要求身高在1.8米之上,由此对坐骑负重能力的要求也非同一般,只有法国佩尔什马、诺曼科博马、英国夏尔马等重型马才能驼载胸甲骑兵。胸甲对刀剑有很强的防护力,也能抵御早期火**。胸甲骑兵还配备头盔,法国胸甲骑兵头盔是钢质的,下部环绕毛皮,顶部有黄铜的隆起头饰,辅以马的鬃毛。 抛光的胸甲使骑兵冲击时光芒四射,对敌方会产生心里震慑。但胸甲制作和维护复杂,再加上对人员和马匹的特殊要求,因此胸甲骑兵是高成本兵种,只有强国才装备得起。
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