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09-02 投稿


Briareus 发音


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Briareus 网络释义

n. 布里亚柔斯(百手巨人,等于Aegaeon)

Briareus 短语词组

1、briareus mythology ─── 布里亚雷斯神话

2、briareus octopus ─── 章鱼

3、briareus ffxi ─── 布瑞厄斯ffxi

4、briareus appleseed ─── 布瑞厄斯苹果酱

5、briareus aegaeon ─── 布瑞厄斯·埃格昂,

6、briareus theoi ─── 布莱厄斯·西奥伊,

Briareus 相似词语短语

1、bribes ─── 赃物

2、briards ─── 板

3、briard ─── n.伯瑞犬;布里牧羊犬;n.(Briard)人名;(法)布里亚尔

4、briary ─── 荆棘

5、Briareus ─── n.布里亚柔斯(百手巨人,等于Aegaeon)

6、briar ─── n.荆棘;石南;用石南根制成之烟斗

7、briars ─── n.荆棘;石南;用石南根制成之烟斗

8、Briarean ─── adj.百手巨人的;多方攫取的

9、bribees ─── n.受贿者

Briareus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

2、Neptune, the sea-god, made strong Bronze gates with heavy Bolts and Bars, to keep the giants down, while Zeus sent Briareus and his Brothers, three giants with fifty heads and a hundred hands each, to stand guard over them. ─── 海神尼普顿早了一座有着沉重的门闩的坚固的铜门,把他们锁在下面,宙斯有派了三个各有五十个头和一百只手的巨人--布里阿柔斯和他的兄弟在门外看守

3、 双语使用场景

4、While they were celebrating their victory,and jealously discussing who was to be his successor,Thetis the Nereid,foreseeing a civil war on Olympus,hurried in search of the hundred - handed Briareus. ─── 当他们欢庆胜利并且怀著猜疑妒忌之心讨论继承宙斯王位的人选时,海上女神特提斯看到奥林波斯山将爆发一场内战,便急匆匆把百臂巨人布里亚柔斯找来。

5、While they were celebrating their victory, and jealously discussing who was to be his successor, Thetis the Nereid, foreseeing a civil war on Olympus, hurried in search of the hundred-handed Briareus. ─── 当他们欢庆胜利并且怀着猜疑妒忌之心讨论继承宙斯王位的人选时,海上女神特提斯看到奥林波斯山将爆发一场内战,便急匆匆把百臂巨人布里亚柔斯找来。

6、1. Briareus swiftly untied the thongs, using every hand at once, and released his master. ─── 这位巨人把一百只手都同时用上了,迅速解开绳结给主神以自由。

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