waverer 发音
英:[['weɪvərə(r)]] 美:[['weɪvərə(r)]]
英: 美:
waverer 中文意思翻译
waverer 短语词组
1、waverer synonym waverer ─── 同义词
2、waverer def waverer ─── 定义
3、waverer definition in romeo and juliet 《 ─── 罗密欧与朱丽叶》中韦弗的定义
4、waverer definition waverer ─── 定义
5、waverer meaning ─── 动摇的意思
waverer 词性/词形变化,waverer变形
动词过去式: wavered |动词现在分词: wavering |动词第三人称单数: wavers |名词: waverer |副词: waveringly |动词过去分词: wavered |
waverer 相似词语短语
1、slaverer ─── 奴隶主
2、quaverer ─── 颤抖者
3、wanderer ─── n.流浪者;漫游者;迷路的动物;n.(Wanderer)人名;(德、匈、捷)万德雷尔
4、caperer ─── 开玩笑的
5、wavered ─── vi.摇曳;踌躇;摆动;n.动摇;踌躇;挥动者
6、-verer ─── 或
7、caterer ─── n.备办食物者;承办酒席的人;筹备人
8、wagerer ─── n.赌注;赌博;赌物(wager的变形)
9、waterer ─── n.饮水器;供给饮水的人
waverer 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He did not waver in the face of difficulties. ─── 他在困难面前不动摇。
2、A wave of tiredness swept over her. ─── 她感到浑身疲惫。
3、A great wave overwhelmed the boat. ─── 一个巨浪吞没了那只小船。
4、A reflected wave received by a radio or radar. ─── 反射波收音机或雷达接收到的反射波
5、With a heavy heart, she turned to wave goodbye. ─── 她心情沉重地转过身向人们挥手告别。
6、At the seaside we can hear the snarl of the wave. ─── 在海滨我们可以听见波涛的咆哮。
7、A huge wave swamped the boat. ─── 一个巨浪淹没了那条船。
8、Shell Selecting by Ultrasonic Surface Wave. ─── 壳体的超声表面波分选。短句来源。
9、In this paper, for N=2, the analytic construction of waverer filter coefficient on compact support sets is found. ─── 单位:后勤工程学院一室重庆400016;重庆工业高等专科学校重庆400018;
10、Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead. ─── 一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。
11、Light and sound move in the form of wave. ─── 光线和声音以波的形式传播。
12、A wave of panic spread through the crowd. ─── 一阵恐慌传遍人群。
13、A wave of sentiment swept over her. ─── 一阵柔情像水浪一样淹没了她。
14、Solid is entrained by rising bubbles to form the bubble wave. ─── 固体被上升气泡夹带形成气泡尾涡。
15、Desuetude anew waver know clearly! ─── 不用再犹豫了!
16、He bound to his feet and wave good- bye to his friend. ─── 他一跃而起,向朋友们挥手告别。
17、See if you can wave down a taxi. ─── 你挥手,看看能否让出租车停下。
18、The ship right itself after the big wave have pass. ─── 大浪过後,船又平稳了。
19、 双语使用场景
20、A wave of anger swept over him. ─── 他心头涌起一股怒潮。
21、But this did not make them waver or retreat. ─── 但这并没有使他们动摇或退缩。
22、A wave broke across the surface of the pool. ─── 一个波浪从池水表面掠过。
23、He dismissed us with an airy wave of the hand. ─── 他一挥手就把我们打发了。
24、He is riding the crest of a wave of popularity. ─── 他正处于声望顶峰时期。
25、A great wave turned the boat upside down. ─── 一个大浪把船打翻。
26、She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. ─── 她摆了摆手谢绝了这一提议。
27、A giant wave rolled over the bouncing boat. ─── 一个巨浪卷过这条颠簸的小船。
28、You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. ─── 你决不会动摇在您的追求卓越。
29、On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep. ─── 在微浪的美妙颤抖中缓缓合目。
30、They defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave. ─── 他们不怕困难,前扑后继。
31、A huge wave swept over the deck. ─── 一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。
32、Off a wave of protests throughout the country. ─── 周末发生的种族杀戮引发了全国性的抗议浪潮。
33、He salted his friend with a wave of hand. ─── 他挥挥手向朋友打招呼。
34、A wave of self-pity came over him. ─── 一阵自怜袭上他的心头。
35、Light is assumed to be a wave phenomenon. ─── 假设光是一种波动现象。
36、She turn and see her daughter still wave to her. ─── 她回过身来,看见女儿还在向她挥手。
37、To pause in uncertainty; waver. ─── 停顿在不确定中停下来;动摇
38、Another important wave phenomenon is diffraction. ─── 另一个重要的波现象是衍射。
39、The huge wave made a breach in the sea wall. ─── 大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口。
40、Waver: He wavered over buying a house. ─── 在买房上犹豫不决参见。
41、The company announced a new wave of job losses. ─── 公司公布了新一轮裁员的消息。
42、She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid. ─── 她心中蓦地涌起一股同情,意识到夏绿蒂只是因相貌平平,年龄日见增长,由于害怕成为老姑娘,过孤独、贫寒的生活才不得已嫁给了柯林斯先生。
43、Wave--- great graphical ripples and wave patterns. ─── 使图像成波浪状起伏。
44、They did not waver in their support for him. ─── 他们毫不动摇地支持他。
45、To enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a learcut stand, and never waver in carring on the fight in depth. ─── 坚定信心、扎实工作、旗帜鲜明、毫不动摇。
46、With a wave of his hand he materialized a taxi. ─── 他一挥手就召来了一辆出租汽车。
47、He gave a wave of the hand to say goodbye. ─── 他挥手告别。
48、Insurers also will have to adjust to the wave of change. ─── 保险公司也要随变化而适时调整。
49、You may set the wave a little looser than usual. ─── 你可以把波浪做得比通常的宽松点。
50、In its inconvenient brightness Rosedale seemed to waver a moment. ─── 在这束耀眼的光焰里,罗西德似乎摇摆了一下身体。
51、Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! ─── 呵,卷走我吧,象卷落叶,波浪,流云!
52、A big wave swamped the boat and it began to sink. ─── 一个大浪打来把小船淹没了,小船开始下沉。
53、Fixed a problem with an indefinite Wave 9 wait. ─── 修正了一个在第9波时不确定的等待。
54、Wave Process Analysis of Well TZ30, Tarim Basin? ─── 塔里木盆地塔中30井区剖面波动过程分析?
55、The hissing crest of the huge wave bites at your shoulder. ─── 发出啸声的巨浪的浪峰劈头盖脑地向你袭来。
56、He rode on the wave of popularity. ─── 他在众望所归的情况下乘胜前进。
57、But come, young waverer, come, go with me, in one respect I'll thy assistant be; For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households' rancour to pure love. ─── 可是来吧,朝三暮四的青年,跟我来;为了一个理由,我愿意帮助你一臂之力;因为你们的结合也许会使你们两家释嫌修好,那就是天大的幸事了。
58、He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away. ─── 他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了。
59、A compression wave in decelerating flow steepens. ─── 压缩波在减速流中变陡。
60、He gave us a wave as the bus drove off. ─── 公共汽车开走时他向我们挥了挥手。
61、It was once believed that light wave traveled through the ether. ─── 人们曾经相信光波在以太中穿过。
62、To extend,wave or float outward,as if in the wind. ─── 向外地延伸,波动或浮动。
63、He dismissed her with an airy wave. ─── 他随意一挥手就把她打发走了。
64、Nothing could make me waver in my faith. ─── 任何事都动摇不了我的信仰。
65、A large wave caused our little boat to turn turtle. ─── 一阵巨浪将我们的小船打翻了。
66、They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright. ─── 前者动摇,后者坚定,前者暧昧,后者明朗。
67、He was washed overboard by a huge wave. ─── 一个巨浪把他从船上掀进海里。
68、A sudden wave of buying activities has jacked up the price. ─── 一阵买进之风抬高了物价。
69、A wave of panic swept over her. ─── 一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。
70、Be modest when you are on the crest of the wave. ─── 在最得意的时候要谦虚。
71、If you are so marvellous and cocksure of yourselves, how come you waver? ─── 你那么厉害,尾巴翘得那么高,为什么动摇呀?
72、A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent explosion in August 1883 blew the island apart and caused a tidal wave that killed more than 36,000 people. ─── 喀拉喀托火山位于苏门答腊和爪哇之间的一个火山岛。1883年8月,该岛火山的一次猛烈的喷发使该岛裂开,并引发了一场使36,000多人丧生的海啸。
73、He saluted his friend by a wave of the hand. ─── 他挥手向朋友致意。
74、A surfboard fin sliced the crest of a wave. ─── 冲浪板尾部划破浪尖。
75、Wave goodbye to your grandfather. ─── 向爷爷摇手再见。
76、Where there is a sound,there is sound wave. ─── 哪里有声音,哪里就有声波。
77、He beckoned her over with a wave. ─── 他挥手让她过去。
78、A long wave that has reached its peak or broken into foam; a breaker. ─── 卷浪一种达到顶峰或碎成泡沫的巨浪; 碎浪
79、They are waver of flags and shouters of slogans. ─── 他们都是些摇旗呐喊的人。
81、A wave of nausea; a wave of indignation. ─── 一阵眩晕;一阵义愤
82、Do you agree to the wave theory of light? ─── 你同意光的波动理论吗?
波, 波浪, (挥手)示意, 致意
(挥手)示意, 致意, 波动, 飘动, 摇动
waver[英][ˈweɪvə(r)][美][ˈwevɚ]vi.动摇; 摇摆; 踌躇; n.动摇; 犹豫; 挥动者; Today on the streets of Montreal, opinion seems still to waver. 今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾,人们的意见仍摇摆不定。
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