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08-24 投稿


collusive 发音

英:[kəˈluːsɪv]  美:[kəˈluːsɪv]

英:  美:

collusive 中文意思翻译



collusive 网络释义

adj. 共谋的

collusive 短语词组

1、collusive action ─── [法] 共谋行动

2、collusive crime ─── 串通犯罪

3、collusive agreement ─── 串通协议

4、collusive outcome ─── 串通结果

5、collusive def ─── 串通def

6、collusive mother ─── 串通母亲

7、collusive syn ─── 共谋综合征

8、collusive pricing ─── 串通定价

9、collusive mean ─── 共谋手段

collusive 词性/词形变化,collusive变形

副词: collusively |名词: collusiveness |

collusive 相似词语短语

1、allusive ─── adj.暗指的;引用典故的

2、illusive ─── adj.错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

3、contusive ─── 挫伤的

4、collusively ─── 共谋的;勾结的;串通的

5、collative ─── adj.校勘的;委任的

6、collusion ─── n.勾结;共谋

7、collective ─── adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词

8、conclusive ─── adj.决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的

9、collusions ─── n.勾结;共谋

collusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(Explicitly) collusive oligopoly An oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── (明显的)勾结性垄断由几家厂商串通一气并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

2、Certainly,collusion is not always advantage to the buyer. At first-price collusive bidding mechanism,it is not always profit for the ring member to collude if the seller can change his reserve price with the collusive behavior. ─── 当然,并不是所有的串通出价对投标人都是有利可图的,在第一价格拍卖机制下,若卖方可以调整保留价,只有当参与竞投的人很多时,串通出价才有利可图。

3、collusive action ─── 共谋行动

4、Classic style offers the student exceptional pleasure since it is flattering to the writer, flattering to the reader, and intellectually collusive. ─── 奥利沙文认为,比较合理的解释是,储存更多的脂肪会让女性在进化中受益。

5、tacit-and-overt collusive agreements ─── 秘密和公开的垄断协议

6、For all its excesses, however, investment banking in Britain does not have the traits of a collusive industry. ─── 尽管麻烦不断,英国的投资银行业却没有一丝行业勾结的嫌疑。

7、Collusive Bidding ─── 串通投标

8、The second chapter illustrates the collusive relations between aesthetic views and economy. ─── 第二章,论证这种审美观念与经济的共谋关系。

9、collusive effect ─── 共谋效应

10、Rather, he practises what the Harvard report calls "collusive democracy" , preferring co-option and consensus to competition. ─── 相反,他奉行哈佛报告中称之为“共谋民主”的做法,相比竞争而言,更青睐增加选择和达成共识。

11、11. Pricing decisions made in a collusive atmosphere come close to monopoly pricing. ─── 在勾结的情况下制定的价格,接近于垄断价格。

12、The purpose of antitrust laws is to promote fair competition by prohibiting unfair, restrictive or collusive business practices, such as agreements between competitors to fix or influence prices; ─── 反垄断法旨在通过禁止不公平的、限制性的或共谋的商业行为来促进市场的公平竞争,此类行为包括竞争者之间签订固定价格或影响价格的协议;

13、Collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets. ─── 串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。

14、How to defense collusive attack is one of the key problems when designing fingerprinting algorithms. ─── 抗合谋攻击是数字指纹技术中需要解决的关键问题之一。

15、collusive agreement ─── 勾结性协议

16、Any communications between the Supplier and the Purchaser related to matters of alleged corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices shall be in writing. ─── 任何供应商与采购方之间关于所谓的行贿、欺诈、共谋或强制活动的问题的交流应为书面方式。

17、(Explicitly) collusive oligopoly An oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── (明显的)勾结性垄断由几家厂商串通一气并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

18、Collusive attack ─── 共谋攻击

19、collusive bidding/collusive tendering/collusion/bidding collusion/bidding ring ─── 围标,"围飞"(做市),围内交易

20、Biaode people prepare for, prevent its Biaodi only legally as collusive tendering, drive up prices and price analysis, the reasonableness of reference, can not be decided Feibiao direct basis. ─── 招标人编制标底的,其标底只能依法作为防止串通投标、哄抬标价和分析报价是否合理等情况的参考,不能成为决定废标的直接依据。

21、There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. ─── 12例病变部位为髋臼附近 4例 ,胫骨上端 2例 ,距骨 3例 ,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各 1例。

22、3. There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. ─── 12例病变部位为髋臼附近4例,胫骨上端2例,距骨3例,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各1例。收藏指正

23、Indeed if they do not, then the evidence is attacked as being artificial or collusive. ─── 如果没有,上诉庭也不会要求裁判官必需逐点处理辩方指出的各种细节。

24、collus germinalis ─── [医] 生殖缘

25、There are four types of states: liberal democratic state, collusive state, social democratic corporatist state and bureaucratic pluralist state. ─── 青木昌彦界定了国家的四种基本类型:自由民主型国家、勾结型国家、社会民主社团主义国家和官僚制多元主义国家。

26、Tender "Wai pillar" is prevalent, namely units in collusive tendering, raising prices to become merely a form of solicitation. ─── 招标中“围标”现象很普遍,即招标单位私下串通,抬高标价,使招标变成仅仅是一种形式。

27、linear collusive attack ─── 线性共谋攻击

28、For market conduct, the main use of case study and game analysis is applied to research the collusive, advertising, mergers and product strategies of the corporations of realty industry. ─── 对于市场行为,主要运用案例分析与博弈分析方法研究房地产企业的合谋行为、广告行为、兼并行为与产品策略行为。

29、Procurement unit leadership, the oversight body for procurement management personnel, procurement agency malicious collusive tendering, bidding to leave, corrupt transactions. ─── 采购单位领导、招标采购管理监督机构有关人员、招标采购代理机构恶意串通,搞假招标,进行腐败交易。

30、Cartel----A collusive agreement among producers to restrict production and raise prices. ─── 卡特尔——生产者对产品限制和提高价格行为的集体协议。

31、Then, following the detailed design concerning the collusive materials and kitchen ware. ─── 然后,对于厨房的材料和厨房用具的设计又进行了详细的阐述。

32、collusive oligopoly Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── 勾结性垄断参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

33、Since Brander and Lewis began their research in 1986, there have been three major reviews , such as Debt making firm aggressive 、 Debt making firm collusive and Predation reviews. ─── 从1986年Brander和Lewis开创性的研究以来,理论界发展出以下三种主要观点,即负债促进了市场竞争的观点、负债减弱了市场竞争的观点和掠夺理论。

34、collusive oligopoly: Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── 勾结性垄断:参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

35、She will say the mistake enabled many large companies to engage in pricing, wage and collusive practices that harmed consumers and took years to reverse. ─── 这些行为极大地损害了消费者的利益,而且要经过许多年才能改变局势。

36、collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets ─── 串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。

37、September 17, Gilbert red and prosecuted his home that he is a son of Hu's home when, "when his father was transferred Hu will be informed, subsequent lawsuit are two sons collusive denial. ─── 今年九月十七日,毛锡红又起诉胡家父子,认为自己是上了胡家父子的当,“当初转让时父亲胡小定是知情的,后来的官司也都是两父子串通抵赖的。”

38、The striking development is not that the veracity of some is open to doubt, but that this forgivingly collusive arrangement has now broken down: not the fact of lying, but the naming of it. ─── 惊人的发展并不在于谎言的真实性被公开的质疑,而在于这种被宽容的共识现在已经瓦解:不是谎言背后的真相被质疑,而是撒谎的名义被质疑。

39、Based on 78 penalized manufacturing listed companies by the SFC, it is found that: independent directors who get money are not possible to ban the listed company's collusive behaviors; ─── 文章通过对我国78家受证监会公开处罚的制造业上市公司的实证分析,发现:独立董事获得报酬不能够抑制上市公司的合谋行为;

40、collusive tendering ─── 共谋的投标(或报价)

41、Cartel: A group of firms that has entered into a collusive agreement to restrict output and increase prices and profits is called a cartel. ─── 卡特尔:达成限制产量并提高价格与利润的勾结协议的企业集团称为卡特尔。

42、collusive oligopoly Oligopoly where participants act as a cartel. ─── 勾结性垄断参与并作为一个卡特尔行事的垄断行为。

43、This dissertation regards collusive behavior as a main agent problem of China state-owned enterprise,andattempts to research it systematically,scientifically. ─── 本文将串谋行为作为中国国有企业的委托代理的主要问题之一提出,并试图作系统和科学的分析和研究。

44、collusive pricing ─── 串通定价

45、Cartel — a collusive agreement among producers to restrict production and raise prices. ─── 卡特尔——生产者对产品限制和提高价格行为的集体协议。

46、Collusive agreement: is agreement of two (or more) competitors agree to restrict output, raise the price, and increase profits. ─── 勾结协议:是两个(或更多)生产者为了提高价格和利润而限制产量的协议。

47、Collusive bidding in construction projects includes the collusion between auctioneer and bidders, as well as the collusion among bidders.Both are competition-restrictive or exclusive unfair behaviors. ─── 摘要建筑工程的串通投标行为可分为投标人与招标人或投标人之间相互串通投标两种形式,是一种排除、限制竞争的的不正当竞争行为。

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