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confucian 发音

英:[kənˈfjuːʃən]  美:[kənˈfjuːʃən]

英:  美:

confucian 中文意思翻译




confucian 短语词组

1、confucian classics ─── 经籍 ─── 经书

2、Suzhou Confucian Temple ─── 苏州孔庙

3、confucian temple ─── 孔庙

4、confucian principle crossword ─── 儒家原理纵横字谜

5、confucian videos ─── 儒家视频

6、confucian school ─── 儒家

7、confucian ideals ─── 儒家思想

8、confucian def ─── 儒家定义

9、confucian cuisine ─── 儒家美食

10、confucian mansion ─── 孔府

11、confucian cemetery ─── 儒家陵园

confucian 同义词

handle | encounter | meet | face up | face | defy | stem | squarely | provoke | present | challenge | face up to | dare | contact |oppose | tackle | threaten | brazen out | deal with | antagonize

confucian 词性/词形变化,confucian变形

名词: Confucianism |

confucian 反义词


confucian 相似词语短语

1、Confucianism ─── n.孔子学说;儒家思想

2、Confucian ─── adj.(与)孔子(有关)的;(与)儒家、儒学或儒教(有关)的;n.儒家学者;孔子的门徒

3、confocal ─── adj.[数]共焦的;同焦点的

4、confection ─── n.糖果,蜜饯;调制;糖膏(剂);精制工艺品

5、Confucianist ─── n.儒家

6、Confucius ─── n.孔子(中国哲学家,教育家)

7、confusions ─── n.混淆,混乱;困惑

8、confusion ─── n.混淆,混乱;困惑

9、Confucians ─── 儒者

confucian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As she began to embrace her heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. ─── 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。

2、On topics ranging from political philosophy to personal ethics, old Confucian ideas are gaining new currency. ─── 大到政治哲学,小到个人道德规范,古老的儒家思想获得了新的生命力。

3、The Confucian good government ethics should be modernized to realize revival at the present age. ─── 儒家善政伦理要实现复兴只能走现代化之路。

4、In the history of thought, "The Analects of Confucius" represents the philosophy achievement of the early the Confucian school. ─── 在思想史上,《论语》代表了早期儒家的哲学成果。

5、He answered the question of world origin with Li Prior to Qi and regarded the Confucian morality as the summit of the world. ─── 他以“理在气先”回答世界本原问题,实际上是把儒家的伦理道德作为宇宙的最高本体。

6、There were many Confucian expositions on sincerity. ─── 儒家关于“诚”的论述很多。

7、They continued the Confucian civil service system and temple rituals, over which the emperors had traditionally presided. ─── 他们继续使用儒官制度和传统上由皇帝主持的宗庙仪式,

8、It was almost as if he didn't exist, which, for a Confucian official, amounts to a state of grace. ─── 仿佛就没有过他这么个人,对于任何一位儒家官员,这无异于是一种荣幸。

9、But according to later Confucian scholars, this separation was made due to the different means by which the emperor had established their rule. ─── 但据后世儒家考证,主要是受祭的帝王得天下的手段差异,

10、Most of the scholars working for Wenlinguan were accomplished in literature or Confucian lysenkoism. ─── 作为一个文化机构,得以待诏文林馆者多为以文学经术见长者。

11、Benevolence was an important Confucian advocacy in ruling states. ─── “仁政”是儒家治国的一项重要主张。

12、Superficially, this would seem to be especially true of the Confucian sage. ─── 从表面上看,儒家所谓圣人似乎尤其是如此。

13、He is a famous Confucian scholar. ─── 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。

14、Why, he's one of the main pillars of the Confucian Morals Society. ─── 他不是孔教会里的重要分子吗?

15、Etc. Currently writing a book on pictorial illustration as a medium for asserting Confucian morality. ─── 作为断言儒家道德的媒介的图示解说。

16、Feng Youlan is an influential philosopher and one of the members of New Confucian in the twentieth century. ─── 冯友兰是二十世纪影响很大的哲学史家,哲学家,新儒家的代表人物之一。

17、The government played a major role in promoting Confucian philosophy. ─── 该政府在推行儒家哲学上担当了一个重要角色。

18、"Abysmal" refers to the Taoist, Confucian, Mohist, masters, Legalism, Yin Yangjia, China, and miscellaneous farm house. ─── “九流”是指道家、儒家、墨家、名家、法家、阴阳家、纵横家、农家和杂家。

19、Straying of morality, hardship of survival and confusion of metaphysics caused the crisis of Confucian belief. ─── “道”的迷失,生存优患以及形上困惑,导致儒学信仰危机的发生。

20、Insofar as the history of thoughts is concerned, the reform manifests the mad side of the Confucian school. ─── 从思想史的角度看,改制事件彰显了儒家政治思想中的癫狂性格;

21、In the long-term history, the socialization of Confucian education has presented not only conservation but also innovation. ─── 儒学教育社会化在两千多年的历史进程中既富有创新精神,亦不乏保守力量。

22、China's dynastic rulers, thanks to their Confucian belief, treated all religions evenhandedly and pursued a relaxed religious policy. ─── 基于儒学治国安邦的理念,中国历代的统治者一般对各种宗教一视同仁,实行较宽容的宗教政策。

23、Periclean Athens, Confucian China and Achaemenid Iran existed at more-or-less the same time, between 500BC and 450BC. ─── 培里克里斯时代的雅典、孔子时代的中国以及阿契美尼德时代的伊朗所处的历史时期大致相同,都在公元前450-500年之间。

24、He looks up to Confucian poetry traditional theory as the only criterion. ─── 他的诗歌理论继承了儒家诗教传统,上承自孔子、汉儒至陈子昂、李白的诗论,下启元稹、自居易之诗论。

25、Further interest is evinced by the Confucian study programmes springing up all over the Chinese education system. ─── 中国教育系统中儒家学习课程如雨后春笋般涌现则进一步印证了这股热潮。

26、"Great poem sequence" , as well as all of the Confucian poetics are in such a historical and cultural context in an unstructured way. ─── 《诗大序》以及全部的儒家诗学都是在这样的文化历史语境中产生出来的。

27、There live many kinds of egrets in the Confucian Temple in Qufu City. ─── 在曲阜的孔庙生活着多种鹭鸟。

28、However, this tentative was obviously a failure, coming under attacks from all Confucian, Taoist and Legalist scholars. ─── 各家对这件事都持否定和批判的态度,但否定和批判的角度却又不同。

29、In order to take root in China, Buddhism has experienced the process of exchanging and harmonizing with Confucian. ─── 为了在中国扎根发芽,佛教经历了与儒道思想交流融合的过程。

30、Confucian tradition is not the religion as monotheism in West Asia but it has a unique and marked nature of religion. ─── 儒学传统并非西亚一神教意义上的宗教,但具有独特而深厚的宗教性。

31、All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics. ─── 历代封建统治阶级都力图用礼教把妇女禁锢起来。

32、The Confucian middle way was not their way. ─── 儒家中庸之道似乎从来不是他们的考虑。

33、The Confucian ethics of virtue has its merit and defect during being practiced in history. ─── 五伦在历史的发展中有优点亦有缺失,作者将在文中逐一说明。

34、Fifthly, theinfluence of traditional Chinese Confucian mode of thinking. ─── 五、中国传统儒家思维模式的影响。

35、Fen was then also a fa- mous neo - Confucian. ─── 冯先生后来又成了一位著名的新儒家。

36、Superficially , this would seem to be especially true of the Confucian sage. ─── 从表面上看,儒家所谓圣人似乎尤其是如此。

37、Professor Yu is famous among Confucian scholars. ─── 余教授是位儒林名士。

38、Yet how can you reconcile this "refinement" with the defence of "Confucian Morals"? ─── “但是风雅的事又怎么能够同卫道的精神并存不悖呢?”

39、The ethos of Japanese patriotism and enterprise-loving evolves from the thought of being loyal to the ruler in Confucian thought. ─── 儒家的忠君思想,演化为日本人爱国、爱企业的风气。

40、In her constant search for the purpose that would give her life meaning, she discovered Confucian humanism. ─── 在她不断寻求人生意义的道路上,她发现了儒家的人文主义。

41、They could recite whole pages of Confucian thought. ─── 他们可以背诵儒家思想的整个篇章。

42、As the important Confucian classic recording the teaching of Confucius, The Analects is one of the most influential books in the world history. ─── 《论语》是记载孔子思想的重要儒家经典,是世界上最具影响力的经典书籍之一。

43、He is a famous Confucian, and has made intensive research of Confucian books. ─── 他是一位知名的儒者,对于儒家经典著作很有研究。

44、The beauty of tolerance and kindness comes from the Confucian philosophical thought, such as Golden Mean. ─── 中和之美”范畴来源于儒家“中庸”的哲学思想和以艺求道的方式。

45、I could never have dream that a well-known author on Confucian would behav in such an unaccept way. ─── 做梦也想不到一个对论语有研究的知名学者竟然能做出如此匪夷所思之事。

46、Before the 1950s, conservative social attitudes led to few abortions being performed in the Confucian country. ─── 在20世纪50年代以前,在儒教国家,由于保守的社会观念,人们很少接受堕胎。

47、The Xiaodao in Confucian's advocation mainly means being obedient and respectful. ─── 不是很专业地翻译了一下哈,不好请见谅哦!!!

48、Confucian's ideal life has been belauded by Prof.Su Dongshui, an eastern managerialist. ─── 儒家的人生理想受到东方管理学家苏东水教授的高度赞扬。

49、To silence criticism of imperial rule, the kings banished or put to death many dissenting Confucian scholars and confiscated and burned their books. ─── 为了堵住反对统治的呼声,秦皇把反对孔子学术的学者流放、判处死刑、把他们的书籍烧毁。

50、Confucian Buddha supplementary thought,Finally urges him to move towards to individual life consciousness surmounting. ─── 儒佛道互补的思想,使他走向对个体生命意识的超越。

51、Secondly, the deepening and distillation of Confucian aesthetic thought of literature and art. ─── 三是对传统儒家文艺美学思想的再发现和对理学家文艺芜学思想的应和;

52、North Zhou Dynasty took a further step by applying Confucian standards to strengthen the assessment. ─── 北周时期更有人主张用儒家的标准来加强考课。

53、Reviviscence of the Confucian academy. ─── 儒者的因惑:复兴的书院与读经现象。

54、use of deferential language is symbolic of the Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan. ─── 使用恭敬的语言是儒家理想女性的象征,在日本保守的性别规范中占主导地位。

55、Aesthetic Foundation of Confucian Ethics: A Viewpoint from "Is the Ritual derivative? ─── 从"礼后乎"看儒家伦理的美学基础?

56、In East Asia and Southeast Asia countries, it's easy to find harmonious and unitive Confucian culture everywhere . ─── 东亚,东南亚国家里,随处可见和谐统一的儒家的文化。

57、Confucian education is moral education substantively. ─── 儒家教育实质是德教。

58、virtues of the self are often overlooked in Confucian morals. ─── 自我的美德在儒家道德中经常被忽视。

59、Confucian political ethic, as an ideology commended by the Eastern Han government, enjoyed high standing and combined with political practice. ─── 儒家政治伦理作为东汉极力表彰的意识形态,享有崇高地位,并与政治实践密切结合。

60、His critical summarizing and inheriting Shongming idealist philosophy has pushed forward Chinese new Confucian school. ─── 他对宋明理学所作的批判性总结和继承,推动了中国新儒学的发展。

61、As he grew old, he turned into a crusty Confucian moralist . ─── 大概他上了年纪以后,才成了讲道德说仁义的顽固人物。”

62、Confucian ethic doctrine is its ideaistic source. ─── 儒家礼教是无讼的思想渊源。

63、The Confucian educational thinking is obviously branded with post-modernism. ─── 儒家教育思想有明显的后现代主义特征。

64、Confucian philosophy reveres the teacher above all. ─── 儒家哲学最讲究尊重师长。

65、Yu is a practicer of Confucian ethic, a modern real Confucian instead of the modern real Confucian in general. ─── 余先生是多元文化论者,他对中国文化的认识注意到文化的整体性和历史性。

66、The principles of Confucian outlook on life are established in Ximing from the angle of morality. ─── 《西铭》则从道德的角度为儒家的人生观确立了准则。

67、That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge. ─── 后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范 ,纯是儒家之造作。

68、Did the Confucian Thoughts Impede the Growth of Chinese Traditional Opera? ─── 儒家思想阻碍戏曲的生成吗?

69、Confucian hierarchy and decorum are highly valued and many families customarily don't talk much about their feelings. ─── 在一个容纳20000灾民的营地,有一个挂着“地震心理健康站”条幅的帐篷。帐篷内是提供心理咨询的学生,但是几乎没有人(灾民)过来。

70、In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind. ─── 在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。

71、The Confucian book The Doctrine of the Mean states, "Dao cannot be deviated from momentarily. ─── 中庸说:道这个东西,不可片刻离开?,可离开就不是真道了。

72、And it shows especially a gaudy, celebrating and even boorish appetite of new-rich in the circle of Confucian culture. ─── 作为儒家文化圈,格外有一种艳丽、喜庆乃至农民式的暴发趣味。

73、But on the whole,Confucian good sense forbids it. ─── 可是在大体上说来,儒家的健全的意识是反对这种行为的。

74、Therefore, serious review of Confucian poetic thoughts, especially the poetic thoughts of pre-Qin period is of great importance today. ─── 因此,认真地清理和认识儒家的《诗》学观念,尤其是先秦儒家的《诗》学观念,在今天具有着重要意义。

75、And can we become just a wee bit more Confucian ourselves, at least in terms of elevating education in our priorities? ─── 我们能不能更“儒家”一点,或者至少,提高教育的地位?我们可以思考地更多。

76、His poems are Taoistic in content and Confucian in function. ─── 他的诗作在形式上偏爱五言、古体;

77、At the Confucian Temple, the music played should be in commemoration of Confucius, right? ─── 在这孔庙里演奏的音乐应该就是祭孔音乐,对吧?

78、Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of "Benevolent Governance". ─── 儒家民本思想是儒家“仁政”理想的实践。

79、The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea. ─── 《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。

80、He also wrote a great number of books on Confucian idealism. ─── 他还创作了一大批理学著作。

81、It is easy to understand such Confucian thinking. ─── 儒家的这种思想是很好理解的。

82、Her attempt at the archaeology of knowledge to retrieve the contemporary message of Confucian teaching lasted only a few months. ─── 她企图凿开知识的封土,找回儒家思想的原意。

83、The great Confucian scholar Ji Xiaolan (1724-1805) recorded this story. ─── 大儒士纪晓岚(1724-1805)曾经记录过这样的故事。

84、The tribe of figures includes Taoist and Confucian parables among the Buddhist allegories. ─── 佛像融道教、儒教和佛教于一体。

85、Not all Confucian ideas are favoured today, especially among the young. ─── 今天并非孔夫子的所有思想都得到认同,特别是在年轻人当中。

86、In the Confucian tradition, paternalism has been a pillar for the management of Japanese enterprises. ─── 儒家传统中的家长制已成为日本企业管理的支柱。

87、The traditional Confucian honesty advocates people being honest and keep his word,which is also necessary for network society. ─── 儒家传统的诚信观念倡导人们诚实守信、真实不欺,网络社会同样需要儒家的诚信意识。

88、Today it is both a holy Confucian shrine and a popular tourist attraction. ─── 今天这里不但是儒家的圣地,也是广受欢迎的游览胜地.

89、The Christian view and the Confucian sense of piety are somewhat similar and somewhat different as well. ─── 基督教孝道观与中国儒家文化中的孝道观既有相似之处,也有相异之处。

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