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09-12 投稿


clatterer 发音

英:[[k'lætərər]]  美:[[k'lætərər]]

英:  美:

clatterer 中文意思翻译



clatterer 短语词组

1、clatterer definition ─── 咔哒声定义

clatterer 相似词语短语

1、blatherer ─── n.胡说;废话(blather的变形)

2、chatterers ─── n.饶舌的人;喋喋不休的人

3、batterer ─── n.虐妻者;虐待家属者

4、charterer ─── n.租船主,租船者

5、caterer ─── n.备办食物者;承办酒席的人;筹备人

6、flatterer ─── n.奉承者;阿谀者;谄媚者

7、chatterer ─── n.饶舌的人;喋喋不休的人

8、blatterer ─── 布拉特

9、clattered ─── n.哗啦声;嘈杂的谈笑声;咔嗒声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响

clatterer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But finally, an extra loud clatter of bottles did prompt her to say, “I hope, doctor, you don't mind Johnny being in there. ─── 但在最后隔壁传来一声瓶子发出的巨大响声促使她对医生说:“医生,我希望你不介意约翰呆在那里。”

2、"Tick" and "clatter", are both onomatopoeic words. ─── "滴答"、"哗啦", 这些词都是拟声词。

3、They could hear a clatter below-stairs ─── 他们听以楼下响起一阵哐哐啷啷的声音。

4、the clatter of horses' hoofs ─── 嗒嗒的马蹄声

5、How do you like the early-morning clatter of all those personal helicopters carrying people to work? ─── 你喜欢一大清早满天都是送人上班的私人直升飞机轰鸣吗?

6、He was listening to the clatter of the round rocks beneath his feet, his mood growing worse and worse. ─── 他听着圆圆的石块在脚下咯咯响着。 他的情绪越来越坏了。

7、Don't clatter those dishes about, you'll break them. ─── 不要把那些碟子碰得那么响,你会把它们打碎的。

8、(phr v)clatter across,down,in,etc move across,etc, making a clatter ─── 发出连续咔嗒声地跨过等

9、Almost in the same instant it dropped on to the board with a clatter. ─── 他刚拣起,那棋子就啪的掉在棋盘上了。

10、We can hear the clatter of machinery when we are near the factory ─── 在工厂的附近,我们便能够听到机器的声响了

11、An open door, a room, two typewriters clattering and two women making them clatter. ─── 一扇开着的门,一间屋子,屋里两台咔嗒作响的打字机,两位女士咔嗒咔嗒在打字。

12、Let us, therefore, confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety, and calm ─── 因此,让我们怀着容忍、求变和平静的心情来面对四周的喧哗和沉沉死气吧。

13、There was a clatter of dishes in the kitchen. ─── 厨房里传来盘子的当啷声。

14、There is a slight earthquake and some of the dish clatter down ─── 发生了一次轻微地震,一些碟子哗啦啦地掉了下来

15、The clatter of falling rock was louder, punctuated by the gruff talk of men at work. ─── 岩石落下的轰隆声更加响亮,并不时地被正在干活的人的生硬谈话所打断。

16、A confused noise; a clatter. ─── 喧闹混乱的声音; 噼啪声

17、2.In vain they rush frantically round from place to place,trying to escape frome avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. ─── 他们狂乱地从一个地方跑到另一个地方、想通过不断换地方的这种方式来摆脱烦恼,这是徒劳的。

18、"In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. " ─── 他们发狂似的一处又一处瞎转,徒然想以喧嚣和走动逃避厌烦对他的报复。

19、There was a clatter of knives, glasses, and plates, and the sound of eager talk from several separate conversations round the table. ─── 可以听见刀子、酒杯、餐盘碰击的响声,这张餐桌的周围有几伙人正在热烈地交谈。

20、The clatter of wooden shoes irritate the ears ─── 屐声吵耳

21、In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape frome avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. ─── 他们狂乱地从一个地方跑到另一个地方、通过不断换地方的这种方式来摆脱烦恼,这是徒劳的。

22、Above me there are white puffy clouds blowing past Golden Age gables and, at my side, the clatter of bikes giggling over the cobbles, as they cross a toyland bridge. ─── 像我在阿姆斯特丹经常会做的那样,我望着眼前的运河出神:天空中朵朵白云飘过金色时代高矗的山墙,身边不时有自行车驶过玩具国桥,在鹅卵石路面上发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。

23、No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of the insect's wings.The clatter only seems to insult the ears. ─── 但是如果我们把地卖给你,你必须要记住空气对我们是珍贵的,空气和依靠空气生存的万物分享一样的精神。

24、Do not clatter your knives and forks . ─── 不要让你的刀叉碰击出声。

25、trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. ─── 企图以闲聊和乱窜来摆脱无聊对他们的报复,

26、She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades. ─── 她可以听到游乐场的铁百叶窗被卷起的声音。

27、"Through the window peered Sisera's mother; behind the lattice she cried out, 'Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why is the clatter of his chariots delayed?' ─── 28西西拉的母亲、从窗户里往外观看、从窗棂中呼叫说、他的战车、为何耽延不来呢。他的车轮、为何行得慢呢。

28、To make a clatter. ─── 发出吵闹声

29、She gives a small cry and drops the clipboard to the floor with a loud clatter. ─── 她低声啜泣着,夹着表格的夹纸板掉落在了地上,发出了很大的声响。

30、If you must have this noisy game,go and clatter your arms elsewhere. ─── 如果你们一定要玩这聒噪的游戏,就到别处去敲击你们的武器吧。

31、" And he flung the stone at the lantern, whose broken glass fell withsuch a clatter that the bourgeois in hiding behind their curtains in the opposite house cried: "There is 'Ninety-three' come again. ─── 他拿起石头往路灯砸去,灯上的玻璃掉得一片响,住在对面房子里的几个资产阶级从窗帘下面伸出头来大声说:“九三年的那套又来了!”

32、A noise, a clatter of the feet that was abominable," says Moliere. ─── “他们用脚在桌子搞得乒零乓郎一团糟。”莫里哀说过。

33、Chicago! Chicago! called the Brakeman, slamming open the door. They were rushing into a more crowded yard, alive with the clatter and clang of life. ─── “芝加哥到了!”司闸喊道,呼一声打开了车门。火车正驶入一个拥挤的车场,站台上响彻着生活的嘈杂和热闹。

34、And threw it at the water-trough with a clatter. ─── 并把它在水槽与喝采。

35、Don't clatter your knives and forks at table. ─── 吃饭时不要把刀叉弄得丁当乱响。

36、Then the strains of the count's household band were succeeded by the clatter of knives and forks, the conversation of the guests, and the subdued tread of the waiters. ─── 堂倌都忙碌起来,椅子碰撞得轧轧作响,乐队奏起合唱曲,客人入席就座了。刀叉的铿锵声、客人的说话声、堂倌轻盈的步履声替代了伯爵家庭乐队的奏鸣声。

37、1. With a clatter, the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos. ─── 当啷一声,马屁精在混乱中打碎了格格作响的瓦特表.

38、The clatter of cutlery,horse's hoofs,a typewriter ─── 刀叉、马蹄、打字机的咔嗒声.

39、he demanded, lowering his voice so that in the clatter and excitement of the collection, it came only to her ears. ─── 他好像逼着她回答,声音低得在周围一起喧嚷中只有她才能听见。

40、Don't clatter your knives andforks while eating. ─── 吃东西的时候不要把刀叉弄得丁当作响。

41、Then with a sudden clatter the east gate was bolted too. ─── "忽听咯噔一声,东边的门也倒关了"

42、In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. ─── 他们徒劳地狂躁地到处跑动,想通过咿哩哇喇和活动肢体来摆脱成为报应的无聊。

43、There was a clatter of dishes and plates in the kitchen. ─── 厨房里传来盘碟的当啷声。

44、The clatter of dishes in the kitchen. ─── 厨房里的盘子格格作响

45、the wagon beginning to fall into its slow and mileconsuming clatter(William Faulkner) ─── 四轮车开始咯咯作响的移动,那缓慢的、长久的声响(威廉 福克纳)

46、The discord and clatter uptown offended his nice ear; ─── 城内的喧嚣和嘈杂让他敏于音乐的耳朵痛苦万分。

47、They heard a clatter below stairs. ─── 他们听到楼下响起一阵哐哐啷啷的声音。

48、the wagon beginning to fall into its slow and mileconsuming clatter(bWilliam Faulkner) ─── 四轮车开始咯咯作响的移动,那缓慢的、长久的声响(b威廉 福克纳)

49、It seemed at first to be an electronic haze, but after some fine tuning the clatter of the Hagelin was clearly audible. ─── 开始时似乎有电子模糊现象,但是经过一些细致的调谐以后,“哈盖林”机器的卡嗒声听得清清楚楚。

50、The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room. ─── 从对面的房间传出尖锐刺耳的敲打打字机的哒哒声。

51、Don't clatter your knives and forks about, I can't hear myself speak! ─── 不要把刀叉弄得哗啦乱响,我连自己讲话都听不见了。

52、Outside, the clatter of the ramrods in the guns could be heard;the troops were re-loading their arms. ─── 他们听到外面有通条和枪管撞击的声音,军队又在上枪弹了。

53、Don't clatter those bowls about. ─── 别把碗碰得直响。

54、But what! Crack of whips, rumble of wheels and clatter of hoofs! ─── 听,皮鞭飕飕,车轮隆隆,战马奔驰,战车疾驶,

55、clatter of horsehoofs ─── 呱嗒呱嗒的马蹄声

56、The clatter only seems to insult the ears, and what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lonely cry if the whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs around the pond at night? ─── 城市的喧嚣只不过是对耳朵的一种污辱。如果夜里听不到夜鹰凄婉的歌唱,听不到池塘边蛙鸣的悠扬,那么生活还有什么意义?

57、the clatter of cutlery, horse's hoofs, a typewriter ─── 刀叉、 马蹄、 打字机的嘈杂声.

58、With a clatter, the flattafter effect 大纲erer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos. ─── 他对缺点的钟爱受到具有感染力的完美效果的影响。

59、"the wagon beginning to fall into its slow and mileconsuming clatter" (William Faulkner) ─── “四轮车开始咯咯作响的移动,那缓慢的、长久的声响”(威廉·福克纳)

60、We can hear the clatter of machinery when we are near the factory. ─── 在工厂的附近,我们便能够听到机器的声响了。

62、Not long after, the distant clatter of falling rock started to echo through the tunnels, and his favorite scout returned to report. ─── 不久,远处岩石落下的轰隆声开始在隧道内回响,他最钟爱的侦察兵也会来向他报告。

63、The clatter of the subway train. ─── 地铁列车的嘈杂

64、He heard the clatter of the dishes as she washed up after supper, and then she came to the window, knocked a little mop against the ledge, and hung it on a nail to dry. ─── 他听到她晚饭后在那儿洗刷盘碟发出的叮当声。然后她来到窗口,在窗台上啪啪地甩打着洗碗刷,随后把它挂在钉子上晾干。

65、 双语使用场景

66、Sitting at the tavern amidst the clatter of ninepins and the laughter of the drinkers, he would suddenly snatch up a menu and dash off upon the back of it a melody that bubbled like wine out of his overflowing heart. ─── 坐在小酒店里,在九柱戏的哗啦声和酒鬼们的大笑声中,他会突然抓过一张菜单,在背面飞快地写下一支美酒似地从他满溢的心田里涌现出来的旋律。

67、but I believe at Wuthering Heights the kitchen is forced to retreat altogether into another quarter: at least I distinguished a chatter of tongues, and a clatter of culinary utensils, deep within; ─── 但是我认为在呼啸山庄里,厨房是被迫撤退到另一个角落里去了; 至少我辨别出在顶里面有喋喋的说话声和厨房用具的磕碰声;

68、even if the king's army came and fiercely fell upon us we should sadly shake our heads and say, brothers, you are disturbing us. if you must have this noisy game, go and clatter your arms elsewhere. ─── 即使是国王的军队凶猛地前来追捕,我们将忧愁地摇头说,弟兄们,你们扰乱了我们了。如果你们必须做这个吵闹的游戏,到别处去敲击你们的武器吧。

69、The discord and clatter uptown offended his nice ear; so a friend had sent him to this oasis in the desert of noise. ─── 城内的喧嚣和嘈杂让他敏于音乐的耳朵痛苦万分,于是一位朋友把他送到噪音沙漠中的这片绿洲。

70、"They made beneath the table A noise, a clatter of the feet that was abominable," says Moliere ─── “他们用脚在桌子下面搞得乒零乓郎一团糟,”莫里哀说过。

71、But perhaps it is because I am a savage and do not understand.The clatter only seems to insult the ears. ─── 如果原始森林中全是人类的足迹,幽静的山谷中布满横七竖八的电线,那将是一种什么样的景象?

72、During the night a metal dish was heard to clatter down the stone stairs. ─── 夜里听到有金属盘子叮叮咚咚滚下了石阶的声音。

73、If you must have this noisy game, go and clatter your arms elsewhere. ─── 如果你们必须做这个吵闹的游戏,到别处去敲击你们的武器吧。一.

74、She heard of the gentle tinkling of teaspoons, and musical clatter of cups and saucers. ─── 她听见茶匙轻微的叮??声,杯盘悦耳的撞击声。

75、As hard as pebbles, the dumplings will not stick together but will clatter against each other when put in big flour bags. Whenever they feel like it, the local people will cook some for a meal. ─── 冻实的饺子,“当当”作响,互不粘连,人们用大面袋装好,随吃随煮。

76、We could hear the clatter of machinery when we were near the factory. ─── 在工厂的附近,我们便能够听到机器的声响了。

77、Here, between Siming Nan Lu and the sea, echoes of old China reverberate in row after row of shops, and in the dissonant clatter of the sidewalk marketplace. ─── 在思明南路和海之间,古老中国的影子在一排排老店,以及街边市场刺耳的喧闹声中显现。

78、Made in thick metal sheet, for a big "clatter", in a durable finish with silks. ─── 做在厚实的金属板料里, 为大"铿锵声", 在耐久的结束与丝绸。

79、Onomatopoeia and Its Pragmatic Function from a Word Clatter ─── 从clatter一词看拟声词及其语用功能

80、She went downstairs with a cheerful clatter, singing. ─── 她迈着轻快的脚步,唱着歌下楼去了。

81、Don't make a clatter about what I can never understand ─── 对我永远也不能懂的事情,不要伊哩哇啦乱发议论。

82、He soon heard the clatter of the iron step of the hackney-coach, then the coachman's voice, and then the rolling of the heavy vehicle shook the windows. ─── 不久,他就听到马车铁门的关闭声,车夫的吆喝声,然后,那辆笨重车子的滚动震得窗户都动起来。

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