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09-02 投稿


cosmology 发音

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英:  美:

cosmology 中文意思翻译



cosmology 短语词组

1、cosmology define ─── 宇宙学定义

2、cosmology and god ─── 宇宙学与上帝

3、quantum cosmology ─── 量子宇宙学

4、cosmology parameter ─── 宇宙学参数

5、cosmology definition ─── 宇宙学定义

6、cosmology vs astronomy ─── 宇宙学与天文学

7、Equation of state (cosmology) ─── 状态方程(宇宙学)

8、Supernova Cosmology Project ─── 超新星宇宙学项目

cosmology 词性/词形变化,cosmology变形

名词复数: cosmologies |名词: cosmologist |形容词: cosmologic |副词: cosmologically |

cosmology 相似词语短语

1、cosmogony ─── n.宇宙进化论;宇宙的产生,宇宙的起源

2、coprology ─── n.粪便学;色情文学

3、codology ─── n.诡计;戏法

4、dosiology ─── n.[临床]剂量学

5、homology ─── n.同源;相同;异体同形;同族关系

6、cohomology ─── n.[数]上同调

7、cosmologic ─── adj.宇宙哲学的;宇宙论的

8、cosmetology ─── n.美容术,整容术

9、coniology ─── n.[环境]微尘学;空气中的灰尘

cosmology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cosmology, geology, and biology have provided a consistent, unified, and constantly improving account of what happened. ─── 宇宙学、地质学和生物学对所发生的事情提供了一致的、统一的和不断改进的解释。

2、Ancient Chinese Cosmology and Conception of Chinese Gardens ─── 古人的宇宙观与中国园林构思

3、This accelerating expansion is the big surprise that fired the current revolution in cosmology. ─── 加速膨胀正是引起这次宇宙学变革的重大发现。

4、The unity of heaven and humanity represents our ancestors' cosmology. ─── “天人合一”代表着我们祖先的宇宙观;

5、Both Perlmutter and Schmidt shared one fourth of the 2007 Gruber Cosmology Prize, with the remaining fraction going to their two teams collectively. ─── 2007年,珀尔穆特和施密特分享了葛鲁柏宇宙学奖的1/4,其馀则由两团队的全体成员共享。

6、Today this cosmology seems to attract rather the sectarian esoteric kind of people, and not liberals of the more rationalistic kind. ─── 今天,这种宇宙哲学似乎更为具有神秘色彩的教派主义人士欣赏,而不是那些理性得多的自由主义者。


8、The Organic Cosmology and Its Ecologic Concept of Ancient China ─── 中国古代有机自然论的生态观

9、"In terms of the information that is available to do cosmology, Planck is about 15 times better than WMAP," says Jan Tauber, Planck's project scientist at ESA's offices in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. ─── “在信息可用做宇宙学,普朗克约15倍优于探测器说, ”一月陶伯,普朗克的项目科学家在欧空局的办公室设在荷兰诺德韦克。

10、"If you go to the first steps in the buildup of cosmic structures, then cosmology reacts to the microphysics of particles, which is quite remarkable. ─── 如果搞清了宇宙结构最初形成时的几个环节,然后就可以将宇宙学和粒子物理学有机地结合在一起,这是相当引人瞩目的事情。”

11、Firstlyl the observational cosmology based on COBE satellite ispresented, including the observational results of the spectrum and anisotropy of CBR, as well asthe theoretical significance of these results. ─── 叙述了基于COBE卫星的观测宇宙学,包括对背景辐射谱、各向异性的观测结果及其理论意义;

12、hemispherical dome cosmology ─── 天圆地方说

13、The book concludes with brief introductory chapters on gravitational radiation and cosmology, and includes an appendix that reviews the special theory of relativity. ─── 书以在万有引力的辐射和宇宙学上的简短序篇来结束,和包括评论特别的相对论的一个附录。

14、Keywords cosmology;galaxy cluster;gravitational lensing; ─── 宇宙学;星系团;引力透镜;

15、Cosmology:The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. ─── 宇宙学:把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学.

16、The biblical account of history, cosmology and natural history was believed by Jews, Christians and Muslims and its accuracy was unquestioned through the Medieval period. ─── 圣经的历史说明,犹太教徒、基督徒和穆斯林信徒信仰宇宙哲学和博物学,通过中世纪时期圣经的精确性是不容置疑的。

17、After growing up in St Albans, Hertfordshire, he read physics at University College Oxford and then moved to Cambridge to carry out research in cosmology. ─── 他赫特福德郡的圣奥尔本斯长大后,就读于哈佛大学,随后到剑桥大学开展宇宙学的研究。

18、a theocentric cosmology. ─── 以上帝为中心的宇宙观

19、Cosmology was always going to be trouble for particle physics. ─── 宇宙学总是在给粒子物理找麻烦。

20、The Body Quality of the Ancient Chinese Cosmology ─── 中国古代宇宙论的身体性

21、The Confucian monotheism, deviating from the Neo - Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values, constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries. ─── 儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。

22、His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics. ─── 他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。


24、a cosmology. ─── 一种宇宙学。

25、The manuscript, which contains Leonardo's musings on the nature of water and on cosmology, was the only one of his 65 surviving manuscripts that was held in the United States. ─── 包含列奥纳多关于水之性质以及宇宙学思想的这份手稿在现存的65份列奥纳多文稿中,是唯一收藏在美国的。

26、MIT's Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology, known as LARC, would hone in on this time with hundreds of small telescopes sensitive to very low-frequency radio waves dating back to this cosmic dark era. ─── MIT( 麻省理工学院)的无线电波宇宙学月球望远镜阵列,称为LARC,是打磨过的数百个小型望远镜对很低的无线电波频率敏感的追溯到宇宙黑暗的历史。

27、I shall deal only with the latter meaning of the term, but even then it is far from obvious what cosmology is, exactly. ─── 我将只处理一词后者的意思,但即使如此,它是从宇宙学什么明显的远远的,没错。

28、fluxbrane;S-brane;super string;brane cosmology;gravitational energy;spinor ─── 关键词:通膜;S膜;超弦;膜宇宙;重力能量;自旋子

29、After string theory made its comeback as a theory of gravity in the 1980s, Veneziano became one of the first physicists to apply it to black holes and cosmology. ─── 在1980年代,弦论以重力理论之姿重新出发之后,维纳齐亚诺便成了首度将它应用在黑洞和宇宙学的物理学家之一。

30、Keywords cosmology,natural teleology,reason,necessity,world-soul; ─── 宇宙论;自然目的论;理性;必然性;宇宙灵魂;

31、Xing joins a select cosmology group under the direction of his hero, the famous cosmologist Jacob Reiser (Aidan Quinn). ─── 刘星加入了他所敬仰的宇宙科学家雷瑟教授领导的宇宙学研究室。

32、Overview of Universe; Solar System; Inter-Stellar Distance; Properties of Stars; Classification and Evolution; Star Nebulae; Star Cluster, Structure and Classification of Glaxies; Cosmology; Observateries and Telescopes. ─── 宇宙概观、太阳系、星距量测、星的性质、分类与演化、星云、星团、银河、系结构分类、宇宙论、天文台及望远镜。

33、in some cases centuries elapsed before this resistance was eventually broken down, as happened in cosmology, for example. ─── 在很多情况下,这种阻碍力量最终瓦解时已经过了几个世纪的时间,宇宙论的发展就是一个例子。

34、historical cosmology ─── 古宇宙学

35、Keywords Cosmology;Dark Energy;Model Independent;Big Bounce; ─── 宇宙学;暗能量;模型无关;大反弹;

36、Scientists have constructed and corroborated the standard model of cosmology over the past few decades. ─── 在过去几十年,科学家已建构并确证了宇宙学的标准模型。

37、The doctor told me to go back to Cambridge and carry on with the research I had just started in general relativity and cosmology. ─── 医生让我回到剑桥大学继续我在广义相对论和宇宙学上开了一个头的研究。

38、Confucianism;cosmology of chi;li-hsueh;state sacrifice;shamanism;medieval China;religious concepts ─── 儒教国家;气化宇宙观;礼论;国家祭祀;巫教;淮南子;纬书;春秋繁露;宗教史;中国中古

39、General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ─── 一般相对论和量子宇宙学预印本

40、ISBN号: Immanence and transcendence; New hometown; Communistic cosmology; World as laboratory of salvation. ─── 出版年:内在者与超越者;新家乡;共产主义宇宙学;世界是拯救实验室

41、New Perspectives in Astrophysical Cosmology: Second Edition, ─── 天体物理宇宙学的新观察:第二版

42、Cosmology and Complex Symbolic Systems. ─── 宇宙观与繁复的象征体系。

43、quantum cosmology ─── n. 量子宇宙论

44、His current physics research focuses on particle cosmology, working on ways that cosmic inflation might be made compatible with superstring-inspired large extra dimensions. ─── 他目前的物理研究集中于粒子宇宙学,探讨究竟有什麽办法能让宇宙暴胀与灵感得自超弦的大的额外空间维度相容。


46、It is a research group working mainly on Helio- and Asteroseismology, Cosmology and Galaxies. ─── 奥尔胡斯大学天文学研究组。

47、a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine. ─── 一种在宇宙论中可接受但在医学上不被允许的推测。

48、In 1497, astronomer Corpernicus proposed the heliocentric cosmology from his observations and calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies. ─── 1497年,天文学家哥白尼,通过对天体运行规律的观察与计算,提出了日心宇宙学。

49、In this book Lao Tsu develops a cosmology in which the harmony of two opposites ( ying“ and yang“) is postulated. ─── 在此书中,老子发展了一种阴阳两极相和的宇宙哲学。

50、in some cases centuries elapsed before this resistance was eventually broken down, as happened in cosmology, for example.1 。 ─── 在某些情况下,数百年过去了,在这之前的阻力,最终细分,发生在宇宙学,例如。

51、Reacting To The Past: Galileo And The New Cosmology ─── 反应过去:伽利略与新宇宙学

52、American Indian cosmology ─── 印第安宇宙观

53、(Cosmic Dispatches: The New York Times Reports on Astronomy and Cosmology),Natalie Angier ─── 宇宙快件:〈纽约时报〉的天文学和宇宙学报告

54、Scannapieco, who also dabbles in cosmology, works under the auspices of the National Science Foundation at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence and the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris. ─── 史坎纳皮科也涉猎宇宙学,他在美国国家科学基金会赞助下任职于义大利佛罗伦斯的雅赛墔天体物理观测站及法国巴黎的天体物理学研究所。

55、ASCA, Advanced Satellite for Cosmology ─── 〈ASCA〉宇宙学和天体物理学

56、And what we try to do in astronomy and cosmology is to go back before Darwin's simple beginning, to set our Earth in a cosmic context. ─── 我们进行天文学和宇宙学研究要做的就是回溯到达尔文的理论原点将我们的地球置于宇宙的背景中。

57、In the fields of galaxy formation, inflationary and quantum cosmology, and superstring unification, the book provides important overviews written by workers involved in the many advances described. ─── 在星系形成,膨胀和量宇宙学领域, 以及超线统一,书提供被涉及描述的很多发展的工人写的重要的概述。

58、Klein-Alfven cosmology ─── 克莱因-阿尔芬宇宙学

59、Cosmology has become a rigorous, quantitative branch of astrophysics with a strong theoretical foundation backed by abundant data. ─── 今天,宇宙学成为天文学一门严谨、化的分支,背后有坚实的理论与大量的观测数据撑腰。

60、They expressed a series of unique, steady information of visual symbols in reality, in which there were lots of culture elements such as cosmology and axiology. ─── 它在事实上表达了一系列独特、稳定的视觉符号信息,其中隐含着大量的宇宙观、价值观等文化元素。

61、It follows that cosmology cannot be treated in MOND. ─── 不用说,MOND尚无法应付宇宙学。

62、This idea is very significant in understanding the theory of cosmology and the matter of the unification between cosmic finity and infinity. ─── 这一思想对理解宇宙生成论以及宇宙有限与无限的统一问题具有重要价值。

63、Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who was the first astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the centre of the universe. ─── 哥白尼是博览天文学家,数学家。他是第一个提出有科学根据的日心说宇宙论,从而代替地心说的天文学家。

64、Keywords Double Complex Symmetric Gravitational Theory;Tachyon Field;Cosmology;Dark Energy;Statefinder parameter; ─── 二重复对称引力理论;快子场;宇宙学;暗能量;态参数寻找者;

65、Every time you break an egg, you are doing observational cosmology. ─── 你每打一颗蛋,就是在进行一次观测宇宙学的研究。

66、Cosmology, geology, and biology have provided a consistent , unified, and constantly improving account of what happened. ─── 宇宙学、地质学、生物学对于所发生的一切已经提供了连贯统一并且不断完善的解释。

67、Physicists, however, have thought about two more natural ways out of the impasse: the early universe was much smaller or much older than in standard cosmology. ─── 不过物理学家已经想出两种更自然的方式来摆脱僵局:让早期宇宙比标准宇宙学中的宇宙小得多,要不然便老得多。

68、Indian astronomy at that time was taking much of its lead from cyclic Hindu cosmology in which nature operted in cycles, setting the stage for searching for numerical patterns in the expected time frames for eclipses. ─── 在那时,印度天文学家在印度的循环宇宙论方面有主导的地位,大自然是在循环之中,为以数学来预算日蚀时间打下了基础。

69、Moon in Chinese Celestial Cosmology ─── 中国的月亮

70、antimatter cosmology ─── 反物质宇宙论

71、This paper studies the perturbation action of celestial bodies movement on the Earth from the view of cosmology,and furtherly analyizes the effect of celestial bodies movement on the slope stability on Earth surface. ─── 从宇宙观角度探讨天体运动对地球的摄动作用,并进而分析天体运动对地球表面边坡稳定的影响。

72、Dhammakaya reduces the traditional Buddhist cosmology, with its goal of nibbana, to a location within the body. ─── Dhammakaya基于涅槃的目标,因而把传统佛教的宇宙论缩小到色身之内。

73、dynamical cosmology ─── 动力学宇宙学

74、a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine ─── 一种在宇宙论中可接受但在医学上不被允许的推测

75、Various Fractals in Astronomy and Cosmology and Their Possible Origins ─── 天文学和宇宙论中的各种分形及其可能的起源

76、Much later, my plasma physics degree opened my horizons to include controlled fusion, cosmology and astrophysics. ─── 多年以后,我获得等离子物理学学位的同时,自己的眼界也拓展到受控聚变、宇宙学和天体物理学领域。

77、The proposed research direction of black holes and cosmology on noncommutative spacetime has also led to unexpected productions. ─── 关于非对易时空中的黑洞和宇宙学的研究方向也取得了意料之外的成果。

78、The field was held by the modified two-sphere universe which was taken over by Aristotle and integrated into his complex synthesis of ideas covering cosmology, the natural world and philosophy. ─── 亚里士多德继承了修改过的双球面学说并将其融合到他的涉及宇宙、自然界和哲学的复杂的综合理论中。

79、the new cosmology of universe circulation ─── 宇宙循环新宇宙学

80、It is hard to think of an area of intellectual inquiry that has changed more in the past century than cosmology, and the shift has transformed how we view the world. ─── 在过去一世纪的各学识领域中,很难找到变动比宇宙学还剧烈的,这些变动也确实改变了我们的世界观。

81、Stephen Hawking has great invention when it comes to cosmology and quantum gravity. ─── 史蒂文.霍金在宇宙学和量子力学方有很强的创造力。

82、However, I felt that none of them really addressed the questions that had led me to do research in cosmology and quantum theory. ─── 然而,我觉得它们之中的任何一本都未真正提到那些导致我研究宇宙学和量子理论的动机的问题。

83、Klein cosmology ─── 克莱因宇宙学

84、Medieval and Renaissance Cosmology and Clockwork ─── 中世纪与文艺复兴时期的宇宙论与钟表机械

85、anisotropic cosmology ─── 各向异性宇宙论

86、Matter plays a central role in cosmology. ─── 物质在宇宙学中起着核心作用。

87、You know, we've had a lot of it's a very exciting period in cosmology. ─── 你知道,在宇宙学方面,我们已经有过许多这样的非常激动人心的时期。

88、This cosmology of Aristotle's, together with the associated laws of motion, was enormously appealing. ─── 亚里士多德的宇宙论以及相关的运动法则极富吸引力。

89、Unlike Plato and astrological cosmology, in the modern cosmological model, universe has no soul and spirit but the dark matter and dark energy. ─── 不同于柏拉图和星相学宇宙学,在现代宇宙学模型里,宇宙是没有灵魂和精神仅有暗物质和暗能量。

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