barrenness 发音
英:[ˈbærənnəs] 美:[ˈbærənnəs]
英: 美:
barrenness 中文意思翻译
barrenness 词性/词形变化,barrenness变形
名词: barrenness |副词: barrenly |
barrenness 同义词
void | devoid | impotent | childless |sterile | harsh | austere | naked | infertile | stark | bare | destitute | arid | bleak | wasteland | desolate | bald | unfertile | abortive | empty | deserted | fruitless | blank | innocent | waste | free | unfruitful | hollow | lonely | vacant | unproductive | inhospitable
barrenness 短语词组
1、barrenness define ─── 贫瘠定义
2、barrenness curse ─── 贫瘠诅咒
3、barrenness bible ─── 贫瘠圣经
4、barrenness prayers ─── 贫瘠的祈祷
5、barrenness mean ─── 贫瘠意味着
6、barrenness synonym ─── 贫瘠同义词
barrenness 反义词
rich | fertile
barrenness 相似词语短语
1、bareness ─── n.裸露;赤裸
2、bizarreness ─── 稀奇古怪的性质或状态
3、bardiness ─── 吟游诗人
4、currentness ─── 电流
5、barminess ─── 钡
6、baronnes ─── n.男爵夫人;女男爵
7、baroness ─── n.男爵夫人;女男爵;(欧洲某些国家)男爵之女
8、blurredness ─── 模糊
9、alienness ─── 相异;性质不同
barrenness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. ─── 他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。
2、People plant trees on barren hill sides for soil erosion control. ─── 人们在荒丘上种植了树木,以减少水土流失。
3、Whistling happily, he gripped the rack again and turned around to face the barren loess plateau. ─── 他愉快地吹了声口哨,把手翻转过来握紧车厢板,重新面对着荒莽的黄土高原。
4、The barrenness of the earth and the death of plants were believed to be caused by Demeter's grief when her daughter was taken from her. ─── 地球的植物死亡和贫困被认为是由德米特的悲痛使她的女儿从她的。
5、On a nearer approach Barbicane found himself in view of a low, flat country of somewhat barren aspect. ─── 在驶近海岸的时候,巴比康看见这是一片平坦的低地,看样子相当贫瘠。
6、An animal or plant species that establishes itself in a previously barren environment. ─── 先驱生物能在不毛之地生存的某种动物或植物种类
7、Coast artillery The land is barren on the east coast. ─── 东海岸的土地贫脊。
8、Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren. ─── 依撒格因为自己的妻子不生育,便为她恳求上帝;
9、Beyond the lower levels the world was still barren. ─── 在这个世界的低地以外,依然寸草不生。
10、He was engaged in a barren argument with Paul. ─── 他在同保罗作无用的争论。
11、There are about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock. ─── 南极约98%覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%为光秃的岩石。
12、barrenness of their effort is due to poor management. ─── 他们努力的徒劳无益归咎于管理不善。
13、The barren icy wasteland slowly warmed to become thick woodland. ─── 冰雪覆盖的荒原逐渐暖和起来,变成了浓密的林地。
14、Not fertile; unproductive or barren. ─── 不肥沃的不肥沃的; 不生产的或贫瘠的
15、These fields are so barren I am amazed that even grass can grow on them. ─── 土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的;2.不结果实,不育的;3.无益的
16、June 6 seems to have been for me an active and not barren day. ─── 6月6日对我来说可说是一个极其活跃,未曾虚度的一日。
17、Barren women are rejected by the tribesmen. ─── 不孕的妇女被部落的男人遗弃。
18、A barren hen is always jealous! ─── 她是阉过的母鸡,看见别人的孵卵是难受的。
19、As heavenly dew, he removes our barrenness and fertilizes our lives. ─── 也像和平的白鸽,遨翔在信徒的头上;
20、The barrenness of their efforts was due to poor management. ─── 他们努力的徒劳无益归咎於管理不善。
21、That "barrenness" turned out to be a key clue in the rediscovery of an entire lost ecosystem. ─── “荒野”原来是重新发现整一个生态系统的重要线索。
22、Such a barren desert can support very few creatures. ─── 在这样荒瘠的沙漠里,很少生物能够存活。
23、Later, at Columbia, his mother confessed herself worried by the barrenness of his quarters: she told him he was living like a "monk" . ─── 后来在哥伦比亚大学,他妈妈坦白对他说,她对他住处的沉闷无味很担心:她对他说,她觉得他活得像个“僧人”。
24、The desert is inprisoned in the wall of its unbounded barrenness. ─── 大漠被囚禁在它那无边荒芜的界墙内。
25、In China even barren mountains can be turned into fertile fields. ─── 在中国,荒山也能变成良田。
26、It is said that a kind of bryony grow in a barren hill, they are phenomenal. ─── 人们传说着:荒山里还生长着一种野葡萄,可不比一般啊!
27、For all things turn to barrenness. ─── 因为万物都变得不育而贫瘠。
28、It is only in marriage with the world that our ideals can bear fruit; divorced from it, they remain barren. ─── 只有与现实联姻,我们的理想才能结果。倘若脱离现实,理想将永无生机。
29、The barren hills are crowned with fruit trees. ─── 原先那片荒山如今已是果树成荫。
30、A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. ─── 使肥地变为硷地。这都因其间居民的罪恶。
31、They prey on the barren and childless woman, and to the widow show no kindness. ─── 他恶待(或作他吞灭)不怀孕不生养的妇人,不善待寡妇。
32、The mountains on either side were high, rough and barren, very black and gloomy in the shadow of the clouds. ─── 两面的山高而险峻,草木不生,在云层的影子下显得格外的黑暗和阴郁。
33、Nowadays the winds blow salt across an increasingly barren landscape and the health of the local people suffers. ─── 如今狂风不时裹挟着盐粒肆虐日益贫瘠的土地,并危害当地人民的健康。
34、For when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. ─── 因为一旦梦想消失,人生犹如一片荒原,终年雪地冰天。
35、He despoils the barren woman who does not bear, And does no good for the widow. ─── 21他抢夺不怀孕不生育的妇人,又不善待寡妇。
36、Its rocky and barren character seems to offer all we need for our experiment. ─── 依我看,这儿土质干燥,岩石很多,给我们的实验提供了所有的有利条件。
37、Barren land characterized by roughly eroded ridges, peaks, and mesas. ─── 劣地贫瘠荒芜的土地,以崎岖的被侵蚀的垄沟、山峰和方山为特点
38、The beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation. ─── 大自然的美在心灵中可以自我改造,不是为了徒然的冥想,而是为了新的创造。
39、Within a few year they have transferred barren waste into fertile field. ─── 几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田。
40、The country is barren, with here and there a fertile spot. ─── 土地荒芜,只是偶尔有一两片沃土。
41、Touched by sunlight, barren winter treetops in Ely, Minnesota, are illuminated. ─── 伊里冬天的日光照耀下的光秃秃的树顶。
42、Why does she have such success when we are so barren? ─── 她如此成功,而我们却怀不上身孕?
43、Up here the country was quite barren and the hills were rocky and hard-baked clay furrowed by the rain. ─── 在这儿一带,土地相当荒芜,满山顽石,烤硬的泥土被雨水冲出道道沟壑。
44、He clumped after her, up the stairs, into his barren office. ─── 他拖着沉重的步伐跟在她的后面上楼了,走进了他那个空荡荡的诊所。
45、Mountains, the sky, the sea are like faces whose barrenness or splendor we discover by looking rather than seeing. ─── 山脉、天空、海洋就像一张张脸,我们通过观看发现它们是空虚还是辉煌,而不是通过理解。
46、The farmer said to his son,that it would not quit cost to cultivate that sandy,barren lot. ─── 农夫对他的儿子说,耕种那块沙质不毛之地不合算。
47、Diseases such as barrenness , vulva floccosoids , proliferation of mammary gland. ─── 不孕症、外阴白斑、乳腺增生等疾病。
48、The Negeb was a barren, terrible desert, a lifeless desert. ─── 可是这篇诗歌却没出现任何一个关于“悔改”的字眼。
49、O the dreary, dreary moorland! O the barren, barren shore! ─── 噢这乏味的高沼地,噢这贫瘠的海岸!
50、Its useless to continue such a barren argument. ─── 中文:继续这种无聊的争辩是无用的。
51、I just can't stand spiritual barrenness if I continue to live on my sufferance. ─── 但我真的想说that is not the case and I don't want anything.
52、Barrenness, so frequent among women of fashion, is very rare among those of inferior station. ─── 不妊症,虽为上等社会所常患,但在下等社会,却极少有。
53、Severe droughts could render once fertile land agriculturally barren. ─── 严重的乾旱,把曾经肥沃的土地,变成无法耕种的不毛之地。
54、Their metaphor degenerates into a series of isolated and barren conceits. ─── 他们的隐喻变为一系列孤立而贫乏的牵强附会。
55、They had to encamp on the barren hills outside and wait for help to come. ─── 他们只好在城外荒山上扎营,等待救援。
56、He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms. ─── 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。
57、"I'm the one who was unlucky enough to be born in this barren country. ─── “出生在这么穷的地方,已经是够倒霉的了。
58、People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land. ─── 在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。
59、Seen from an airplane the barrenness of this country was bad enough, but from a train window it was worse. ─── 从飞机上看,这个国家已经够荒凉贫瘠的,可是从火车车窗里看,那就更糟糕。
60、For my part, I thank the Lord for the beautiful barrenness that has consecrated this great region to loneliness. ─── 对我来说,我感谢上帝赐予这篇贫瘠之地以孤独之美。
61、The point she made was never the relevant point, her arguments conclusive but barren. ─── 她的意见永远是不中肯的,她的论据武断而又缺乏分析。
62、The pioneers settled down in the area in spite of the barrenness of the land. ─── 尽管土地荒芜,开拓者们还是在这一带定居下来。
63、Its dramatic mountains and barren deserts have spewed forth conquerors who ruled North Africa and Spain. ─── 在它的崇山峻岭和荒凉的沙漠中曾经涌现出统治北非和西班牙的征服者。
64、The heavy wear on engines in their flight over vast barren sandy spaces reduced their flying life. ─── 在飞越荒芜的大片沙漠时,引擎的耗损很大,因而缩短了它们的飞行寿命。
65、Behold, let that night be barren; Let no joyous shout come in it. ─── 7看哪,愿那夜没有生育;其间也没有欢乐的声音。
66、She is barren of creative spirit. ─── 她缺乏创造精神。
67、People plant trees on barren hillocks to reduce soil erosion. ─── 人们在荒丘上种植了树木以减少水土流失。
68、The barrenness of their effort is due to poor management. ─── 他们努力的徒劳无益归咎于管理不善。
69、No one shall be barren among you of either sex, neither of men nor cattle. ─── 在你内没有不育的男女,牲畜中没有不生殖的雌雄。
70、Ask the barren land for grain. ─── 向荒地要粮。
71、fin de siecle; nativism; modernity; temporality ; everyday life; spiritual barrenness; bourgeois; authenticity; tradition; experience. ─── 世纪末;乡土主义;时间性;现代性;日常生活;精神荒芜;布尔乔亚;真实;传统;经验。
72、A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. ─── 34使肥地变为碱地。这都因其间居民的罪恶。
73、Most of their ideas were utterly barren of fun. ─── 他的大部分想法全然很无趣。
74、Nothing can grow in this barren land. ─── 在这块不毛之地上什么也不能生长。
75、It refers to the barren desert regions where only Indians live exclusively. ─── 印第安保留地指的是专门给印第安人居住的贫瘠的沙漠地区。
76、They walked along the barren banks of the river, chatting. ─── 她和他顺着荒漠的河岸走着,谈着话。
77、Before you complain about your children, think of someone who desires children but they're barren. ─── 在你报怨自己的孩子之前,想想渴望孩子却不能生育的人。
78、He has arrived in the barren upland of central Spain. ─── 他已经到了西班牙中部的贫瘠高地。
79、Once again Hearn realized how barren the General's tent was. ─── 将军的帐篷太空落落了!侯恩又一次产生了这样的感触。
80、An ignorant man is like a piece of barren land. ─── 不学习的人,象不长谷物的荒地。
81、A high, barren plateau in the Scandinavian countries. ─── 冰蚀高原,冰蚀高地斯堪的纳维亚各国草木很少的高原
82、In his writing,John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. ─── John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。
83、Not bearing fruit or offspring; barren. ─── 不结果实的; 无效的不产生果实或后代的; 不育的
84、In my barren field,you are the last rose. ─── 在我荒瘠的土地上,妳是最后的玫瑰。
85、Two or three families live on the barren land. ─── 在这块硗瘠的土地上,住着三两户人家。
86、The lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of the educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns. ─── 名人文化的诱惑和教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德的关注挤占得几乎没有位置。
87、A farmer cannot grow much on barren land. ─── 农民在不毛之地不可能多种植。
88、The massive sulfide contains fragments of barren and mineralized gabbro, and schist. ─── 块状硫化物中含有矿化的和未矿化的辉长岩及片岩碎块。
89、On his return journey in the train across Siberia he wrote a barren reply. ─── 他回国时在西伯利亚火车上写了一封空洞的复函。
barren ['bærən]基本翻译n. 荒地adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的网络释义barren:贫瘠的 | 无矿的 | 不含矿物的
从 康赛尔尔末日染学到了许多知识。他快成自然历史分类专家了,能把各类生物分得一清二楚,什么门纲亚纲?科目属亚属,种变种等 这一句是侧面描写,作者从介绍康赛尔的角度。向读者介绍生物学的相关知识,既写出人物特点又让读者习的相关知识。
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