indecency 发音
英:[ɪnˈdiːsnsi] 美:[ɪnˈdiːsnsi]
英: 美:
indecency 中文意思翻译
indecency 短语词组
1、indecency define ─── 猥亵定义
2、indecency definition ─── 猥亵定义
3、public indecency ─── [法] 公开猥亵, 公然猥亵
4、act of indecency ─── [法] 猥亵行为
5、indecency with a child by contact ─── 与儿童接触猥亵
6、gross indecency ─── [法] 严重猥亵
7、indecency fcc ─── 猥亵
8、indecency act ─── 猥亵行为
indecency 反义词
indecency 同义词
unsuitability | indecorousness | filth | coarseness | indelicacy | obscenity |dirt | licentiousness | rudeness | crudeness | lewdness | impropriety
indecency 词性/词形变化,indecency变形
indecency 相似词语短语
1、indecent ─── adj.下流的;不礼貌的;不得体的
2、indecently ─── adv.猥亵地;下流地;不堪入目地
3、indecencies ─── n.猥亵;下流;无礼
4、indulgency ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)
5、indigency ─── 贫困
6、innocency ─── n.天真行为;无罪
7、decency ─── n.正派;体面;庄重;合乎礼仪;礼貌
8、indolency ─── 懒惰
9、intendency ─── 意图,
indecency 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、1.Focus on cleansing and curbing online indecency content. ─── 1、集中清理整治网上低俗内容。
2、INDEC OPI - Patent Office of Peru ─── 秘鲁专利局
3、The older one grows the more one likes indecency(Virginia Woolf) ─── 人愈老愈喜欢粗鄙的言行(弗吉尼亚 沃尔夫)
4、Certainly the telecommunications deregulation bill went too far in terms of trying to limit indecency on the Internet. ─── 确定地电传视讯解除管制帐单在尝试限制英特网上的无礼术语太过火了。
5、To commit an act of gross indecency ─── 不能废除的权利
6、gross indecency ─── [法] 严重猥亵
7、He said he only urged participants to undertake the challenge in an area where they would not get arrested for indecency. ─── 戴维说,他只希望参加者别在不合时宜的场合进行这项活动,以免因猥亵罪遭到逮捕。
8、Show me a country on earth that prides itself on unfair play and indecency. ─── 你指给我看看,世界上哪个国家是标榜自己歪门邪道、阴损下流的。
9、In our country, the act of compulsory indecency women and children has been offended. ─── 我国的刑法仅仅只将强制猥亵妇女和儿童的行为犯罪化。
10、" These programmes must pass the muster of conservative watchdog groups on the look-out for any signs of indecency. ─── 这些节目必须符合保守监督群体制定的规定,不能有丝毫下流的镜头。
11、And we cannot authorize indecency without jeopardizing our survival as a decent society. ─── 我们授权下流行径,就不可能不危害到我们以公正社会为形式的生存。
12、How the Advent of Modern Technology Destroys the Basis for Indecency Doctrine ─── 现代科技的到来如何摧毁不良信息法规的基础
13、The owners who stockpile a supply of rubbers may be accused of encouraging public indecency. ─── 积存大量安全套的店主,可能会被指控在公共场所鼓励猥亵行为。
14、Malawian judge has rejected a bail application by two gay men charged with public indecency after getting engaged. ─── 一位马拉维法官拒绝了一对男同性恋者的保释申请,据悉此二人订婚后因为公开猥亵罪而遭指控。
15、gross negligence, indecency, vice, etc ─── 显然的疏忽、 下流、 不道德等
16、Sudaness woman found guilty of indecency for wearing trousers as refused to pay a fine. ─── 苏丹妇女因被发现穿着裤子被判衣冠不整罪,她拒绝支付罚款。
17、So is Wall Street overlooking an attractive media stock bargain? Or will the continued debate about indecency and obscenity scare away investors? ─── 那么是华尔街没有注意到这支有魅力的超值股票?还是继续争论是否其下流和淫秽的印象吓跑了投资者?
18、For a moment she suspected herself of having committed an indecency. ─── 有一会儿,她疑心自己做了什么不体面的事。
19、He's been charged of menacing and public indecency. ─── 他已经受到恐吓和公然猥亵罪的指控。
20、Police recently bravely swooped on a private “lingerie party” with 16 participants, arresting half of them for public indecency. ─── 警察最近勇敢地猛扑一个有16人参加的私人“内衣派对,”以公开猥亵罪将其中的一半人逮捕。
21、and fear are of no use; and in retrospecting and reviewing the past, I look up just to find that I have trampled under my feet all indecency and cowardice. ─── 我知道,怀疑和惶恐都是没有用的,回首之余,我抬起头,才发现一切猥琐和胆怯全被自己踩在了脚下。
22、would be wrong to suggest that police officers were not annoyed by acts of indecency. ─── 错误的是认为警官不会为无礼行为所恼。
23、Japanese pop star has been arrested for public indecency in Tokyo, reports Kyodo.Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, 34, of boy band SMAP, was arrested by police in a park in the early hours of Thursday morning. ─── 据日本共同社报道,23日凌晨,日本人气偶像草彅刚在东京一个公园内酒后裸奔并大声叫嚷,警方以涉嫌公然猥亵罪将其逮捕。
24、Inmates who encourage women into acts of indecency can lose their visitation privileges for weeks, Wedding said. Inmates are permitted up to three 30-minute visits per week. ─── 伟丁指出,鼓动妇女做出下流动作的囚犯将失去数周的被探视权利。囚犯每周拥有30分钟的被探视权。
25、The injustices that result from indecency law can easily be seen in the case of the recent FCC fines and actions. ─── 不良信息法律产生的不公正后果,将在联邦通信委员会最近的罚款一案中呈露无遗。
26、complusory indecency ─── 强制猥亵
27、The wild thought came to me that he was proposing some form of gross indecency with a corpse. ─── 我突然间有种疯狂的想法:他想要对一具尸体做出粗鄙的猥亵行为。
28、"Nanshan Flying Fox" told reporters that two of netizens and his contacts, "female friend had reported in this long-distance trips on board encountered the same indecency. ─── “南山飞狐”告诉记者,有两位网友和他联系,“举报曾有女性朋友在此趟长途车上同样遭遇猥亵。”
29、THEIR crimes were “gross indecency” and “unnatural acts”. ─── 他们犯下的罪行是“粗俗”且“不道德的”。
30、"The older one grows the more one likes indecency"(Virginia Woolf) ─── “人愈老愈喜欢粗鄙的言行”(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)习惯用语
31、An Indonesian court has ruled that the editor of the Indonesian version of Playboy magazine did not violate the country's indecency laws. ─── 一傢印度尼西亚法庭裁决,印尼版的美国《花花公子》杂志的主编没有违反印尼的涉及有害风化的法律。
32、Moving through the U.S. Congress right now is a telecommunications-reform bill that would impose fines of as much as $100000 for “indecency” in cyberspace. ─── 此刻美国国会正在审理一电讯改革方案,该法案对于在网络上传播“下流”内容者将处以高达10万美金的罚款。
33、3. That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue. ─── 该国会议员反对(政治活动)卑鄙、奸诈、不正当的行径,就此确定了辩论的基础。
34、Shame is defined as "sensibilities of disrepute and indecency emerged when one's thoughts and activities breach such things as moralities, ethics, criteria and values, to which he agrees. ─── 摘要羞耻感是指行为主体对自己的思想与行为有悖于自己内心赞同的道德、伦理、标准、规范、价值观等时产生的一种带有不光彩、不体面体验的情感。
35、Super Bowl incident, which Ms. Jackson termed a "wardrobe malfunction", has prompted new scrutiny of indecency on the airwaves. ─── 杰克逊女士称之为“服装故障”的“超级碗”事件引发了对电视节目不雅行为的新一轮审视。
36、Private television-news channels were taken off the air. For a decent seeming man, it was an act of political indecency. ─── 对于这样一位貌似正经的人来说,这是一种卑鄙的政治行为。
37、We watched his legendary performance on The Ed Sullivan Show together, and laughed when the cameras cut off his lower body movements to protect us from the indecency. ─── 我们一起看了他在“埃德.萨利文秀”中的表演,当表现他下身动作的镜头被切换以避免我们看到不雅的场面时,我们都笑了起来。
38、an act of gross indecency(= a sexual act that is a criminal offence) ─── 严重猥亵(罪)
39、The survey's results also highlight the continuing gap between the public's perception of inflation and the official inflation report offered by the national statistics agency, Indec. ─── 这项调查的结果也突出显示在公众对于通货膨胀的感知和国家统计机构(国家统计局)提供的官方通货膨胀报告之间持续存在的差距。
40、public indecency ─── n. 公然猥亵罪
41、22. theft, murder,adultery, jealousy, greed, maliciousness, deceit, indecency, slander, pride and folly. ─── 邪淫、偷窃、谋杀、奸淫、贪财、恶毒、诡诈、放荡、嫉妒、毁谤、骄傲和狂妄,
42、act of indecency ─── 猥亵行为
43、He was convicted of gross indecency in 1952 after admitting a sexual relationship with a man. ─── 在承认与一个男人的性关系后,他在1952年被判处严重猥亵罪。
44、(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency. ─── (指行为或者特别是指语言)以淫秽或者下流为特点。
45、Indecency, lewdness, or offensiveness in behavior, expression, or appearance. ─── 猥亵,淫猥不正经、好色或是在行为、表情或外貌上具有的冒犯性
46、A Japanese pop singer who was arrested for public indecency after being found drunk and naked in a Tokyo park has apologised for his "shameful" conduct. ─── 一位日本流行歌手在东京公园被发现喝醉并裸体,后因为公然猥亵罪遭逮捕,他为自己“可耻的”行为...
47、a thing is indecent if by reason of indecency it is not suitable to be published to a juvenile. ─── 一件物件如因其属于不雅而不宜向青少年发行者,是谓之不雅。
48、To layout more indecency, we take the initiative to put money gas pipeline decoration; ─── 即使地处通州黄金地段的“新华联锦园”也只有每平方米3000元的均价。
49、Indec recently reported a 0.6% month-on-month increase for its March consumer price index and a 6.3% gain on the year. ─── 国家统计局最近报道了三月份它的居民消费价格指数月度提高 0.6% 以及年内增加 6.3%。
50、We should admit the theoretic and practical value that the coercive indecency and insulting offence against female assume as a kind of crime of tendency. ─── 摘要应当承认强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪作为倾向犯的理论与实践价值。
51、In a previous column, I explained why obscenity law is vulnerable, from a constitutional law perspective. In a sense, indecency law is now even more vulnerable. ─── 在前一个专栏中,我解释了为什么淫秽信息法律从宪法角度易受攻击。在某种意义上,不良信息法现在甚至更易受攻击和责难。
52、(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency ─── (指行为或者特别是指语言)以淫秽或者下流为特点
53、They had already been hauled up eight times for public indecency. ─── 因公然猥亵罪,他们已被传唤了八次。
54、The president's reputation was stained with accusations of indecency. ─── 总统的名声被猥亵行为的指控所玷污。
55、If an Enterprise doesn’t have E-mail of its own domain name will be an indecency thing in intercourse among enterprises. ─── 如果企业没有自己域名的电子邮件,在企业之间的交往中将是一件不体面的事情。
56、An Indonesian court has ruled that the editor of the Indonesian version of Playboy magazine did not violate the country's indecency laws. ─── 一家印度尼西亚法庭裁决,印尼版的美国《花花公子》杂志的主编没有违反印尼的涉及有伤风化的法律。
57、I could not put up with his indecency. ─── 我无法忍受他的厚颜无耻。
58、That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue. ─── 该国会议员反对(政治活动)卑鄙、奸诈、不正当的行径,就此确定了辩论的基础。
59、Committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons. ─── 与其他男性发生有伤风化的行为。
60、"The older one grows the more one likes indecency" (Virginia Woolf) ─── “人愈老愈喜欢粗鄙的言行”(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)
61、Certainly the telecommunications deregulation bill went too far in terms of trying to limit indecency on the Internet. ─── 确定地电传视讯解除管制帐单在尝试限制英特网上的无礼术语太过火了。
62、That, of course, could also invite meddling by the government, the way broadcasters now face indecency and other restrictions that are criticized as vague. ─── ,当然,也可以邀请插手由政府,广播的方式,现在面对的猥亵和其他限制是批评为含糊不清。
63、In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester. ─── 1952年,图灵承认了他曾在曼彻斯特与一男子发生性关系,据此他被判处犯有严重猥亵行为。
64、In this column, I'll explain why indecency law has always been on extremely tenuous ground, from a constitutional perspective. ─── 在这个专栏,我将解释为什么从宪法角度来说不良法律立基不稳。
65、From a First Amendment perspective, there simply can be no government-selected "bad words." Indecency law has provided a haven for censorship, but that haven may be crumbling. ─── 从宪法第一修正案来看,根本不存在经过政府选择的“脏话”。不良信息法律为审查制度提供了一个避难所,但是这个避难所将会被摧毁。
66、The sanitation was an important indec in the producing of Luzhou-flarer liquor.This article introduced detailly the effects of material,environment and equipments. ─── 工艺卫生在浓香曲酒生产中是一项十分重要的工艺指标。从粮、糠、曲、水、操作场地、设备工用具、和泥池、窖内及窖面卫生阐述了工艺卫生对浓香曲酒生产的影响。
67、Indecency law, in contrast, neither requires that the material be taken as a whole, nor exempts work with serious value. ─── 相反,不良信息法律,既不从总体上要求,也不其考虑其是否有严肃的价值。
68、Study on the Debate of the Crime of Compulsory Indecency and Humiliating Women ─── 强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪争议问题研究
69、On Two Problems of the Coercive Indecency and Insulting Offence against Female ─── 关于强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪的两个问题
70、On August 19th Vietnam expelled Mr Gadd after he had served almost three years in prison for indecency with two girls aged 11. ─── 他因猥亵两名11岁的女孩被越南当局关进监狱近三年之久,出狱后于八月十九日被驱逐出境。
71、Japanese pop singer who was arrested for public indecency after being found drunk and naked in a Tokyo park has apologised for his "shameful" conduct. ─── 一位日本流行歌手在东京公园被发现喝醉并裸体,后因为公然猥亵罪遭逮捕,他为自己“可耻的”行为道歉。
72、Young realized that he had stumbled on one of the earliest examples of audio indecency: a 19th-century record worthy of a parental advisory sticker. ─── 年轻意识到他已步履其中最早的例子音频猥亵:作为19世纪的纪录,值得一育儿咨询贴。
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