laboriously 发音
英:[ləˈbɔːriəsli] 美:[ləˈbɔːriəsli]
英: 美:
laboriously 中文意思翻译
laboriously 网络释义
adv. 辛苦地;费力地;不流畅地
laboriously 反义词
laboriously 词性/词形变化,laboriously变形
副词: laboriously |名词: laboriousness |
laboriously 同义词
slave | worker | workhand | labourer | jack | peasant | employee | manual worker |hand | drudge | navvy | blue-collar worker
laboriously 短语词组
1、achieve laboriously ─── 艰难地达到
laboriously 相似词语短语
1、laboringly ─── 费力地
2、laborious ─── adj.艰苦的;费劲的;勤劳的
3、vagariously ─── 飘忽不定
4、amorously ─── adv.好色地;妖艳地
5、notoriously ─── adv.众所周知地;声名狼藉地;恶名昭彰地
6、canorously ─── 独木舟
7、uxoriously ─── adv.疼爱妻子地;顺从妻子地
8、gloriously ─── adv.光荣地;辉煌地;壮观地,壮丽地
9、luxuriously ─── adv.豪华地;奢侈地
laboriously 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window. ─── 麦金尼斯吃力地从椅子上站起来,蹒跚走到了窗前。
2、He is committed to laboriously assembling all of the facts of the case. ─── 他被委托要辛苦地汇集此案的所有事实。
3、By the end of the day, the Allies had achieved a tenuous toehold that would be laboriously expanded over the next weeks and would lead ultimately to the Nazi defeat in the West. ─── 最后,盟国取得了微小的立锥之地,在随后的几个星期,艰难地进一步扩大地盘,最终导致纳粹在西边的失利.
4、“at that time, programmer, even if works laboriously, the elimination speed is very quick, also the very few some people are willing to change professions to do the test. ─── “当时,程序员即使工作辛苦,淘汰速度很快,也很少有人愿意转行搞测试。”
5、When you laboriously makewages, when cannot manage finances all spends for a while, your pocketturns emptily, perhaps you very much lamented. ─── 当你们辛苦挣来的工资,因不会理财一时花完时,你们的口袋又变成空空的,你们也许很悔恨。
6、To drag or haul(an object) laboriously. ─── 拉费力地拉或曳(一物体)
7、The message Bela laboriously wrote, her tongue in one corner of her mouth, was in cramped glyphics, the whole-concept code symbols of the Praxians, using a pen with a point as narrow as a syringe. ─── 贝拉的舌头撇在一边的嘴角上,她用一支尖端像针头一样精细的笔,费力地用难懂的篆刻体写着消息,这是一整套普拉西斯的密码符号。
8、Years went by while Cockcroft and Walton put together improvised vacuum systems, laboriously sealed the leaks, tried out various devices for handling high voltages, and found them to be inadequate. ─── 考克饶夫和华尔顿在把临时准备的真空系统装配起来,费力地堵塞漏洞,实验各种高压设备却发现并不能用中,度过了一年又一年。
9、Entire weekend we very laboriously seek for vehicle race correct balanced. ─── 整个周末我们都很辛苦地寻找赛车正确的平衡。”
10、Then, when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace, for God is always awake. ─── 所以当你艰难地做完了一切工作后,安心睡吧,因为上帝永远醒着。
11、7 For truly the potter, laboriously working the soft earth, molds for our service each several article: Both the vessels that serve for clean purposes and their opposites, all alike; ─── 有个陶人用力抟软泥,制成各种器皿,以供我们使用:但是,他可用同样的泥土,做成洁净事用的器皿,同样,也可做成为卑污事用的器皿;
12、Of course you have gifts, but gifts are like deeply buried precious stones that need to be laboriously dug out and polished until they sparkle. ─── 不错,你有天赋,可是天赋就象深藏在岩石底下的宝石,没有艰苦的发掘,精心地雕琢,他自己是不会发出光彩来的。
13、asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labour. ─── 吉姆吃力地问,好像即使经过最艰难的脑力劳动后他仍没有弄清那个明显的事实。
14、Even worse, the crisis makes a mockery of many of the campaign promises laboriously crafted in focus groups and policy workshops, and methodically laid out on the stump and via the internet. ─── 更为糟糕的是,危机极大嘲讽了各焦点小组和政策研究小组精雕细琢而出,并在候选人巡回演说中或是互联网上精心展现的许多竞选承诺。
15、I am the countryside come out, will not fear laboriously. ─── “我是农村出来的,不会怕辛苦啊。”
16、This groups have a few sinkage, easy waterlogged easy be soiled, work laboriously is planted on crops, sometimes almost grain is not had close. ─── 该组有一些低洼地,易涝易渍,辛辛劳苦种上庄稼,有时几乎颗粒无收。
17、He confesses a movie has not been likes, found very difficultly from this film festivals pleasantly surprised, therefore we make the appraisal committee to do very much laboriously. ─── 他坦白没有一部影片是自己非常喜欢的,“很难从这届电影节上找到惊喜,所以我们做评委做得很辛苦。”
18、He traced the words laboriously . ─── 他很费力地写出那几个字。
19、To breathe convulsively or laboriously. ─── 剧烈地、吃力地喘气
20、Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. ─── 杰姆吃力地问道,仿佛他绞尽脑汁之后,还没有把那个显而易见的事实弄明白似的。
21、and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line, conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. ─── 所以我们必须辛辛昔苦地找出每一行诗每一个字的原意来,尽我们所有的智力、勇武与气量,来寻思它们的原意,要比通常应用时寻求更深更广的原来意义。
22、I thought and wrote laboriously,but only made several hundreds of Ch. characters. ─── 我辛苦地想和写,却只弄出几百个汉字。
23、To search laboriously by or as if by digging; rummage. ─── 搜寻辛苦地挖掘或如挖掘般地寻找;搜寻
24、The parentsmake money very laboriously, the money is uses for us in the schoollife but is not spends freely. ─── 父母挣钱很辛苦,给我们钱是用来在学校生活而不是挥霍的。
25、" asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. ─── 仿佛他刚结束了一段艰苦的脑力劳动,一下子无法接受这个奇怪的事实。
26、It kept rising laboriously bit by bit as if weighted down with a heavy burden on its back until, after breaking through the rosy clouds,it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red. ─── 这个太阳好像负着重荷似的一步一步,慢慢地努力上升,到了最后,终于冲破了云霞,完全跳出了海面,颜色红得非常可爱。
27、Mi devos labori. ─── - 我将须工作.
28、She told the reporters, because the psychology is quite high to the language request, even if she thinks of the result to be good elegantly, in also feels from the very beginning somewhat laboriously. ─── 她告诉记者,因为心理学对语言的要求相当高,即便她的雅思成绩不错,在一开始也感到有些辛苦。
29、She saw people avoiding her, and still laboriously smiled upon them. ─── 她明明知道别人躲着不愿意睬她,仍旧努力对她们微笑着打招呼。
30、Fights laboriously for two years, actually lets several seconds votings throw the outgoing, this is most lets the phoenix aluminum aspect be unable to understand. ─── 辛辛苦苦打拼两年,却让几秒钟的投票“投”出局,这是最让凤铝方面无法理解的。
31、Such dams would ruin the lucrative business of selling water from the artesian wells he controlled, make water too cheap, ruin the whole important water economy so laboriously built up over hundreds of years. ─── 这样的水坝势必使他的卖水生意受到一蹶不振的打击,势必使水价大便宜,势必把千百年来辛辛苦苦建立起来的这一整套管理水的重要体制彻底摧毁。
32、Why on earth should that creature stand there and ruin his tapas: all the merit he had so laboriously acquired was draining away like water through a sieve. ─── 凭什么要让站在那边的家伙毁了自己的清修:他千辛万苦修攒来的一切功德正在像筛子里的水一样付诸东流。
33、and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. ─── 而我们必需要去穷究每条字句,用我们应具的某种比大众共识更广博的智慧、英勇与旷怀推想出其真意。
34、He pries the girl's mouth and inhales deeply himself covering his mouth over hers blowing air into it laboriously. ─── 他扒开她的嘴,自己深吸一口气,把嘴唇贴到她的嘴上,使劲儿把气体吹进她的嘴里。
35、I was somewhere in the middle, jog-trotting laboriously with the rest and wondering how much longer I could keep going. ─── 我处于队伍的中段,和大家一齐卖力地踉跄疾行,很是纳闷自己还能再跑几步。
36、Major Pendennis was as laboriously civil and gracious to him as he was to the rest of the family. ─── 潘登尼斯少校对他彬彬有礼,非常客气,就象对他家里的其他人一样。
37、It is said, crow small time, all is flies laboriously by its mother looks for food, then comes back place to feed to it eats. ─── 据说,乌鸦小时侯,都是由它妈妈辛辛苦苦地飞出去找食物,然后回来一口一口地喂给它吃。
38、It is visible as a child laboriously climbs a flight of stairs or tries to sit at a classroom desk, much less rise out of it. ─── 它是能看到的比如一个孩子很辛苦的爬上楼梯或疲惫的坐在教室的课桌上,基本都是如此。
39、to search laboriously by or as if by digging; rummage ─── 辛苦地挖掘或如挖掘般地寻找;搜寻
40、In one town, an elderly man stood atop some concrete stairs laboriously swinging a hammer in an attempt to destroy them. ─── 在一座镇上,一位老人站在一些水泥楼梯上艰难地挥动铁锤,试图敲碎它们。
41、It is a species of the same error which modern writers of fiction practice when they laboriously disconnect the stream of consciousness and present items which do not enter into wholes. ─── 这是现代派小说家苦思冥想切断意识流,并且表现原本无法成为一个整体的情节时所犯的同类错误。
42、Because, inside early already built-in computer " Y2k " be about the data that unbridled ground gathers to people work laboriously undertakes be destructived annihilatively. ─── 因为,早已经嵌入计算机内的“千年虫”就要肆无忌惮地对人们辛辛劳苦积累的数据进行毁灭性的破坏。
43、We not deal, rely on cultivate land to paper a mouth only, must plant work laboriously one year very reluctantly the commissariat that come out sells, go paying liverwort. ─── 我们又不做生意,只靠种地糊口,不得不忍痛把辛辛劳苦一年种出来的粮食卖掉,去支付地钱。
44、The first question appears on my computer's screen. My judge laboriously types: "What is the difference between cryonics and cryogenics?" ─── 第一个问题出现在我的计算机屏幕上。与我讨论的鉴定人员费神(用计算机键盘)打出如下问题:"人体冷冻术与低温学之间的区别是什么?"
45、Their lives were spent in committee making decisions for others to execute on the basis of data laboriously gathered for them. ─── 他们在委员会里整天忙着,根据辛辛苦苦为他们收集来的资料去替别人做出执行命令的决定。
46、Rock is an enormous crag to which two smaller rocks have attached themselves, looking like two big turtles making their way laboriously up the cliff-side from the sea, one following closely behind the other. ─── 磐陀石西首,在一处巨岩上,附着两块小的岩块,形如龟甲,仿佛两只巨龟正从海里向岸上攀登,一前一后,紧紧相随。
47、Out of these precepts he was laboriously constructing a harmonious whole, which he desired to present to souls. ─── 他正苦心孤诣地着手把所有这些条规编成一个协调的整体,供世人阅读。
48、Yes, there it lay, the fruit of all their struggles, levelled to its foundations, the stones they had broken and carried so laboriously scattered all around. ─── 是的,他们的全部奋斗成果躺在那儿了,全部夷为平地了,他们好不容易弄碎又拉来的石头四下散乱着。
49、In modern times such facts as we know about this novel have had to be laboriously rediscovered. ─── 现在,我们所知道的关于这部小说的事实必须重新加以仔细挖掘。
50、‘You've cut off your hair?’ asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at the patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labour. ─── “是剪掉卖了,”德拉说。“不管怎样,你还是一样爱我吗?没有我的头发我还是我,不是吗?”
51、And thus gradually the scheme so laboriously put together unraveled. ─── 这样一来,那项经过苦心筹划出来的方案也就此告吹。
52、Chemistry did not emerge as a science until after the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century and then only rather slowly and laboriously. ─── 化学的历史化学在17世纪的科技革命后才成为一门科学,其发展是缓慢而艰难的。
53、Amount to a company to the sea for, nodical amerce is indifferent to, work laboriously fills the sea to build the land that give to want restorable, this can be accepted least of all. ─── 对海达公司来说,交点罚款无所谓,辛辛劳苦填海造出的土地要恢复原状,这是最不能接受的。
54、The oldman traced his name laboriously. ─── 老人费力地写下自己的名字。
55、Then Babbitt saw Professor Pumphrey laboriously crawling up hill. ─── 这时候,巴比特看到庞弗里教授正吃力地一步一步爬上坡。
56、The danger was that the draft agreement, so laboriously put together, could be wrenched by the two monomaniacal Vietnamese parties ─── 千辛万苦拟就的协定草案有毁于固执成性的越南双方之手的危险。
57、A few miles away, in land managed by Weyerhaeuser, a timber producer, thick stands of trees laboriously planted by hand immediately after the eruption rise 70 feet tall. ─── 在几公里以外一块由木材厂家惠好公司管理着的土地上,在火山爆发后他们立即通过手工栽种了大量大约70英尺高的树。
58、In one town, an elderly man stood atop some concrete stairs laboriously swinging a hammer in an attempt to destroy them. ─── 在一处住宅区,一个老人站在破裂的水泥楼梯上艰难地挥动铁锤,试图敲碎他们。
59、The mine's management works laboriously, though it is not necesary for them to work in the mining pit. ─── 负责管理矿务的人员虽然不一定要下井,但也很辛苦。
60、"No, it is not existence, then, that I regret, but the ruin of projects so slowly carried out, so laboriously framed ─── 不,生命的终结并不可怕,而是我这样辛辛苦苦长年累月设计出来的计划就这样毁了。
61、Boucke.“Instead of laboriously positioning a mirror at the correct angle, the surgeon merely has to introduce aflexible optical fibre into the patient’s mouth. ─── 的激光可以通一种极细的光导纤维,外科医生只要将柔韧的光纤放入患者的嘴中即可,取代了手术时费尽的用镜子来定位。”
62、Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides. ─── 石磨被琢好,然后费力用雪橇运下那崎岖不平的山坡。
63、These year come, john all the time work laboriously ground serves for the person of this area. ─── 这些年来,约翰一直辛辛劳苦地为这个地区的人服务。
64、Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic. ─── 他熬费苦心地描绘了这次野餐的根由。
65、The degraded slaves underwent uncountable terrifying experiences-they were beaten, separated from their families, and forced to toil laboriously in fields their entire lives. ─── 美国宪法宣称人人有权追求幸福,但禁止同性婚姻也就阻碍了一些人的婚姻幸福。
66、AS for PASsepartout, his face wAS AS red AS the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air. ─── 至于路路通,他的整个脸膛又圆又红,活象傍晚沉浸在薄雾里的太阳。
67、laboriously copying out an old manuscript ─── 费劲地抄出一份旧的手稿
68、Tom was but a slow reader, and passed on laboriously from verse to verse. ─── 汤姆唸得很慢,他一节一节地往下唸去,感到非常吃力。
69、The tank laboriously crawled on with a huddle of soldiers hanging behind. ─── 坦克吃力地爬行着,一堆士兵缩在后面跟着走。
70、He dressed himself laboriously every morning and afternoon. ─── 他每天早晨和下午花不少工夫梳洗打扮。
71、I was already weary of laboriously have gotten off work every day go home also want own to telephone first to you, but a your week could hit first to mine one time already very is good. ─── 我已经厌倦了每天辛苦的下班回家还要自己先给你打电话,而你一个礼拜能先给我打一次就已经很不错了。
72、As for Passepartout, his face was as red as the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air ─── 至于路路通,他的整个脸膛又圆又红,活象傍晚沉浸在薄雾里的太阳
73、”Stood left has been calmly scared, saw gained laboriously the large amount cash robs, she went all out to pursue forward, and pursued while shouted: “some people snatched the package! ─── 左立静被吓呆了,看到辛苦赚来的巨额现金被抢走,她拼命地向前追赶,并边追边喊:“有人抢包了!
74、He was trudging laboriously on the rugged mountain path. ─── 他在崎岖的山路上艰难地行走着。
75、Por akiri tion, vi devas mem labori. ─── 为了得到它,你必须自己干。
76、“You've cut off you hair?”asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. ─── “你把头发剪掉了?”杰姆吃力地问道,仿佛他绞尽脑汁之后,还没有把那个显而易见的事实弄明白似的。
77、"You've cut off your hair? " asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. ─── 吉姆费了好大的劲才问道:“你将头发剪掉了?”就如同在经历了艰苦的脑力劳动之后却没有获得专利的感觉。
78、What you in fact have to do is laboriously cut and paste details into your address book, finding the date and time yourself. ─── 事实上你不得不非常辛苦地把会议详细情况逐条拷贝并粘贴到你的地址本,自己去查找会议日期和时间;
79、The luster is laboriously and yet delicately woven into the fabric. ─── 在纺织布料的时候,光泽问题已经被精心考虑进去了.
80、He says very laboriously, in the eye painful wring chaos his wrinkles on one's forehead. ─── 他说得很费劲,眼里的痛绞乱了他的抬头纹。
81、She is tracing laboriously now. ─── 她正在费力地写。
82、He traced his signature laboriously ─── 他吃力地签上自己的名字。
83、Was post-game in yesterday, Hu Jian燊 then expressed that he thought competed laboriously is in does not stop pursues the match. ─── 在昨天赛后,胡健燊便表示自己觉得比赛最辛苦的就是在不停地追对手。
84、arduous, arduously, laboriously, strenuously, difficult, hard, irksome ─── 艰难的。费力的。累赘的。恼人的。讨厌的。
85、Next, the sinew is laboriously prepared, providing strands of ideal length to cover the back of the bow. ─── 其次,腱子是艰苦准备,提供理想的长链,以支付背面的弓。
86、Since the ancient times, the humanity is “ he surface faces upwards toward the loess back” cultivates laboriously in the field, day after day, year after year. ─── 自古以来,人类都是“面朝黄土背朝天”,辛辛苦苦地在田里耕作,日复一日,年复一年。
87、The minute they left, he propped himself up on one elbow, painfully and laboriously, and looked out the window. ─── 他们刚走,他就艰难而痛苦地单肘支撑起来,朝窗外看去。
88、Major Pendennis was as laboriously civil and gracious to him as he was to the rest of the family. ─── 潘登尼斯少校对他彬彬有礼,非常客气,就象对他家里的其他人一样。
89、The letter was written laboriously on a paper into which the pencil lines had cut deeply. ─── 信是写在一张格纸上,字写得很吃力,铅笔印子抠得深深的。
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