citation 发音
英:[saɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[saɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
citation 中文意思翻译
citation 网络释义
n. 引用,引证;[法] 传票;褒扬
citation 常用词组
citation index ─── 引文索引;引证索引
science citation index ─── 科学文献索引
citation 词性/词形变化,citation变形
citation 短语词组
1、citation of statute ─── [法] 法规的引用
2、case citation ─── 案例引用
3、citation of honor ─── [法] 荣誉奖章
4、self-citation ─── 自引
5、citation of act ─── [法] 法令的引用
6、Distinguished Unit Citation ─── 尊敬的单位引文
7、citation frequency ─── 被引频次
8、citation form ─── 注音形式
9、citation burst ─── 引文爆发
10、Meritorious Unit Citation ─── 功单位引文
11、science citation index ─── [计] 科学文献索引
12、Presidential Unit Citation ─── 总统单位引文
13、co-citation ─── [计]协同引证
14、citation matrix ─── [计] 引用矩阵
15、citation of merit ─── [法] 记功
16、chicago style citation ─── 芝加哥式引文
17、citation for contempt ─── [法] 因藐视法庭所引起的传唤
18、citation index ─── [计] 引证索引, 引文索引
19、citation slip ─── 引文单
citation 相似词语短语
1、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因
2、recitation ─── n.背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗
3、cogitation ─── n.深思;思考
4、capitation ─── n.人头税;按人收费;每人均摊费
5、cavitation ─── n.[流]气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴
6、excitation ─── n.激发,刺激;激励;激动
7、citations ─── n.[图情]引文;引用;[法]传讯(citation的复数)
8、oscitation ─── n.呵欠
9、citational ─── 引文
citation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The objective is to arouse attention of research staff apon the importance and role of citation, so that they can then improve this key ring in writing thesis. ─── 其目的是为了提高科研工作者对科学论文引文的重要意义及其作用的认识,从而在今后论文的撰写中,有意识地加强引文这一环节;
2、Hobby stores are particularly popular with men and children, less so with women, although many hobby stores todaycater to women's interests too citation needed. ─── 其中特别受到男人和小孩的欢迎。虽然现在许多嗜好品专卖店会迎合妇女的需要,但喜爱的妇女仍佔少数。
3、Abbreviated author and title reference. Full citation is on the bibliography card. ─── 作者及书名缩减标记。全编目写在书目卡上。
4、A mug shot (also known as a mugshot, head shot, or, properly, booking photograph [citation needed]) is a photographic portrait taken after one is arrested. ─── 可见它一般是指嫌疑犯伙罪犯的照片,为警察局存档之用!
5、Andy is a Major Donor, Charter Bequest Society member, and Foundation Benefactor. He is recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service award. ─── 安迪是位钜额捐献人、赠协会创会会员和扶轮基金永久基金捐献人。他为扶轮基金会特优服务奖和扶轮基金会有功服务奖的受奖人。
6、Citation indexing is currently employed to map the breaking "hot" areas of science. ─── 引文索引功能目前被用来绘制突破性的科学研究“热门”领域的概图。
7、An official citation to the Federal Register includes the volume, page number and year, for example, as follows: 43 Fed. Reg. 11,110 (1978). ─── 对联邦公报的正式引用包括卷、页、年份,如下所示:联邦公报43卷,11,110页(1978)。
8、Citation: Sinha, Pawan, Balas, Benjamin, Ostrovsky, Yuri, and Russell, Richard. ─── “当有人想方设法进行欺骗并盗用他人的身份时,过份通用化可能是一个缺点。”
9、A single citation coering seeral articles of arious degrees of specificity or a single citation coering papers or abstracts presented at a meeting. ─── 内容包含不同领域的文章或某次会议上发表的、包含不同文章和摘要的出版物。
10、At this point, all the hardest work of a paper is behind a writer. The research. The writing. The thorough and formal citation. ─── 在此刻,论文作者已经完成了所有最困难的步骤。研究已完成、论文已写好、引用资料也按照规定格式加注。
11、See the syllabus for the full citation. ─── 在课程大纲里有完整的引用。
12、Where more than one citation is given in a single footnote, separate them with semi-colons. ─── 在一个脚注中多于一个引证,用分号隔开。
13、Garfield provides us with an important quantitative Citation index. ─── 加菲尔德所创造的引文分析体系 ,又为人们从文献质量的角度选择期刊提供了一个重要的量化测度指标。
14、If the CSBN has objections to the name or the accompanying citation, this process can take much longer. ─── 如果小天体命名委员会对名称或者对其说明有异议,命名的过程会更长些。
15、Merit Citation Class II; second-class merit ─── 二等功
16、If Warren's citation is quite different from the NASB, look carefully at the point he is trying to make in his book. ─── 如果华理克的引文颇有别于美国新标准译本,看清楚他尝试在他的书中所建立的论点。
17、He had to sign the proposition for the citation. ─── 他只好在受奖申请书上签了字。
18、Unlike previous studies, this study attempted to use the opinion of social network and small world network to analyze the TFT-LCD patent citation network. ─── 以网络观点看专利布局除了能瞭解专利所处的地位及其影响力外,还能与先前的专利规划做比对,提供检讨的方向。
19、How does archiving work in hospital respond to new regulation for proof citation? ─── 医院档案工作如何应对举证新规则?
20、However, the citation of sources is rudimentary and needs improvement, or else there is no apparently valid effort to cite resources. ─── 但引用的资源来源草率并需要改进,要不然就是没有明显的努力从事资源索引的工作。
21、Merit Citation official says: Company commander sent ballproof clothing, after the event just knows is a cotton-padded jacket. ─── 一等功臣说:连长发了防弹衣,事后才知道是件棉袄。
22、Quoting no source at that (by the way, Mashable has been usurped by Progprog as the site people read for high-handed tautological advice)[citation needed]. ─── 如果后面搬到望京之后,每天要花很长时间在路上,那不要眼花缭乱了?
23、Studies of citation counts show that international co-authored papers have better visibility. ─── 被引频次的研究表明,国际合作的论文具有更好的知名度。
24、Mother and daughter were asked to leave after about an hour, and no citation(7) was issued. But the report was forwarded to the state Department of Human Services. ─── 大约半个小时后,这对母女被要求回家,没有立案。但是报告却被送到州人类服务部。
25、A co.rect citation would be Wagen v. Ford Motor co., 97 Wis. 2d 260, 294 N.W. 2d 437 (1980). ─── 一个正确的引用是:Wagen v.Ford Motor Co.,97Wis.2d260,294N.W.2d437(1980)
26、Also it put forward some useful suggestions such as the strengthening of citation systems,the constructing of kernel authors,etc. ─── 同时,提出了加强引文制度建设、重视核心作者队伍建设等多项对提升学报质量有益的建议。
27、Some methods of the citation of class situation are introduced. ─── 介绍了课堂情境创设的一些方法。
28、A citation for bravery. ─── 因勇敢而给的嘉奖
29、A note on plagiarism and guidelines for formatting and citation follow the writing assignments. ─── 以下是关于剽窃的说明,以及关于写作作业格式及引用方式的指导方针。
30、This shall however not prejudice the right of the innovator to apply for the Citation of Award. ─── 但这不应当损害革新者申请引用奖的权利。
31、Please use this BibTex citation. ─── 对本教程的引用
32、SCI-Science Citation Index,ISTP-Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings,EI-Engineering Index. ─── 三系统指“科学引文索引”、“科学技术会议录索引”和“工程索引”。
33、She was given a citation for her outstanding work. ─── 她由于工作出色受到了表扬。
34、SCI-Science Citation Index,ISTP-index to Science and Technical Proceedings,EI-Engineering Index. ─── 三系统指“科学引文索引”“科学技术会议录索引”和“工程索引”
35、In information retrieval,a system that provides a complete copy of the document instead of just a citation or reference. ─── 在情报检索中,一种提供文献完整副本而不仅仅是引文或参考书目的系统。
36、The earliest citation comes from Sir William Hope's The Compleat Fencing-Master, second edition, 1692, page 157: “What he doth, he doth by rule of thumb, and not by art. ─── 大概意思就是说,木工工人测量物体时,依据的是他们拇指的长度,而不是尺子什么的。
37、If you think of each bibliographic reference as a footnote in a text, then a citation index brings you to the footnote and then permits you to chase down the footnote to the footnote. ─── 如果你把每份参考目录看作正文的脚注,那么一份引文索引就把你引向脚注,然后允许你找出脚注的脚注。
38、An April Fool was someone who did this prematurely.[citation needed] In the eighteenth century the festival was often posited as going back to the times of Noah. ─── 一个愚人节是谁这样做的人过早。[引文需要]早在十八世纪的节日往往是假定作为回去的时代诺亚。
39、What kind of citation you are going to get? ─── 你会得到哪一种表扬呢?
40、Ifyou omit citations or footnotes from a quotation, put (citation(s) omitted)' or 'footnote(s) omitted)' after the source. ─── 如果遗漏了引证或引用的脚注,将“(引证遗漏)”或“(脚注遗漏)”放在资料后面。
41、Compa red with the other citation index in China, CMCI has some unique functions and higher recall ratio. ─── 与国内其他综合性引文数据库相比,CMCI具有多种独特的功能和较高的查全率。
42、The Nobel citation said Dr.Fert and Dr. ─── 另外,还应该有专场的免费演出。
43、Making use of data supplied by retrieval system,we can conduct citation analysis easil y and make proper use of documents. ─── 利用检索系统所提供的数据可以进行引证分析,对文献的使用进行合理的引导,提高文献的利用率。
44、Ironically, the citation did not specifically mention relativity. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,授奖证书上并没有明确地提到相对论。
45、If an employer contests a citation issued by OSHA, the case goes to an ALJ, whose decision is subject to review by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC). ─── 如果有雇主对OSHA发布的行政命令存在争议,案件将送交行政法院法官(ALJ)裁决。ALJ的判决受制于职业安全与健康复议委员会(OSHRC)的复审决定。
46、Osburn has received the RI Service Above Self Award and the Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award, and he and his wife are Foundation Major Donors. ─── 奥斯本荣获国际扶轮超我服务奖、轮基金会有功服务奖、轮基金会特优服务奖,以及其夫人是扶轮基金巨额捐献人。
47、You may use any citation system that you wish (MLA parenthetical reference style, Chicago Manual of Style, legal citation), as long as your references are clear and complete. ─── 只要索引清晰完整,可以使用任意引用系统(现代语言学会(MLA)文体,芝加哥格式手册,法律引用部分)。
48、A summons or citation in civil or admiralty law. ─── 传票民法或海事法中的传唤文件或传唤
49、Carolyn is a recipient of the Citation for Meritorious Service. ─── 卡洛琳是位扶轮基金会有功服务奖受奖人。
50、The unclear provision on inversion of responsibility for proof citation jeopardizes the legal practice. ─── 举证责任倒置规定不明确,不利于实务操作。
51、ISI Journal Citation Reports Analyses, ─── 刊物引用排名的更多信息,请访问
52、"A Special Citation to Bob Dylan for his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power. ─── "特别奖颁给鲍勃.迪伦,他以具有非凡的诗意力量的歌曲作品而著称,对流行音乐和美国文化产生了深远的影响。"
53、Meanwhile, the paper points out that while analyzing open citation, we must know the source data's function scope and every method's drawbacks, so that we can get scientific analysis results. ─── 同时也指出了对开放式引文进行分析时,要注意数据适用范围,方法的局限等问题,以期能得到有科学意义的分析结果。
54、He tore up a traffic citation for jaywalking in front of the police officer who'd ticketed him. ─── 他当着交通警察的面,把闯越马路的罚单撕掉了。
55、Citation analysis is a special and useful research method in Bibliometrics and Scientometrics. ─── 引文分析是传统文献计量学和科学计量学的一种独特研究方法。
56、The first citation for pretzel in English comes in the 1820s in a collection called Antiquities of Long Island. ─── 椒盐卷饼在十九世纪二十年代首次引用于英语,在一部名为《长岛古风》(Antiquities of Long Island)的作品集中。
57、And it discussed current more important new patent analysis method such as citation index, citation association analysis, technology pedigree analysis, and high cited patent analysis. ─── 并论述了引用指标、引用关联分析、技术族谱分析、高被引分析等目前比较重要的新型专利分析方法。
58、For instance, in citing quoted passages from the primary text under discussion, the first reference should include full title, place and date of publication, and a page citation; thereafter, only the page citation is necessary. ─── 例如,如果要引用原文的某些段落,第一次提及时应该包括完整的标题、出版的地点和时间以及引文所在的页码;其后则只用标明引文页码即可。
59、Includes a bibliographic citation in each record. ─── 包括每条纪录中的书目引文。
60、To ensure uniformity in citation styles for all law-related publications or writings, most citation to legal sources in the United States follows the Uniform System of Citation. ─── 为确保所有关于法律的出版物及写作都有统一的引用格式,在美国对法律资源的引用大多都遵从统一引用体系.
61、The official prize citation said the two were awarded for "the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design. " ─── 两人的正式获奖词说的是表彰其“稳定匹配理论和市场设计实践”。
62、School professors have given you appropriate examples on bibliography citation / referencing. ─── 学校老师有给予适当范例教导如何标写参考书目。
63、Borden said the incident would have been funny except for the fact that he was issued a citation for disorderly conduct. ─── 伯登说,这次事故本来还挺好玩的,美中不足的就是他因为扰乱治安而接到了法院的传票。
64、If individual user or resource mind our citation, please CONTACT US, we will make appropriate handling. ─── 如果原作者或作品来源介意我们的引用,请联系我们,我们将尽快作妥善处理。
65、"Citation: "What does doodling do?" By Jackie Andrade. ─── “我们需要知道,对于动物们来说,什么是重要的,他们的社会是如何运作的。
66、If the student does not own the copyright of the image, make sure they provide the proper citation. ─── 如果学生没有这些图像的版权,请确保提供正确的出处。
67、In preparing his brief he gave only two pages to conventional legal reasoning and citation of precedents. ─── 他在准备辩护状时,仅用两纸进行通常的法律推理和援引判例。
68、For example, extending the citation sureillance period, applying weightings to adjust for the aerage number of references across journals, or scoring journals on only their most important papers. ─── 例如,可以延长引用的监督时间,应用权衡来调整杂志参考的平均数量,或者只根据杂志的最重要的论文来评分。
69、Each award carries a formal citation and offers public recognition. ─── 南洋校友奖将于校友回校日颁发。
70、Which journals of management science are covered by SCI and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)? ─── SCI和SSCI收录了哪些管理科学方面的期刊?
71、What is the Presidential Citation? ─── 什麽是社长奖?
72、This examples uses the CITE element to render a citation in italic. ─── 下面的例子使用了CITE元素将引文以斜体显示。
73、Indicate...and any change of emphasis in a parenthetical clause after the citation by use of '(emphasis added)'. ─── 在引文后使用“(着重是后加的)这一插入句以指明着重的变化”。
74、This shall not prejudice the right of the innovator to apply for Citation of Award. ─── 但不影响革新者申请引用奖的权利。
75、If Warren's citation is quite different from the NASB, look carefully at the point he is trying to make in his book. ─── 如果华理克的引文颇有别于美国新标准译本,看清楚他尝试在他的书中所建立的论点。
76、Citation Analysis of the Chemical Hots in 2000 ─── 2000年化学领域热点研究课题的引文分析
77、Based on the information Platform of ISI Web of Knowledge and Derwent Analytics Software,this article compared and analyzed the theses of remote sensing science in Science Citation Index(Expanded) from 1995 to 2005 in different aspects. ─── 利用ISI Web of Knowledge信息平台和德温特分析软件对19952005年期间SCI收录的遥感论文进行了多角度、多侧面的分析与比较。
78、Journal Citation Reports: How to use the new metrics? ─── 主题:期刊引用报告:如何使用新计量指标?
79、The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins. ─── 法庭可以发出传票并且罚罗宾斯女士的款。
80、All articles in this Blogsite is protected by Intellectual property laws and regulations of PRC. China. Copy, citation, issue are not allowed without authorization. ─── 在欣赏别人原创作品的同时,请尊重别人的劳动成果!本博客文章,受中华人民共和国著作权法及相关法律保护,未经允许不得复制、引用、刊登。
81、A correct citation would be Wagen v. Ford Motor Co., 97 Wis. 2d 260, 294 N.W. 2d 437 (1980). ─── 一个正确的引用是:Wagen v. Ford Motor Co., 97 Wis. 2d 260, 294 N.W. 2d 437 (1980),
82、Indicate omissions from a quotation with an ellipsis, and any change of emphasis in a parenthetical clause after the citation by use of '(emphasis added)'. ─── 以省略号表示引用语的冗长。任何强调的变化在引证后用“(附加的强调)”形式来附加说明的子句。
83、The judges' citation declared that she had been "consistently in front of the curve as the world's economy went into meltdown" . ─── 评委们在评语中称,“在全球经济陷入崩溃之际,她始终走在趋势的前面”。
84、Based on this observation, the paper argues for a modular analysis, which allows both the citation tone and the sandhi tone to be basic in different grammatical contexts. ─── 但本文指出此种保留历史调类的变调在分布上是受语法方面的限制的。因此,我们提出一种模块式的分析。即在不同的语法环境中,本调和变调都可能是基本调。
85、Especially in physics class, competitors not only deliver vigorous speech, but also apply some effective debating techniques such as exact data citation, analogy, simile, and rhetorical questions. ─── 尤其是物理班的同学,他们的辩论不仅非常有气势,而且有效地运用了一些辩论技巧,比如:准确的数据引用,运用类比,比喻,排比,反问等修辞手法。
86、If a source has two or three authors, mention all the names in the signal phrase in your sentence or put them in your parenthetic citation: (Baker, Smythe, and Wills 207). ─── 如果资料来源有两个或三个作者,在句子中提及所有名字,或将他们的姓名放到夹注中:(巴克尔,史密斯,以及威尔斯207)。
87、An IALD Special Citation for innovative use of materials and techniques for daylighting control was granted for an entry in the academic/institutional category. ─── IALD 特别的引证为材料和技术的创新使用为白昼控制被为大学生/制度的种类一个进入允许。
88、Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends. ─── 奖品,奖状称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状
89、This represents the earliest citation that The Oxford English Dictionary has for a long gun being referred to as a rifle. ─── 在《牛津英语词典》里,这也是第一条将长枪称为rifle的引证。
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