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08-25 投稿


incurring 发音

英:[ɪn'kɜ:rɪŋ]  美:[ɪn'kɜ:rɪŋ]

英:  美:

incurring 中文意思翻译



incurring 短语词组

1、incurring definition ─── 引发定义

2、incurring debt issuing bonds ─── 发生债务 ─── 发行债券

3、incurring meaning ─── 引起意义

4、incurring defined ─── 引起定义的

5、incurring in ─── 引起

6、accruing vs incurring ─── 累计vs发生

7、incurring debt ─── 借债

8、incurring debts ─── 负债

9、incurring define ─── 引起定义

10、incurring fee ─── 发生费

11、incurring means ─── 发生手段

incurring 词性/词形变化,incurring变形


incurring 相似词语短语

1、inferring ─── n.推理;推理阅读;v.推理;猜想(infer的ing形式)

2、-curring ─── n.卷边加工;v.发咕咕声;低语(curr的ing形式)

3、incurving ─── n.内弯;内曲线球;vt.使……向内弯曲;vi.删去(等于incurvate)

4、incurrent ─── adj.流入的;向内流的

5、incusing ─── n.(硬币的)铸印图案;v.铸印图案于(硬币);adj.铸印在硬币上的

6、reincurring ─── 再加工

7、curring ─── n.卷边加工;v.发咕咕声;低语(curr的ing形式)

8、concurring ─── v.(与某人)意见一致,同意;同时发生(concur的现在分词);adj.意见一致的

9、interring ─── 埋葬(inter的现在分词)

incurring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The database operations associated with SQL cache dependency are simple and therefore do not incur a heavy processing cost on the server. ─── 与SQL缓存依赖项关联的数据库操作比较简单,因此不会给服务器带来很高的处理成本。

2、The initial position must be large enough to enable you to cover your profitable trade in increments without incurring additional risk from a large open position. ─── 初始位置必须足够大才能保证你支付你的盈利交易的增长而不会因为一个大的开仓位置引发额外的风险。

3、Since then be away from the worries of dismissing leftovers remaining smells trouble and avoid bacteria breeding and insects incurring. ─── 从此免去剩菜剩饭异味的烦恼,避免滋生细菌及招致昆虫。

4、The goal is to avoid incurring the computative cost of running the query every time the backing bean accessor is consulted. ─── 其目的是避免每次咨询支持bean的访问函数时带来运行查询的计算成本。

5、IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. ─── IBM可以按它认为适当的任何方式使用或分发您所提供的任何信息而无须对您承担任何责任。

6、In December 1943 I had the good fortune when parachuting to incur a minor injury which afforded me rest from military services. ─── 一九四三年十二月,我因跳降落伞而负了轻伤,我很幸运地有一个离伍休息的机会。

7、Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full. ─── 你的所有花费都将全额付还。

8、In Austria, the Netherlands, the UK, the US Taiwan, Brazil and Jordan, the costs you incur will be negligible. ─── 在奥地利、荷兰、英国、美国、台湾、巴西和约旦,你讨回欠款的成本可以忽略不计。

9、A spell to create a magical pact between two people. The vow is so binding that if one person should break it, death will incur. ─── 制造一个两人间的魔法协定,该誓约非常紧密,如有一人妄图违反则会招致死亡。

10、Concluded from above, it can be discovered that the private information has played an important role incurring the large volatility in Taiwan s foreign exchange market. ─── 从以上的结论我们可以发现台湾外汇市场中私有资讯所扮演的重要角色,私有资讯才是造成外汇波动大幅增加的主因。

11、The shipper shall hold the carrier harmless from any expense they may incur. ─── 发货人应赔偿承运人所发生的任何费用.

12、In the long period of his preparation he must betray often an ignorance and shiftlessness in popular arts incurring the disdain of the able who shoulder him aside. ─── 为了追求永久的价值,他时常会对时髦的学艺一无所知,无能为力,招致那些能人的鄙弃。

13、Contested Guardianship proceedings will result in your Estate incurring needless expense. ─── 争夺监护权的诉讼可能会产生不必要的费用,而这笔费用会在你的财产中扣除。

14、Your despite at him will incur his revenge. ─── 他会因你的藐视态度而报复你的。

15、He incur the odium of everyone by sacking the old caretaker. ─── 他因解雇老管理员而激起公愤。

16、Your program does not incur the thunking cost because your C++ libraries are now in MSIL, not native CPU instructions. ─── 你的程序还没有遭遇吞吐开销,是因为你的C++库现在在MSIL里面,而不是本地CPU指令。

17、In December 1943 I had the good fortune when parachuting to incur a minor injure which afforded me a rest from military service. ─── 1943年12月,我因跳降落伞而负了轻伤,使我很幸运地有一段离任休息的机会。

18、To make this decision, he needs to know the additional benefits that an extra year in school would offer and the additional costs that he would incur. ─── 为了下这个决定,他需要知道上额外一年的学将提供的额外的利益和他将承受的额外的成本。

19、Vistakon ---and its parent , J& J ---were willing to incur high manufacturing and inventory costs before a single lens was sold . ─── 卫康公司和母公司强生公司在一副隐形眼镜尚未卖出之前甘愿承受高额生产和库存费用。

20、Even if for many the formal price is zero, students are still paying with their own time, deferring earnings and incurring living costs . ─── 即使很多正式的代价为零,但学生仍将以自己的时间、推迟工作收入和生活成本做为代价。

21、Rotary International reimburses you only for expenses that you incur carrying out your responsibilities as an RI officer. ─── 国际扶轮只补偿您因执行国际扶轮职员应尽的责任时所发生的费用。

22、People who smoke incur a great danger to their health. ─── 吸烟的人给身心带来了很大的危险。

23、Hence,packaging design and material must combine to achieve the desired level of protection without incurring the expecnse of over protection. ─── 因些,设计和和的材料必须结合起来以达到防范要求,但不会由于过多的防范措施而导致成本增加。

24、Do you incur ATM fees because your bank's machines are not convenient? ─── 你是否因为银行取款机不方便而要支付ATM费用呢?

25、His speech is such as to incur enmity. ─── 他的演说会引起别人的敌意。

26、To induce ingenuity and avoid incurring indignation, incentive is indispensable. ─── 为激发创造力,并且为了避免引起义愤,激励必不可少。

27、A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government. ─── 因此分裂的国家就得承担异常高的政府开支。

28、More owners might pull their units out of the sales market to avoid incurring losses and rent their properties instead, he said. ─── 他还说,很多的房主为避免损失会将房子从销售市场撤出而选择出租房子。

29、A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy. ─── 为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策

30、You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit. ─── 如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。

31、However, requests for Saturday delivery will incur additional charges. ─── 但是,如果要求周六递送,则需另行追加额外费用。

32、A promoter may incur expense in establishing a company. ─── 发起人在创建公司时可能会引起开销。

33、Generate and maintain routings and working instruction for vehicle product without incurring unnecessary cost to the product. ─── 制定并维护产品的工艺流程和作业指导书,同时避免造成不必要的浪费。

34、Any expenses you may incur is chargeable to the company. ─── 你的所有开销都可以由公司偿付。

35、For mammals like ourselves, this must cover the increased costs that mothers incur during pregnancy and lactation. ─── 像我们这种哺乳类,生产能量还包括母亲在怀孕、哺乳期间增加的能量开支。

36、The Merchandise Manufacturers will incur all costs for Code audits and any follow-up audit thereafter. ─── 产品制造商应承担所有的审核或跟进审核的费用.

37、He must have wondered if Goldman would have been better off from a public-relations point of view by incurring giant losses, like Citigroup. ─── 他肯定有过这样的想法:从公共关系的角度看,高盛当初要是和花旗一样巨亏的话,或许现在日子会更好过一些。

38、Turning off this feature optimizes the control by not incurring the expense of creating a window until it is necessary. ─── 关闭此功能可优化控件,因为只有在需要该控件时才会招致创建窗口的开销。

39、Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God: he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. ─── 人类透过上帝的形貌经由祂所造,因为人类违背神旨而造成肉体跟灵魂的死亡。

40、Gasol was just thankful Odom recently had a manicure, saving him from incurring potential scratches on his eyeball. ─── 加索尔庆幸奥多姆最近有修剪指甲,避免了他的眼珠子受到可能性的擦伤。

41、The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur. ─── 发货人应赔偿承运人所发生的任何费用。

42、This optimization enables your managed code to call into unmanaged code without incurring the overhead of a stack walk. ─── 此优化使您的托管代码能够调用非托管代码而不会引起执行堆栈步的系统开销。

43、So, cutting out the middleman could incur a loss of valuable business advice, support services and impartiality. ─── 因此,切削出中间人可能招致的损失宝贵的商业咨询,支持服务和公正性。

44、But this object would be frustrated of the knowledge could not be used without incurring the guilt of piracy of the book. ─── 但是如果这些知识不经非法翻印书籍,便无法使用的话,此一目标便可能遭受挫折。

45、And at times, our prayers and hymnal singing may incur complaints from our neighbours. ─── 以目前的财源要维持一个新会堂的日常支出已是我们能力所及。

46、But it may merely be that investors have seen no need to incur the costs of insuring their portfolios against loss. ─── 但这同样也可能是因为投资者已经认为,没有必要为了确保他们的投资组合远离损失而继续增加费用了。

47、In 1981 few countries considered Greece to be suitable for membership of the club, but none dared to incur the ignominy of vetoing it. ─── 在1981年,没有几个国家认为希腊有资质参加这一俱乐部,但是没有一个国家敢招致因行使否决权而带来的羞辱。

48、Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart, but reprove him openly, lest thou incur sin through him. ─── 不可存心怀恨你的兄弟,应坦白劝戒你的同胞,免得为了他而负罪债。

49、The company had incur heavy cost to implement the development programme. ─── 公司花了很多钱实施开发计划。

50、A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government. ─── 一个分裂的国家必须担负起过度高昂的政府费用。

51、One does not create more electrical sacred geometry or machinery beloved, and if this is what is flowing through one's field, then one is only incurring global harm. ─── 一个人不该再创造更多的电性神圣几何学或机械了,亲爱的,而如果这是流经一个人能量场的事,那这个人就只能引发全球伤害。

52、Party B shall activly guide guests to incur consumption, and sales shall commence by year/month/day. ─── 乙方积极引导客人消费,在年月日启动销售.

53、problem is that at each step, you're incurring overhead. ─── 问题在于每个步骤都会引发开销。

54、Chelsea authorised me to play so that they do not incur any sanctions. ─── 切尔西批准了我参加比赛不然他们将遭受制裁。

55、IBM is incurring significantly lower transportation charges. ─── IBM正在发生显着降低运输费用。

56、All the candidates of a list may authorize one or more persons to incur election expenses on their behalf. ─── 舉主任,或任何已由總選舉事務主任委任在投票站或點票站工作的人士(通常為政府公職人員)。

57、They can determine on which platforms Web services can run without incurring SOA overload. ─── 他们可以确定Web服务可以运行在什么平台上,而不用导致SOA超载。

58、Huck always assumes a serious and thoughtful narrative tone, with obvious intent to be adult alike to incur laughter. ─── 哈克以严肃且深思的口吻来进行叙述,故作老成以博得笑声;

59、Why not work out some system whereby they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of incurring another debt by going to prison and, of course, coming under the influence of hardened criminals. ─── 为什么不制定一些制度让他们偿还欠社会的债务,而是送他们去坐牢,由此产生另外的债务,并受到惯犯的影响。

60、If we don't know these things, how can we expect to communicate with them without incurring troubles? ─── 假如我们不知道这些事情的话又怎能指看与他们交流而不招致费事呢?

61、Atlanteans were vegetarian outside of the consumption of fish, which there was agreements for and therefore did not incur karma. ─── 亚特兰蒂斯人除进食鱼类外是素食的,因有协议允许这么做,所以这并没有招致来业力。

62、An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business. ─── 为了维持营业,一家企业必须担负起一定的费用和开支。

63、A knife cut on any part of our body would incur sharp pain. ─── 刀割破了我们身上的任何一个地方,我们会感到剧烈的疼痛;

64、For example, a service provider might incur a penalty for failing to meet user response times or customer deadlines. ─── 例如,服务供应商未满足用户反应时间或者客户最后期限可能会导致罚金。

65、Low-value consumables and containers for repetitive use may be expended entirely upon incurring or amortized over two years or by installments. ─── 低值易耗品和周转使用的包装物在领用后,可以采用一次摊销、五五摊销或者分期摊销等方法进行摊销。

66、Needless to say, we shall refund any expenses you may incur. ─── 不用说,我们将会偿还你所担负的任何费用。

67、Using Woc will incur 12d4 nonlethal damage. ─── 使用造物之言会造成12d4点淤伤。

68、Compare with common soil photograph, it still has not incur mosquito, absorb peculiar smell, release aroma (put perfume first) the effect. ─── 与普通土壤相比,它还有不招惹蚊虫、吸收异味、释放香气(先放入香水)的效果。

69、Any expense s you may incur will be chargeable to the company. ─── 你的所有开销都可以由公司偿付.

70、Margin serves as collateral to cover any losses that you might incur. ─── 保证金服务是作为一种抵押,用以抵消投资者可能招致的损失。

71、Cancellations must be made72 hours prior to arrival, to avoid a cancellation fee. Late cancellations or no-shows will incur a one night charge. ─── 取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。

72、A person should never try to purchase pleasure at the cost of pain, or even at the risk of incurring it. ─── 一个人永远也不要以痛苦为代价,甚至以导致痛苦为代价,去购买快乐。

73、Offences are so broadly defined as to create risks of extreme penalties for all who incur the disfavour of police and prosecuting officials. ─── 《法令》对违法行为所下的定义范围过于广泛,用意无非是要给所有勇于冒犯警方和行政官员的人造成可能招致极刑的威胁。

74、The main causes are atherosclerosis, infection and trauma, incurring by carotid endarterectomy, and the like. ─── 主要病因是动脉粥样硬化、感染和创伤以及颈动脉内膜切除术等等。

75、"No; neither do I wish to incur guilt. ─── “不,但我不希望变成个罪人。

76、How do business executives know whether a company is earning profit or incurring losses? ─── 企业高级管理人员如何知道一个公司是盈利,还是发生了亏损

77、It will become easier to organize political movements,since people with similar interests can meet online and organise activities without incurring large expenditure. ─── 因此组织政治活动变得轻而易举,志同道合者可随时随地在网络上集会,而不必担心花费或活动的规模。

78、They also know that if they have to foreclose on a mortgage, they will incur substantial costs. ─── 他们仍然知道如果他们必须赎回抵押,则会发生巨大成本。

79、It will become easier to organize political movements, since people with similar interests can meet online and organise activities without incurring large expenditure. ─── 因此组织政治活动变得轻而易举,志同道合者可随时随地在网络上集会,而不必担心花费。

80、However, the enterprises controlled by the state do not incur a connection relationship simply because their shares are controlled by the state. ─── 但是,国家控股的企业之间不仅仅因为同受国家控股而具有关联关系。

81、Many of the world's farmers are also incurring economic deficits. ─── 世界上许多农民还在遭受经济上的亏损。

82、Don't regard the adult children as of under age and serve as a guardian for them, so to avoid incurring complaints. ─── 二、不要再将成年子女当成未成年来“监护”,以免被抱怨。

83、This new service enables our customers to manage their accounts in both places flexibly without incurring IDD charges. ─── 两项服务都不涉及长途电话费用,客户可以更灵活地管理两地的账户。

84、He had to incur liabilities. ─── 他不得不担当责任。

85、Chapter two had broughtbottles of incurring my sister s britney spears no panties wet. ─── 以上文章版权由原作者所有。未经同意,不得将其任何一部分复制、转载、发布等未授权操作。

86、Any other JVM using that shared class cache can subsequently execute that method as AOT code without incurring the cost of compilation. ─── 使用这个共享类缓存的其他JVM都可以执行这些AOT代码,这样就避免了编译的开销。

87、The development, however, would incur crisis of depopulation. ─── 可是这样的发展,不是会为人类带来灭种的危机吗?

88、I haven't as much to risk if I incur your displeasure. ─── 即使惹你不高兴,我也没多大风险可担。

89、The setbacks of grantee might incur during the process of technology transfer.3. ─── 2.技术移转过程中,被授权人遭遇的各项限制问题。

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