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08-23 投稿


canonize 发音

英:[ˈkænənaɪz]  美:[ˈkænənaɪz]

英:  美:

canonize 中文意思翻译



canonize 网络释义

vt. 推崇;使加入圣徒之列;褒扬;将…封为圣徒

canonize 短语词组

1、canonize sentence ─── 宣判

2、canonize synonym ─── 将同义词规范化

3、canonize crossword ─── 把纵横填字游戏奉为经典

4、canonize antonym ─── 将反义词奉为圣典

5、canonize def ─── 规范化定义

6、canonize tolkien ─── 封圣托尔金

canonize 词性/词形变化,canonize变形


canonize 相似词语短语

1、canonise ─── vt.(英)封为圣徒(等于canonize)

2、cantonize ─── 把……划成区

3、canonized ─── vt.推崇;使加入圣徒之列;褒扬;将…封为圣徒

4、canonizers ─── 规范化者

5、caponize ─── vt.阉割

6、canonizer ─── 封圣

7、cantonized ─── 把……划成区

8、cantonizes ─── 把……划成区

9、canonizes ─── vt.推崇;使加入圣徒之列;褒扬;将…封为圣徒

canonize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk. ─── 佳能数码相机解决方案光盘。

2、in design, we canonize individuation, customize the professional and creative design, we refuse the carrion commercial producing; ─── 在设计上,我们推崇个性化的,量身定做的专业化创造性的设计,我们拒绝腐朽的商业化制作;

3、Canon can now press ahead with televisions based on surface-conduction electron-emitter displays, or SED. ─── 佳能现在可以加紧推出利用这种表面传导电子反射体显示技术(SED)的电视了。

4、Relation of the testimony of the Spirit to the canon of Scripture. ─── 圣灵的见证与圣经的正典的关系。

5、Like the famous American IBM, COMPAQ, AST Computer, and Japanese CANON dealers set up here. ─── 像著名的美国IBM、COMPAQ、AST电脑和日本CANON的经销商都在这里设点。

6、His behavior is against social canon. ─── 他的行为不符合社会规范。

7、It was wrong to demonize our service members in Vietnam; to canonize them now is wrong as well. ─── 像越南战争那样妖魔化我们的军人是不对的,当然,像现在这样神化他们也是不对的。

8、They are not given an age in canon, nor has JKR given any indication of how old they are in chat. ─── 不仅在原著中没有涉及到他们的年龄,罗琳也没有在访谈中给过任何关于他们年岁的暗示。

9、It is also possible that this is not the entire Black family tree, but it is all the canon we have to work with. ─── 也可能这并不是整个的布莱克族谱,但我们只能考虑书中提到的证据。

10、The entire Sherlock Holmes canon. ─── 完整的夏洛克 福尔摩斯著作

11、A designer specializing in advertising created the original Canon logo in 1935. ─── 1935年,一位专业广告设计师创作出了最初的佳能标志。

12、Another negative attribute of the Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro Lens is its slow focus speed. ─── 另外一个180的弱点是它有极其慢的对焦速度。

13、Canon recently announced an $850m investment in steppers, part of which will be spent on a new research and development facility in north-west Japan. ─── 佳能最近宣布投资8.5亿美元制造步进机设备,其中一部分资金将用于在日本西北部建立一个新的研究开发中心。

14、To retrieve a menu or recipe, she would have to bring this increasingly flaky machine up and print out a recipe on an aging Canon BubbleJet printer. ─── 为了找回一份菜单或者菜谱,她将不得不先启动这台日益老衰的机器,然后连上一台老式佳能喷墨打印机把菜谱打出来。

15、Didn't you hear the canon going on at her this morning? ─── 你听见牧师今天早上怒骂她吗?

16、While influenced by the Roman law and canon law, the English idea of corporation assimilated the German group-based idea of law. ─── 尽管英国的法人观念深受罗马法和教会法的影响,但是日耳曼团体本位观念仍被吸收和继承下来。

17、It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval. ─── 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍。

18、Q. Are the sub-mirrors in any other Canon cameras affected? ─── 在其他佳能相机里,副镜有影响吗?

19、What kind? We've got Canon, Fuji and Nikon cameras. ─── 哪一种?我们有佳能、富士和尼康相机。

20、's no god of minimalism poised to canonize you if you squeeze your list of possessions down to some arbitrarily decided number. ─── 如果你把清单降到任意一个数量,以无神简约主义的姿态也要把你封为圣人。

21、Contax 17-35 T* can use at canon body? ─── 如果用到自动对焦功能还在?

22、For the reason, they are no attribute.Hence all people respect and canonize them. ─── 因为其影响力所涵盖的对像是全人类,所以大家都尊敬他们,推崇他们。

23、It has just come to our notice that the Japanese camera canon manufactured by seiki- kogaku, tokyo, is very popular. ─── 久闻东京精机光学厂生产的“佳能”照相机颇有名气。

24、Then, he used deconstruction as a criticism tragedy to explain all kinds of Canon text. ─── 他用“解构”作为批评的策略,去分析各种文学经典文本。

25、Yes, it is what I am looking for, but what I need is one having CANON MOUNT, as I already have one for Nikon. ─── 发烧是圆梦的过程,既是痛苦的,又是令人欢愉的。一生中的梦是不断追求的起因,它总是在天际处向我们微笑,我们就在这不归路上渐渐远去。

26、Its theory and practice have been codified in the canon of Leninism. ─── 它的理论和实践都根据列宁主义原则进行汇编整理。

27、The Council of Carthage in 397 is held to formulate the "Canon" of the church. ─── 397年的迦太基会议是希望去阐明教会的“正典”。

28、Text served, additionally to canonize belief. ─── 此外,文本被用于宣布信仰为圣。

29、"The Canon uttered a resounding sigh" (John Galsworthy). ─── “火炮发出了响亮的呼啸声” (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。

30、They believe that the western culture is scientific and democratic.They canonize the scientific and democratic spirit especially the scientific spirit. ─── 他们认为,西方文化的本质是科学和民主,因而推崇西方文化的科学精神和民主精神,尤其是其科学性的特质。

31、Canon, however, elected to develop their EOS system with motorised lenses instead. ─── 佳能,然而,当选为发展自己的EOS系统的机动镜片代替。

32、A quick reminder for the competition dates before the canon first sounds off. ─── 在比赛第一声炮响前,我们再次提醒一下几个重要的日期。

33、Of late, Chaldean has been added to the list of Rites, being formally cited as such in the CCEO or Eastern Code of Canon Law. ─── 后来,迦勒底也被列入为一种礼仪,就如同在 东方教会法规 或 教会法的东方法典 里,被正式的引用。

34、Canon criteria compliance of the alternatives is achieved with type No. change/ grade. ─── 佳能标准遵守情况的办法是取得类别编号的变化或者等级.

35、Babbitt was without a canon which would enable him to speak with authority. ─── 巴比特无章可循,不能作权威性的发言了。

36、Previously the Germans faced their first setback when their canon boat Iltis drowned offshore during a storm in 1896. ─── 在此之前的1896年,德国“伊尔底斯”(IItis)号炮舰在一场风暴中沉没,这是德国人第一次受挫。

37、As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls in purgatory no penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life. ─── 如同事实上的事情,教宗赦免涤罪中的灵魂无罪,因根据教义上的法规,他们应已在生命中付出代价。

38、Other tests of warehouse and in-store inventory systems continue, by Procter &Gamble, Canon, and International Paper. ─── 但有些公司则继续进行仓储与店内库存系统的测试,比如宝碱、佳能与国际纸业公司。

39、Canon has said it is investigating an issue with its recently released EOS 7D digital SLR. ─── 佳能公司表示,正在调查和最近推出的数码单反7D条Eos的问题。

40、Mr Canon trades in furs. ─── 卡农先生经营皮货。

41、Canonize pursuing diligence and wisdom. ─── 推崇对智慧和勤奋的追求

42、There is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory. ─── 人们情不自禁急于想要尊你为圣徒,

43、A person specializing in canon law. ─── 宗教法规学者对教规有专门研究的人

44、Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries. ─── 寺院法在10世纪和11世纪初走向衰落。

45、Canon EF 28mm F/1.8 USM Lens. EXCELLENT 5d 40d 50d 1ds Film ... ─── 定焦镜头拍一组美女片子,请大家指教!

46、She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera. She liked the size and shape. ─── 她在网上搜索了两个小时才发现一则佳能数码相机的广告。她对相机的大小和形状十分满意。

47、Fanon Information which, while it does not belong to canon, it's so widespread between the fandom that most people thinks of it almost as canon. ─── 不属于原著作品中的情报内容,但因太过于广散分布在影迷之间使得几乎被认为是原著正典的情报内容。

48、People are more likely to canonize surfacely-great deeds than adore those real achievements. ─── 1世人往往推崇表面的功绩,而不是推崇真正的功绩。

49、The image to the left is an official image from Canon, which appeared on this page from Canon Japan a third party site. ─── 图片左边是一个正式的形象,从佳能,似乎在此页中,从佳能日本第三党的网站。

50、Bishop is a very busy man: he must every day receive the secretary of the bishopric, who is generally a canon, and nearly every day his vicars-general. ─── 主教总是相当忙的,他得每天接见主教区的秘书枣通常是一个司祭神甫,并且几乎每天都得接见他的那些助理主教。

51、Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Kappa, Instamatic, Canon, Nokia, iPod, Baidu... ─── 但核心主题是:一切适合自己就好!

52、Besides, auto focus speed is slower than Canon EF.All my 3 lenses are Tokina. very good, I like them. ─── 值得买,不偏黄,结实,同意金点子,最大光圈时成像对比度有所下降.

53、The thinkers after Lukacs, whether canonize or depreciate for totality method all showed the value of the theory and practice. ─── 之后的思想家,无论是对总体性策略的褒扬,还是贬损,都显示了这一策略不可忽视的理论和实践的价值。

54、But canon makes it clear that Harry is not attracted to Hermione now. ─── 但原文里写得明明白白哈利现在是不喜欢赫敏的。

55、Canon, Nikon and other brands of lenses simultaneously adjust the selling prices are up in varying degrees. ─── 佳能、尼康等品牌的镜头同时调整了销售价格,都不同程度的涨了。

56、A Bishop is a very busy man: he must every day receive the secretary of the bishopric,who is generally a canon,and nearly every day his vicars-general. ─── 主教总是相当忙的,他得每天接见主教区的秘书棗通常是一个司祭神甫,并且几乎每天都得接见他的那些助理主教。

57、Sunset at Camden town, same as Tableau's, only slightly better optical quality because I used Canon's Cannon. ─── 呵呵,下一个目标是拖大菠萝下水,colder, 这任务就交给你了。

58、Below you will find more official images of the Canon 50D. ─── 下面你会发现更多的官方形象,佳能50d。

59、They shoot on a Canon XL 1s mini-DV camcorder. ─── 他们使用的是一台佳能XL1smini-DV可携式摄像机。

60、Unquestionably Alice Walker is one of the most remarkable and influential Afro-American writers in contemporary American literary canon. ─── 在美国当代黑人女作家中,艾丽丝·沃克毫无疑问是最有影响的人物之一。

61、For example, it's been a Canon tradition to miss spot metering off its least expensive DLSR. ─── 例如,入门级数码单反没提供点测光已经成为佳能的一个传统。

62、There's no god of minimalism poised to canonize you if you squeeze your list of possessions down to some arbitrarily decided number. ─── 如果你把清单降到任意一个数量,以无神简约主义的姿态也要把你封为圣人。

63、Ask c-hing where can I get the Metz flash other than XXX shing?Either water or hong.Which adapter do I need for Canon? ─── 去尖沙咀好多都有,天长,照长管,尘红...等等都揾到小小一个箱子,卡擦一声,任何景像都被困起来!

64、At the first sound of the canon, we have the same sun, same atmosphere, and the same delirium. ─── 从第一声号角响起,同样的场景,同样的阳光,同样的疯狂再次展现在帆船村内。

65、Of, relating to, or required by canon law. ─── 依教规的属于、关于教规或教规规定的

66、She kept the canon of Shakespeare. ─── 她保存着莎士比亚的真本。

67、Q. What is the fix that Canon has developed? ─── 佳能做出了什么对策?

68、The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law. ─── 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。

69、Everywhere you see that lighting of that canon fire. ─── 到处都能看见加农炮像闪电一般的火光。

70、One might hypothesize that Hermione would not be so argumentative if she were away from Ron, but canon suggests otherwise. ─── 可能有人会说赫敏离开罗恩就不会这样爱吵了,但实际上不是这样。

71、Recreating the Operability of Canon's Best Analog SLRs in a New Digital Model. ─── 在新的数码相机上重新构建佳能最优秀的单反相机的操作性能。

72、Canon copier, a fine product in the world of duplicating machines. ─── 佳能复印机,复印天地中的精品。

73、But that's exactly the interpretation arrived at by Roman Catholic scholars after examining the Bible and Canon Law. ─── 但是在天主教会学者查阅了圣经和教会法规后终于有了准确的解释。

74、Here and there at long distances upon the canon sides rose the headframes of a mine. ─── 峡谷两侧,一路过去,到处屹立着矿井井架。

75、But then Ricoh and Canon brought their slow but inexpensive tabletop photocopiers to the market in the early 1980s. ─── 但后来在八十年代早期,理光和佳能在市场上推出了速度较慢但比较便宜的桌面型复印机。

76、Not only is she one of the most read authors in the canon;she is one of the most reread. ─── 她不仅高居此类文学中拥有读者最多的作家之列,亦拥有最多的“再读者”。

77、Also included is main idea for each Agama Canon and related research essays on the Agama as in the appendixes. ─── 在附录中,可以阅读相关研究阿含经的文章。

78、He may wish to use gun or canon to hit this world.The consequence of that could be disastrous. ─── 他便会希望砸烂这个沉默的世界,这样的结果是灾难性的。

79、He approved the Dominican, Franciscan, and Carmelite orders and authorized the first official book of canon law. ─── 他支持道明会、方济会和加尔默罗会,并批准通过第一部正式的教会法典。

80、Canon Refers to facts established by the original fiction, show or series. ─── 参考原著小说、电影或影集中已建立的事实。

81、Canon has become one of the greatest Grand Cru in Saint-Emilion. ─── 佳龙庄园已成为波尔多圣达美利安区最著名酒庄之一。

82、A woman customer called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer. ─── 一个女顾客给加能服务台打电话,她的打印机有问题。

83、One thing I like about Canon EOS is that the system gives users plenty of options. Nikon, SM ... ─── 因为垂直把手的需求并没有很多,所以没有垂直把手的预定。

84、To include in the biblical canon. ─── 包括在真经中

85、The company underwent several name changes before the adoption of Canon Camera Co., Inc. ─── 佳能公司的名字历经了数次变更,直到1974年,它更名为佳能相机公司。

86、Still, analysts say they are confident about Canon on its printer and copier business alone. ─── 不过分析师们也表示,仅凭佳能的打印机和复印机业务就足以维持他们对该公司的信心。

87、One of its first tasks was to outline a fixed canon. ─── 它的一种最初的急务就是编订一本确定的圣典。

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