coruscant 发音
英:[kəˈrʌskənt] 美:[kɒˈrʌsk(ə)nt]
英: 美:
coruscant 中文意思翻译
coruscant 短语词组
1、coruscant planet ─── 科洛桑行星
2、coruscant datacrons ─── 运行Datacron
3、coruscant food ─── 科洛桑食品
4、coruscant buildings ─── 科洛桑建筑
5、coruscant guard ─── 科洛桑卫兵
6、coruscant star name ─── 科洛桑星名
7、coruscant 1313 ─── 科洛桑1313
coruscant 相似词语短语
1、convocant ─── 护卫舰
2、coruscating ─── adj.闪光的,闪耀的;生动的;睿智的;惊人的;v.闪光,闪耀;(人)充满活力,风趣幽默(coruscate的现在分词)
3、Etruscans ─── n.伊特鲁里亚;伊楚利亚人(Etruscan的复数形式)
4、coruscate ─── vi.焕发;闪烁
5、cormorant ─── n.鸬鹚;贪婪的人;adj.贪婪的
6、coruscates ─── vi.焕发;闪烁
7、Etruscan ─── adj.伊特鲁里亚的;伊特鲁里亚人的;n.伊特鲁里亚人;伊特鲁里亚语(等于Etrurian)
8、coruscated ─── v.(诗、文)闪烁,闪耀;(人)充满活力(coruscate的过去式及过去分词)
9、corposant ─── n.放电光球;圣爱尔摩火(等于SaintElmo'sfire)
coruscant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Orbital mirrors rotated, resolving the faint light of Coruscant's sun to erase the stars; ─── 轨道镜面渐渐旋转,开始转化为稀薄的阳光,将群星擦拭而去;
2、In the skies of Coruscant now, the important vessels were no longer warships, but were instead the fire-suppression and rescue craft that crisscrossed the planet. ─── 如今,在科洛桑的天空中,担当重要角色的飞船已不再是战舰,而是在行星上空交叉穿梭的救火船和救生艇。
3、Zam The Assassin And The Chase Through Coruscant ─── 刺客和追求者穿过
4、During the Clone Wars, Allie was made a member of the Jedi Council, serving on that venerated committee on Coruscant. ─── 在复制人战争时期,艾列也曾是绝地议会的一员,在科罗森上服务。
5、Coruscant is a bustling megalopolis filled with countless eyeballs, so it makes sense that the busy skyline would also be crowded with advertising. ─── 科洛桑是一个繁华的巨大都市,吸引了无数的目光,因此繁忙的天际线上也塞满了广告就不足为奇了。
6、It was with a fierce determination that Obi-Wan, Anakin, and their Republic forces launched towards Coruscant, to parry the blow to the Republic's heart. ─── 欧比旺、安纳金和他们的共和部队带著炽热的决心前进科罗森,以阻挡对共和心脏的攻击。
7、During the Hoth campaign, Xizor was in the Emperor's throne room on Coruscant when the Supreme Ruler contacted Lord Vader. ─── 在霍斯战役期间,皇帝和维德通讯时西佐正好在科洛桑的王座室。
8、It wasn't long before Horn was flying as a Rogue, spearheading such important missions as the liberation of Coruscant from Imperial rule. ─── 洪恩没多久就进入侠盗中队,执行如从帝国统治手中解放科罗森的重要任务。
9、Although he was lauded by Palpatine for ensuring peace and security on Coruscant, Praji was the target of several assassination attempts by dissidents. ─── 虽然普拉吉因保证了科洛桑的和平与安全而受到帕尔帕廷的赞扬,但他几次成为异议分子的暗杀目标。
10、Somewhere high above the streets of glittering Coruscant soars the spire of the Jedi Temple. ─── 在闪耀之城科洛桑街道的上方,高高耸立着绝地神殿的尖顶。
11、Tragedy struck on what was to be a routine liftoff from Coruscant. ─── 有一次,当他的货船在科洛桑像往常一样准备起飞时,悲剧发生了。
12、Isard fled Coruscant, tearing a huge portion of the cityscape apart as she blasted away aboard the Lusankya. ─── 一大片城区开裂后,“卢桑基亚号”在轰鸣声中露出地表,载着伊萨德逃离了科洛桑。
13、T he skies of Coruscant blaze with war. ─── 科洛桑的天空闪耀着战争之火。
14、Two days after his arrival on Coruscant, Ghent had Ackbar cleared. ─── 根特抵达科洛桑两天后,就为阿克巴洗刷了罪名。
15、On Coruscant, an immense palace was awarded to the Dark Lord. ─── 在科洛桑,这位黑暗尊主被赐予一座庞大的宫殿。
16、Aided by the traitorous Vergere, Jacen escaped his captivity into the overgrown wilds of the Yuuzhan Vong-conquered Coruscant. ─── 在叛徒维婕尔的帮助下,杰森成功越狱。在已被遇战疯人征服的科洛桑,他躲进了植被疯长的野外。
17、Jacen proved difficult to break, however.Aided by the traitorous Vergere, Jacen escaped his captivity into the overgrown wilds of the Yuuzhan Vong-conquered Coruscant. ─── 然而杰森证明了很难被突破,藉由背叛的维捷尔帮忙,杰森逃出被遇战疯征服、过度生长的科罗森荒野。
18、8. Five years after Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked Ord Mantell to keep the New Republic off balance while he continued his campaign to retake Coruscant. ─── 恩多(战役)后五年,大元帅索龙进攻曼特尔兵站,使新共和国处于动荡状态,同时他继续进行夺取科洛桑的战役。收藏指正
19、Though such a role would suggest less exposure to frontline combat, extensive and well guarded training facilities on Coruscant served to keep the red-marked troops in fit fighting condition. ─── 虽然这样的角色意味着较少参与一线战斗,但是科洛桑上广泛而防护很好的训练设施使这些盔甲红色涂装的士兵保持在适合战斗的状态。
20、Star Wars Battle Above Coruscant ─── 星球大战之光之战斗
21、After training, Chyler made an instant impact when she successfully infiltrated the Coruscant law enforcement community and managed to ferret out Rebel subversives. ─── 训练结束后,琦勒立即令人刮目相看,她成功地渗透进科洛桑执法部门,从中挖出了起义军颠覆分子。
22、Protecting the man she loved and the father of her unborn children, Padme secretly departed Coruscant to confront Anakin.Kenobi stowed away aboard her vessel. ─── 但为了保护她深爱的男子和未出世孩子的父亲,佩米暗中离开科罗森去找安纳金,但欧比旺却也躲到了船上。
23、They had to reach Coruscant and get support for the Naboo. ─── 他们必须抵达科洛桑并为纳布赢得支持。
24、The mysterious Jedi known as the Dark Woman took custody of Aurra, spiriting her away to Coruscant to begin her initiation into the Jedi way far from the dark decay of the Smuggler's Moon. ─── 神秘的绝地大师暗女收养了奥拉,将她偷偷运出黑暗腐败的走私者之月,并带回科洛桑接受绝地的教导。
25、They wore matching red armor that bore some resemblance to that of the Coruscant Guards and Emperor's Royal Guard of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. ─── 他们身穿与之相配的红色盔甲,有些类似于帕尔帕丁统治下,银河帝国的皇帝亲卫队与科洛桑卫队。
26、He was influential in ferreting out warlords like Zsinj, and in capturing the capital world of Coruscant for the Republic. ─── 无论是追捕像津奇那样的军阀,还是为共和国光复首都科洛桑,阿克巴都发挥了绝大的作用。
27、She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant. ─── 她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。
28、He had served in the Coruscant Security Force as an undercover operative prior to being lured to the corporate world for better pay. ─── 他过去在科洛桑安全部队服役,是一名秘密特工,后来受到更丰厚待遇的诱惑,转而为企业界服务。
29、As General Secura approached the opposing Separatist forces, Chancellor Palpatine activated Order 66 on Coruscant, and contacted Aayla's clone officer, Commander Bly, via hologram. ─── 当塞库拉将军向敌对的分离主义部队靠近时,帕尔帕丁议长在科洛桑发布了66号令,用全息图像与塞库拉手下的克隆人军官布莱司令联系。
30、His flagship led a fleet of massive warships to Coruscant, where an immense battle raged in the upper atmospheres of the capital world. ─── 他的旗舰率领一批大型战舰的舰队来到科罗森,在首都世界上空展开如火如荼的大战。
31、Knowing that Zealots of Psusan were enjoying a flash of popularity in the trendy districts of Coruscant, she invited Cian to meet at the Outlander Club to discuss work. ─── 她知道最近“普苏桑狂热信徒”在科洛桑的时尚区域一下子变得很流行,因此邀请倩在“外乡人夜总会”谈工作。
32、Star Wars Main Tittle And Ambush On Coruscant ─── 星球大战主题曲
33、She kept the name Republic on many of the governing consulate offices in Theed, refusing to change their titles to reflect the new government on Coruscant. ─── 她在希德城的多个领事馆中继续使用共和国国号,拒绝为迎合科洛桑新政府而更改这些名称。
34、The spire had to house a round room, with windows giving a view out over the cityscape of Coruscant. ─── 尖顶下必须是一个圆形房间,其中有窗,能让人向外眺望科洛桑的都市风景。
35、Her successes saw her clawing her way up the social ladder of Coruscant, eventually reaching the strata that housed the Outlander Club in Coruscant's gaudy Uscru entertainment district. ─── 她的成功使她在科洛桑的社会地位越来越高,最终她走进了外乡人夜总会,这家夜总会位于科洛桑俗丽的乌斯克鲁娱乐区。
36、Ben met his mother on Coruscant to confess his crimes, filling Mara with rage over how Jacen had twisted and manipulated her son. ─── 本在科洛桑向母亲忏悔自己的罪行,玛拉因杰森扭曲和操纵她儿子而满腔怒火。
37、The Pantoran system is part of the Galactic Republic with full Senatorial representation on Coruscant. ─── 潘托拉星系是银河共和国的一部分,在科洛桑有全职的议员代表。
38、Following his master, Obi-Wan voyaged from Naboo to Coruscant and back during the intrigue that surrounded the Battle of Naboo. ─── 一路跟随著师父,欧比王从那卜来到了克鲁斯根,又在一连串的阴谋环伺著那卜星时,从克鲁斯根回到那卜。
39、D epowered lampdisks were rings of ghostly gray floating in the gloom. The shimmering jewelscape of Coruscant haloed the knife-edged shadow of the chair. ─── 断电的灯碟如同灰暗的光环,鬼魅般地漂浮在幽暗当中。科洛桑璀璨的星光在座椅平整的边沿镶上了一道美丽的光晕。
40、After a botched kidnapping attempt by Imperial forces, Han and Leia decided to keep the family together on Coruscant. ─── 在一次帝国部队尝试绑架他的行动失败后,韩和莉亚决定让整个家庭一起待在科罗森上。
41、Coruscant's too far. R4, can you boost the power? ─── 科罗森太远能加强功率吗?
42、Nonetheless, the threat of the enemy provoked numerous changes on Coruscant in the name of increased security. ─── 不过,敌人的威胁还是在科洛桑激起了许多以加强安全为名的变化。
43、In the waning days of the Republic, the ranks of the Jedi Order were commanded by a High Council of Jedi Masters who convened in a towering temple on Coruscant. ─── 在共和国日趋衰落的年代,领导绝地组织的,是由一群聚集于科洛桑高耸神殿中的绝地大师组成的高等议会。
44、Beings watching from rooftops of Coruscant's endless cityscape can find it beautiful. ─── 站在科洛桑那广阔城市的顶端俯视这景象,可以发现那是何等的美丽。
45、Depa learned that the strict rules of Coruscant collapsed when faced with the chaos of a jungle war. ─── 当德帕面对这丛林战争的混乱场面时,她意识到,科洛桑的清规戒律早已土崩瓦解。
46、Dooku handed over Lorian and Eero to Coruscant security. ─── 杜库将Lorian和Eero移送至科洛桑安全机关。
47、A team of droids rebuilt Vader in an Imperial rehabilitation center on Coruscant, adding cybernetic components to his body and encasing him in black armor. ─── 在科洛桑的帝国康复中心,一队机械人重造了维德,在他体内加入机械自动化元件,并用一套黑色盔甲包覆他的全身。
48、At a reception on Coruscant, the Hapan delegation presented Organa with 63 gifts from their 63 worlds, some extremely rare and unimaginably valuable. ─── 在科洛桑的一次招待会上,海皮斯代表团赠送给奥加纳63件礼物,它们分别来自于海皮斯联盟的63颗星球。
49、Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart. ─── 现在,虽然“科洛桑条约”带来了难得的停火,但分成两大阵营的星系们之间的张力让银河系面临重新四分五裂的危险。
50、She and the other members of that ruling body would convene in a temple high above the Coruscant landscape, deciding important matters of the Jedi. ─── 她与其他的绝地议会成员在科罗森的地标,高耸的绝地神殿当中聚会,商讨绝地信条中重要的事务。
51、The numerous civic districts of Coruscant maintain their own Rescue Op teams in case of emergencies common on heavily populated planets. ─── 在科罗森众多的行政区当中都有著他们自己的急难救援队,处理在这个高度人口密集的星球上发生的紧急事故。
52、But Isard had one key asset that they did not: Coruscant. ─── 但伊萨德有一项别人不具备的关键资本:科洛桑。
53、High above Coruscant, an enormous battle raged, as capital ships from the Republic tangled with the escaping forces of the Confederacy. ─── 庞大的战役在科罗森上空爆发,共和战舰与逃离的分离主义部队纠缠著。
54、Late in the Clone Wars, they patrolled the vast cityscapes, and Coruscant's citizens knew to produce their identification at the behest of any red-marked clone trooper. ─── 复制人战争末期,他们巡逻广大的都市,科罗森的市民知道对任何红色的复制人士兵的命令都要认同。
55、Painted with the blue and white hexagonal sigils of the Confederacy, vulture droids would plague Jedi and clone pilots on many battlefronts, including the decisive Battle of Coruscant. ─── 绘著独立星系邦联六角形的蓝白徽章,兀鹰机器人可以在很多战场上侵袭绝地和复制人飞行员,包括决定性的科罗森之役。
56、Shaliqua adopted a stage name and took up a legitimate if unremarkable entertainment career in the interchangeable and unremarkable nightclubs and casinos of Coruscant's mid-levels. ─── 沙利奎给自己取了一个艺名,在科洛桑中层平凡普通的夜总会和娱乐场里,开始了合法却平庸的娱乐生涯。
57、In his trek to find Billaba and bring her back to Coruscant, Mace received an unsettlingly close look at the grim realities of war. ─── 他历经千险才找到比拉巴,并将其带回了科洛桑。一路上,梅斯亲眼见证了战争的惨状,内心惶恐不安。
58、He appeared to Luke on Coruscant, to bid him farewell. ─── 在科洛桑,他出现在卢克面前道别。
59、On Coruscant, Order Sixty-Six is already being executed. ─── 在科洛桑上,六十六号密令早已处于执行状态中了。
60、If a world wants to leave, it's accused of being undemocratic, because the will of its inhabitants doesn't suit Coruscant. ─── 如果一颗星球想离开,它就被指控为不民主,因为其住民的意愿与科洛桑不一致。
61、The invisible gnat-clouds of starfighter dogfights became a gleaming dance of shadowmoths at the end of Coruscant's brief spring. ─── 战机的近距离混战所产生的无形烟雾,就像是暗影飞蛾的闪烁舞蹈一般,飘飞在科洛桑那短暂春天的末期。
62、Vos voyaged to Coruscant to kill Senator Kaa, but Windu stopped Vos in time. ─── 昆兰前往科洛桑暗杀卡议员,所幸被温杜及时制止。
63、Kun himself extinguished the life of Master Baas Baas in the halls of Coruscant's Senate chambers. ─── 亢本人也在科洛桑的参议院会议大厅中夺去了绝地大师巴斯的生命。
64、Many TIE crawlers saw action in the Imperial Civil War on Coruscant, as squabbling warlords sought to take control of the former Imperial capital. ─── 许多钛式履带战车参与了在科洛桑进行的帝国内战,当时争斗不休的众军阀都想控制帝国原先的首都。
65、In orbit over Coruscant, Xizor maintained an opulent skyhook resort called the Falleen's Fist. ─── 在环绕科洛桑的轨道上,西佐保养着自己奢华的疗养太空梭,法林之拳号。
66、While other Jedi stood face-to-face with Vader and the clone army, Kazdan fled Coruscant in a non-descript freighter, with only his tools and several prototype droids in tow. ─── 正当其他绝地正面对决维达和克隆部队之时,卡兹坦搭乘一架未注册的走私货船逃离了科洛桑,身边仅仅带着他的工具和几个捆绑着的机器人测试模版。
67、Rallied by Thrawn's impressive push to the Core, they attacked Coruscant. ─── 索龙把战线推进到核心世界后,他们深受鼓舞,向科洛桑发动了进攻。
68、Aside from Jedi training, Anakin honed his piloting skills through formal training on Coruscant. ─── 在接受绝地训练同时,安那金也在科罗森上以正统的训练磨练飞行技巧。
69、She was a Jedi Master, and served in the Jedi Temple's Library Archives on Coruscant during the final decades of the Old Republic. ─── 她是绝地大师,在旧共和国的最后几十年里,担任科洛桑绝地圣殿的图书档案馆管理员。
70、All the younglings watching the battle in Coruscant's sky know it: when Anakin and Obi-Wan get there, those dirty Sep pers are going to wish they'd stayed in bed today. ─── 所有关注科洛桑空战的孩子们都深知:当安纳金和欧比旺赶到那里时,那些肮脏的坏人只能哀叹自己今天怎么不待在被窝里。
71、Supreme Overlord Shimrra admonished Lah for the repeated loss of valued Yuuzhan Vong warriors following the conquering of Coruscant. ─── 尽管征服了科洛桑,但宝贵的遇战疯战士还是在不断地牺牲。为此,至尊统帅希姆拉向拉提出了警告。
72、While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder. ─── 当魁刚.金在塔图音护卫逃亡中的艾米达拉女王到科罗森时,达斯.魔从上方疾驶下来,在高速的西斯飞行机车上向魁刚.金猛冲。
73、With Med-Beq's help, Dannl fled Corellia, and eventually ended up on Coruscant. ─── 丹恩尔靠著梅德贝克的帮忙,逃离了科瑞利亚,并最后落脚于科罗森。
74、Stranded on Coruscant, Luke began to discover strange clues in newly opened secret chambers throughout the former Imperial Palace, clues to the Emperor's power. ─── 被困在科洛桑的卢克,在新开放的数间前帝国皇宫密室中发现了奇怪的线索,是有关皇帝权力的蛛丝马迹。
75、The Outlander Club, found on Vos Gesal Street in the Uscru District, next to the Snapping Septoid, is a popular hangout for a wide cross-section of Coruscant glitterati. ─── 外乡人夜总会位于乌斯克鲁区沃斯格萨尔大街,毗邻“尖叫的七足虫”酒吧,很受一部分科洛桑上层人士的欢迎。
76、She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant. ─── 她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。
77、5.Five years after Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked Ord Mantell to keep the New Republic off balance while he continued his campaign to retake Coruscant. ─── 恩多(战役)后五年,大元帅索龙进攻曼特尔兵站,使新共和国处于动荡状态,同时他继续进行夺取科洛桑的战役。
78、On Coruscant, Amidala learned of the inefficiencies of galactic politics, watching as Trade Federation political maneuvering stalemated her plea. ─── 在科洛桑,阿米达拉认识到了银河政治的无能,只能眼看着贸易联邦运用政治手腕使她的恳求陷入僵局。
79、Stass Allie was stationed on Coruscant during the bold Separatist strike against the capital. ─── 当大胆的分离主义者攻击首都之时,史塔丝.艾列正在科罗森备战。
80、Jinn, fearful that the Federation might harm the Queen, insisted that she journey to Coruscant to put her case before the Galactic Senate. ─── 奎刚认为联盟会对女王下毒手,建议她前往科洛桑向银河参议院说明情况。
81、These attack cruisers formed both the backbone and aggressive front of defense around Coruscant during the bold Separatist push to infiltrate the capital. ─── 船的前半背部表面包含一座大型飞行平台,可以让最新的共和战机紧急起飞。
82、The vast space battle that had ripped and battered Coruscant space all this long, long day, finally began to flicker out. ─── 在这非常、非常漫长的一天中,覆盖广阔的太空战斗已经撕裂并击碎了科洛桑的领空区域,而现在,这团战斗之火终于要熄灭了。
83、Grievous escaped the encounter, but the flagship sustained far too much damage during the Battle of Coruscant to remain in flight. ─── 格里弗斯逃之夭夭,但这艘旗舰在科洛桑战役中遭受重创,无法继续航行。
84、She remained on Coruscant for the remainder of the war, serving out of the Jedi Temple. ─── 在战争的剩余阶段,她留在科洛桑,在绝地圣殿外服役。
85、Wedge and the Rogues were the New Republic's lance in retaking the heart of the Core Worlds, leading the mission that would wrest control of Coruscant from the Empire. ─── 在夺回核心世界的心脏时,韦奇和侠盗中队是新共和国之矛,他们打头阵,为新共和国从帝国手中夺取科洛桑控制权铺平道路。
86、Jacen Solo's efforts subtly destabilized the Yuuzhan Vong transformation of Coruscant, and the Yuuzhan Vong visions of perfection and infallibility began to erode. ─── 杰森想方设法巧妙地动摇了遇战疯人对科洛桑的改造。遇战疯人对完美无瑕的幻想开始产生怀疑。
87、In his immense palatial estate on Coruscant he would relax, plot and run his vast criminal and corporate empires. ─── 在他位于科洛桑的壮丽豪宅中,他可以放松自己,规划与经营自己庞大而有组织的犯罪帝国。
88、A twisted mirroring of the planet-encasing cities of Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa is the Huttese name for the over-urbanized planetoid known commonly as the Smugglers' Moon. ─── “纳沙达”是赫特人对这颗过度城市化的小行星所起的名字,它通常被人们称为“走私者之月”。纳沙达是城市星球科洛桑扭曲的写照。
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