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09-10 投稿


conspiracies 发音

英:[kənˈspɪrəsiz]  美:[kənˈspɪrəsiz]

英:  美:

conspiracies 中文意思翻译



conspiracies 词性/词形变化,conspiracies变形

名词复数: conspiracies |

conspiracies 同义词


conspiracies 短语词组

1、conspiracies 911 ─── 阴谋911

2、conspiracies 71 ─── 阴谋71

3、conspiracies tv show ─── 阴谋电视节目

4、baseless conspiracies ─── 毫无根据的阴谋

5、conspiracies 2019 2019 ─── 年阴谋

6、conspiracies list ─── 阴谋清单

7、conspiracies about covid 19 ─── 关于covid 19的阴谋

conspiracies 反义词


conspiracies 常用词组

conspiracy theory ─── 阴谋论

conspiracy of silence ─── 保持缄默的密约

conspiracies 相似词语短语

1、conspirations ─── 阴谋

2、conspirators ─── n.阴谋者;同谋者(conspirator的复数)

3、confederacies ─── n.联盟;联邦;私党

4、conspirants ─── 阴谋家

5、conspiration ─── n.合谋

6、conspiracy ─── n.阴谋;共谋;阴谋集团

7、conspires ─── vi.共谋;协力;vt.[法]密谋策划

8、conservancies ─── n.管理;保护;保存

9、conspiratress ─── 阴谋家

conspiracies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What you know could kill you.What if your most paranoid nightmares had just come true?Jerry Fletcher sees conspiracies everywhere.One has turned out to be true. ─── 编导演将生活中难以解释的新闻归咎于政府机构中潜伏的阴谋分子,藉以反映老百姓对政府的不信任。

2、An Employee Security Awareness Program regarding cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls is available and used. ─── 是否建立和使用员工安全意识课程,指导关于货物完整性,认识内部阴谋,以及维护进出管制的安全意识?

3、Endowments: Supernatural or high-tech resources available to those hunters who belong to the third-tier hunter conspiracies. ─── 猎具:属于第三层级:猎盟的猎手们有权使用的超自然或高科技资源。

4、But when it comes to election-time they not only play the politics of victimhood, but play it with extraordinary relish, presenting ordinary Americans as the victims of diabolical conspiracies. ─── 但是一旦到选举期间,他们不仅玩起受害者的政治游戏,还带着特别的乐趣,俨然代表了受阴谋毒害的普通美国人。

5、Americans see conspiracies behind every event, from the Kennedy assassination to the worldwide spread of AIDS. ─── 美国人认为,任何事情背后都有阴谋,从肯尼迪 遇刺到爱滋病在全球传播。

6、Clergy: Agnar's temple is one of the most dangerous there is.Betrayals, assassinations and conspiracies are very common here. ─── 神职:艾格内尔的庙宇是最为危险的地方,充满了背叛、暗杀和阴谋。

7、The defeat of the Spanish Aramada the following year (1588) put an end to Catholic conspiracies against Elizabeth. ─── 1588年,西班牙无敌舰队的大败彻底结束了针对伊丽莎白的天主教阴谋活动。

8、For all their efforts to disrupt the British way of life, such annual conspiracies are instead becoming part of it. ─── 所有恐怖袭击破坏了英国人的生活方式,每年的恐怖袭击阴谋现在正在成为英国人生活的一部分。

9、With each case they investigate, they come closer to the conspiracies of the serial killer Dr. ─── 在不堪又无法忘却的过往中,他们都成为暗夜里行走的人,触不到光明与美好,也碰不到平凡的幸福。

10、It is prejudiced to think the Time-seizing-on Hall as a seed-bed tricks and conspiracies were made. ─── “惜阴堂”并非如有的学者认为的那样是南北议和代表和立宪派进行阴谋活动的场所;

11、That meant abortive conspiracies to put Mary Queen of Scots (whose mother was Mary of Guise) on the throne of England and to change the royal succession in France. ─── 那意味着那些流产的阴谋,其中有试图将苏格兰玛丽女王(其母亲是玛丽吉斯)送上英格兰的王位,以及改变法国的皇室继承人。

12、In various periods of our history, the Chuzzlewits were actively connected with divers slaughterous conspiracies and bloody frays ─── 瞿述伟家的人,在咱们历史上前前后后的许多时期,都曾经预闻种种杀生害命的阴谋,参加一场场伏尸流血的争斗。

13、The world is regaining its familiar contours: there are enemies across the border and conspiracies to thwart Russia's influence. ─── 整个世界正在回到她那令人熟悉的样子:敌人越境而入,阴谋削弱俄国的影响力。

14、You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues. ─── 你必把他们藏在你面前的隐密处、免得遇见人的计谋.你必暗暗地保守他们在亭子里、免受口舌的争闹。

15、There will be no killings, no power struggles, no conspiracies and no mind games. ─── 那里没有杀戮,没有权力之争,没有勾心斗角,也没有机关算计。

16、Much as I knew about their hideous conspiracies, little could I do to stop them. ─── 对他们的阴谋虽然我知道很多,却没有什么办法可以制止他们。

17、contains certain antimasque elements, such as the conspiracies for murder. ─── 包含某些滑稽戏元素,如谋杀阴谋。

18、I am forced through intrigues and conspiracies and dirty tricks of all kinds to leave the Only German Fatherland. ─── 为了离开我的祖国德国,我被迫采取形形色色的阴谋、诡计和肮脏的花招。

19、Some conspiracies are easier to detect than others. ─── / 一些阴谋是比较容易跟其它比起来发现。

20、Watch and learn.Their reputation hardly precludes them from acting in our conspiracies. ─── 观察并学习,他们的名声几乎把他们排除在我们的阴谋之外。

21、It is possible to see behind such revolts mere conspiracies. ─── 可能有人会认为这些起义完全是策反的结果;

22、Of late Mr Zardari has been playing the “Sindh card” by whipping up sub-nationalist sentiment against the “anti-PPP conspiracies” hatched in the dominant province, Punjab. ─── 之后,扎尔达里一而再再而三地打出这张“信德牌”:煽动地方民族主义者反抗在旁遮普省萌发的“反人民党阴谋”。

23、conspiracies against the president ─── 反对总统的阴谋诡计

24、Mr Putin's talk about Georgian “genocide” and US conspiracies is unsettlingly reminiscent of the “big lie” of Soviet times. ─── 普京提出的格鲁吉亚“种族屠杀”和美国共谋的说法,令人不安地想起苏维埃时代的“弥天大谎”。

25、Near their most powerful caerns, the Lords found themselves continually at odds with far more sinister creatures, including conspiracies of ancient vampires. ─── 在他们最有力量的圣地附近,阴影议员们不断地发现自己与其他很多阴险造物的不和,甚至包括在与远古吸血鬼的密谋中也争执不断。

26、It was highly irregular for Gao Gang to engage in behind-the-scene deals and conspiracies in his attempt to bring Comrade Liu Shaoqi down. ─── 高岗想把少奇同志推倒,采取搞交易、搞阴谋诡计的办法,是很不正常的。

27、Section 7 stipulated that any person injured by illegal combinations or conspiracies might sue. ─── 第七部分规定:无论何人,若遭到非法合并或共谋的伤害,可以起诉。

28、Of Ireland, the Dalcassians, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now. ─── 谈到爱尔兰,达尔卡相斯一家,谈到希望、阴谋和现在的阿瑟·格里菲思以及A·E·,派曼德尔,人类的好牧人。

29、Governments.They're always oppressing folks and getting caught up in conspiracies. ─── 政府,他们总是压迫人民,而又在阴谋中被抓个现行。

30、This connection with royal blood bore fruit in a modern best-seller linking many historical conspiracies. ─── 圣杯与皇室血统的关联带来了一本现代畅销书,与很多历史阴谋相关。

31、Yet little evidence supports claims about Satanic cults or conspiracies. ─── 但是的确很少有证据证明撒旦教派及其阴谋。

32、It appeared that they had engaged in fresh conspiracies from the very moment of their release. ─── 原来他们一放出来后就马上又在搞新的阴谋。

33、It revealed Japanese aggressive ambition and all kinds of conspiracies, encouraging the army and masses to enthusiastically devote into resistance against Japan and national salvation movement. ─── 它系统地揭露日本的侵略野心及各种阴谋,鼓励军队与民众踊跃投身到抗日救亡运动中去。

34、He was still alive and hatching his conspiracies. ─── 他还活着,策划着阴谋诡计。

35、Labyrinthine cities are bleak and gloomy at their core, hiding conspiracies the mundane world does not dare suspect. ─── 对他们来说,迷宫似的城市荒凉而阴郁,藏着平常人想都想不到的阴谋。

36、Thus intrigues and conspiracies do not arise, and thievery and robbery do not occur; ─── 各种物质资源,不喜欢被浪费、弃置,希望能发挥应有的功效;

37、Let me take you right now to the words of the fear mongers, for they create the conspiracies that are everywhere. ─── 让我现在就告诉你关于那些恐惧传播者的词汇,他们在每个地方制造阴谋。

38、This new scandal suggests that, no matter how many conspiracies it survives, AK will remain a target of those who resent its encroachment on their traditional bastions of power. ─── 新的丑闻表明,无论躲过多少次暗算,AK党仍将是那些为自身既得利益遭到侵害而忿恨不已的人的目标。

39、The pope's succession quickly becomes a pretext for conspiracies within the church and threats from an ancient secret brotherhood called "The Illuminati." ─── 罗马教皇的继承者很快成为教会内部阴谋的掩饰者,并成为古老的“先觉者”的兄弟联盟的威胁。

40、But he said the termination of the conspiracies should lead to lower prices. ─── 但是,他表示,价格操控行为消失后,产品价格应会有所下降。

41、The Little Book of Conspiracies reviews the essentials of 50 conspiracies, whether documented or alleged, from your toothpaste giving you lead poisoning to the real reason the Titanic sunk. ─── 从很有可能让你铅中毒的牙膏到泰坦尼克沉没的真正原因,本书纵览了50种文档保存或官方发表的重要阴谋论。

42、John Reid, the home secretary, reckons that in total around 20 such conspiracies have been discovered by MI5, the domestic intelligence service, MI6, the foreign intelligence service, and the police. ─── 内政部长约翰里德,估计MI5-军情五处,MI6-军情六处和警察总共发现了大约20起类似的阴谋。

43、Makes it illegal to monopolize or attempt to monopolize a market and prohibits conspiracies that result in monopolization. ─── 使垄断或者试图垄断一个市场成为非法的,并禁止会导致垄断的共谋。

44、Sometimes the truth can be just as interesting, if not more so, than the conspiracies that people come up with. ─── 有时,真相即使没有胜出也和人们想出的阴谋诡计一样有趣。

45、Let me tell you this is because when there is no guidance and there appears to be no core-good and no center, conspiracies abound everywhere. ─── 让我告诉你,这是因为当没有指导,那就显示出没有“好的核心”,没有中心,阴谋充斥在每个地方。

46、This is the potential for those involved in conspiracies. ─── 这是那些包含在阴谋之中的预言。

47、Chen Duxiu and Comrades Qu Qiubai and Li Lisan did not engage in conspiracies. ─── 陈独秀,还有瞿秋白同志、李立三同志这三个人,不是搞阴谋诡计的。

48、Do you believe it all in real life: the aliens, people from outer space, UFOs, government conspiracies, all the things that the TV series deal with? ─── 在现实生活中,你会完全相信电视剧里讲的所有事情吗?比如说外星人、来自外太空的人、不明飞行物以及政府阴谋。

49、Devout tribal unity, elaborate conspiracies, talented spies and leaders forged in the heat of unceasing competition have made their order an unstoppable political machine. ─── 部族虔诚的团结在一起,精心策划阴谋,在最激烈的竞争中锤炼出来的极具才华的间谍和首领率领他们组成一个无法抵挡的政治机器。

50、One perennial tactic is to blame Big Oil and demand investigations (which inevitably fail to show conspiracies). ─── 一个长期的战术是谴责石油巨头和要求调查。

51、Mr.Barnett said Sharp engaged in three separate conspiracies with unnamed co-conspirators to fix prices for LCD panels sold to Dell, Apple and Motorola. ─── 巴尼特说,夏普曾分别和三家未公布名字的公司合谋,对出售给戴尔、苹果和摩托罗拉的LCD面板的价格进行操控。

52、Jennykaede: Princes demand end to Diana conspiracies ─── 王子要求停止对戴安娜被害案的调查

53、Thank you for being very clear and outspoken in your criticism in an age of so many uncertainties and conspiracies. ─── 谢谢你在这充满阴谋和虚伪的时代能够这么直接坦率地批评我们。

54、The search puts her on the trail of the secrets and conspiracies that surround the Tunguska Phenomenon and the inhabitant of the region. ─── 搜索了,她对线索的秘密和阴谋,环绕通古斯现象和居民区内。

55、The 19 th Century belonged to the revolutionary conspiracies of both Zionism and Communism, which unfolded in the 20 th Century. ─── 19世纪是属于革命的阴谋都犹太复国主义与共产主义,而展现在20世纪。

56、Does factory offer specific training to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies and protecting access controls? ─── 工厂有提供特别的培训,帮助员工如何保证货物完整,识破阴谋和控制权限吗?

57、The water cooler, parking lot, bathrooms and bars provide opportunities for people to hatch conspiracies and strategies for getting their own way or getting even. ─── 茶水间、停车场、洗手间、酒吧等都为人们制造阴谋提供了良好的环境,使人们得以为自己铺平道路或报复对手。

58、It is possible to see behind such revolts mere conspiracies. ─── 可能有人会认为这些起义完全是策反的结果;

59、let me take you right now to the words of the fear mongers , for they create the conspiracies that are everywhere. ─── 让我现在就告诉你关于那些恐惧传播者的辞汇,他们在每个地方制造阴谋。

60、Is specific training offered to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls? ─── 是否有具体的培训提供给那些维护货物完整,识别内部的不良,并保护进程控制等操作的员工?

61、Princes demand end to Diana conspiracies ─── 英王子要求停止调查戴安娜王妃阴谋被害一案

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