crouched 发音
英:[kraʊtʃt] 美:[kraʊtʃt]
英: 美:
crouched 中文意思翻译
crouched 词性/词形变化,crouched变形
动词第三人称单数: crouches |动词过去式: crouched |动词现在分词: crouching |动词过去分词: crouched |
crouched 短语词组
1、crouched pose ─── 蹲姿
2、crouched meaning ─── 蹲伏的意思
3、crouched means ─── 蹲伏的手段
4、crouched i ─── 蹲着我
5、crouched down ─── 蹲距
6、crouched in ─── 蹲在地上
7、crouched in the fetal position ─── 蜷缩成胎儿姿势
8、crouched definition english ─── 蹲式英语
9、crouched man ─── 蹲着的人
10、crouched into ─── 蜷缩成
crouched 相似词语短语
1、avouched ─── vt.断言;保证;vi.做出保证
2、craunched ─── n.咬碎;咬碎声;扎扎地踏;v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎;扎扎地踏过
3、couched ─── n.睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻;vi.蹲伏,埋伏;躺着;vt.使躺下;表达;弯下;n.(Couch)人名;(英)库奇
4、rouched ─── 胭脂
5、crouches ─── v.蹲伏;俯身接近;n.蹲着的姿势;n.(Crouch)(美)克劳奇(人名)
6、scrooched ─── v.蜷缩,蹲伏
7、scrauched ─── 憔悴的
8、grouched ─── n.心怀不满;不高兴的人;抱怨;vi.发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨
9、crotched ─── adj.分成两叉的;成分叉的
crouched 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Crouch was very good," said Benitez. ─── “克劳奇的表现真的很棒。”贝尼特斯说。
2、He chuckled, said, "Very convincing," and then suddenly sank into a crouch, his muscles coiled like a spring. ─── 他咯咯地笑着说,“很有说服力,”然后突然蹲伏下来,他的肌肉就像个收紧的弹簧。
3、Like a wounded animal I crouched in my dark cave licking my bleeding body. ─── 像一只受伤的小兽,我蜷缩在幽暗的洞穴里舔着自己身上的血。
4、Peter Crouch, Jermain Defoe, Kanu and Benni McCarthy are on nine. ─── 克劳奇、德福、卡努和麦卡锡各有9个球。
5、He passed like a shadow under the darkness of the tree and crouched, looking down at the trodden ground at his feet. ─── 他象幽灵似地穿过树下的黑暗处,蹲着身子,低头察看脚下被踩踏过的土地。
6、"The difference was Crouch, we just did not handle him at all. ─── “克劳奇是最大的差异,我们根本看不住他。”
7、She crouched low like a fawning dog. ─── 她蜷缩在地上,象只摇尾乞怜的狗。
8、Why to crouch long stand up to you can appear giddy state? ─── 为什么蹲久了站起来就会出现头晕的状况?
9、Pairs of eternally mute stone lions crouched outside their entrances-one on each side. ─── 两个永远沉默的石狮子蹲在门口。
10、The Liverpool captain is joined in the squad by Jamie Carragher, Peter Crouch and goalkeeper Scott Carson. ─── 利物浦队长协同杰米·卡拉格,彼得·克劳奇还有门将斯各特·卡森入选。
11、They crouched over the grate with a flashlight,searching for the lost gem. ─── 他们打着手电蹲踞在壁炉前,寻找遗失的珠宝。
12、Crouch described his ebullient team-mate as "unplayable". ─── 克劳奇说他这个激情洋溢的队友是“无解男”。
13、the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. ─── 只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。
14、I'm crouched over my yoga mat in a squatting position, with my arms out in front of me, parallel to the floor. ─── 我以一种蹲的姿态俯身坐在我的瑜伽垫上,我的手臂搭在我前面,和地板恰好平行。
15、The Angel of Death crouched in the shadows of Cross Karakoram Base, as the pursuit passed. ─── 在交叉 Karakoram 基础的影像中被蹲下的死亡天使,如追求通过。
16、She sat crouched in a corner. ─── 她蹲坐在一个角落里。
17、The soldiers crouched behind shields as bolts rained down periodically at the signal of wooden clappers. ─── 土山上一声梆子响处,箭下如雨。
18、For instance, the shy pup who cringes and skitters away from you when you crouch down to pet her. ─── 例如,当你蹲下爱抚一条幼犬,它会因畏缩而飞快溜走。
19、They crouch down and bring forth their young; their labor pains are ended. ─── 他们屈身,将子生下,就除掉疼痛。
20、He dropped into a defensive crouch, the knife held defensively before him. ─── 他做出防备的卷曲姿态,刀很防备地拿在面前。
21、Meanwhile, Peter Crouch got a full run out for England in the 1-0 defeat to Spain. ─── 同时,克劳齐也为英格兰队出了全勤,但是他们以0:1输给了西班牙.
22、"It's a big game next for us at Chelsea. We will go into that game with more confidence," Crouch said. ─── “和切尔西的比赛将是一场大赛,我们会更自信地打这场比赛。”克劳奇说。
23、They did not crouch under the oppression. ─── 他们受压迫而不屈服。
24、He crouched down for shelter. ─── 他蹲下把身子藏起来。
25、Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness-who dares to rouse them? ─── 他蹲如公狮,卧如母狮,谁敢惹他,凡给你祝福的,愿他蒙福。
26、The champions lost 2-1 in Cardiff with Peter Crouch grabbing the late winner for the FA Cup holders. ─── 加迪夫球场,切尔西1:2输给利物浦,克劳奇打进致胜一球。
27、They often crouch beside the athlete's, the gym shoes on eristic his foot. ─── 他们经常蹲在运动员的身边,议论着他的脚上的球鞋。
28、No longer forces the Marksman to crouch and stop moving when used. ─── 不再迫使射手蜷缩在一起,并停止移动时使用。
29、She made straight for the fire and crouched over it shivering. ─── 她径直走向火炉边,蹲在那打冷战。
30、He stood up and crouched, and fenced with his hands. ─── 他站起身,屈膝半蹲,向前伸出双手护卫。
31、"I was a bit gutted not to have a chance of a hat-trick," said Crouch. ─── “我不太情愿地失去了上演帽子戏法的机会,”克劳奇说道。
32、Why I crouch, when standing up next giddy? ─── 为什么我蹲下去,然后站起来的时候头晕?
33、The lion crouched ready to pounce. ─── 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。
34、They crouched there, clutching the open hatchway. ─── 他们三个紧紧抓住天窗,蜷缩在那里。
35、As he crouched and frantically scrubbed his arm with loose soil the tears came again, racking him like a whipping. ─── 他蹲在地下,疯狂地用松土擦揉手臂的时候,再次流出了眼泪,这疼痛象是一场鞭打,折腾着他。
36、He was crouched in a wheelchair, a shriveled, whitened remnant of the father I had known. ─── 他无精打采地萎缩在轮椅里------我所熟识的父亲只剩下一个枯萎而苍白的残躯。
37、To draw(oneself) together in a crouch. ─── 使(自己)蜷曲起来
38、Both men crouched down, facing each other, Nino plucking the mandolin for a few harsh chords. ─── 两个男人屈下膝,面向彼此,尼诺拨着曼陀林发出一些粗糙的和弦。
39、He crouched down beside her. ─── 他在她的旁边蹲了下来。
40、Almost certainly he will play alongside Peter Crouch in Saturday's match against Paraguay. Would Crouch be in my team? ─── 几乎可以肯定星期六的比赛,他会和克劳奇搭档对阵巴拉圭,但是克劳奇是我心目中的理想人选么?
41、Wires led out from beneath it to a black curtain a few feet away, where a man crouched and clicked commands into a computer. ─── 距机器人几英尺远处有一个黑帘子,帘子后面是一台与机器人身体相连的电脑,有人在此通过电脑发布指令。
42、Crouch would have had the landmark to himself if he had not sent a free header over the bar in the81 st minute. ─── 克劳奇也许还能为自己创造历史,如果81分钟的时候他不是头球顶过了横梁。
43、Parker crouched in the roadside New Mexico brush at midnight, watching a tank burn on the highway. ─── 午夜,帕克蹲伏在新墨西哥路边的小树丛,看着一辆油罐车在公里上燃烧。
44、He crouched behind a low hedgerow. ─── 他蹲在一排低矮的灌木篱后面。
45、Peter Crouch came in and scored a few goals but England tend to play too long when he is in the side. ─── 克劳奇是进了一些球,但是当他在前场的时候,英格兰不得不进行长传冲吊的打法。
46、He crouched behind a lightning charred tree and waited. ─── 他蹲伏到一棵被雷击后烧焦了的树后面等待着。
47、She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. ─── 她蜷缩在黑暗中,吓得不敢露面。
48、As a favor to his dying wife, Crouch Sr. smuggled his son out of Azkaban. ─── 克劳奇先生偷偷把他的儿子作为将要死去的妻子带出了阿兹卡班。
49、He crouched down among the tangled foliage. ─── 他蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。
50、You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer. ─── 你蹲坐在你的轿子里,嘴里反复地祷念着神的名字。
51、bertuccio , crouched in the corner of the carriage , began to examine with a feverish anxiety every house they passed. ─── 贝尔图乔缩在马车的角落里,开始焦急不安地察看经过的每一座房子。
52、Crouch is too tall and he can flick the ball all the time. ─── 克劳奇太高了,任何情况下他都能够触到球。
53、They crouched over the grate with a flashlight, searching for the lost gem. ─── 他们打着手电蹲踞在壁炉前,寻找遗失的珠宝
54、He crouched over the papers on his desk. ─── 他俯身看他桌上的文件。
55、She made straight for the fire and crouched over it shivering . ─── 她径直走向火炉边,蹲在那儿打冷战。
56、Peter Crouch did well in the England attack. He did his job well and got his head on a few crosses and nearly scored. ─── 克劳奇在进攻中做得很好。他很好的完成了他的任务,他的几个头球差点就破了对方的大门。
57、Harry crouched down so that Albus's face was slightly above his own. Alone of Harry's three children, Albus had inherited Lily's eyes. ─── 哈利蹲了下来,使阿不思的脸比自己的略高一些。在哈利的三个子女中,只有阿不思继承了莉莉的眼睛。
58、They crouch, back to back, in a sort of hut of fate. ─── 他们彼此背靠着背,蹲在一种黑洞似的命运里。
59、They crouched together on a shadowy hillside. ─── 他们蹲在荫翳的山坡上。
60、Liverpool substitution Bellamy for Crouch. ─── 利物浦换人:贝拉米入替克劳奇。
61、The first result of Gavroche's meditation was, that instead of scaling the hedge, he crouched down under it. ─── 伽弗洛什思考的第一个结果,便是蹲在篱笆底下不动,不想翻过去了。
62、He crouched as near to the door as he could. ─── 他蜷缩在尽可能靠近门的地方。
63、He crouched down to stroke the dog. ─── 他蹲下来抚摸他的狗。
64、Peter Crouch believes Liverpool will upset Chelsea more than once during the coming campaign. ─── 克劳齐认为,红军这个赛季将会颠覆蓝军的称霸。
65、Crouch is also no stranger to hard graft. ─── 克劳奇不喜欢强硬突破,相反倒是喜欢盘带。
66、We could not cope with Crouch and Kuyt. ─── “然而克劳奇和库伊特的搭档我们就无法顶住。
67、He crouched now in the robe and holding the pistol in both hands. ─── 他这会儿匍匐在睡袋里,两手握着枪。
68、They eat crouched in corners or on the street as cars whiz by. ─── 他们蹲在角落里或在轿车呼啸而过大街上吃饭。
69、Harold Crouch, Government &Society in Malaysia[ M ], Sydney, NSW., Allen &Unwin Australia Pty. Ltd., 1966. ─── 何启良.独立后西马华人政治演变[A].林水檺,何启良,何国忠,赖观福.马来西亚华人史新编:第二册[M].
70、The fixture reunites Liverpool with two former strikers in Peter Crouch and Robbie Keane. ─── 利物浦将会遇到前利物浦故人克劳奇还有基恩。
71、She crouched in her chair to stand up to wash hair, for a piece of fresh clean gray suit, she punched a phone, I do not know to whom. ─── 她从她蜷伏的椅子里站起来,去梳头洗脸,换了件干净清爽的灰色套装,她打了个电话,不知道给谁。
72、The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. ─── 因为恐惧,颜色们蹲下身子,互相靠拢以求安慰。
73、She went down to the basement to find her husband, crouched in the corner and facing the wall crying. ─── 于是她进入地下室,发现她的丈夫正蜷缩在角落里,面对著墙壁哭泣。
74、He crouched, tucking his knees under his chin. ─── 他蜷曲着,把两个膝盖缩拢在颚下。
75、He crouched there for a long time before he hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist. ─── 他蹲在那里很长一段时间后,突然想出了一个挫败他对手的计划。
76、"I'm really looking forward to the derby and can't wait and we go there with a lot of confidence," added Crouch. ─── “我真心希望参与德比。而且不能等待了。我们带着强大的信心去那里。”克劳奇补充说。
77、Five or six men were crouched over papers on the desk. ─── 五六个人伏在桌上看文件。
78、The women crouched by the fire, the wet smoke in their eyes; the children wailed; everybody was hungry. ─── 女人们眼含泪水,蹲在火堆旁。孩子们嗷嗷大哭,大家都很饿。
79、He was running in a low crouch, weaving between the trees. ─── 他一直以屈膝前进,在树林间穿梭。
80、Crouch said: "We have the confidence to beat them, because we have done it before. ─── 克劳奇说:“我们有信心战胜他们,因为我们此前已经做到过了。”
81、He crouched there for a long.time before he hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist. ─── 他蹲在那里很长一段时间后,突然想出了一个挫败他对手的计划
82、Andy managed to scarf down several days' worth of dog food as I crouched on all fours in pain. ─── 在我痛苦地四肢着地蜷在那里的时候,安迪却吃下了好几天份量的狗粮。
83、Crouch won the game with a header from a Bellamy cross 10 minutes from time. ─── 克劳奇在比赛结束前10分钟接贝拉米传球头球打入致胜球。
84、Doyle crouched behind a hedge. ─── 多伊尔蹲在篱笆后面。
85、His knees buckle slightly and he feels himself sliding down the wall until he is crouched with his knees to his chest, fists kneading at his forehead. ─── 他的膝盖软了下去,他觉得自己在沿着墙往下滑,然后他双手抱着膝蹲在那里,拳头顶着他的额头。
86、When why can tell me to crouch to stand up is the meeting giddy? ─── 哪位大哥可以告诉我为什么蹲下去站起来的时候会头晕?
87、Ogren remained crouched outside Room 73, his pistol in the ready position. ─── 奥格伦一直蹲伏在73号教室的外边,手里的枪随时准备射击。
88、May 3 crouch in grams (next to the new KK) how the English are not playing. ─── 5月3日在趴克(新KK旁边)英文怎么打都不会。
89、She crouched by the fire to get warm. ─── 她蜷缩在火堆旁取暖。
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