cruelties 发音
英:[ˈkru(ː)əltiz] 美:[ˈkrultiz]
英: 美:
cruelties 中文意思翻译
cruelties 词性/词形变化,cruelties变形
名词复数: cruelties |
cruelties 短语词组
1、cruelties of slavery ─── 奴隶制的残酷
2、cruelties of communism ─── 共产主义的残酷
3、cruelties synonym ─── 残忍同义词
4、cruelties definition ─── 残忍的定义
5、cruelties meaning ─── 残酷的含义
6、cruelties def ─── 残酷的定义
7、cruelties define ─── 残酷定义
cruelties 相似词语短语
1、crusties ─── adj.易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的
2、cruelest ─── 最残忍的
3、casualties ─── n.伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数)
4、counties ─── n.郡,县
5、crossties ─── n.枕木
6、cruelled ─── 残忍的
7、crueler ─── 残忍者
8、crudities ─── n.粗糙;简陋;未成熟物
9、crucifies ─── vt.折磨;十字架上钉死;克制
cruelties 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Once he is full of passion,the Cruelties and Hardships that he faced will exchanged something unbodied,something inside,that is A powerful Power in his heart! ─── 一旦他充满激情地去做一件事情,那么眼前他所面临的残酷与艰辛将会转为一些无形的,内在的东西,一种来自于内心的强大的力量!
2、One of the cruelties of unemployment is that it tends to fall most heavily on the poorer half of the economy . ─── 失业中糟糕的事情之一就是它把大部分重担压在了较为贫困的那一半人身上。
3、Are housed within their cruelties. ─── 生活在他们的喜怒无常中。
4、In fact the AHA actively defends the use of great apes in productions despite its inherent cruelties. ─── 事实上,AHA为拍摄过程中使用大型猿类积极辩护,尽管这其中存在残忍的虐待行为。
5、I look at my little girl, whose tiny face mirrors my own, and I have an overwhelming urge to shield her from the cruelties of life. ─── 我看着我的小女儿,他的小脸多象我自己的,我有一种无法抑制的渴望想保护它远离生活的残酷。
6、By composing the novel, Hawthorne intended to repent of his ancestors' cruelties and remove the curses from the persecuted. ─── 霍桑创作《红字》,意在向当年受到自己先祖迫害的基督徒忏悔,替先祖赎罪。
7、But, however, all of this had nothing to do with us, what was important was that the cruelties and bloodiness of the war was absent and instead there was peace and quiet. ─── 但是不管怎样,所有这些都与我们无关了,重要的是那些残忍残酷的战争已经不在,代替它们的是和平和安宁。
8、Imagine a child suffering such cruelties at the hands of his own parents! ─── 想一想一个孩子竟在自己的亲生父母手里受这样的苦。
9、On behalf of all Chinese people, I want to offer the Tibetan people our sincere apologies for the cruelties inflicted upon them by the Chinese government. ─── 中国之所以成为社会主 义是因为她没有经过资 本原始积累,没有要日 本的战败赔偿金,怎么 进行资本主义?
10、He constructed theories to explain the petty cruelties of childhood bullies.He made plans to purchase a small house, to reclaim his land in Guatemala, to publish essays, fiction, fragments of prose. ─── 他得出几条理论用以解释在童年时欺凌弱小这微不足道的残忍,回忆年轻时计划在危地马拉买一栋房子,开垦一片土地,出版评论集、小说和散文集。
11、With much cruelties committed, there's nobody but hates him. ─── 因为犯下了如此罪行,没有人不恨他的。)
12、You cannot be more oppressed than you have been--you cannot suffer greater cruelties than you have already.Rather die freemen than live to be slaves. ─── 你们已受尽了压迫,你们已受尽了残暴,宁可死为自由人,不可生为奴隶。
13、we have been exposed to the cruelties of an oppressing enemy, and the inconveniences of a desert wilderness. ─── 我们面对的是残酷仇敌的迫害,和旷野沙漠的不便。
14、perpetrate terrible cruelties on sb. ─── 可怕地虐待某人
15、The simplest thing was to so antagonize her that she would choose starvation rather than support his cruelties. ─── 最简单的办法莫过于同她闹翻,迫使她宁愿饿死也不再忍受他的残酷行为。
16、repent one's cruelties ─── 悔恨残忍行为
17、They committed the most atrocious cruelties. ─── 他们犯下了极其凶残的暴行。
18、Sequela of suffering from cruelties during childhood could reveal at any ages and ways. ─── 童年受虐的后遗症可在任何年纪以不同的方式显现。
19、Horrible cruelties and frightful crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion. ─── 许多令人发指的罪行都是借宗教的名义犯下的。
20、the cruelties of life ─── 生活中的种种不公
21、There was dislike of early industrialism, hatred of the ugliness that it produced, and revulsion against its cruelties. ─── 有对初期工业制社会的厌恶,对它所产生的丑象的憎恨和对它的残酷暴行的强烈反感。
22、the tyrant's infamous cruelties ─── 该暴君可耻的凶残行径.
23、Because of his version to the cruelties of World War I, Hemingway made a cult of the courage necessary to survive such an ordeal ─── 海明威本人对第一次世界大战的残酷性深恶痛绝,因此,他才能如此崇拜那些经受了这一场灾难考验的,有着大无畏勇气的人们。
24、42But now there is enough said of the sacrifices, and of the excessive cruelties. ─── 以上所述,足以叫人明瞭当时关于吃祭品和因此而掀起的惨酷的刑罚。
25、suffer from cruelties ─── 遭受虐待
26、Boasting of his fights, his cruelties and his butchery. ─── 对他的战斗、他的残忍和他的滥杀的吹嘘。
27、I look at my little girl, whose tiny face mirrors my own, and I have an overwhelming urge to shield her from the cruelties of life. ─── 我看着我的小女儿,他的小脸多象我自己的,我有一种无法抑制的渴望想保护它远离生活的残酷。
28、Cruelties, insults, had, he perceived, been inflicted on the aged erections. ─── 他看出来,这些古老的建筑,曾受过侮辱和虐待。
29、They are so depraved that what they think to be tender mercies to their animals are in fact cruelties (12:10). ─── 他们是如此的邪恶,即使他们认为,他们已怜悯了他们的性畜,那也是残忍(12:10)。
30、Jim Callaghan connotes the “winter of discontent”: such are the simplifications and cruelties of national memory. ─── 这些都说明了民族记忆的简单化和残酷。
31、For millions of Brazilians the few days before Lent still serve as a respite from daily woes not a cure for them and provide a fleeting moment for forgetting life's cruelties. ─── 对于几百万的里约人来说,四旬斋前的这几天让人们远离了每日的担惊受怕,但这并不能治愈人们的伤痛,也不能让人们忘记生活的残酷。
32、One of the cruelties of unemployment is that it tends to fall most heavily on the poorer half of the economy. ─── 失业中糟糕的事情之一就是它把大部分重担压在了较为贫困的那一半人身上。
33、Zushio, who will for a time be corrupted by the cruelties of the world, redeems himself by following his father's teachings, which are those of the Buddhist faith. ─── 曾一度被世间残酷行为所侵蚀的厨子王,通过遵从其父关于佛教信仰之训而获得了自我救赎。
34、By the cruelties of many generations they were made the enemies of man who should have been his friends. ─── 世世代代的残酷使它们成了敌人,而你们本应是它的朋友。
35、Numerous petitions from them have recently been presented to the Queen to abolish apprenticeship, with its cruelties, nearly equal to those of the system whose place it supplies. ─── 无数的请愿书最近呈交予女王,要求废除残酷的徒工制度,其残酷并不亚于它所替代的奴隶制。
36、Most of the frightful cruelties inflicted on men during the past have arisen simply out of a difference of opinion that arose through a difference in temperament. ─── 什么样的表现是最好的?
37、Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. ─── 想一下,这个点上某个角落的居民,被另外一些角落稀少却强悍的居民所残酷的统治着。
38、Most of Xinran's mothers submit stoically to the cruelties of "son preference" and the one-child policy. ─── 欣然笔下的大部分母亲在“重男轻女”的残忍现实和“独生子女”政策下,采取了绝育手段。
39、One is simply horrified to hear of such cold-blooded cruelties. ─── 听了那种无人道的事情,真令人毛骨悚然。
40、Yet there are more sides to Benjamin Britten than random cruelties, some of which may have been fired by the lurking Pears. ─── 然而,除了隐身在幕后的皮尔斯让他如此冷酷无情,本杰明·布里顿的性格还有很多侧面。
41、There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. ─── 农业社会的人比工业社会的人享受差得多;因此欲望也小得多。况中国古代素来以不滞于物,不为物役为最主要的人生哲学。
42、we have been exposed to the cruelties of an oppressing enemy, and the inconveniences of a desert wilderness. ─── 我们面对的是残酷仇敌的迫害,和旷野沙漠的不便。
43、One is simply horrified to hear of such cold-blooded cruelties. ─── 听了那种无人道的事情,真令人毛骨悚然。
44、By breaking every pledge -- by his deceptions, and by h?s cruelties -- Saddam Hussein has made the case against himself. ─── 用欺骗和残忍手段反悔自己的承诺,萨达姆已经站到了人们的对立面。
45、There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meanesses in small places that exit in large cities. ─── 那些远离小地方的残酷、不容忍和许许多多的恶习在大城市却存在。
46、His monstrousness consists really in casual cruelties of an everyday sort. ─── 他的畸形古怪仅仅是由日常生活中偶然的残酷行为带来的。
47、You are day and night oppressed with the sin of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed. ─── 你作恶多端,暴虐残酷,自然要因这不义的行径而日夜痛苦。
48、1. He might suffer horrible cruelties. ─── 他可能遇到可怕的残酷待遇。
49、The rest, hopeless and hardly sane after years of Isambart's cruelties, dared not trust themselves to swim the moat, and stood by the archway in the wall, staring stupidly. ─── 其余的人在依山巴特几年的残酷对待后,没有什么希望且几乎发疯,他们不敢信任自己能游过河,于是站在墙门旁,呆呆地望着。
50、For example, only two weeks after the start of the Russian campaign, the Wiking Division massacred 600 Galician Jews in "reprisal for Soviet cruelties". ─── 比如,俄国作战开始两周后,维京师在“报复苏军残酷行为”的行动中屠杀了600名加利西亚犹太人。
51、Because Passion brings him limitless Self-Confidence and A excited feeling to overcome them!Even enjoy something could made him exciting from the Cruelties and Hardships! ─── 因为激情带给他的将是无限的自信与战胜残酷与艰辛的兴奋之感!甚至是在享受这种残酷与艰辛中带来的快感!
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