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09-06 投稿


affinis 发音

英:[ˈæfɪnɪs]  美:[ˈæfɪnɪs]

英:  美:

affinis 中文意思翻译



affinis 短语词组

1、emberiza affinis ─── 慈姑

2、bombus affinis ─── 仿射家蚕

3、affinis fish ─── 仿射鱼

4、affinis dental ─── 仿射牙

5、oldenlandia affinis ─── 金钱草

6、Cyclops affinis ─── [医] 近缘剑水蚤

7、Fritillaria affinis ─── [网络] 贝母affinis

8、affinis pvs ─── 仿射pvs

9、affinis lab ─── 仿射实验室

10、bistorta affinis ─── 仿射双星

11、affinis hoya ─── 阿菲尼斯霍亚

12、Aythya affinis ─── [网络] 小潜鸭

13、Gambusia affinis ─── [医] 食蛟鱼, 柳条鱼

14、apogon affinis ─── 仿射复多边形

15、affinis bat ─── 蝙蝠

affinis 相似词语短语

1、affinity ─── n.密切关系;吸引力;姻亲关系;类同

2、affirms ─── v.肯定(affirm的第三人称单数);申明

3、finis ─── n.终结;死;n.(Finis)人名;(英、西)菲尼斯

4、affined ─── adj.同盟的;姻亲的;受约束的

5、affiants ─── n.宣誓者

6、affies ─── affies

7、affixes ─── n.[语]词缀;v.使附属于;黏贴(affix的第三人称单数)

8、affine ─── adj.(数)仿射的;n.姻亲

9、affinal ─── adj.姻亲的;同源的;n.姻亲

affinis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cymbella affinis ─── n. 近亲桥弯藻

2、Holmesiela affinis ─── n. 近霍糠虾

3、Myctophum affinis ─── n. 芒光灯笼鱼

4、Epiphytic and parasitic organisms can be found growing on the trunks of many forest trees. The fungus Microporus affinis is one example. ─── 许多林木的树干上又著生或寄生其他生物,此为相邻小孔菌。

5、Lygocorides affinis ─── n. 邻红唇拟丽盲蝽

6、Periclimenes affinis ─── n. 近缘岩虾

7、Episinus affinis ─── n. 近亲丘腹蛛

8、Cosmia affinis ─── n. 联兜夜蛾

9、distribution of Seicercus affinis in China will be discussed in this paper. ─── 文中还就白眶鹟莺在中国的分布情况作了讨论。

10、Diploclisia affinis ─── n. 秤钩风

11、Cousinia affinis ─── n. 刺头菊

12、Microporus affinis ─── n. 褐芝小孔菌

13、Keywords Xiphophorus helleri;Poecilia;Gambusia affinis;7-day subchrcinc toxicity test;heavy metals; ─── 剑鱼;孔雀鱼;食蚊鱼;七天亚慢性试验;重金属;

14、Coniogramme affinis ─── n. 尖齿凤丫蕨

15、Cystacanthus affinis ─── n. 丽江鳔冠花

16、Objective to study acute toxicity of domestic detergents produced by four different factories on Xiphophorus heller, Poecilia and Gambusia affinis. ─── 目的-研究4种不同产地的家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性影响。

17、Acute Toxicity of Domestic Detergents on Xiphophorus helleri, Poecilia and Gambusia affinis ─── 家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性实验观察

18、Chaetoceros affinis ─── n. 窄隙角毛藻

19、Lentistivalius affinis ─── n. 邻近韧棒蚤

20、Garrulax affinis ─── n. 黑顶噪鹛

21、Microtoena affinis ─── n. 相近冠唇花

22、Distichodus affinis ─── n. 银小丑鱼(琴鲤科)

23、Keywords domestic detergents;Xiphophorus helleri;Poecilia;Gambusia affinis;acute toxicity; ─── 家用洗涤剂;红剑鱼;孔雀鱼;食蚊鱼;急性毒性;

24、Caprimulgus affinis ─── n. 林夜鹰

25、Pipistrellus affinis ─── n. 茶褐伏翼

26、in N. affinis increased along with the increment of Kfertilizer dosage , and was little influenced by N fertilizer dosage. ─── 后慈竹的灰分含量随K肥用量的增加而上升,受N肥用量影响不大。

27、in N. affinis increased along with the increment of Kfertilizer dosage , and was little influenced by N fertilizer dosage. ─── 后慈竹的灰分含量随K肥用量的增加而上升,受N 肥用量影响不大。

28、Reticulitermes affinis ─── n. 肖若散白蚁

29、Rhinolophus affinis hi malayanus ─── 中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种

30、Rhinolophus affinis ─── n. 中菊头蝠

31、Lepisorus affinis ─── n. 海南瓦韦

32、Keywords Phyllostachys heteroclada olive;Neosinocalamus affinis Keng f;flower;biological characteristics;rejuvenation; ─── 关键词水竹;慈竹;开花;生物学特性;物质代谢;复壮;

33、Sars 10.Alona affinis (Leydig)4.Simocephalus vetuloides G.O.Sars 11.Alona virago Brehm5. ─── 共采集水样43号,经镜检计有枝角类4科11属16种,桡足类4科9属11种,其中包括一个新种。

34、The digestive tract of Gambusia affinis consists of cavum, oesophagus, intestine and anus. ─── 食蚊鱼的消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠和肛门组成。

35、cv. Affinis ─── n. 慈竹

36、Trachelomonas affinis ─── n. 近亲囊裸藻

37、A Study on the Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes in Rhinolophus affinis and Miniopterus ─── 中菊头蝠和折翼蝠组织乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的研究

38、Rapanea affinis ─── n. 拟密花树

39、Ardisia affinis ─── n. 细罗伞

40、Our company produces bamboo fibers.Our products `s raw materials come from natural bamboo[Neosinocalamus affinis (Rengle) Keng] which contains rich fiber. ─── 主要产品与服务: 公司专门从事竹纤维生产,目前,产品已经应用在造纸、烟草薄片、建筑装饰板材、汽车内饰板、保温吸声、隔热防火材料等方面。

41、Otocinclus affinis ─── n. 小精灵(甲鲶科)

42、Application of Xiphophorus Hellerl, Poecilia and Gambusia Affinis in Subchronic Toxicity Test ─── 在亚慢性毒性试验中应用红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的效果观察

43、Gibbula affinis ─── n. 缘驼峰螺

44、Chilomycterus affinis ─── n. 瘤短刺鲀

45、Schizothrix affinis ─── n. 连接裂须藻

46、, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Gir), Monopterus albus (Zuiew), Tilapia mossambica Peters, etc. ─── 合鳃目的黄鳝(Monopterus albus); 鲈形目的罗非鱼(Tilapia mossambica)等淡水鱼类。

47、affinis (2n = 62, FN = 60),R. ─── 中菊头蝠的核型为2n =6 2 ,FN =6 0 ;

48、Macrocoma affinis ─── n. 近马氏漠肖叶甲

49、Similar to G. affinis, the anal fin of male would develop into a gonopodium . ─── 雄性孔雀鱼与食蚊鱼一样,臀鳍会演化为生殖管。

50、Chaetoceros affinis var. circinalis ─── n. 窄隙角毛藻绕链变种

51、Pupa affinis ─── n. 亲缘蛹螺

52、Climacteris affinis ─── n. 白眉短嘴旋木雀(旋木雀科)

53、Anabaena affinis ─── n. 近亲鱼腥藻

54、Chaetoceros affinis var. willei ─── n. 窄隙角毛藻等角毛变种

55、the "black" Echeveria, gives the new plant its color, and E. shaviana gives the plant its delicacy. ─── 它的黑色赋予了这种新的植物,而莎维娜将它精致的特点赋予了这个新品种。

56、Spirogyra affinis ─── n. 近亲水绵

57、Cyclops affinis ─── [医] 近缘剑水蚤

58、R. affinis ─── 中菊头蝠

59、Then he tips in a few dozen mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), which begin happily munching larvae. ─── 随后他在池中放入一些食蚊鱼,这样可以将大量的孑孓消灭。

60、Carpopeltis affinis ─── n. 盾果藻

61、Nitzschia angularis var. affinis ─── n. 有棱菱形藻相似变种

62、Cotoneaster affinis ─── n. 藏边栒子

63、Rheumaptera affinis ─── n. 邻汝尺蛾

64、Turpinia affinis ─── n. 硬毛山香圆

65、Platycorynus affinis ─── n. 密点扁角肖叶甲

66、Codonopsis affinis ─── n. 大叶党参

67、Peristylus affinis ─── n. 小花阔蕊兰

68、Trachelomonas mirabilis var. affinis ─── n. 奇异囊裸藻近缘变种

69、Zeuxine affinis ─── n. 宽叶线柱兰

70、Araneus affinis ─── n. 近亲园蛛

71、Taiwanhormius affinis ─── n. 邻台索茧蜂

72、Docirava affinis ─── n. 粉红盗尺蛾

73、In a word, N. affinis and C. all can be used as the species for vegetation restoration, and both have their own predominance. ─── 说明柏木或慈竹均可用于该区植被恢复,并各有优势。

74、Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis, Northern Pintail Anas acuta, and several sea ducks are showing troubling declines, but most geese are increasing dramatically and many ducks have held steady. ─── 一些鸟类如针尾鸭和海鸭等的数量仍然在下降,但是大多数雁类的数量都有了明显增加,很多鸭子的数量也保持稳定。

75、Jiang TL, Feng J, Sun KP and He CF.Coexsitence of two sympatric and morphologically similar bat species (Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus pearsoni). ─── 孙克萍,冯江,金龙如,刘颖,姜云垒.依据回声定位声波参数判别同域栖息的蝙蝠种类.东北师大学报(自然科学版)2006.38(3):109-114.

76、Above results indicate that S. taeniatus and S. affinis are two valid species; ─── 对上述结果分析认为:四川华鳊和海南华鳊为两个有效的物种;

77、Ophiactis affinis ─── n. 近辐蛇尾

78、Mycerobas affinis ─── n. 黑翅拟蜡嘴雀

79、Ratufa affinis ─── n. 斑臀巨松鼠

80、Akodon affinis ─── n. 邻原鼠

81、Gambusia affinis ─── [医] 食蛟鱼, 柳条鱼

82、The soluble protein content and its SDS-PAGE patterns in leaves of Neosinocalamus affinis,Dendrocalamus farinosus and Bambusa rigida from the different regions of Sichuan province were studied. ─── 以四川省不同地区慈竹、梁山慈竹及硬头黄竹的叶片为材料,测定叶片可溶性蛋白质含量,采用SDS-PAGE技术研究其可溶性蛋白谱带的差异。

83、Density Regulation of Clonal Growth of Neosinocalamus affinis in Different Habitats ─── 不同生境中慈竹克隆生长的密度调节

84、Neillia affinis ─── n. 川康绣线梅

85、Tarphochlamys affinis ─── n. 肖笼鸡

86、Arachnothera affinis ─── n. 灰胸捕蛛鸟(太阳鸟科)

87、The content of lignin and cellulose of Neosinocalamus affinis and Bambusa rigida with the typical thick-growing characteristics was studied with samples from different regions in Sichuan province. ─── 以四川4个地区2种丛生竹(慈竹和硬头黄)为研究对象,对其木质素和综纤维含量进行研究。

88、Aulacodiscus affinis ─── n. 近似沟盘藻

89、Salsola affinis ─── n. 紫翅猪毛菜

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