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08-22 投稿


barbarity 发音

英:[bɑːrˈbærəti]  美:[bɑːˈbærəti]

英:  美:

barbarity 中文意思翻译



barbarity 短语词组

1、barbarity in a sentence ─── 一句话中的野蛮

2、barbarity mean ─── 野蛮意味着

3、barbarity ffxi ─── 野蛮ffxi

4、barbarity effect ─── 野蛮效应

5、barbarity definition ─── 野蛮定义

6、barbarity define ─── 野蛮定义

7、barbarity band ─── 野蛮乐队

barbarity 词性/词形变化,barbarity变形


barbarity 相似词语短语

1、barbarism ─── n.野蛮;原始;未开化;暴虐

2、barbarians ─── n.野蛮人;蛮夷(barbarian的复数形式)

3、barbaric ─── adj.野蛮的,粗野的;原始的

4、barbarities ─── n.残暴;粗野

5、barberite ─── n.[材]铜镍锡硅合金

6、barbarise ─── 野蛮

7、barbarize ─── v.使野蛮,使粗野

8、barbarised ─── 野蛮人

9、barbarian ─── n.野蛮人;未开化的人;无教养的人;adj.野蛮的;未开化的

barbarity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Baburnama recounts the barbarity and hardship of a princeling's life in a chaotic world; but it is also full of delight and humanity. ─── 这本名为巴布尔纳玛(巴布尔本纪)的回忆录,详细叙述了混乱世界中一个幼年王子的残暴和艰辛;但是也充满愉悦和人性。

2、The ICRC foresaw "a struggle the ferocity of which will exceed the greatest barbarity the world has known. ─── 当时 ICRC 预言“这一行径的残暴将是史无前例的”。

3、If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims. ─── 如果吃肉的结果是会危害人类社会的和平,对那些因此而受遭殃的受难者是多么不公平与残暴啊。

4、There have been many such signs, from barbarity in the north Caucasus to harassment of foreign oil firms and meddlesome foreign policy. ─── 但是,从在北高加索的暴虐行径到骚扰外国石油公司以及外交方面好管闲事,这样的例子不胜枚举。

5、What happened in Fallujah was an act of barbarity. The whole world must be told the truth. ─── 发生在费鲁杰的是野蛮行为。整个世界都应该知道真相。

6、It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visit to some of the local businesses, including Cannoli's Bakery, Bouffant's Barbar shop, the PB&J cafe and Green's Grocery. ─── 这是一个充满欢乐的日子,因为班尼要带小朋友参观各种不同行业的店铺,包括面包店、理发店、露天茶座和杂货店。

7、Diablo Source: Der Barbar soll ja der gleiche wie in D2 sein, nur 20 Jahre spä ─── 翻译:野蛮人应该和D2里是一样,只不过是20年后的。

8、In 1947 the country's new Communist rulers deported 200,000 Ukrainian-speakers from south-eastern Poland.That could be seen as Bolshevik barbarity, or evidence of Polish ethnic nationalism. ─── 1947年,波兰新的共产主义统治者释放了来自波兰东南部的20万名讲乌克兰语的人民。

9、A good old-fashioned spanking is out of the question, no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity . ─── 当孩子们欢蹦乱跳地嬉戏玩耍把家里弄得乱七八糟时,他们的父母却忍受着担心和负疚感带来的折磨。

10、I declare, it is really amusing to hear the Southerners and Westerners of this country talk about barbarity, that it is positively enough to make a man smile... ─── 使我更加吃惊的是,我看到这张人道的报纸上登了三个男人的图片,在他们的背上烙有梅花印记,并附有一则通告,高价悬赏拿他们逮捕归案。

11、barbar dryer ─── 干燥室

12、I wish I could take the barbarity as a coast ─── 但愿凭残忍代价

13、The pirates treated their captives with barbarity ─── 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。

14、The world is dark and barbarity. ─── 这个世界黑暗.残忍.

15、If we flinch in the face of this high-tech barbarity , ─── 如果我们在这种高科技的野蛮残忍面前退缩的话,

16、67. Love to one only is a barbarity, for it is exercised at the expense of all others. Love to God also! ─── 一个人甘愿自己被侮辱、被抢劫、被欺骗、被剥削,这或许是一位神在人群中感到的胆怯。

17、The Distinction Between Cathay and Barbarity and the Diehands in Modern China--The Second Part of the Study on Chinese Political Culture ─── 夷夏之辨与近代中国的顽固派--中国政治文化研究之二

18、barbarity overrunning the politest nations, and the most barbarous become civilized. ─── 野蛮民族侵入文明国家,最野蛮的人却渐渐文明起来。

19、This may be the most barbarity scene in the world. People can barbecue everything they want. The Colobus satanas naive eyes charge the sin. ─── 这可能是世界上最惨忍的景象了。人们会烤食任何他们想吃的东西。这髯猴的无故的眼睛控诉着罪恶。

20、The barbarity was beyond imagination.But not beyond prevention. ─── 屠杀的残暴程度超出了想象,而且没有被有效制止。

21、A good old-fashioned anking is out of the question: no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. ─── 要想像前人一样狠狠地揍他一顿屁股是根本不可能的了,因为现代育儿指南绝不会允许这种野蛮行径。

22、The pirates treated their captives with barbarity. ─── 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。

23、Appalling acts of barbarity have displaced over 2m people and killed about 300,000 more. ─── 野蛮的行为骇人听闻,超过2百万人流离失所,更有约30万人惨遭杀害。

24、They read facts about the barbarity of the death penalty. ─── 他们了解了一些关于死刑残忍性的事实。

25、Throughout human history, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of brutality and barbarity. ─── 人类历史上,从未见过人性如此残暴。

26、marked by barbarity suggestive of a cannibal; rapaciously savage. ─── 以令人想起食人族的残忍行为为特点;贪婪、野蛮。

27、What I suffered from his barbarity wants not that aggravation ─── 他的野蛮行为给我造成的痛苦不需要细说了。

28、The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. ─── 认为动物不享有任何权利,妄称人类对它们的处置与道德无涉,这是西方残暴野蛮行为中最令人发指的一个例子。

29、There have been many such signs, from barbarity in the north Caucasus to harassment of foreign oil firms and meddlesome foreign policy. ─── 但是,从在北高加索的暴虐行径到骚扰外国石油公司以及外交方面好管闲事,这样的例子不胜枚举。

30、" The crudeness and barbarity that the people of Taiwan sometimes exhibit are there for a reason.The cultivation that the Hong Kong people never deviate from is also there for a reason. ─── 台湾人常常出现的粗野,其来有自,香港人从不脱线的教养,其来有自。

31、barbarous act; savage behaviour; atrocity; barbarity; savagery ─── 野蛮行为

32、barbarity of war ─── 战争的残酷

33、civilization and barbarity ─── 文明与野蛮

34、It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality. ─── 这是文明与落后、开化与原始、野蛮与理性的冲突。

35、Through up the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a pick of cruelty and barbarity. ─── 纵观人类的文明史,我们找不到比这更加残酷而血腥的行为。

36、Modern-dayHokkaido (literally, the way to the northern seas) was then known as Ezo, whosewritten characters connote wildness and barbarity. ─── 今天的北海道从前称为札幌,字面上暗示着野蛮与残忍。

37、This may be the most barbarity scene in the world. People can barbecue everything they want. The Colobus satanas naive eyes charge the sin. ─── 这可能是世界上最惨忍的景象了。人们会烤食任何他们想吃的东西。这髯猴的无故的眼睛控诉着罪恶。

38、Shame on the house of Ptolemies for such barbarity. Shame. ─── 托勒密家族这种野蛮的行为而感到羞耻,羞耻!

39、"civilization" and "barbarity" ─── “文明”与“野蛮”

40、marked by barbarity suggestive of a cannibal; rapaciously savage ─── 以令人想起食人族的残忍行为为特点;贪婪、野蛮

41、People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes , and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar"s shop or a hairdresser"s . ─── 以上只是考生中比较普遍的一些想法和观点。

42、Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of cruelty and barbarity. ─── 我以及我们检察团的全体同仁,用我们的努力和证据,证明了上述目的的因谋及罪行都确有其事;

43、Love to one only is a barbarity, for it is exercised at the expense of all others. ─── 对某个人的爱是一种野蛮行为,因为实践它要以其他所有人为代价。

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