miserably 发音
英: 美:
miserably 中文意思翻译
miserably 网络释义
adv. 贫困地;可悲地;糟糕地;非常不幸地
miserably 短语词组
1、miserably definition ─── 悲惨的定义
2、miserably sick ─── 病入膏肓
3、miserably syn ─── 可怜的syn
4、miserably lose ─── 惨败
5、miserably poor ─── 无地立锥
6、miserably happy ─── 悲惨的幸福
7、miserably define ─── 悲惨地定义
miserably 词性/词形变化,miserably变形
副词: miserably |名词: miserableness |
miserably 反义词
miserably 同义词
execrable | sad | suffering | pathetic | down | rotten | desolate | low |unhappy | depressing | hopeless | depressed | fed up | mean | pitiable | abject | sorry | scummy | wretched | melancholy | misfortunate | grey | inadequate | forlorn | gloomy | petty | scurvy | low-down | derisory | despairing | dismal | ailing | gray | paltry | measly | woeful | shabby | cheerless | hapless | piteous | accursed | pitiful | overcast | deplorable | poor | dull | rope
miserably 相似词语短语
1、mistakably ─── 易弄错地
2、miserable ─── adj.悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的
3、miserablist ─── n.悲惨主义者
4、observably ─── adv.显著地;醒目地
5、miserablism ─── 悲惨
6、answerably ─── 负责任地
7、miserly ─── adj.吝啬的;贪婪的
8、measurably ─── adv.可以测定的程度;可视地
9、leisurably ─── 悠闲地
miserably 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His brother was a prize bastard and a miser. ─── 他的兄弟是个头号大坏蛋,还是个吝啬鬼。
2、He did miserably in the early primaries but promised that Florida would be his firewall. ─── 他在早期的初选中很惨,但是他承诺说佛罗里达将是他的底线。
3、She failed miserably. ─── 她失败得很惨。
4、He went into the garden and wandered miserably around the grounds alone. ─── 他走到园子里,一个人独自忧心如焚,在园里徘徊。
5、The money the miser hoards will do him no good. ─── 守财奴积财,对自己毫无好处。
6、They wandered around miserably. ─── 他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。
7、I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it. ─── 其实也没那么糟糕,它就是个先兆,预示了现今人们,很悲惨它失败了,不过我很高兴我们做过。
8、A plunder plunders his heir's fortune while a miser his own. ─── 1挥霍者掠夺他的继承人的财产,守财奴掠夺自己的财产。
9、He was really affected most miserably of all by this desertion. ─── 在所有的事情中,她的遗弃确实让他最为痛苦。
10、Animals never have enough food, nor the miser sufficient money. ─── 动物好吃不厌多,财迷贪财总嫌少。
11、There was once a miser who sold all his property and turned it into a great lump of gold. ─── 从前,有个守财奴,他把所有的财产都卖了,换成了一大块金子。
12、She failed miserably in her latest business. ─── 她在最近的一次生意中失败得很惨。
13、People who slander temple-builders and died miserably. ─── 五、辱骂修寺庙人,结果自已人财两空。
14、For a parting shot, she called me a miser. ─── 临走前,她丢给我一句话,说我是小气鬼。
15、Soon Mary discovered she had married a miser. ─── 不久,玛丽发现她嫁给了一个守财奴。
16、The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money. ─── 吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。
17、Fortunately, the storm abated somewhat, though the seas were choppy and many of the soldiers arrived miserably seasick. ─── 幸运的是这天的风暴平静了一些,但海峡海域仍是波涛汹涌。 许多士兵在到达彼岸时因晕船而感到痛苦难忍。
18、Miser: A person who lives poor so that he can die rich. ─── 吝啬鬼:过穷日子以求死后富有的人。
19、He is a very stingy person. 2. What a miser! 3. He's not a generous person. ─── 他是个很小气的人。真是个吝啬鬼!他不是个慷慨的人。
20、For he is such miser, nobody wants to deal with him. ─── 对于这样小气的人,谁也不愿意和他打交道.
21、They wandered around miserably. ─── 他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。
22、Bender:So it's just a coincidence that Zoidberg here's both desperately poor and miserably lonely? ─── 剧情都是瞎编的,剧情开发实间一周,图形开发时间半年,广告开发半年.
23、"More coffee?"asked Alan miserably. ─── “再来点咖啡?”阿兰痛苦地问道。
24、He sat down miserably , as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane. ─── 他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。
25、Do you want to be a pursuer or a miser of money? ─── 你是想做金钱的追随者还是奴隶?
26、He sat down miserably, as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane. ─── 他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。
27、Why don't you buy me a drink for a change, you old miser! ─── 你就不能也请我喝一杯, 你这老财迷!
28、The pocket of the miser is always empty. ─── 吝啬鬼的口袋里总是没有钱。
29、A miser gives undue importance to making and saving money. ─── 守财奴对赚钱和存钱孰轻孰重的认识有误。
30、A generous miser is a contradiction in terms. ─── “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。
31、He's changed into a perfect miser. ─── 他已变成了一个十足的吝啬鬼。
32、A stingy, grasping person; a miser. ─── 吝啬的人;小气鬼
33、If my uncle was certainly a miser, he was one of that thorough breed that goes near to make the vice respectable. ─── 如果说我的伯伯是个不折不扣的吝啬鬼,他倒是这帮人物中出类拨萃的一位,几乎使人对那种坏习惯也感到可敬。
34、It failed miserably and went out of business within a year. ─── 它在一年内生意惨败而停业。
35、Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. ─── 只有敢于败得很惨的人才能取得伟大的成就。
36、The miser, who head a heart of flint, drove the old beggar woman away. ─── 守财奴是个冷酷无情的人,他把乞讨的老妇人赶走了。
37、He is such a high-level miser that no one can gain anything from him. ─── 他是一个极顶吝啬的人,谁也别想占他半点便宜。
38、He has gained the character of a miser. ─── 他博得了一个守财奴的名声。
39、He has grown into an old miser. ─── 他已经变成老守财奴了。
40、The miser grudged his dog its food. ─── 吝啬鬼不愿用食物喂他的狗。
41、Without it, we should be prepared to fail as miserably as so many of the applications we have tested. ─── 否则,我们就只能面临失败,与我们已测试的众多应用程序的失败结局一样。
42、Miserably, she stripped off her skirt and stockings, her hands trying to hide her pussy from his gaze. ─── 可怜巴巴的,她脱掉了她的裙子和长袜,她的手在他的凝视下企图遮掩她的阴部。
43、A miser lusts after gold. ─── 守财奴死要钱。
44、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser; avaricious, grasping, and penurious. ─── 守财奴似的与守财奴有关的,具有守财奴特性的;贪婪的、吝啬的且一毛不拔的
45、"That was no hurricane," said Fudge miserably. ─── “没有什么飓风,”福吉痛苦的说。
46、Both policies failed miserably in the 1970s. ─── 上世纪70年代的两个政策都遭遇了悲惨的失败。
47、A satyr, a miser and a homosexual died at the same time, they want to heaven. ─── 一个色狼、一个财迷和一个同性恋同时死了,他们都想上天堂。
48、Where do today's public schools fail?; The attempt tp rescue the hostages failed miserably. ─── 今天的公立学校失败在哪里。
49、Bless her from marrying a miser. ─── 上天保佑她不要和一个吝啬鬼结婚。
50、People asked me how did I evaluate myself,and I said I have failed miserably. ─── 人们问我对自己作何评价,我的答案是,我非常失败。
51、His grandfather was a miser. ─── 他爷爷是个吝啬鬼。
52、As a spiritual master, sannyasi, and man I failed miserably before Prabhupada and Krsna. ─── 作为灵性导师、托钵僧及一名男子汉,我在帕布帕和奎师那面前落得个惨败的结局 。
53、LI>The money the miser hoards will do him no good. ─── 守财奴积的财富,对他自己没好处。
54、A miser loves gold above his life. ─── 一个守财奴爱财胜过生命。
55、Your family can borrow money miserably quite. ─── 你家庭比较贫困就可以贷款嘛。
56、She disovered she had married a miser. ─── 她发现自己嫁了一个守财奴。
57、The miser bought some wine with some money. ─── 吝啬鬼用钱买了一些酒。
58、A miser is characterized by greed. ─── 守财奴以贪婪为特性
59、We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably. ─── 我们设法制定出让他们相处融洽的计划,但都惨败了。
60、Sad, indeed, that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister's should be so miserably deceived! ─── 像这位可怜的牧师如此深刻和一丝不苟的自省,居然会遭到被人欺骗的悲惨下场,委实令人伤心!
61、They tried to establish Shane as that guy this game and it failed miserably. ─── 他们在这场比赛中试着让巴蒂尔成为这样的角色,但失败的很惨。
62、The miser gloated over his gold. ─── 守财奴心满意足地望着他的金子。
63、As good beg of a naked man as a miser. ─── [谚]向守财奴求助,好比向一无所有的人求助。
64、George used to be a miser, but lately he has launched out in the most marvellous way. ─── 乔治过去曾是个吝啬鬼,可最近却令人吃惊地大肆挥霍起来。
65、It felt like an old and trusted friend turning his back on you and failing you miserably when you needed him most. ─── 那感觉就像你最需要你那忠实的老朋友,他却对你不顾而去时一样失落。
66、To spend the money is the last thing for a miser. ─── 吝啬鬼最不想做的事就是花钱。
67、Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. ─── 你能从那小气鬼身上募到钱真不简单,我佩服你。
68、Went 20 years, be in major area, still resemble miserably ghostliness, perplexing the people over there. ─── 20年过去了,在大部分地区,贫困仍像一个幽灵,困扰着那里的人民。
69、His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably. ─── 他完成的首件作品——一片面包,上面再放一块,然后在两片面包之上放片火鸡肉——惨遭失败。
70、The money the miser boards will do him no good. ─── 守财奴敛财,对己毫无好处。
71、She discovered she had married a miser. ─── 她结婚之后才发现自己嫁了个吝啬鬼.
72、Friendship is a prodigal, but love is a miser. ─── 友谊是子弟,而爱情却是小气鬼。
73、He was very rich, but a miser. ─── 他非常富有,但却极为吝啬。
74、Kootenay Pass was miserably cold. ─── 库特尼通行证是惨败冷。
75、God had chosen them to show the world how to live right and judge justly but they were failing miserably. ─── 上帝拣选他们向世界显明如何活出公义正直的生活,但是他们却失败了。
76、"You know I can't dance," I answered miserably. ─── “你知道我不会跳舞,”我痛苦地回答道。
77、It is the unintellectual miser who sweats blood at the loss of a hundred dollars. ─── 只有无知的守财奴才会为损失了100块钱而心痛万分。
78、"I should've known it'd be something like this," Harry said miserably. ─── “我应该知道就会这样的事情。”哈利悲惨地说。
79、It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp. ─── 外面下着毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受。
80、You can't expect a miser like her to contribute. ─── 你就别指望像他那样的小气鬼能捐钱了。
81、For two days he tried to think of other things and failed miserably. ─── 一连两天他试着想点别的东西,都可悲的失败了。
82、What a miser!He cycles to school every day. ─── 吝啬鬼!他每天还骑自行车上学!
83、If be not by coincidence she is in fact a woman to clothes up for the words of men's wear, does she don't is dead quite miserably? ─── 如果不是碰巧她其实是女扮男装的话,她岂不是要死的很惨吗?
84、The miser doesn't like to part with his money. ─── 守财奴舍不得花他的钱。
85、You are such a miser, you won't even buy me Dawan Tea. ─── 你真是个看财奴,连大碗茶都舍不得请我喝!
86、He who wished to avenge injuries by hating in return does indeed live miserably . ─── 一个想要以恨来报复损害的人,真是过的愁苦生活。
87、He failed miserably as an actor. ─── 作为演员,他败得很惨。
88、Kinglet:I miserably, yesterday see one old man and be street and my girl friend embrace each other! ─── 小王:我惨了,昨日见一老头,当街与我女朋友拥抱!
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