unendurable 发音
英:[ˌʌnɪnˈdʊrəbl] 美:[ˌʌnɪnˈdjʊərəbl]
英: 美:
unendurable 中文意思翻译
unendurable 短语词组
1、unendurable synonym ─── 无法忍受的同义词
2、unendurable def ─── 不持久的定义
3、unendurable mean ─── 难以忍受的吝啬
4、unendurable meaning ─── 不持久的意义
5、unendurable sentence ─── 无法忍受的判决
6、unendurable antonym ─── 不持久反义词
unendurable 相似词语短语
1、uninsurable ─── adj.不可予以保险的
2、unendurableness ─── 难以忍受
3、uneducable ─── 不可教育的;不堪造就的
4、censurable ─── adj.该责备的;可非难的
5、endurable ─── adj.能忍耐的;可忍受的;能持久的
6、unendurably ─── 难以忍受
7、endurably ─── adv.可忍受地;能忍耐地;能持久地
8、nondurable ─── adj.不耐用的,不持久的;n.非耐久品
9、unmeasurable ─── adj.不可测的;无法计量的
unendurable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Sometimes the sadness is almost unendurable. ─── 悲伤有时候几乎令人无法忍受。
2、Rumors and Wisecracks help men endure the unendurable, which is why they are integral to every war. ─── 小道消息与俏皮话有助熬过难熬境地,此为小道消息与俏皮话于任何战争均大受欢迎之原因。
3、People who find dull jobs unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure. ─── 6人来说难以忍受的常常是单调乏味的工作的人,不知道如何处理自己清闲。
4、His face was coated with mud, the eyes wide open, the teeth bared and grinning with an expression of unendurable agony. (Never tell me, by the way, that the dead look peaceful. ─── 31白先生不喜欢那只袖珍计算器,更不喜欢随附的说明书。
5、Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job. ─── 艾萨克觉得这份工作无法忍受就辞职了。
6、What is it that I especially find utterly unendurable? ─── 什么东西是我完全无法忍受的?
7、The power from the darkness was changing the environment of our age to an unendurable state like any other past period of disaster. ─── 在人们心灵的创伤被一揭再揭的历史循环中,许江的绘画向我们提出这样的疑问:何处才是真正的慰藉?
8、Those who let Luneng unendurable is, when one time penalty kicks the placement shot, Shenhua Lian Zhuohuan three members, have delayed the time application yellow card. ─── 更让鲁能难以忍受的是,在一次主罚定位球时,申花连着换了三名队员,以拖延时间申请黄牌。
9、Friday in the afternoon the last class is unendurable, because previous day was the weekend has a vacation. ─── 星期五下午的最后一节课是难熬的,因为隔天就是周末放假了。
10、However, sometimes extreme terror is so unendurable that it interferes our normal life. ─── 不过,有时惊恐会达到极端、不堪承受的程度,以至干扰正常的生活。
11、Chumong meditated, "For heaven's grandson to be a mere herdsman is an unendurable shame." Searching his heart, he sought the right way: "I had rather die than live like this. ─── 朱蒙心里非常愤恨,向母亲诉说道:“我是天帝之孙,今天落得个为人牧马的下场,真是生不如死。
12、If, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; ─── 相反,如果他厌恶自己的妻子,觉得孩子们的吵闹难以忍受,工作如同噩梦;
13、The own basket is at present one is experiencing the significant transformation and the youth oriented route's team, two year they will be very in the future unendurable. ─── 篮网目前是一支正在经历重大变革和年轻化路线的球队,未来两年他们将很难熬。
14、They are younger than I am and know almost nothing about what is bearable and what isn’t, about the evanescent line between simple mortification and an unendurable, impossible joke. ─── 他们比我还年轻,对于什么事情该忍耐什么事情不该忍耐,对于单纯的禁欲与无法忍受、令人讨厌的玩笑,他们一无所知。
15、After eating for several hours, the taste of unendurable soil flavor is still staying in the mouth. ─── 吃下几小时后,嘴里还残存有一种难以忍受的泥土味道。
16、Nevertheless, for the large data size of images, the time consuming on reading and transmission would be unendurable, which adversely affects the user-friendly function. ─── 由于遥感影像数据量较大,因此其读取、传输的时间很长,让操作者难以忍受,影响了系统的快捷易用性。
17、I felt the long, spread out boredom ahead of me to be almost unendurable. ─── 我觉得面前漫长的无聊生涯简直难以忍受。
18、Some people when high and low staircase will think the both legs to become tender frequently, especially when will be partly squatting the position unendurable. ─── 有些人在上下楼梯时经常会觉得双腿发软,尤其在半蹲位时难以忍受。
19、His impatience to get to London grew hourly, and his captivity became almost unendurable. ─── 他越来越急切地要到伦敦去,他被囚禁的日子几乎到了难以忍受的地步。
20、But what true unendurable is, the Chinese rice by “loses the game, loses the human” the way to lose the summit once again to decide. ─── 但真正让人难以忍受的是,国米又一次以“输球、输人”的方式输掉颠峰对决。这使人们有理由问个问题:为什么国米,总是要以这样一种不体面的方式输球呢?
21、Before then has not made the long-term consideration the enterprise, facing the crisis very unendurable past. ─── 深圳联达公司的王先生告诉记者,“很多黑心老板因此恶意倒闭,卷走供应商资金。”
22、Wisdom becomes weak for mentality, and heart suffers unendurable pain for inclination ─── 智慧因思虑而变的软弱,心灵因恋慕而痛苦异常
23、The result of all this exaggeration is, of course, that neurotic intensity which for so many years was rejected as unendurable, and in which we now find ourselves mirrored. ─── 当然,这些夸张的结果就是那种神经质的张力,多少年来被认为无法忍受而受到排斥,而今,找们发现自己却映照在其中。
24、Capturing the joviality of Ugandan people in the face of the hardships unendurable. ─── 表现出乌干达人民面对难以忍受的艰辛时仍持有乐观积极的态度。
25、After eating for several hours, the taste of unendurable soil flavor is still staying in the mouth. ─── 吃下几小时后,嘴里还残存有一种难以忍受的泥土味道。
26、The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke, and several persons went to the canteen-- to dance ─── 地下避弹室里紧张气氛已经达到几乎令人不能忍耐的程度,这时突然松弛下来,有几个人到饭厅去跳舞。
27、In the vast land of China, about 80% of the Romanists live in the poor countryside and the existing conditions and natural environment there are relatively hard and unendurable. ─── 地域辽阔的中国,天主教民约80%生活在农村,然而农村生存条件,自然环境都相对贫困和恶劣。
28、To endure what is unendurable is true endurance. ─── 忍受无法忍受的事情才是真正的忍耐。
29、Under the lash of this disdain, her passion died, and was succeeded By remorse, Bitter, unavailing , and UnenduraBle. ─── 她尝到了被鄙弃的滋味,像是挨了一顿鞭打。于是,她的激情也就随之熄灭了。随之而来的是无可奈何的、难以忍受的悔恨和痛苦。
30、unbearable pain; unendurable agony. ─── 不堪忍受的疼痛;不堪忍受的苦恼。
31、The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke. ─── 地堡里一直不断加剧的几乎令人无法忍受的紧张气氛突然间被打破了。
32、You were never one of the liveliest of people, but latterly you have really grown almost unendurable. ─── 你从来不是最活跃的人士之一,但你近来变得几乎令人难以容忍了。
33、The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. ─── 老式潜艇内的压力几乎是难以忍受的。
34、Another toe-curling embarrassment like this would be unendurable. ─── 的脚趾头都抽抽的尴尬演出!!
35、A queasiness of the stomach reminiscent of the early days of her pregnancy made the smoking yams on the breakfast table unendurable, even to the smell. ─── 胃里常常有作呕的感觉,这使她想起怀孕时的日子来,吃早点时一看见桌上热气腾腾的山芋就受不了,连那气味闻闻也不行。
36、, with all that that implies of boiler-iron virtue and unendurable holiness.But there is was; ─── 艾莱柯是基督教妇女戒酒会的会员,该会会员的坚定意志和嫉恶如仇的神圣信念她应有尽有。
37、The talk ofthe dullard had become almost unendurable,whenhis companion saw a man on the street far aheadyawning. ─── 就在笨人的喋喋不休几乎要使聪明人忍无可忍的时候,聪明人看见远处街上有一个人在打呵欠。
38、They would find such disclosure unendurable even for one minute! ─── 但他们却经常会发觉自己往往一刻也不能忍受这样的公开言词!
39、unendurable heat/noise/pain ─── 难以忍受的炎热/噪音/痛苦
40、In it, you'll feel an unendurable sense of being absolutely alone, forever cut off from the one thing you really need, the thing for which praise is a shoddy substitute. ─── 在这个状态下,你会感觉到一种感觉是难以忍受的绝对孤独,永远和你真正所需东西隔离,那个让表扬只是一种冒牌替代物的东西。
41、The first cold current is always most unendurable. ─── 第一次寒流总是最难以忍受的。
42、an unendurable insult ─── 难以忍受的侮辱
43、Yet the filthiness of her hands was unendurable. ─── 现在她手上的污秽也再无法承受了。
44、unendurable torture ─── 难以忍受的折磨/刑罚
45、The heat is unendurable. ─── 这种热令人难受。
46、Another toe-curling embarr###ment like this would be unendurable. ─── 咱谁也受不了到时候再来那么一出让人囧的脚趾头都抽抽的尴尬演出!!
47、unendurable headache ─── 真头痛
48、The continuous exchanges further confused their wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness. ─── 大概意思是,长期的互相影响使得他们的头脑更加混乱,…一种难以忍受的寂寞。
49、It is unendurable for ears when listen to the music out of tune. ─── 走了调的音乐令人的耳朵受不了。
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