mutiny 发音
英:['mjuːtɪnɪ] 美:['mjutəni]
英: 美:
mutiny 中文意思翻译
mutiny 网络释义
n. 兵变;叛乱;暴动vi. 反叛;暴动;参加叛乱
mutiny 词性/词形变化,mutiny变形
动词现在分词: mutinying |动词过去分词: mutinied |动词第三人称单数: mutinies |名词复数: mutinies |动词过去式: mutinied |
mutiny 短语词组
1、Bounty Mutiny ─── 赏金叛乱
2、mutiny games ─── 兵变小游戏
3、Sepoy Mutiny ─── [网络] 叛变;土兵叛变;印度兵变
4、mutiny metals ─── 叛变金属
5、mutiny on the bay ─── 海湾兵变
6、mutiny act 《 ─── 兵变法》;《陆海军违纪惩治条例》
7、mutiny definition ─── 兵变定义
8、mutiny on the sea ─── 海上兵变
9、mutiny within band ─── 带内叛变
10、Indian Mutiny na. ─── 印度反英暴动 [网络] ─── 印度叛变; ─── 印度兵变; ─── 印度叛乱
11、mutiny meaning ─── 兵变含义
12、court-martialed for mutiny ─── 因叛变被军事法庭审判
mutiny 相似词语短语
1、Mutina ─── 兵变
2、muting ─── n.叛变;兵变;静音;v.静音(mute的ing形式)
3、luting ─── n.封泥,水泥封涂;(瓶罐的)橡皮密封圈(等于lute);v.用封泥密封(或涂抹)(lute的现在分词)
4、mutine ─── 反叛,造反
5、muttony ─── adj.羊肉的;羊肉味的
6、mutines ─── 兵变
7、mutined ─── 哗变
8、meiny ─── 许多;人群;侍从;家属
9、-muting ─── n.叛变;兵变;静音;v.静音(mute的ing形式)
mutiny 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But Commandant De Saune is not only a bold represser of mutiny on board his vessel, but he is a great and cunning navigator; he did not tell it, ─── 但是,德索纳舰长不仅是一个勇敢地平息了舰上叛乱的人,而且是一个伟大的、足智多谋的航海家。他没有说出来,但他已经计划好了,这个
2、What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination? ─── 你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。
3、Mutiny was raised against England and they marooned him on Mauritius with three Captains' loyal followers. ─── 叛变有人对英格兰,他们被困在毛里求斯他有三个队长'忠实追随者。
4、In 960, Zhao Kuangyin, the founder of the Song Dynasty, staged a mutiny at Chenqiao about 20 km northeast of the city of Kaifeng. After deposing the emperor of the Later Zhou Dynasty, he established in Kaifeng his own regime of Song. ─── 960年,越匡胤在开封城东北20千米的陈桥发动兵变,废掉了后周皇帝,在开封建立了宋王朝。
5、A mutiny have take place off the coast of south america ─── 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变
6、Mutiny On Board HMS Bounty ─── 叛舰喋血记
7、However, when she was absent from her office, her "staff was on the edge of mutiny, " and there was a lot of in-house fighting. ─── 但是,当她远离自己的办公室时,她的“团队就在叛变的边缘了”。其内部有许多明争暗斗。
8、One day in 1777, with things looking bleak for the Continental army, the 21-year-old colonel learned that a mutiny was in the works and ordered a midnight inspection. ─── 一七七七年,美洲军队看来大势已去,二十一岁的伯尔有一天听说手下酝酿兵变,于是下令半夜检阅。
9、A staunch follower of Giuseppe Mazzini( the so-called“ prophet of Italy”) in the1830 s, Garibaldi fled to Latin America after a failed mutiny. ─── 十九世纪三十年代作为马志尼(就是所谓的“意大利先知”)坚定信徒,加里波第在一次落败的兵变后逃亡到拉美。
10、To engage in mutiny. ─── 参加叛乱
11、The Caine Mutiny ─── 凯恩舰叛变
12、At the same time, an official inquiry will examine the deaths of around 20 BDR members who had been detained and questioned about their role in the mutiny. ─── 同时,官方调查将审查大约20名BDR成员的死因,这些人之前已经被控制和盘问关于他们在兵变中的具体职位。
13、me: why did shudra fight in war ,why not mutiny? ─── 为什么首陀罗愿意作战呢,为什么不哗变?
14、The ringleaders were arrested and charged with mutiny. ─── 为首的人遭到逮捕并以叛乱罪被起诉。
15、engage in a mutiny against an authority. ─── 举行兵变以对抗现存的权威。
16、It was as though this foreign vagrant twanged within him a neglected string, which gave forth moans of mutiny. ─── 仿佛这个外国流浪汉拨动了他心里久被忽略的一根心弦,因而发出了反叛的呻吟。
17、of,relating to,engaged in,disposed to,or constituting mutiny ─── 反叛的,与叛乱有关的,参与、趋于或构成叛乱的
18、mutiny; revolt ─── 兵变
19、Three sailors were fomenting a mutiny on the ship. ─── 三个水手正在船上煽动叛变。
20、Of, relating to, engaged in, disposed to, or constituting mutiny. ─── 反叛的与叛乱有关的、参与、策划、趋于或构成叛乱的
21、In 1242, making use of the French barons' mutiny, King Henry III of England invaded France. ─── 在1242年,利用法国贵族的叛变,英格兰王亨利三世入侵法国。
22、One who takes part in a mutiny. ─── 反叛者参加叛乱的人
23、Reliability: This determines the likelihood that the unit will desert or mutiny in the field. ─── 可靠性:这决定了该部队逃跑或叛变的可能性。
24、British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh in Mutiny on the Bounty(1935). ─── 劳顿,查尔斯1899-1962英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括叛舰喋血记(1935年)中的布利上校
25、Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny. ─── 船员的不满情绪最终酿成了暴乱。
26、Republican insiders said the vice-presidential candidate Perrin has been "mutiny. ─── 共和党内部人士称,副总统候选人佩林已经“叛变”。
27、A young stowaway aboard a whaler becomes involved in a mutiny, then in a storm which claims the lives of almost the entire ship's company ─── 一个年轻的偷渡者躲在捕鲸船上,先被拖进一场叛变,又遭遇到一场风暴,这场风暴几乎使整船人同归于尽。
28、"We must blaze the news across the front page of Mutiny! " said the shabby girl. ─── “我们必须把这个消息登在《反叛》的头版!”衣衫褴褛的姑娘说。
29、‘We never associate with them because they act like a mob of headless flies flying here and there.We have a distinct standpoint.Every time we only mutiny once. ─── ‘我们决不与这种人为伍,他们是一伙到处乱飞的没头苍蝇,而我们有明确的立场和态度。
30、A kind of enthusiastic mood diffuses in the campus of IT course of study and college of science and engineering, as if Internet is a tool not only, and it is an uprise and mutiny. ─── 一种狂热的情绪弥漫在IT业和理工科大学的校园中,仿佛因特网不仅是工具,而且是一场起义与哗变。
31、000 The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. ─── 000年前,安奴拿奇卷入了一场金矿兵变。
32、The immediate cause of the mutiny was the new Enfield rifle. ─── 兵变的直接原因,是新的埃菲尔德步枪。
33、If you mutiny against an officer,you can be shot. ─── 你要是想造一个军官的反,就可能被枪毙。
34、On March 9, 1841, the U.S. Supreme Court freed the 35 Africans who survived the mutiny and cleared the way for their return home. ─── 在1841年3月9日,美国最高法院当庭释放35名在叛变中生存的非洲人,并且让他们平安返回家乡。
35、He released the rebels from their chains, but marooned on the desolate coast one of the captains and a priest who had tried to start another mutiny. ─── 他解除了反叛者的镣铐,但是将曾经再次谋反的一个船长和一个牧师流放到了荒无人烟的海滨地区。
36、In fact, from what Janice told me of the mutiny, our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid. ─── 实际上,根据贾妮斯告诉我的关于这次叛变的情况,我们的泰斯拉把因维人的领导地位当成了理想。
37、In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty,LvYi-Hao became Prime minister,through calming down mutiny, appreciated by Song GaoZong. ─── 南宋初年,通过积极参与平定苗、刘兵变,吕颐浩为宋高宗所赏识,并因此登上相位。
38、But really, a mutiny!" ─── 嗳,兵变
39、Proximate causes of mutiny may have been alcohol and anger, but the ultimate reason was evolutionarily adaptive emotions expressed nonadaptively, with irreversible consequences. ─── 反叛的表面原因似乎是酗酒和斗气,但根本原因在于,进化形成的适应性情感做了非适应性表达,从而酿成不可收拾的后果。
40、armed rebellion; mutiny ─── 叛乱
41、It is still seething over the losses that it sustained in the mutiny, but a confrontation with the government is unlikely. ─── 军队方面虽然为兵变的损失而怒火中烧,但其与政府完全对立的可能性极小。
42、to revolt against; to mutiny against; to defect to; to turn traitor ─── 叛变
43、We have a family mutiny on our hands! ─── 我们家出了叛逆,需要处理。
44、A smart man, Coach K knows the last thing needed was another mutiny against the coach. ─── 作为一个聪明人,K教练也明白他最后需要的是另外一种挑战教练的权威。
45、On the way back to England,officer Fletcher Chirstian becomes the leader of a mutiny. ─── 于是克里斯蒂安率众船员起来造反。
46、Mutiny on the Bounty ─── 叛舰喋血案
47、The mutiny of faithful associates ─── 亲信背叛
48、Comments on the Mutiny of Guizhou Garrison Soldiers in the Tang Dynasty ─── 唐代桂州戍卒兵变论析
49、Yet she co-operated with them during the mutiny. ─── 但是在摆平叛乱的过程中,她却同他们展开合作。
50、the military mutiny ─── 军队兵变
51、He had reacted to a mutiny from his Likud party by creating a brand-new centrist party, Kadima, which was expected easily to win the forthcoming general election. ─── 他为对抗利库德集团兵变建立的前进党,虽然只是个新生的中立党,却本可以在即将来临的大选中轻松获胜。
52、Husband: I know, but the workers said that because I'm so inept they had to get rid of me to keep their jobs. It was a mutiny. ─── 丈夫:我知,只是工人说因为我太无能,所以他们要革除我以保饭碗,这是叛变。
53、The Sports Minister Francois Amichia was kidnapped in Ivory Coast's second largest city of Bouake, while he was watching a football tournament on September 19, the day of the mutiny. ─── 体育部长艾米加在九月十九日叛变爆发当天前往象牙海岸第二大城布亚克观赏一场足球赛时被绑架。
54、"We must blaze the news across the front page of Mutiny!" said the shabby girl. ─── “我们必须把这个消息登在《反叛》的头版
55、As it were the day despite IT "mutiny", I received IT sternly. ─── 因该她是在昨天出了乱子之后来的,所以我接待她很严肃。
56、In the recording angry army personnel are shouting at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina criticizing her handling of the mutiny by border guards who killed scores of their commanders. ─── 听起来这显然是愤怒的陆军成员对总理哈西娜吼叫的声音。士兵们批评哈西娜处理边防军哗变的方式。那些边防军杀害了许多他们的上级军官。
57、but we could not risk another mutiny; and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness. ─── 但我们不能冒险让船上再发生一次叛乱,而且将他们带回去送上绞架似乎也不是什么仁慈之举。
58、It may be time for the owners of banks to mutiny over the bounty. ─── 也许,是时候让银行的股东们改变这种慷慨大度的行为了。
59、The rebels: the enemy''s will to join our mutiny. ─── 反叛:使敌将叛变加入我方。
60、With the end of the mutiny, the question of the formation of a Greek Government became acute. ─── 叛变事件结束后,成立希腊新政府的问题变得尖锐化了。
61、If the manager hadn't accepted some of the team's demands he could have had a mutiny on his hands. ─── 领队要不是答应了队员的部分要求,他可能已众叛亲离了。
62、Discontent stirred the men to mutiny. ─── 不满情绪酿成了兵变。
63、The mutiny began early Wednesday at the headquarters of the Bangladesh Rifles in Dhaka. ─── 叛乱于周三早些时候在达卡的孟加拉国来福营开始。
64、But I've never known a crew planning to mutiny that did not show some sign of it before, 'said the captain. ─── “我还从没遇到过海员酝酿暴乱而不露声色的,”船长说。
65、Aye,the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us! ─── |没错 这个背信弃义的无赖 竟然背叛了我们!
66、Little is known about the service history of the new appointee, but he is known to have played a constructive role in the handling of the mutiny. ─── 关于这个新的任命的背景鲜为人知,但他对处理这次兵变所起的建设性作用却被大家熟知。
67、For a while mutiny seemed a probability. ─── 一度可能发生叛乱。
68、During the defence of the Lucknow Residency in the Indian Mutiny of 1857, all kinds of unusual items were used to construct barricades. ─── 一八五七年印度兵变,勒克瑙市英国总督特派大员管辖区在防战中出动各式各样古怪东西建筑防御工事。
69、Three soldiers were fomenting a mutiny. ─── 三个士兵在煽动反叛。
70、This constituted a mutiny to her company,however, ─── 但这对她的公司构成了反叛,
71、In fact, it so fooled his crew that it almost led them to mutiny. ─── 事实上,它如此愚弄了他的船员以致于它几乎导致他们叛变。
72、With the end of the mutiny, the question of the formation of a Greek Government became acute . ─── 叛变事件结束后,成立希腊新政府的问题变得尖锐化了。
73、RTI said Lazare Koffi, the Youth and Employment Minister, who was joining Amichia in Bouake on the day of the mutiny, was held by rebels in the region of Katiola, between Bouake and Korhogo. He was also freed later in the day. ─── RTI电视台说,在叛变爆发当天与艾米加同在布亚克的青年与就业部长柯费被叛军拘禁在布亚克与柯赫果间的卡迪欧拉,他也在今天稍晚获释。
74、The India Mutiny; Its Cause and Results ─── 印军晔变因果
75、A young stowaway aboard a whaler becomes involved in a mutiny, then in a storm which claims the lives of almost the entire ship's company. ─── 一个年轻的偷渡者躲在捕鲸船上,先被拖进一场叛变,又遭遇到一场风暴,这场风暴几乎使整船人同归于
76、some of their donors and a few backbench MPs began to mutiny, and Mr Brown readied his party for another, early, election. ─── 一些捐款人和后座议员开始反抗,但是布朗的党派已经准备进行第二场提前选举。
77、the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857). ─── 印度兵变期间(1957)美军被包围。
78、Caine Mutiny ─── 凯恩号哗变
79、Mutiny was effectually laid to rest for the moment. ─── 叛乱暂时有效地平息了。
80、A staunch follower of Giuseppe Mazzini (the so-called "prophet of Italy") in the 1830s, Garibaldi fled to Latin America after a failed mutiny. ─── 十九世纪三十年代作为马志尼(也就是所谓的“意大利先知”)的坚定信徒,加里波第在一次落败的兵变后逃亡到拉美。
81、Mutiny from stern to bow. ─── 叛乱从船尾一直到延续到船头。
82、Attempts to move the Skanderbeg Division away from Yugoslavia in 1944 to fight in the West were a disaster, ending in a mutiny, and the unit was eventually disbanded. ─── 1944年试图把“斯坎德培”师调离南斯拉夫前往西线的决定就是一个灾难,这个师最终被解散。
83、He led a military mutiny against the senior generals. ─── 他发动了一场反对高级将领的兵变。
84、Yahoo faces the threat of mutiny from shareholders unhappy with the way its board handled a takeover offer from Microsoft Corp. that was ultimately withdrawn this month. ─── 因不满董事会对微软收购计划的决定,雅虎面临着股东们反戈的威胁。而该计划也因此宣告流产。
85、Mutiny was effectually laid to rest for the moment. ─── 叛乱总算暂时平定了下来。
86、Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross), the Martha Stewart on steroids, whose family is about to mutiny; ─── BreeVanDeKamp,一个家庭即将出现危机的家政女王;
87、A mutiny has taken place off the coast of South America. ─── 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。
88、First Act in china: the story of the sian mutiny ─── 中国第一幕
89、India mutiny: In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army of the East India Company mutinied because of 1.resentment at the reforms of ancient. ─── 印度兵变:1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变。
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