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09-03 投稿


condemner 发音


英:  美:

condemner 中文意思翻译



condemner 反义词

forgive | excuse | praise | grant | pardon

condemner 短语词组

1、condemner synonym ─── 冷凝器同义词

2、condemner define ─── 冷凝器定义

3、condemner or condemnor ─── 谴责者

4、condemner definition ─── 冷凝器定义

condemner 词性/词形变化,condemner变形

名词: condemner |动词第三人称单数: condemns |形容词: condemnable |动词过去式: condemned |动词现在分词: condemning |动词过去分词: condemned |

condemner 同义词

reprobate | doom | attack | sentence | disapprove | censure | rebuke | accuse | criticize | damn | scold | excoriate | judge | convict | reproach | decry | blame | reprimand | objurgate | rail | revile | reprove |denounce

condemner 相似词语短语

1、condenser ─── n.冷凝器;[电]电容器;[光]聚光器

2、condoner ─── 纵容者

3、condemns ─── 谴责

4、condemned ─── adj.已被定罪的,被判死刑的;危险的;被责难的

5、condemnor ─── n.谴责者;征用者

6、congener ─── n.同种的物,同类的人;同属的动(或植物);酒类芳香物

7、condemn ─── vt.谴责;判刑,定罪;声讨

8、contemner ─── 犯藐视法庭罪者;藐视者

9、condemnors ─── 冷凝器

condemner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me. ─── 对神说,不要定我有罪。要指示我,你为何与我争辩。

2、Today, most people in the world condemn slavery. ─── 今天,世界上大多数人都谴责奴隶制。

3、For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul. ─── 因为他必站在穷乏人的右边,要救他脱离审判他灵魂的人。

4、Also Tuesday, Algeria's president defended Zidane and said soccer fans shouldn't condemn the French star. ─── 在星期二,阿尔及利亚的总统维护齐达内并说球迷们不要责备他。

5、Ecuador urges the Organisation of American States to condemn Colombia for violating its territory. ─── 厄瓜多呼吁美洲国家组织谴责违犯它的领土的哥伦比亚。

6、It is the ultimate mark of criminality and cowardice to condemn women to relentless and systemic rape. ─── 使妇女遭受残酷和蓄意强暴,是彻头彻尾的犯罪和懦夫行为标志。

7、A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn. ─── 善人必蒙耶和华的嗯惠。设诡计的人,耶和华必定他得罪。

8、"No man can justly censure or condemn another,because indeed no man truly knows another" (Thomas Browne). ─── “没有人能够公正地苛评或谴责他人,因为事实上没有人能够真正地了解他人” (托马斯·布朗)。

9、The utopians are not dreamers, but your so-called realists who condemn utopians are stupid. ─── 乌托邦并非属于梦想家,但是你们那些谴责乌托邦,所的谓现实主义份子是愚蠢的。

10、Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? ─── 你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义么。

11、"Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? ─── 你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义吗?

12、Preliminary indications are that India will take a tough stance on the neighboring countries have to condemn. ─── 中英文对照:初步迹象显示,印度将采取强硬立场,已对邻国提出谴责。

13、Once a person has lost his reputation,it is difficult for him to regain it because others continue to condemn or suspect him. ─── 一朝坏名声,十年洗不清;名誉一毁,万难挽回。

14、A crowning[5] cinematic achievement, "Saving Private Ryan" doesn't romanticize or condemn World War II. ─── 作为电影史上的一个最高的成就,《拯救大兵瑞恩》没有美化或诅咒第二次世界大战。

15、To pass sentence on; condemn. ─── 判决;判刑

16、And she said, No one, Lord. And Jesus said, Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more. ─── 她说,主啊,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪;去吧,从今以后不要再犯罪了。

17、Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing? ─── 不先听本人的口供,不知道他所作的事,难道我们的律法还定他的罪吗?

18、 双语使用场景

19、The price of doing nothing again would be to condemn Russia to the vagaries of the oil market. ─── 再次无所作为会令俄罗斯付出代价,受困于石油市场的反复无常。

20、No, it's worse: I watch them and condemn them for the utter uselessness of their joy. ─── 不,更糟糕的是:我看着他们,谴责他们,因为他们的欢喜是徒劳的。

21、She was guilty of a misdeed which he felt able to condemn. ─── 他断定她已经对他犯了罪,而他觉得自己是有能力可以惩罚她的。

22、Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. ─── 任和傻瓜能批评,谴责和抱怨-并且多数傻瓜会。

23、China’s economic inequality does not condemn it to a future of stagnant Latin Americanisation. ─── 但是中国的产权体系至今尚未成熟,制度层面的建设还处于起始阶段。

24、Mainstream unions were quick to condemn the vandalism. ─── 主要的各大工会迅速地出面谴责这种破坏行为。

25、If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. ─── 如果一个小孩活在批评里,他就学会定罪。

26、Wonder how anyone can have the face to condemn others when he reflects upon his own thought. ─── 奇怪,有人既然反省了自己的思想,怎么还能有脸去指责别人。

27、Any fool can criticize, and condemn,----but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. ─── 任何傻瓜都可以批评、谴责和抱怨-----但只有品格高尚和自制力强的人才能理解和原谅他人!

28、You don't have the right to condemn me like this. ─── 你没有权力这样责备我。

29、He said that he did not condemn the teachers when they took a piece of the strike action themselves, like everybody. ─── 他说如果教师象别人一样举行一次罢教,他不会责备他们。

30、They must unite to condemn the lost of lives. ─── 回教徒必须联合起来谴责造成人命损失的袭击行动。

31、It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one. ─── 与其将一个无辜的人判罪,不如错救一个有罪的人。

32、Some people condemn them if they want to work.Yet others condemn them if they want to be traditional homemakers. ─── 如果她们想去工作会有一些人责备她们,如果她们想成为传统主妇也会有些人责备她们。

33、At Length, worn to the Stumps in the Service of the Maids, 'tis either thrown out of Doors, or condemn' d to its last use of kindling Fires. ─── 在女仆们手里折腾多次之后,最后被扔出门外,或者作为引火的柴禾被投进火里。

34、Denounce: To condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible. ─── 公开指责公开指责某事物是罪恶的或应受谴责。

35、It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labour, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. ─── 它包含最高的责任,会奖励最伟大的努力,并将谴责所有轻视它那神圣的内容。

36、Blessed is the man, who does not condemn himself, by whathe approves. ─── 人在自己以为可行的事上,能不自责,就有福了。

37、Not to educate to child is to condemn him to repetitious ignorauce. ─── 不对儿童进行教育就等于让儿童沦入世世代代的愚昧状态。

38、The Western Church was correct to condemn Pelagius was wrong. ─── 奥古斯丁的预定论是正确的,伯拉纠(否定预定论)是错误的。

40、His anger, condemn and jealousy will be erupted like volcano. ─── 他积压的愤怒、妒忌和谴责会象火山爆发。

41、She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. ─── 他说,主阿,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪。去吧。从此不要再犯罪了。

42、It was prepared to condemn itself to permanent weakness. ─── 它准备落得个从此一蹶不振的下

43、The appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair. ─── 人们在享受医疗保健、财富和机会等方面存在着严重不均,这让数百万人生活在绝望之中。

44、It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me. Who is he that will condemn me? They will all wear out like a garment; the moths will eat them up. ─── 主耶和华要帮助我;谁能定我有罪呢?他们都象衣服渐渐旧了,为蛀虫所咬。

45、They admire nature and condemn the artificial, and in their primitivity and innocence, they are easily made content. ─── 他们赞美自然,谴责人为,于其纯朴天真之中,很容易满足。

46、To condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible. ─── 公开指责公开指责某事物是罪恶的或应受谴责的

47、"I definitely think this is Chuck (Hayes) do, rest assured that I will go to condemn him. ─── “我想这肯定是查克(海耶斯)干的,放心,我会去谴责他的。

48、Some may heap praises on you, and quite sincerely; others may condemn you, and quite vehemently. ─── 人们看见可能会衷心称赞你,亦可能相当严厉的责备你。

49、That is not a reason to condemn the whole system: it is far too useful. ─── 以此谴责整个金融系统是不对的:这只是过犹不及而已。

50、They condemn what they do not understand. ─── 他们谴责自己所不了解之事。

51、When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him. ─── 他受审判的时候,愿他出来担当罪名!愿他的祈祷反成为罪!

52、Constantia he could condemn for revealing to much to his manly sight. ─── 他可以谴责康斯坦娅把他的男子汉观点揭露得太过分了。

53、We should not criticize or condemn other countries without good reason or go to extremes in our words and deeds. ─── 不随便批评别人、指责别人,过头的话不要讲,过头的事不要做。

54、You may have been ready to condemn the man, but Richard was not, and you mustn't measure another's foot by your own last. ─── 你可能总爱指责那个人,可理查德却不,你不能用自己的标准去衡量别人。

55、Condemn me.It does not matter. ─── 定我的罪吧,我毫不在乎。

56、O thou who art mourning by reason of inbred sin and depravity, remember, none of thy sins can condemn thee. ─── 你瞧,你正为著内在的罪性,如此顽强活泼,而伤透脑筋。

57、Will you indeed annul my judgment? Will you condemn Me so that you may be justified? ─── 8你岂真要废弃我所审断的?岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义么?

58、Blessed is the man,who does not condemn himself,by whathe approves. ─── 人在自己以为可行的事上,能不自责,就有福了。

59、While He does not palliate sin, nor lessen the sense of guilt, He seeks not to condemn, but to save. ─── 他并不袒护罪恶,不减轻人对自己罪恶的感悟。但他不是要定人的罪,而是要救人。

60、It will no longer be possible for a few selfish people to condemn thousands of men and women and little children to live in misery. ─── 一小撮自私自利的家伙还可能为所欲为,使千千万万的男女老少过着悲惨的生活。

61、They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. ─── 他们大家聚集攻击义人、将无辜的人定为死罪。

62、From time to time you will condemn him to death. ─── 你可以审判它,不时地判处它死刑。

63、I will say to God: Do not condemn me, but tell me what charges you have against me. ─── 对神说,不要定我有罪。要指示我,你为何与我争辩。

64、It really makes no sense to condemn Renard's work on the grounds of previous authors turning out to be frauds. ─── 为了过去一些作者后来被揭发是骗子,而也因此定罪雷纳的著作,实在没有什麽道理。

65、They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. ─── 他们大家聚集攻击义人,将无辜的人定为死罪。

66、Because it is unlawful to condemn a man without a hearing. ─── 因为不能进行审问就给人判刑是违法的。

67、Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God. ─── 亲爱的弟兄啊,我们的心若不责备我们,就可以向上帝坦然无惧了。

68、We all condemn cruelty to women and children. ─── 大家一致谴责虐待妇女儿童的行径。

69、He can not find it in himself to condemn a mother who stole bread for a hungry child. ─── 他不忍心判决一个由于孩子挨饿而偷面包的母亲有罪。

70、If you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge. It is a piece of cake for you to slander him. ─── “欲加之罪,何患无词”,你想诬蔑他简直是轻而易举的事情。

71、If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. ─── 在指责中成长的孩子,学会怨天尤人。

72、Condemn me, it does not matter, history will absolve me. ─── 判处我吧,这不重要,历史会宣判我无罪!

73、Would you condemn this woman to a life where people look at her face when they talk to her? ─── 和她话时人人只看她的脸不看她的胸你忍心让这女人一辈子都这么痛苦吗?

74、Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous? ─── 8你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义吗。

75、The United Nations is expected to strongly condemn such action. ─── 人们期望联合国强烈谴责这种行为。

76、You' re not very consistent : first you condemn me, then you praise me. ─── 你前後矛盾, 开头责备我, 接着又夸奖我.

77、Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing. ─── 人生不是上帝为谴责我们的缺陷而给我们布下的陷阱。

78、Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemn ed or made illegal. ─── 在过去的一个世纪里各种各样的不公和歧视遭到了谴责或定为非法。

79、It's not natural to condemn people to an unnecessarily early death. ─── 宣判人们不必要地早死是不自然的。

80、Behold, the Lord GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? Lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up. ─── 主耶和华要帮助我。谁能定我有罪呢。他们都像衣服渐渐旧了,为蛀虫所咬。

81、Don't criticize, condemn or complain. ─── 不要批评、谴责或者抱怨。

82、Can you condemn an innocent man, a friend... ─── 你能宣判一个无辜的人,一个朋友...

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