collectivist 发音
英:[kəˈlektɪvɪst] 美:[kəˈlektɪvɪst]
英: 美:
collectivist 中文意思翻译
collectivist 同义词
gathered | body | outfit |joint | combined | kibbutz | commune | colony | aggregation | co-op | crowd | communal | enclave | crew | group | corporate | social | farm | united | clustered | compound | aggregate | connected | shared | multitude | composite | mutual | cooperative | massed | common
collectivist 反义词
collectivist 短语词组
1、collectivist person ─── 集体主义者
2、collectivist cultures ─── 集体主义文化
3、collectivist perspective ─── 集体主义视角
4、collectivist culture examples ─── 集体主义文化范例
5、collectivist vs individualistic society ─── 集体主义与个人主义社会
6、collectivist culture ─── 集体主义文化
7、collectivist left ─── 集体主义左派
8、collectivist cultural ─── 集体主义文化
collectivist 词性/词形变化,collectivist变形
collectivist 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、What happens if collectivist societies, especially those in Asia, rise economically and come to rival the West? ─── 如果集体主义社会(特别是亚洲的)在经济上崛起并与西方抗衡呢?
2、The audience that wants more information about insect-like collectivist rodents is going to be pretty limited. ─── 因为想了解昆虫类群居啮齿动物信息的读者是非常有限的。
3、However, the wall between public and private life tends to be somewhat higher in the individualism West than it is in collectivist cultures. ─── 然而,西方个人主义文化中公共和私人生活之间的隔阂比集体主义要深的多。
4、audience that wants more information about insect-like collectivist rodents is going to be pretty limited. ─── 因为想了解昆虫类群居啮齿动物信息的读者是非常有限的。
5、New times needs the spirit of collectivist ─── 新时代需要团队精神
6、However social loafing is less prevalent in collectivist cultures such as those in many Asian countries, indeed sometimes it is reversed. ─── 然而社会性懈怠在某些集体主义文化中,像是那些亚洲国家中,就少一些。确实,有的时候情况相反。
7、Tipping is more prevalent in countries with a culture of individualism than in those with a more collectivist spirit. ─── 有个人主义文化的国家比那些更有集体精神的民族更盛行给小费。
8、Tipping is more prevalent in countries with a culture of individualism than in those with a more collectivist spirit. ─── 有个人主义文化的国家比那些更有集体精神的民族更盛行给小费。
9、If the crisis is used as an excuse to bring back the dead hand of collectivist policies, it is not only destructive of short-term economic well-being but also of long-term freedom and prosperity. ─── 那20年同样说明了即使在一个价格相对稳定的时期,货币和信贷创造在错误配置生产和篡改经济核算方面所起到的毁灭性力量。
10、Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. ─── 集体主义社会通常会在世界上某些地方,特别是在赤道周围出现。这些地方具有许多导致疾病出现的微生物。
11、Individulism and Collectivism are central to all the cultural values. China belongs to the collectivist culture while the United States belongs to the individualist culture. ─── 个人主义和团体主义是所有文化价值观的核心。中国属于团体主义价值观,美国属于个人主义价值观。
12、,1994,“Cultrual Beliefs and Organizations of Society: A Historical and Theoretical Reflection on Collectivist and Individual Societies”,Journal of Political Economy, vol,102,No.5,pp.912-950. ─── 2002年,中山市开始在农村地区建立最低生活保障体系和合作医疗制度。这两项由政府组织的社会保障制度还处在起步阶段,尚未对崖口的公社体制构成直接影响。
13、China scored 20, very collectivist, in the 1980s, compared with 71 today, very individualist.Chinese workers have become more individually focused for a number of reasons. ─── 除了采访与观察,我们还借助霍夫斯塔德创建的研究模式,对241位员工进行了调查,他们大部分都不到40岁。
14、The morality basis of collectivism and altruism in the scientific outlook on development embodies "true collective", enrich and develop the socialist and collectivist moral outlook on value. ─── 科学发展观的集体主义、利他主义的道德论基础,体现了“真实的集体”思想,丰富和发展了社会主义集体主义道德价值观。
15、The audience that wants more information about insect-like collectivist rodents is going to be pretty limited. ─── 因为想了解昆虫类群居啮齿动物信息的读者是非常有限的。
16、Greater reliance on teamwork and Division of negotiating labor, Especially in collectivist culture. ─── (需要更多的团队合作以及协商的分工,特别是在集体主义文化。
17、These collectivist machines run on myriad tiny agents interacting in ways we can't fathom, generating results we can only indirectly control. ─── 你始终都在和由你的对手掌控的其他文明进行殊死竞争。
18、On the Relationship Between the Formation of the Collectivist Ethical Principle and the Organizational Attachment ─── 试论集体主义伦理原则的形成与组织性依附的关系
19、If that were true in 1972 when China's economy had been laid low by mad collectivist experiments, how much truer it is today. ─── 如果在1972年中国经济被疯狂的集体主义实验拖下水时,这种说法属实的话,那么如今这种说法更加正确。当今的美国债台高筑、心态谦卑。
20、An Analysis of the Identification with Collectivist Value by the Audience ─── 受众集体主义价值观认同析
21、If I am only individualistic in every situation, the potentially I miss out on the benefits that a more collectivist approach can offer. ─── 如果总是我行我素,那么我就有可能错失广采众长带来的益处。
22、Rand was the single most uncompromising critic of the collectivist tide that swept across the capitalist world in the wake of the Depression. ─── 兰德无疑是在大萧条时期任坚定不移地抨击集体主义、而没有被其浪潮淹没的最坚定的一员。
23、Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. ─── 崇尚集体主义的社会通常在致病微生物较多的地区出现,特别是在 赤道附近。
24、If that were true in 1972 when China's economy had been laid low by mad collectivist experiments, how much truer it is today. ─── 如果在1972年中国经济被疯狂的集体主义实验拖下水时,这种说法属实的话,那么如今这种说法更加正确。
25、collectivist ideology ─── 集体主义的意识形态
26、What happens if collectivist societies, especially those in Asia, rise economically and come to rival the West?A new sort of global conversation develops. ─── 如果集体主义社会,特别是亚洲的集体主义社会在经济上崛起,并达到与西方相抗衡的程度又会出现什么结果?一种新型的全球对话由此产生。
27、On Socialist Market Economy and Collectivist Moral Construction ─── 论社会主义市场经济与集体主义道德建设
28、agricuh ural collectivist thought ─── 农业集体化思想
29、Cultural Beliefs and the Organization of Society: a Historical and Theoretical Reflection on Collectivist Societies and Individualist Societies ─── 文化信仰和社会的制度结构:从历史和理论的角度看集体主义社会和个人主义社会
30、In a collectivist culture, "one's business is also the business of the group." ─── 在团队文化中,一个人的事是就是大家的事。
31、School:One illustration of the difference between collectivist and individualist cultures can be found in the way schools are organized. ─── 学校:集体主义和个体主义文化的区别可以从学校组织方式中找到证明。
32、People are better served by rejecting the collectivist state, and embracing individualism and individual responsibility, which lead to freedom. ─── 人们应该抛弃集体主义者的国家,而拥抱个人主义与个人责任,这是通往自由之路。
33、Not being used to such a collectivist set-up, Apple refused to pay up, which triggered the first big legal skirmish over smart-phones. ─── 由于并不习惯于这种集体主义的组织,苹果公司拒绝付钱,由此引发了第一起关于智能手机的重大法律争端。
34、Military and economic supremacy are collectivist aspirations - you need a strong sense of nationhood to give them meaning. ─── 军事与经济霸权地位激发集体主义的情感——这种优越感需要强烈的民族认同来充实。
35、Political Morals and Collectivist Values in Social Welfare ─── 社会福利中的政治道德问题与集体主义价值观
36、On the inevitability of implementing the collectivist principle in the socialist market-oriented economy in China ─── 论中国社会主义市场经济奉行集体主义原则的必然性
37、A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals. ─── 低个人主义(集体主义)文化指组织更强调个体之间紧密的联系。
38、Contemporary Western Communitarianism and Construction of Collectivist Values in China ─── 当代西方社群主义与我国集体主义价值观的建构
39、In a society that prides itself on being collectivist, they are suspicious loners. ─── 在一个以集体主义者为荣的社会里,他们是行迹可疑的孤独者。
40、Bakunin, a “collectivist. ─── 巴枯宁,是一个“集体主义者”。
41、In contrast, collectivist cultures emphasize group welfare and harmony and Malaysia as well. ─── 而相反,集体主义文化强调团体利益与协调。
42、At the same time, in order to give a detail explanation, there the comparison of team and organization, team spirit and collectivist is necessary. ─── 同时,为了更好地探讨团队精神的本质,在论述过程中将团队和组织、团队精神与集体主义进行了比较。
43、America is individualist and China is collectivist. ─── 美国是个人主义而中国是集体主义。
44、In 1937, Rand penned the novella Anthem, which depicts a dystopian collectivist future where even the word "I" has been forgotten. ─── 1937年,兰德写就了一篇中篇小说《颂歌》,小说刻画了一个反乌托邦的集权主义未来,在未来甚至连字母“I”都被人遗忘。
45、But what happens if collectivist societies snap out of their economic stagnation? ─── 但如果集体主义社会迅速走出经济停滞呢?
46、The fundamental principle of value it entails is of practical significance, whereas it will overstep its defects only when getting merged in the collectivist values. ─── 其蕴含的基本价值理念有着重要的现实意义,而其缺陷只有在与集体主义价值观的融合中才能实现超越。
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