crabber 发音
英: 美:
crabber 中文意思翻译
crabber 短语词组
1、crabber milk ─── 蟹肉牛奶
2、crabber boat ─── 螃蟹船
3、crabber mario ─── 克雷伯马里奥
4、crabber job crabber ─── 工作
5、crabber boots ─── 粗短靴
6、crabber feeder ─── 蟹式给料机
7、crabber logo crabber ─── 徽标
8、crabber j ─── 克拉伯j
9、crabber means crabber ─── 的意思是
crabber 相似词语短语
1、clabber ─── n.浓而变酸的牛奶;vt.使变酸;使凝结;vi.变酸;凝结
2、drabber ─── 嫖客
3、clabbers ─── n.浓而变酸的牛奶;vt.使变酸;使凝结;vi.变酸;凝结
4、grabber ─── n.强夺者;强取者;掠夺者
5、crabbed ─── adj.暴躁的;难懂的;晦涩的;潦草的;v.抱怨;侧航(crab的过去分词)
6、cribber ─── n.剽窃者;作弊者
7、crabbers ─── n.捕蟹小船;捕蟹人,捕蟹者;专爱挑剔的人
8、crabbier ─── 执拗的(crabby的比较级)
9、Scrabbler ─── n.一种拼字游戏;抓;摸索;挣扎;涂鸦(scrabble的变形)
crabber 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The horseshoe crab isn't really a crab at all. ─── 其实根本就不是螃蟹
2、But we haven't ordered lobster. We ordered a crab cocktail. ─── 不过我们没有点龙虾,我们点的是蟹肉冷盘。
3、The old crab kept, moving about in a hurry. ─── 他慌慌张张的走。
4、Just gave salver in the past, that master asks: "Want crab? ─── 刚把盆子递过去,那师傅就问:“要蟹?”
5、We came in third. That was because Ivor caught a crab right at the start. ─── 我们得了第三名,因为艾弗开始时插桨过深。
6、Nancy ordered one roast beef, sweet and sour fish, and crab soup on the side. ─── 南希点了一盘烤牛肉,一盘糖醋鱼外加一份蟹肉汤。
7、Worth promises, Who will eat crab first? ─── 价值承诺,谁会首吃螃蟹?
8、The moody Crab is just too difficult for you to handle. ─── 情绪化的蟹子让你很难应付。
9、 双语使用场景
10、This includes shrimp, oyster sauce, oysters, crab, prawns and lobsters. ─── 包括虾,蚝油,蚌,蟹,对虾,明虾和龙虾。
11、Excuse me, sir.I ordered the hairy crab, but you gave me the green crab. ─── 对不起,先生。我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。
12、But our crab embraces it and tries to hoist it up. ─── 但蟹却把对手抱了起来,意欲举过头顶。
13、A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau. ─── 在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。
14、An orange crab crawls on a leaf on Panay Island in the Philippines. ─── 一只橙色的螃蟹在菲律宾班乃岛的一片树叶上爬行。
15、Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or the king crab. ─── 寄居蟹任一种与其类似的甲壳纲动物,例如寄居蟹或蜘蛛蟹
16、Catching a crab is one of the worst things that can happen while rowing. ─── 失桨是划船的时候最糟糕的事。
17、It was his misfortune to catch a crab in the last spurt. ─── 他真倒霉,到了最后一刹那竟有一桨没划好。
18、The slow melt leaves the corner kick especially, Molina the Luo header crab. ─── 尤文开出角球,莫利纳罗头球偏出。
19、Place the shrimp, crab, lobster, carrot, celery and capers in a large bowl. ─── 将虾肉,蟹肉,龙虾,胡萝卜,芹菜和刺山柑放到一个大碗中。
20、I love eating Crab, and I love the sea. ─── 呵呵,有点跑题,从吃蟹跑到看海了。
21、They served crab meat cocktails to the guests. ─── 他们请客人喝蟹肉鸡尾酒。
22、Leo: And yours is a crab, Jack. ─── 利奥:杰克,你的灯笼是一只螃蟹。
23、Aiyah, Crab is not good for wound healing. ─── 哎呀!螃蟹对伤口不好啊。
24、Great, shall we shake on it? asked the crab, extending his sharp pinchers. ─── 好极了!让我们为此握手吧!蟹说着,伸出了他尖尖的双螯。
25、A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling. ─── 我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。
26、The hermit crab,barnacle,clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves. ─── 寄居蟹,藤壶,蚬和螺有很硬的壳来保护自己.
27、A hard - shell clam or crab. ─── 一种硬壳的蛤或蟹
28、Then the crab began to cut the raccoon's hair. ─── 于是螃蟹开始为浣熊理发。
29、Here, you can enjoy the unique Italianate crab feast which is composed by the Mediterranean and Asian flavors. ─── 上海扬子江万丽大酒店的拉斐尔餐厅,别具匠心地推出了这款融合地中海和亚洲风味的创意蟹宴。
30、Susan, would you like the crab salad? ─── Susan,要不要蟹肉沙拉?
31、Remove the crab roe and meat. ─── 先将膏蟹拆肉起膏,待用。
32、Now with that rock protection weed and crab grass to form a scab on the green. ─── 在石头周围长满了野草,仿佛绿油油的草坪上有一块伤疤。
33、Man must look just as ridiculous to the crab when it sees him walk forward. ─── 人类在螃蟹看来一定也是很好笑的,因为人类居然是向前走的。
34、White chunky Alaska king crab meat baked in a buttery and earthy mushroom sauce. ─── 丰满厚实的阿拉斯加王蟹配蘑菇黄油汁,让您体验地道的美国风情。
35、Leaves flat, next to a circle of like crab claws, there are farms horned, red . ─── 叶子扁平,旁的一圈真像螃蟹的爪子,有嶙有角,呈淡红色。
36、Excuse me, sir. I ordered the hairy crab, but you gave me the green crab. ─── 对不起,先生。我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。
37、They have shrimp, lobster, crab, fish... ─── 他们有小虾,龙虾,蟹,还有鱼类,
38、Jellied terrine of brown crab with lamb's brainsand courgette. ─── 布朗蟹膏 羊羔脑和密生西葫芦冻。
39、A hairy crab is leisurely making bubbles in the water. ─── 一只大闸蟹在水中悠然自得地吐着泡泡。
40、Once a crab was wondering what occupation was the most suitable for him. ─── 从前,有只螃蟹一直在想什么行业才最适合他。
41、Products: Whitebait, crab, shrimp, freshwater fishes etc. ─── 主要产品:银鱼、蚬肉、活蚬、蟹、青虾、淡水鱼类。
42、A Technical Report on Pen Culture and Ranching of Crab Eriocheir sinensis H. ─── Milne- Edwards in Changdang Lake (长荡湖网围轮牧式养蟹(Eriocheir sinensis H.
43、A homebody at heart, the Crab enjoys a good home-cooked meal or take-out. ─── 巨蟹:典型的居家一族。蟹子最爱品尝自己亲手做的美食或是叫外卖。
44、They were spread like crab grass at that time. ─── 在那时,他们就象野草一样,遍地都是。
45、Atlantic crab; most common source of fresh crabmeat. ─── 大西洋产的螃蟹;新鲜蟹肉的最普通的来源。
46、The Kamchatka crab is, truly, the perfect product. ─── 堪察加的螃蟹是最上乘的产品。
47、You are not a homebody like the Crab. ─── 你也不是一个像他那样的喜欢过居家生活的人。
48、Helice formosensis is another crab species sympatric to Uca formosensis. ─── 图26.台湾厚蟹是台湾招潮共域的其他蟹类。
49、The main products comprise premium feeds for eel, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits. ─── 主要经营的产品有鳗鱼、甲鱼、牛蛙、虾、蟹、鲟鱼等高品质的水产饲料以及观赏鱼、宠物、钓饵等休闲食品。
50、And now try the green crab if you dont mind. ─── 如果您不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种青蟹。
51、We'll cross the green crab off the bill. ─── 我们会在您的帐单上删除这道菜的费用。
52、Avocado Cucumber Gazpacho with Jumbo Lump Crab. ─── 怪怪的汤,蟹肉也不是很鲜。
53、Well cross the green crab off the bill. ─── 我们会在您的账单上注销青蟹这道菜的费用。
54、The occurring stage of rice planthopper in the paddy with or without cultural crab was similar. ─── 养蟹田和非养蟹田稻飞虱的发生期基本一致。
55、Our specialties is fried sole, deviled crab, and beef cutlet. ─── 我人的特色菜有炸板鱼、炒蟹及牛排。
56、Its remnants form the Crab Nebula. ─── 它的残余物组成了蟹状星云。
57、The crab in lab wants to stab a lamb with his rib, whose lim were like bul . ─── 实验室里的蟹想用它的肋骨去戳四肢象灯炮的小羊。
58、I ordered the steamed crab but you gave me the roast crab. ─── 对不起,先生。我点的是蒸螃蟹而您给我的是烤螃蟹。
59、I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? ─── 你和他有关系吗?
60、A nearby crab asked:” Hey, brother, what’s the rush?”“I am going to moult. ─── 在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝的境致,使我们经过此段道路的人,感得一种壮美的趣味。
61、"I'm going to moult," answered the old crab. ─── 他说:“我要蜕壳了。”
62、You can not make a crab walk straight. ─── 不要强人所难。
63、If you don't mind, may I recommend the vegetable with crab meat? ─── 如果您不介意,我向您推荐蟹肉蔬菜吗?
64、Baits: Crab, worm, Bass yabby, freshwater yabby, chicken. ─── 什么饵都快可以了,您就照着方子拿药吧。
65、In the mountains the crab saw a raccoon taking a nap. ─── 在山中,他看见一只浣熊正在小睡。
67、The roe not so clear and nice, the soft shell crab also not that crispy. ─── 可惜鱼子没有那么的清澈好吃,软壳蟹不够脆。
68、Then he noticed a lonely crab crawling along the muddy shore. ─── 就在这时,它看到有一只孤独螃蟹沿着泥泞的池岸在爬。
69、Oh , oh , oh ! A crab is biting my leg. ─── 哎唷,哎唷,哎唷!一只螃蟹咬住了我的腿。
70、Kristen:You said the waiter ate my crab cake. ─── 克里斯滕:你说是侍者吃了我的沙果蛋糕.
71、And now try the green crab if you don't mind. ─── 您如果不介意的话,不妨尝尝这种青蟹。
72、Well, the crab salad's always a big hit. ─── 嗯 ,蟹肉沙拉一向是广受欢迎的。
73、You probably think that I was crazy and wonder why I cared about a crab. ─── 你们大概会以为我疯了,为什么那么在乎一只螃蟹!
74、Can you imagine how she picked up the crab? ─── 你们能想像她怎么抓螃蟹吗?
75、Taiwanese crab specialist Wang Chia-hsiang confirmed Ho's finding. ─── 台湾蟹类专家王嘉祥确认了何平合的发现。
76、Crab: I'm sorry Finny, I just love to pinch! ─── 对不起,小鱼儿,我就是喜欢用我的大夹子!
77、Try the crab if you do not mind? ─── 你如不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种蟹?
78、So the crab made slow progress. ─── 因此螃蟹工作的进度很慢。
79、She apologised for being such a crab the last few days. ─── 她为过去几天的坏脾气道歉了。
80、He vowed the next crab or squid, whether he should be brought back. ─── 于是他发誓下次不论是墨鱼或是螃蟹他都要带回来。
81、What about steamed dumplings stuffed with crab meat, madam? ─── 您尝尝蟹仁小笼包,好吗,小姐?
82、The roast beef and deviled crab are very good today. ─── 今天的烤生肉和炒辣味蟹都很好。
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