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baroque 发音

英:[bə'rok]  美:[bəˈroʊk]

英:  美:

baroque 中文意思翻译



baroque 网络释义

adj. 巴洛克式的;结构复杂的,形式怪样的n. 巴洛克风格;巴洛克艺术

baroque 短语词组

1、Baroque period ─── 巴洛克时期

2、baroque style ─── 巴洛克风格

3、baroque pearl ─── 巴洛克珍珠

4、baroque architect ─── 巴洛克式建筑师

5、baroque horse ─── 巴洛克马

6、baroque cathedral ─── 巴洛克大教堂

7、baroque ball ─── 巴洛克球

8、baroque sanctuary ─── 巴洛克圣地

9、disco baroque ─── 迪斯科巴洛克

10、baroque architecture ─── 巴洛克建筑

11、baroque orchestra ─── 巴洛克管弦乐队

12、Baroque garden ─── 巴罗克花园

13、baroque minister ─── 巴洛克式部长

14、Baroque era ─── [网络] 巴洛克时期;巴洛克艺术时代;巴洛克时代

15、Baroque music ─── 巴罗克音乐

16、baroque church ─── 巴洛克教堂

17、baroque decay ─── 巴洛克衰变

18、baroque style garden ─── 巴洛克风格的花园

19、baroque brown ─── 巴洛克棕色

baroque 词性/词形变化,baroque变形

副词: baroquely |

baroque 相似词语短语

1、baroques ─── adj.巴洛克式的;结构复杂的,形式怪样的;n.巴洛克风格;巴洛克艺术

2、baronne ─── n.男爵夫人;女男爵

3、barques ─── n.船;[船]三桅帆船;n.(Barque)人名;(法、多哥)巴尔克

4、roque ─── n.槌球;(美)短柄槌球(一种在硬地面上玩的游戏);n.(Roque)人名;(法、西、葡)罗克

5、baroquely ─── 巴洛克式

6、paroquet ─── 长尾小鹦鹉

7、barbequed ─── 烧烤

8、barque ─── n.船;[船]三桅帆船;n.(Barque)人名;(法、多哥)巴尔克

9、barbeque ─── n.户外烧烤,烤肉野餐;(户外使用的)烤架;烤制食品;v.(在烤架上)烧烤

baroque 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They enjoy elaborate dress and baroque armor. ─── 他们喜好精细的服装和结构复杂的装甲。

2、Baroque architecture was taken up with enthusiasm in central Germany (see e.g.Ludwigsburg Palace and Zwinger Dresden), Austria and Russia (see e.g.Peterhof). ─── 巴洛克建筑是欧洲17世纪和18世纪初的巴洛克艺术风格中的一个层面。

3、The baroque church of San Leonardo is worth a quick look. ─── 巴洛克风格的圣里昂纳多教堂值得短暂留步。

4、Each room features private bathroom with hair dryer, and selected accommodations boast splendid views of the Santa Chiara Baroque Church. ─── 上等双人间 All of the rooms and suites at Palazzo Lovera Hotel are cosy, spacious and tastefully decorated.

5、He then worked un-der Hendrick Goltzius, a period that strongly influ-ence the development of his departure from the pop-ular Baroque style. ─── 后师从霍尔齐厄斯,这个时期影响他日后画风甚大,他也摆脱当时很受欢迎的巴洛克风格。

6、They found the baroque architecture amusing. ─── 他们觉得这奇异的建筑式样令人发笑。

7、A Berlin student bought a second-hand sofa bed at a flea market. Later on she learned she had been sitting on a baroque painting hidden inside the couch. ─── 在跳蚤市场买了一个二手沙发,之后她居然在沙发里面发现了一幅价值昂贵的巴罗克风格的油画。

8、Your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you. ─── 你关于艺术的哲学,对巴洛克的感言,

9、It was readily received in the Catholic parts of Germany, Bohemia, and Austria, where it was merged with the lively German Baroque traditions. ─── 在德国、波希米亚和奥地利被欣然的接受了,它与活泼的德国巴洛克传统合并。

10、Baroque is a style of art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700 expecially in Italy which influenced deeply by the ecclesiae. ─── 巴洛克艺术盛行于16、17世纪的欧洲,尤其是在教会势力强大的意大利。

11、Statues and architecture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about them. ─── 巴洛克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大、格调阴暗。

12、Whether or not the ray in the series of "Extention" is inspired by the golden light of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times? ─── 《延伸》系列中的射线,是否受到西方巴洛克时期贝尼尼的雕塑那种金色光线的启发?

13、Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically. ─── 小提琴制造者们十分注重技术,尽管他们试图打破常规,但是巴洛克风格又会自动回来。

14、Grand buildings in all styles from Baroque to Modern line streets and plazas, waiting to be photographed. ─── 各样风格的壮观建筑物,从巴洛克式到现代风味,林立在街道和广场旁,正等着您去拍照。

15、With Latin baroque style, the work shows a Mayan priest Shamanistic dream reflecting his inner visions. ─── 作品简介:这幅拉丁巴洛克风格的作品描绘了玛雅司祭萨满教式的梦,反映了他内心的幻想。

16、"Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence" begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with "blackamoor" attendants. ─── 一尊镶有珠宝的精美骆驼(其图如下)将拉开“巴洛克:辉煌时代的风格”的序幕,此尊骆驼旁还雕刻着一个“黑人”解说员。

17、Why is baroque right for one age and too effulgent for another? ─── 为什么巴洛克艺术风格适合某一时期,而另一时期却显得过于炫目辉煌?

18、The splendid court at Versailles had a leading role during high Baroque period. ─── 巴洛克鼎盛时期富丽堂皇的凡尔赛宫起着引领时尚作用。

19、The baroque rose and fell at different times from country to country, and the exhibition is arranged thematically rather than chronologically. ─── 巴洛克艺术风格的兴起和衰落时间在各个国家有所不同,而此次展览也是按照主题、而不是时间来安排的。

20、Six concertos for violin, strings and winds, some of which are otherwise unavailable on CD.The sound of the High Baroque has never been more vivid! ─── 唱片中收录了维瓦尔第的六首为不同乐器与弦乐队而写的协奏曲,这些乐器包括小提琴,长笛,双簧管,巴松管,圆号和管风琴。

21、The orchestra offered a mixed program of baroque and contemporary fare. ─── 乐队奉献了一台由巴洛克音乐和当代作品混杂而成的节目。

22、Known for its baroque monuments and lush gardens, Lucknow could face the same fate as Mumbai and Kolkata, which became synonymous with poverty and decay in the 1970s and 1980s. ─── 以其巴洛克建筑和郁郁葱葱的花园而闻名的勒克瑙可能会面临同孟买和加尔各答同样的命运,它造成了两座城市在70年代和80年代的贫困和衰败。

23、Because the domestic art history circle didn't research abundantly on this topic at present, in this article, I'll simply analyze the religion's influence on art through the Baroque angle. ─── 主要内容如下:艺术与宗教同属于意识、幻想的范畴,由于它们之间的相似之处,使得宗教常常利用艺术作为其宣传自身的工具。

24、A composition typicalof the baroque period. ─── 典型的巴洛克时期的作品。

25、Do you like florid baroque architecture? ─── 你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?

26、If the categories, style can be divided into European style Renaissance, baroque, rococo and neoclassical, style. ─── 如果以年代来分,欧式风格可分为文艺复兴、巴洛克、洛可可和新古典主义等风格。

27、The baroque style or period in art, architecture, or music. ─── 巴洛克式艺术、建筑或音乐的巴洛克风格或时期

28、The baroque age brought a new interest in instrumental music. These developments culminated in the works of J. Bach and G. Handel. ─── 在巴罗克时期,人们重新对器乐产生了兴趣。这一时期的种种进展在巴赫和亨德尔时达到了顶峰。

29、The final, effete period of the baroque style. ─── 巴洛克风格最后的衰竭时期

30、The Baroque composer, Antonio Vivaldi's most famous composition is The Four Seasons, a set of 4 violin concertos, composed in 1723. ─── 巴洛克作曲家安东尼奥维瓦尔第最著名的组成是四季,这是一套4小提琴协奏曲,在1723年组成。

31、She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that lined the tunnel wall. ─── 她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。

32、Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically. ─── 小提琴制造者们十分注重技术,尽管他们试图打破常规,但是巴洛克风格又会自动回来。

33、Filling an entire block, it bears all the whimsy and ornamentation of the baroque period, and statues line its roof edges like divers about to plunge into the Neva. ─── 冬宫占了整整一个街区,浸淫着巴洛克时代特有的奇想和虚饰。房檐上一字排开的雕像似乎就要纵身跃入涅瓦河中。

34、For example, a lot of factors had affected La Tour, such as: social background of his age, Mannerism , Classicism, Caravaggio, Baroque and religious factor. ─── 多种因素(如:当时的社会背景、风格主义、古典主义、卡拉瓦乔现实主义、巴洛克艺术以及宗教方面的因素)都对拉图尔的艺术产生了一定的影响。

35、It looks like a baroque palace from Prague or Munich enlarged a hundred times. ─── 它看起来像一座扩建了100倍的布拉格或慕尼黑的巴洛克式宫殿。

36、The Baroque Music succeed all the advanced viewpoint and excellence progeny of the Renaissance Music Art, and it occupied a significant historical status in the whole human music history. ─── 巴洛克音乐传承了文艺复兴时期音乐艺术的先进理念和优秀成果,在整个人类音乐史中占有重要的历史地位。

37、Their unique architectural style is a reinterpretation of European Baroque by Chinese and Philippine craftsmen. ─── 它们那独特的欧洲巴洛克式的建筑风格在中国和菲律宾工匠的手中得以再现。

38、Italian painter of the baroque whose influential works, such as Deposition of Christ(1604), are marked by intense realism and revolutionary use of light. ─── 卡拉瓦乔,米开朗琪罗 梅莉斯 达1573-1610意大利巴洛克画家,其有影响力的作品,如下十字架《耶稣遗体的下放》,富于浓烈的写实主义,并创新地运用了光线

39、She's an immensely talented writer, but her baroque prose style is too grandiose for my taste. ─── 她是个非常有天赋的作家,但是她新奇怪异的散文风格对我来说太浮夸了。

40、Some of his finest works were in the 1750s and 1760s, when the Baroque style was be replaced by simpler styles but popular at the time and afterwards. ─── 他一些最好的作品创作与1750和1760年代,那时候巴洛克风格正在被一种当时和未来会颇受欢迎更简化的风格所替代。

41、Rococo has been born from the Baroque era, during the age of Enlightenment. ─── 在启蒙运动时期,洛可可从巴洛克的艺术风格脱胎而生。

42、In this text, the writer arrive main rightnessfrom the Baroque period into the modern period of the history of thekeyboard fantasia do a lot of sortings. ─── 在本文中,笔者将主要对从巴洛克时期到近现代时期的键盘幻想曲的历史做一番整理。

43、They have different design styles, such as classicism, baroque and art nouveau style, etc., offering us a precious opportunity to appreciate the art of design of the European history. ─── 它们各有不同的装饰风格,比如古典风格、巴洛克风格、新艺术风格等,让我们有机会欣赏到欧洲不同历史时期的设计艺术。

44、Situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a13 th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. ─── 克鲁姆洛夫历史中心位于瓦尔塔瓦河畔,整个城镇围绕着一个13世纪建造的带有哥特式、艺复兴式以及巴洛克式风格的城堡展开。

45、In music, the Baroque applies to the final period of dominance of imitative counterpoint. ─── 在音乐上,巴洛克后期的主要风格是使用模仿的对位法。

46、The palace as it's seen today with the grand Baroque facade, was designed by Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who also designed the Winter Palace. ─── 今天我们看到的宫殿奢华的巴洛克立面由冬宫的设计师,意大利建筑师巴扥洛米欧·斯崔利设计。

47、Hall retains the 18th century Italian Baroque style, full of four murals, magnificent, colorful. ─── 大厅保留着意大利18世纪巴洛克的风格,四周布满壁画,富丽堂皇、五光十色。

48、The dramatic lighting effects, dynamic architectural forms, and lavish decoration of baroque churches were aimed at awing, inspiring, and converting the visitors. ─── 大量的光线效果、建筑物的动力架构以及极其富函装饰的巴洛克教堂被用来激发以及转化每一个它的拜访者。

49、The palaces, cathedrals, and government Buildings within the walls encompass a variety of styles, including byzantine, Russian Baroque, and Classical. ─── 大墙内的宫殿、教堂和政府建筑包含了各种风格,包括拜占庭式、俄罗斯巴洛克式以及古典式的。

50、In their concert, the 12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic play the works of Baroque, adapt lots of classical and original music. ─── 他们以重奏的形式,演奏包括交响乐在内的风格各异的作品。

51、Some of baroque architecture over the pursuit of luxury boldness, even to the point of tedious piling up. ─── 有些巴洛克建筑过分追求华贵气魄,甚至到了繁琐堆砌的地步。

52、She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that lined the tunnel wall. ─── 她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。

53、I’m particularly interested in English baroque, as it’s thin on the ground outside London, and Hawksmoor’s stuff (my fave architect), is quite unlike anything else in Europe. ─── 对于英国式的巴洛克建筑,我更是有浓烈的兴趣。在伦敦城外的地面的衬托下,它们显得苗条稀疏。尤其是霍克斯穆尔的建筑,在欧洲来讲,更是独一无二。

54、Italian painter of the Baroque whose influential works,such as Deposition of Christ(1604),are marked by intense realism and revolutionary use of light. ─── 卡拉瓦乔,米开朗琪罗·梅莉斯·达1573-1610意大利巴洛克画家,其有影响力的作品,如下十字架《耶稣遗体的下放》,富于浓烈的写实主义,并创新地运用了光线。

55、Irregular, baroque and button shaped pearls with less prominent flame structure and cloudy white spots of mottled texture command lower prices. ─── 不规则的巴洛克珠和纽扣状珠带有少许明显火焰纹结构,和白云样点状质地斑杂的珠子价格相对较低。

56、The baroque style or period in art,architecture,or music. ─── 巴洛克式艺术、建筑或音乐的巴洛克风格或时期。

57、In Germany the baroque style of art flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries. ─── 在德国,巴罗克艺术风格在17和18世纪非常盛行。

58、In Kangding Garden, people can see Pseudo-Roman columns, small French balconies and Baroque curves. ─── 在康定花园中,可以看到仿罗马式的柱子、国式的小阳台和巴洛克式的弧线。

59、In the characteristic regional style known as Olomouc Baroque and rising to a height of 35 m, it is decorated with many fine religious sculptures, the work of the distinguished Moravian artist Ondrej Zahner. ─── 圣柱属于一种独特的地区建筑风格奥洛穆茨巴洛克风格,高35米,柱身以出自摩拉维亚的艺术家昂德黑扎内之手的许多精美的宗教雕刻装饰。

60、J.V.: Your style is extremely eclectic. Have you a favourite music style, like "baroque" for example? ─── 你的风格极其兼容并蓄。你有没有最喜欢的音乐类型呢?比如巴洛克音乐?

61、A baroque concerto for orchestra and a group of solo instruments. ─── 供管弦乐队和一组独奏乐器演奏的一种复杂的协奏曲。

62、The use of towers declined somewhat during the Renaissance But reappeared in Baroque architecture. ─── 塔的使用在文艺复兴期间有些衰落,但在巴洛克建筑中再度出现。

63、The harmonious balance between the buildings, gardens, 20 Baroque churches, convents and numerous small passos (chapels) all contribute to Olinda's particular charm. ─── 城中的楼群、花园,20座巴洛克教堂、女修道院和为数众多的"帕索斯"(小教堂)之间布局和谐,相得益彰,赋予了奥林达城独特的魅力。

64、"Classical elements subdued Baroque architecture in France. ─── 在法国,古典元素抑制了巴洛克建筑;

65、The gardens and castle of Kromeriz are an exceptionally complete and well-preserved example of a European Baroque princely residence and its gardens. ─── 克罗麦里兹的花园和城堡为欧洲的巴洛克式王族宅邸及其配套花园提供了一个保存得完好无缺的稀世典范。

66、Venice was a great centre of Renaissance and Baroque art, spanning more than three centuries from the 1500s on. ─── 威尼斯是文艺复兴时期和巴罗克艺术的伟大中心,从16世纪起跨度长达三个多世纪。

67、By the end of the old king's reign, rich Baroque designs were giving way to lighter elements with more curves and natural patterns. ─── 在旧时国王的王朝以前,富有的巴洛克式的设计使许多更轻松的元素以多曲线和自然的形式展现。

68、It embodies the most typical features of the Moscow Baroque: the plastic expressiveness of elaborate details and clear-cut articulation of volumes. ─── 它最典型地代表了莫斯科巴洛克式建筑的特征,尽显细致别致的雕塑表现力和体积轮廓的清晰和明快。

69、The pearl with plenty of specifications and varieties, including round pearl, rice pearl, flat pearl, baroque pearl, reborn pearl, pearl with nucleus, etc. ─── 外贸的珍珠种类繁多,有圆形珠,米型珠,平面珠,两面光,再生珠等。

70、Visitors to the fair can stroll over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see "Tapestry in the Baroque" which opens on October 23rd. ─── 博览会的访客还可以逛至纽约大都会艺术博物馆,参观10月23日即将开幕的“巴洛克式挂毯”。

71、From 1755 to 1768, the conventual area was rebuilt in Baroque style. ─── 修道院社区于公元1755年-1768年按巴罗克式的风格重建。

72、A Camp's colorfully baroque Maximilla Lukacs-directed video for the song offers a different feel than what the band did for "Stronger Than Jesus. ─── 一个营地的色彩巴洛克马克西米拉卢卡奇导向视频的歌曲提供了一种不同的感觉比乐队也为“强于耶稣。

73、Passacaglia a is Baroque variation form. ─── 作于二月份的第一天。

74、In the East and West Lime Avenue to the south. This is a very beautiful baroque square. Place the surrounding buildings: no Cathedral, Germany's Cathedral and theatres. ─── 位于东西向的菩提大道南侧。这是个非常漂亮的巴洛克广场。广场周围的建筑物有:没有大教堂、德国大教堂以及戏剧院。

75、It is a kind of low-variation music settled durning the Baroque Period. ─── 它是意大利巴洛克时期定型的一种低调变奏音乐。

76、Throughout the baroque era, the bass viol joined the harpsichord in the basso continuo. ─── 在持续低音中低音古提琴给予拨弦键琴合适的衬托。

77、After the heavy works created in the Baroque style artists were ready for a change. ─── 历经巴洛克风格创造出的沉重作品之后,艺术家正准备要来个改变。

78、During his youth Germain spent many years studying and working in Rome, where he encountered the late baroque style current there. ─── 在热尔曼年少时,他花了很多时间在罗马念书和工作,并在那里遇上了巴洛克晚期风格。

79、The shape is entirely within the bounds of late baroque taste, and no important asymmetrical motifs are evident in the elaborate scrollwork except in a decorative cartouche on the top. ─── 它的形状完全都在巴洛克品味的限制底下,除了在充满螺旋装饰的瓶盖之外,没有其他重要的涡捲对称设计。

80、Again, make an effort to contextualise the music. Good fun on drawing parallels between Baroque ornamentation and Jazz ornamentation. ─── 同样的,需要尝试把音乐放在历史环境中去理解。此外,如果能拿巴洛克式装饰音和爵士乐的装饰音对比一下的话,那将是非常有趣的过程。

81、The lights suspended there are baroque. ─── 吊,悬挂;推迟,暂停。

82、It was until recently set up in a Baroque manner, since Ma exclusively played Baroque music on it. ─── 直到最近开始演奏巴罗克风格乐曲,马才专门使用这件乐器演奏巴罗克音乐。

83、Situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a 13th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. ─── 克鲁姆洛夫历史中心位于瓦尔塔瓦河畔,整个城镇围绕着一个13世纪建造的带有哥特式、文艺复兴式以及巴洛克式风格的城堡展开。

84、They gradually stopped performing any kind of Baroque music on the piano, even Scarlatti's. ─── 他们逐渐停止在钢琴上演奏任何类型的巴洛克音乐,甚至是斯卡拉蒂的。

85、Statues and architecture from the Baroque hane a dark,muscular,looming quality about them. ─── 巴洛克作风的雕塑和建筑宏伟、高大、格调昏暗。

86、This combination of influences is illustrated by the city's robust walls, archways and vaults, courtyards and open spaces, and the intricate Baroque decoration of its facades. ─── 城市灵动的城墙、门、形屋顶、子、阔的空间,以及建筑正面复杂的巴洛克式装饰,这些都表明了欧洲与本土风格的双重影响。

87、If Luoyang's houses are considered pre modern by accident, we can qualify the ones in Hangzhou “post baroque” along the same criteria. ─── 如果洛阳的房屋被意外地称之为前现代主义的话,我们可以使用同一标准,将杭州的房屋称为“后巴洛克”风格。

88、The vertical of the Baroque bell-tower thrusting upwards does not clash with the whole. ─── 巴洛克风格钟楼上的竖杆高耸空中,与整个建筑物也很协调。

89、Its magnificent baroque monuments, its flourishing folk art and its “red gold”, Hungarian red paprika, are well-known all over the world. ─── 宏伟的巴洛克式古迹、蓬勃发展的民间艺术、“红色黄金”、匈牙利红辣椒闻名全世界。


除去广义狭义的定义解释。我个人认可一个观点,那就是严肃音乐。看它原来的单词,classic music.classic.古典的,经典的,传统的,都不是很确切。严肃音乐更切合它的要义,您看台上台下不可能出现哄闹的场景出现。所以个人认为除去定义解释,严肃音乐比较切合。



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