congenital 发音
英:[kənˈdʒenɪt(ə)l] 美:[kənˈdʒenɪt(ə)l]
英: 美:
congenital 中文意思翻译
congenital 短语词组
1、congenital astigmatism ─── [医] 先天散光
2、congenital afibrinogenemia ─── 先天性纤维蛋白原缺乏症
3、congenital atonic pseudoparalysis ─── [医] 先天肌无力性假麻痹, 先天肌弛缓
4、congenital ankylosis ─── [医] 先天性关节强硬
5、congenital acromicria syndrome ─── [医] 先天性肢端过小综合征
6、congenital cerebral palsy ─── [医] 先天大脑性麻痹
7、congenital abnormality ─── 先天性异常
8、congenital anomaly ─── 先天性异常
9、congenital cataract ─── [医] 先天性内障
10、congenital contracture ─── [医] 先天性挛缩
11、congenital amaurosis ─── [医] 先天性黑蒙
12、absolute congenital glaucoma ─── [医] 绝对期先天性青光眼
13、congenital achromia ─── [医] 先天性色素缺乏, 白化病
14、congenital amputation ─── [医] 先天切断术
15、congenital chorea ─── [医] 先天性舞蹈病
16、congenital cloaca ─── [医] 先天性泄殖腔, 残留性泄殖肛
17、congenital defect ─── [医] 先天缺损, 先天缺陷
18、congenital cyanosis ─── [医] 先天性青紫, 先天性发绀
19、congenital adrenal hyperplasia ─── [医] 先天肾上腺增生
congenital 词性/词形变化,congenital变形
副词: congenitally |
congenital 常用词组
congenital heart disease ─── 先天性心脏病
congenital malformation ─── 先天畸形
congenital anomaly ─── 先天性异常
congenital 同义词
warm | outgoing | good-natured | accessible | coexistent | approachable | neighborly | hospitable | genial | pleasant |agreeable | friendly | sympathetic | compatible | companionable | chatty | amicable | affable | fraternal | sociable | amiable | hearty | harmonious | fitting | like-minded | pleasing
congenital 反义词
congenital 相似词语短语
1、uncongenial ─── adj.志趣不相投的;不相宜的
2、congenitalness ─── 亲和力
3、congeal ─── vi.凝结;凝固;vt.使…凝结;使…冻结
4、congenerical ─── 同类的
5、congenially ─── adv.意气相投地
6、nongenital ─── 非生殖的
7、noncongenital ─── 非生殖的
8、congenial ─── adj.意气相投的;性格相似的;适意的;一致的
9、congenitally ─── adv.先天地;天生地
congenital 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Congenital long QT syndrome is a group of familial inherited disease. ─── 先天性Q-T间期延长综合征是一组家族遗传性疾病。
2、Congenital heart disease affects only about one birth out of 120 in the United States, and only a fraction of those are considered critical. ─── 先天性心脏疾病的影响,在120名只有出生在美国,和这些只有小部分被认为是关键。
3、Congenital stenosis of the esophagus is not common. ─── 先天性食管狭窄并不常见。
4、Doctors use the term congenital for a defect or disease present at birth. ─── 医生使用"先天性"这一术语来表示出生时的缺陷或疾
5、Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs. ─── 有的婴儿具有先天性阻止这种液体从肺部流出的阻塞,他们时常是生有畸形肺部的。
6、Bad distribution of congenital aneurism body wall, general all thinner. ─── 先天性动脉瘤体壁厚薄不均,一般均较薄。
7、Congenital absence of the arms. ─── 先天性缺失手臂
8、How does ability treat the skin congenital allergy? ─── 怎样才能治疗皮肤先天性过敏?
9、Percutenous Treatment of Complex Congenital Heart Diseases. ─── 复杂先心病的介入治疗。
10、Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) is a blind leading hereditary disease . ─── 原发性先天性青光眼 (primary congenital glauco-ma,PCG)是一种遗传性致盲眼病。
11、If have paresis of congenital facial nerve, should undertake two years trailing the abnormal rate that exists with fixing place at least. ─── 如有先天性面神经轻瘫,至少应进行两年追踪以确定所存在的畸形程度。
12、Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a cardiopulmonary anomaly that causes severe respiratory disorder. ─── 摘要先天性横膈膜疝气是一种会导致严重心肺功能异常的先天性心肺畸型。
13、What should notice after operation of congenital heart disease? ─── 先天性心脏病手术后应注意什么?
14、The proband exhibits congenital severe sensorineural hearing loss, heterochromia iridis and facial freckles. ─── 其他家系成员除一名仅表现为先天性耳聋外, 均表现为颜面、上肢雀斑和/或早白发。
15、LU Lan-quality voice congenital general, but use of audible Lushi, to take the lead in the vocal world Haizhen happy. ─── 卢兰青先天嗓音素质一般,但运用卢氏发声法,使其率先在声乐方面问鼎世界吉尼斯之最。
16、Congenital microphthalmos is a rare ocular anomaly due to arrest of ocular growth and development in early fetal life. ─── 摘要先天性小眼症是在胚胎发育早期眼球生长停滞所造成的先天异常。
17、She has a congenital cheerfulness. ─── 她天生性情开朗。
18、A rare congenital disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20. ─── (儿童的)早衰症一种少见的少年身体机能失调,以类似年老的身体快速变化为特征,其结果通常导致二十岁之前死亡。
19、Congenital megaurethra has a very poor perinatal outcome. ─── 先天性巨尿道的围产期预后非常差。
20、How to treat congenital heart disease? ─── 如何治疗先天性心脏病?
21、I cannot explain it scientifically, but if I explain it chemically, it is classified as a congenital love and an acquired love. ─── 我无法科学地解释爱情,但从化学角度上解释,应该分为先天和后天性爱情。
22、Conclusions Myofibroblast appeared to be one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia. ─── 结论肌纤维母细胞是先天性胫骨假关节发病中关键的病理因素之一。
23、Congenital affirmation should take medicine for a long time will control. ─── 先天性甲状腺功能低下的小孩要长期药物控制吗?
24、For the other 2 cases of congenital cervical vertebral anomaly, there was no improvement observed. ─── 习惯性斜颈病例经颈圈穿戴半年后,有显著改善。
25、A congenital disease characterized by lesions of the central nervous system that can cause blindness and brain damage. ─── 弓形病一种先天性疾病,特征为中央神经系统受损,可导致失明及脑部损伤
26、Uterine flesh tumour is congenital with on annulus has nothing to do, cause recrudesce to have very big concern. ─── 子宫肌瘤是先天性与上环无关,引起复发有很大关系.
27、Qi in the human body is composed of congenital qi and acquired qi. ─── 人体之气由先天之气和后天之气组成。
28、As to the primary B-CS, there are congenital membrane theory and acquired thrombosis theory to illustrate the cause. ─── 对于原发性B-CS的病因又有先天性隔膜形成学说和后天性血栓形成学说。
29、Exclusive criteria: infants with congenital disease or abnormality. ─── 排除标准:患各种先天性疾病及异常的婴幼儿。
30、A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape. ─── 尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形,头的顶部形成锥形或尖形
31、He has a congenital heart defect. ─── 他有先天性心脏缺陷。
32、Many congenital hydrocephalics have a dome-shaped, prominent calvarium. ─── 很多原发性水脑症的病例有圆且突出的头盖骨。
33、Effect on the Prognosis in Congenital Hypothyroidism With Early Treatment. ─── 先天性甲状腺功能低下症早期治疗对预后的影响。
34、A study of congenital nystagmus on VEP and ERG. ─── 先天性眼球震颤的视诱发电位与视网膜电图的研究
35、Harlequin ichthyosis (HI)is a severe subtype of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses (ARCI). ─── 丑角样鱼鳞病是常染色体隐性遗传性鱼鳞病的一种严重亚型。
36、Congenital Hypertrichosis is very rare. ─── 先天性多毛症很罕见。
37、Congenital lactose intolerance is very rare and is an inherited metabolic disorder rather than an allergy. ─── 先天性的乳糖不耐受是非常罕见的遗传性的代谢紊乱,而并非过敏。
38、Derotational osteotomy at shafts of the radius and ulna for congenital radioulnar synostosis . ─── 尺桡骨中段旋转截骨术治疗先天性上尺桡关节融合及并发症探讨。
39、It analyzed both the material and methods of cleaning enema for congenital megacolon infants. ─── 分析了先天性巨结肠清洁灌肠的材料及方法。
40、Holoprosencephaly is a congenital malformation of the face and brain, which is caused by a defect of cleavage. ─── 全前脑畸型是因胚胎在四、五周时,前脑从中线分裂不全所造成。
41、We concluded CDE is effective and accurate in diagnosing congenital heart diseases in neonates. ─── 22例尸解对比结果与CDE探查完全一致。
42、Congenital heart disease, the doctor says is not genetic, can be what reason cause. . . ─── 先天性心脏病,医生说不是遗传,会是什么原因造成的呢...
43、A case of trisomy 22 liveborn female baby with multiple congenital anomalies is described. ─── 摘要作者报告一例具有多种先天性异常的三染色体22症的活产女婴。
44、There were 23 patients with unilateral congenital microphthalmos receiving prosthetic treatment. ─── 在接受眼窠扩张治疗后,这些病患在外观上都获得很大的改善。
45、Topic Serious complication during transcatheter treatment of congenital heart disease: how to prevent it? ─── 先心病介入治疗严重并发症的防治?
46、The incidence of congenital absence of the third molar was much higher in maxilla than in mandible (P
47、Congenital repeat urethral which can be the operation become? ? ─── 先天性重复尿道在哪可以做手术??
48、A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip. ─── 兔唇,豁嘴一种上唇出现竖直的裂缝或两条裂缝的先天性畸形
49、The cure of congenital aplastic anemia and general again block is same. ─── 先天性再生障碍性贫血的治疗与一般再障相同。
50、Can be congenital heart disease cured? Can you constitute hazard to life? ─── 先天性心脏病能治愈吗?会不会对生命构成危险?
51、Novel external mini-frame for congenital talipes equinovarus in infants. ─── 先天性;
52、If urethral obstruction occurs, congenital megaurethra is lethal without patent urachus or rectovesical fistula. ─── 如果存在尿道梗阻,先天性巨尿道即便没有脐尿管未闭或直肠膀胱瘘也是致死性的。
53、He was a congenital liar and usually in debt. ─── 他曾是个天生的说谎者并经常欠债。
54、Congenital cataract is an important cause of visual impairment in childhood. ─── 先天性白内障是导致儿童低视力的重要因素之一。
55、Is congenital palpitate the conceal phenomenon of heart disease? ─── 先天性心慌是心脏病的潜伏现象吗?
56、There were 14 cases of congenital kyphosis,5 cases of TB kyphosis and 4 cases of post-traumatic kyphosis. ─── 先天性脊柱后凸14例,脊柱结核后凸畸形5例,外伤后脊柱后凸畸形4例。
57、Congenital aneurism often appears later in manhood symptom. ─── 先天性动脉瘤往往在成年以后出现症状。
58、How should be stricture of congenital head blood-vessel treated? Hemal intervening operation how many money? ─── 先天性脑血管狭窄该如何治疗?血管介入手术多少钱?
59、When a child is blind from birth, his or her blindness is called congenital. ─── 如果一个孩子从出生就失明,他或她的这种失明被称为先天性的。
60、Transposition of the great arteries is a congenital (present at birth) heart defect. ─── 大动脉转位是一种先天性(出生时就存在的)心脏病。
61、Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting. ─── [目的]探讨先天性牙槽突裂髂骨植骨术病人的护理措施。
62、Long term curative effects of postoperative rehabilitation after posterior spinal fusion on congenital scoliosis. ─── 先天性脊柱侧弯后路融合术后康复的远期疗效。
63、Prevention and Treatment of Complete Atrioventricular Block after Open Heart Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease. ─── 先天性心脏病术后完全性房室传导阻滞的防治。
64、The congenital form is spread to the fetus through the bloodstream. ─── 先天的形式是通过血液传播给胎儿。
65、He has congenital heart disease. ─── 他有先天性心脏病。
66、Antiviral agent may be considered for patients with congenital heart or lung diseases. ─── 如患者有先天性心脏病或肺病,可考虑采用抗病毒剂。
67、A congenital deformity of the foot, usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle, heel, and toes. ─── 内弯脚,弯曲脚脚的一种先天畸形,通常以踝部、脚跟及脚指是卷曲状或扭曲形态为标志
68、Congenital nystagmus is frequently genetic. ─── 先天性眼球震颤症通常是遗传性的。
69、The individual size difference were both the congenital and the acquired factors. ─── 在生长发育中,石斑鱼个体大小差异显著,导致此现象出现是因先天性和后天性二个方面造成。
70、John was 17, he died of congenital heart disease. ─── 约翰在17岁那年死于先天性心脏病。
71、A congenital defect in which one or more toes or fingers are abnormally positioned. ─── 手指或脚趾先天位置不正。
72、The estimated of congenital bilat-eral hearing loss is 0.17% and of unilateral hearing loss 0.38%. ─── 双耳听障者均于3个月大时,开始接受厅语复健。
73、Experiences with congenital scoliosis correction. ─── 先天性脊柱侧弯的治疗体会。
74、In the young, previously overlooked congenital heart disease may be discovered. ─── 在年青人身上,人们也许能发现以前所忽视的先天性心脏
75、If a pregnant woman doesn't take care of herself, she can give her baby congenital defects. ─── 假如孕妇没有好好照顾自己的话,她的婴孩会有先天的缺陷。
76、How to judge the cataract that is congenital cataract; or posteriority? ─── 如何判断是先天性白内障;还是后天性的白内障?
77、Since that she has congenital heart disease after the family sold the only pig and cattle, for her to seek medical treatment. ─── 自从知道她有先天性心脏病以后,家里变卖仅有的猪和牛,为她寻求医治。
78、"The test shows that you are very healthy, but your wife has underdeveloped ovarian and congenital uterine anomaly. " I told him calmly. ─── “化验的结果显示,你是正常的,但你爱人却属于幼稚型卵巢而且伴有先天性子宫畸形。”我平静地说。
79、Study on serology of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate patients TORCH infection. ─── 先天性唇腭裂病儿TORCH感染的血清学研究
80、Cerebral abscess is a serious condition and in children the commonest cause is cyanotic congenital heart disease. ─── 大脑脓肿是一种严重的疾病,在儿童中最常见的病因是青紫型先天性心脏病。
81、Six cases of esotropic fixus combined congenital high myopia underwent the surgical treatment. ─── 报道了手术治疗6例先天性高度近视合并固定性内斜视患者,其病因目前尚不清楚。
82、Dysplastic spondylolisthesis is due to a congenital sacral or L5 arch anomaly. ─── 发育不良性脊椎前移是由于先天性骶骨或L5椎弓异常所致。
83、Central cyanosis makes a congenital cardiac disorder highly likely. ─── 中心型发绀提示先天性心脏病的可能性极高。
84、Ventricular septal defect(VSD) is one of the most common congenital heart malformations. ─── 室间隔缺损是最常见的先天性心脏病之一。
85、In congenital heart disease, blood bypasses the lungs, where PGE2 is normally broken down by 15-HPGD. ─── 先心病的患者,血液被分流到能够通过15-HPGD而破坏PGE2的肺脏。
86、Coronary arteriovenous fistula is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly. ─── 摘要先天性冠状动静脉管是相当罕见的先天性心脏疾病。
87、Congenital alar cartilage anomaly can result in flat apex and broad alar nose. ─── 临床上常见因先天性鼻翼软骨形态异常而产生的鼻尖低平、鼻翼宽大畸形,单纯用隆鼻术很难矫正。
88、The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly. ─── 下腔静脉重复畸形是一种罕见的先天性血管发育变异。
89、Its reason in the congenital aneurism sees most much by the skull in. ─── 其原因以颅内先天性动脉瘤内最多见。
香港**《大八卦》是一部记录片,由三宝影业公司于1992年出品。讲述娱乐圈各种八卦新闻。 八卦的类型指本来含义的八卦的类型,这种含义的八卦有先天后天等的类型,先天八卦是CongenitalBagua,没有什么Congenitalgossip(先天的胡说、绯闻),后天八卦是AcquiredBagua,没有什么Acquiredgossip。可惜的是,几种在线翻译里的八卦,只译为Gossip(胡说,绯闻),没有本意。
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