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09-09 投稿


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caviare 网络释义

n. 鱼子酱

caviare 相似词语短语

1、cavitate ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞;成泡

2、aviate ─── vi.飞行;驾驶飞机;vt.用飞机飞行

3、aviary ─── n.鸟类饲养场;大型鸟舍

4、cavate ─── adj.形成山洞的;挖空岩石而形成的

5、caviar ─── n.鱼子酱

6、caviars ─── n.鱼子酱

7、carfare ─── n.车资,票价;电车费,汽车费

8、caviares ─── n.鱼子酱

9、cavitary ─── adj.腔的;空洞的

caviare 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pumpkin soup with ginger and caviar ─── 姜味南瓜汤配鱼子酱

2、She ate the caviare and she ate the salmon. ─── 她吃了鱼子酱。她又吃了鲑鱼。

3、In a little quail's eggshell with caviar on top, they're quite a crowd-pleaser. ─── 小小的鹌鹑蛋壳里,上面再放些鱼子酱,它们就会很受欢迎。

4、caviare to the general; ─── “一般人不赏识的腌鱼子”;

5、1. I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare and the cheapest dish on the menu. ─── 我告诉服务员务必要拿来鱼子酱和菜单上最便宜的菜。

6、Mother of pearl YD caviar serving spoons and serving dishes. It's the prefect way to present and serve caviar. An incredible value! ─── 业鼎鱼籽酱珍珠母贝壳勺子和盘子,能最完美的展示和搭配鱼籽酱,物有所值!

7、clumsy soft thick-bodied North Atlantic fish with pelvic fins fused into a sucker; edible roe used for caviar. ─── 北大西洋中又软又粗身体笨重的鱼,长有用作吸盘的腹鳍;鱼子可制成鱼子酱食用。

8、Acipenser sinensis Feimei fish meat, eggs can be produced caviar, are valuable food; ─── 中华鲟鱼肉质肥美,卵可制鱼子酱,是珍贵食品;

9、Much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran. ─── 世界上大多数现存的白鲟鱼子酱是苏联和伊朗生产的。

10、Ingredients: essence granule of sturgeon caviar, deionized water, glycerin, propylene glycol, hydrolysis jojoba lipids, carbomer, triethanolamine, hyaluronic acid. ─── 成分:鲟鱼鱼子精华颗粒、去离子水、甘油、丙二醇、水解霍霍巴脂类、卡波姆、三乙醇胺、透明质酸。

11、Unlike many fad treatments, caviar is actually proven to work as a conditioning therapy. ─── 与很多流行的护发用品不同的是,鱼子酱被证明具有护理治疗的功效。

12、James Bond: No, just different. Peking duck is different from Russian caviar but I love them both. ─── 占士邦:不是,只是不同。北京填鸭和俄国鱼子酱不同但我两样都喜欢。

13、EUROCAVIAR is a Spanish company founded in 1983 dedicated to the production of high quality caviar substitutes. ─── EUROCAVIAR是1983年成立的西班牙公司,专门从事优质鱼子酱替代品的生产。

14、while water is expelled right back out through the gills. The dog snapper eggs aren't the only caviar these big mouths love to eat. ─── 同时水通过鳃排出。九带笛鲷卵不是这些大嘴唯一喜欢吃的鱼子酱。

15、Therefore, to detain the youth, you must certainly remember following food name: Chicken skin, fish, caviar, shrimp paste, oyster, animal liver, mushroom, auricularia auricula, pollen and so on. ─── 因此,为了留住青春,你一定要记住下面的食品名称:鸡皮、鱼类、鱼子酱、虾酱、牡蛎、动物肝脏、蘑菇、木耳、花粉等。

16、She has an incredibly rich and vibrant natural hair color but the creamy, almost oily nature of caviar really brings this out, making the color even richer and making it so much more glossy. ─── “多油的鱼子酱使她原本色泽饱满、自然鲜亮的秀发更加饱满、亮泽。”

17、The writer Oscar Wilde captured the essence of it when he said,” Wit should be savoured like caviar, don't spread it around like marmalade. ─── 作家王尔德抓住了本质,他说:“智慧要像鱼子酱一样慢慢品尝而不是像果酱一样到处乱抹。”

18、Caviar Extract,The Botanical Eye Contour Treatment Complex,Glycoproteins,Centella Asiatica Extract,Caprylyl Glycol,Saccharide Isomerate,The Botanical Moisturizing Agent,Rhodochrosite Extract. ─── 使用方法:早晚清洁面部后,取黄豆大小颗粒轻拍于眼部周围肌肤,轻轻按摩直至完全吸收。

19、They are used to create “caviar” - fruit juices in the form of caviar, ravioli without pasta, and much more. ─── 它们被创造做成“鱼子酱” - 果汁配鱼子酱,没有面团的意大利方形饺和更多菜。

20、While most of us have to make do with a handful of fragrant soapy foam, the Welsh actress smears on truffles and caviar. ─── 我们大多数人也就用用一般的洗发水,而这位威尔士影星则用松露和鱼子酱。

21、Once again, Mother Teresa can see the denizens of Hell enjoying caviar, champagne, lamb, truffles and chocolates. ─── 再一次,德蕾莎修女能见到享受鱼子酱、香槟酒、小羊、松露和巧克力的地狱的居住者。

22、The Queen's Grill on the Queen Elizabeth II serves 15% of the world's consumption of Beluga caviar. ─── 上个世纪初,鱼子酱产量甚丰,但是很咸;美国纽约的酒吧免费供应鱼子酱,目的是要使客人喝下更多的啤酒

23、Russia temporarily stopped exporting black caviar and halted commercial fishing of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea recently in an effort to save the fish from extinction. ─── 为了保护鲟鱼使之免于灭绝,俄罗斯最近暂时停止了黑鱼子酱的出口,并停止在里海的商业性捕鱼行动。

24、"I'm having a picnic meal," she announced."There's caviar in that jar by your arm. ─── "我在做一顿野餐式的点心,"她大声说道,"你胳膊旁边的那个罐子里放有鱼子酱。

25、Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast;usually served with caviar and sour cream. ─── 俄国的发面荞麦薄煎饼;常与鱼子酱、酸乳酪等同吃。

26、Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran. ─── 世界上大部分的大白鳇鱼子酱产于苏联和伊朗。

27、I never mind caviare. ─── 鱼子酱是我从不拒绝的。

28、The Stability Analysis and Time-varying Modeling of CAViaR for Chinese Stock Markets ─── 中国股市风险CAViaR方法的稳定性分析及其时变建模

29、mayonnaise with horseradish grated onion and chili sauce or catsup; sometimes with caviar added. ─── 山葵、磨碎的洋葱、红辣椒沙司或烹调酱做成的蛋黄酱;有时也加鱼子酱。

30、like buying economy eggs and, by garnishing them with the odd bit of parsley, hoping they will look and taste like caviar. ─── 就像买经济鸡蛋,并通过用欧芹装饰,希望他们将看起来并且品尝像鱼子酱。

31、He doesn't like caviar and neither do I. ─── 他不喜欢鱼子酱,我也不喜欢。

32、Veronica: Stop being eccentric, ok? Didn't you just buy some caviar? So why don't you choose to be a vegetarian? ─── 不要那么怪异好吗?你好像刚刚买了鱼子酱吧。那你干脆吃素好了。

33、Salmon and caviar: This is the perfect Christmas starter, perhaps washed down with a glass of champagne. ─── 三文鱼和鱼子酱:这是最佳的圣诞大餐开胃品,也许要消耗掉整整一瓶香槟酒。

34、And so the next evening, after she had had her ration of champagne and caviar, after she had given us another chapter out of the history of her life, Fillmore went to work on her. ─── 于是第二天晚上她喝光了走量的香槟,吃完了鱼子酱,又给我们讲述了一段自己的身世之后,菲尔莫便去制服她了。

35、"I don't understand," stammers the Republican head of state.Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and club and we ate lobster and caviar and danced and had a great time. ─── “我不明白,”共和党魁结结巴巴的说:“昨天我在这里,这里有一个高尔夫球场和俱乐部,我们吃着龙虾和鱼子酱,举行舞会,度过了非常美好的时光。

36、You're taking all the caviar!That caviar is a garnish! ─── 你把所有的鱼子酱都拿走了!那些鱼子酱是饰物!

37、All right. We'll have some cheese wafers and caviar. ─── 我们点一些干酪薄脆饼和鱼子酱。

38、Ingredients : Aqua, Caviar Extract, Squalene and NMF. ─── 成份:鱼子精华、鲨烯及天然保湿因子。

39、After that comes vodka,caviar and suicidal novelists. ─── 其次才是伏特加、鱼子酱。

40、"No," she answered, "I never eat more than one thing. Unless you had a little caviare. I never mind caviare. ─── “不了”,她回答,“我向来只吃一样东西,除非你们有一点鱼子酱。鱼子酱我还是不介意的。”

41、Salty foods like caviar, potato chips and other appetizers. Particularly refreshing with spicy foods like pizza and hot dogs. A classic match with Chinese foods. ─── 咸的食物象鱼子酱、土豆片和其他开胃菜。最好是辛辣食物喜欢薄饼和热狗。经典中国食物搭配酒。

42、"blin:a small, light pancake served with hot melted butter, sour cream, and various other garnishes such as caviar or lox." ─── 俄式薄煎饼:一种小而轻的薄煎饼,加有热融奶油、酸奶油和各种其它添加物(如鱼子酱或熏鲑鱼)。

43、The abundance of fish eggs is good news for whale sharks who come here to feast on cubera caviar. ─── 丰富的鱼卵对鲸鲨来说是个好消息,他们来此享受丰盛的古布拉金线鱼子酱大餐。

44、Do you like red or black caviar? ─── 你喜欢红色的鱼子酱还是黑色的鱼子酱?

45、Picasso's art is caviare to the general. ─── 毕加索的艺术,是一般大众高不可攀的东西。

46、A female sturgeon in a fish farm gives a last protest on its way to being butchered for caviar. ─── 在渔场里,一条雌性鲟鱼正在做最后的挣扎来躲避自己即将变成鱼子酱的命运。

47、"What's on these biscuits?" "It's something out of a tin-a sort of poor man's caviare." ─── “这些饼干上放的是什么?”“是从罐头盒里弄出来的东西-一种水货鱼子酱。”

48、A small amount of food: Goose fat pork, ham, caviar, octopus, ice cream, yogurt, Quanzhi Nai, mushrooms, olives, potatoes, white corn, corn oil or Kuihua You. ─── 少量食用:鹅肉、肥猪肉、火腿等,鱼子酱、章鱼,冰淇淋、酸奶、全脂奶,蘑菇、橄榄、土豆、白玉米等,玉米油或葵花油。

49、Demitasse spoon: condiments. and caviar and after-dinner coffee. ─── 小咖啡勺:用于调味品.鱼子酱以及餐后咖啡.

50、mayonnaise with horseradish grated onion and chili sauce or catsup; sometimes with caviar added ─── 山葵、磨碎的洋葱、红辣椒沙司或烹调酱做成的蛋黄酱;有时也加鱼子酱

51、"Catherine discovered the caviar treatment last summer and was astounded by the difference it made to her hair," said a source. ─── 一位消息人士说:“凯瑟琳去年夏天发现鱼子酱护发品之后,便十分惊讶于这种东西给头发带来的变化。

52、Demitasse spoon: condiments, and caviar and after-dinner coffee. ─── 小咖啡勺:用于调味品、鱼子酱以及餐后咖啡。

53、Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran.See also Synonyms at authentic ─── 世界上大部分的大白鳇鱼子酱产于苏联和伊朗参见同义词

54、I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare. ─── 我吩咐侍者务必拿鱼子酱来。

55、No caviar for me, thanks. Never did like it much. ─── 不要,谢谢。我从不爱吃鱼籽酱。

56、I could never make a merit of being caviare to the crowd the way my quasi-friend Pound does. I want to reach out, if it were a thing I could do by taking thought. ─── 我不能因为创作大众的阳春白雪而夸耀,就像我的半个朋友庞德一样,我希望伸展开来,如果这是我动脑经就能完成的事。

57、For years I have been arguing that airports should have meditation rooms rather than caviar emporiums and car showrooms but I felt more like a surrealist dreamer than a sober policymaker. ─── 多年以来,我一直在探讨应该在机场设立冥想室,取代鱼子酱商店和汽车展示厅,但我感觉自己更象是超现实主义的梦想家,而非清醒冷静的决策者。

58、My cat only eats expensive caviar. ─── 我的猫只吃昂贵的鱼子酱。

59、A little caviar to begin with, madame? ─── 先吃一点鱼子酱怎么样,女士?

60、That must be the reason behind choosing a glass of champagne, shucking a fresh oyster or enjoying your favourite caviar today and slipping into yet another WOW moment. ─── ...这些一定是您来这里来上一杯香槟,敲开一个新鲜的牡蛎,享用您最喜爱的鱼子酱或者体验更多欢畅时刻的理由。

61、I knew I could not afford caviare. ─── 我知道我是吃不起鱼子酱的。

62、Once society has allocated people (as well as land, buildings, and machines) to various jobs, it must decide who will eat caviar and who will eat potatoes. ─── 一旦社会分派人们(比如陆地,建筑物和机器)做各种不同的工作,它肯定决定谁将吃鱼子酱,谁将吃马铃薯。

63、Caviar of Salmon with Egg Salad ─── 出奇蛋三文鱼子沙律

64、A small, light pancake served with hot melted butter, sour cream, and various other garnishes such as caviar or lox. ─── 俄式薄煎饼:一种小而轻的薄煎饼,加有热融奶油、酸奶油和各种其它添加物(如鱼子酱或熏鲑鱼)

65、Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar. ─── 可口可乐和爆米花赛过香槟和鱼子酱。

66、This treatment contains Caviar Extract , Thymus extract , Wheat germ oil , N.M.Factors .It stimulates cellrenewal ;Inhibits skin irritative reaction . ─── 功效:疗程主要成份为微脂囊分子鱼子精华、胸腺素、麦芽维他命E、天然保湿因子。

67、Russian fishermen on the Volga River catch around 20% of the world's black caviar, tearing it out of the bellies of giant sturgeon, a species as old as the dinosaurs. ─── 俄国伏尔加河上的鱼民们提供世界上百分之二十的黑鱼子酱,他们从鲟鱼这种象恐龙一样古老的鱼种的肚子里将鱼子挤出。

68、I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare and the cheapest dish on the menu. ─── 我告诉服务员务必要拿来鱼子酱和菜单上最便宜的菜。

69、She ate the caviare and she ate the salmon. ─── 她吃了鱼子酱,又吃鲑鱼。

70、But you need to live somewhere, so not all of your equity can be lavished on caviar and champagne. ─── 但你总得有地方住,因此无法将全部所得挥霍到鱼子酱和香槟上面。

71、Or they can try fish topped with a generous helping of caviar. ─── 他们也可以品尝到淋满了鱼子酱的大鱼头。

72、Joanna: I don't live for caviar. ─── 乔安娜:我可不是为了吃鱼子酱才活着。

73、It must decide who will eat caviar and who will eat potatoes.It must decide who will drive a Porsche and who will take the bus. ─── 它得决定谁应该吃鱼子酱,谁应该吃土豆,还得决定谁应该坐保时捷和谁应该挤公交车。

74、WD Caviar drives are built to the highest standards of quality and reliability by people who understand the importance of your data. ─── WD Caviar硬盘是按质量和可靠性最高的标准来设计制造的,设计者充分理解您的数据的重要性。

75、I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare. ─── 不过我还是告诉那个服务员尽管拿一些来。

76、Ingredients : Aqua, Elastin, NMF, Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Caviar Ext, Phospholipids. ─── 成份:弹力蛋白、天然保湿因子、海底胶原、玻尿酸、鱼子精华、磷脂。

77、Unlike many fad treatments, caviar is actually proven to work as a conditioning therapy. The essential fatty acids it contains produce collagen and keratin, two proteins vital for the appearance of sleek hair. ─── 与很多流行的护发用品不同的是,鱼子酱被证明具有护理治疗的功效。它所富含的基本脂肪酸所产生的胶原质和角蛋白两种蛋白质是使头发光滑亮泽的主要物质。

78、Fancy some caviar? ─── 你要点鱼子酱吗?

79、an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food. ─── 一种开胃食品,通常由薄面包片或敷鱼子酱的烤面包片、干酪和其他开胃食物组成。

80、an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food ─── 一种开胃食品,通常由薄面包片或敷鱼子酱的烤面包片、干酪和其他开胃食物组成

81、Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast; usually served with caviar and sour cream. ─── 俄国的发面荞麦薄煎饼;常与鱼子酱、酸乳酪等同吃。

82、Products: Fresh, Chilled, and dried Salmon, Halibut, Crab, Caviar and Ikura ─── 产品:生鲜/冷藏/乾鲑鱼,比目鱼,螃蟹,鱼子浆,鱼卵

83、"I don't understand," stammers the senator."Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. ─── “我不明白,”参议员结结巴巴的说,“昨天我在这的时候那儿是一个高尔夫球场和俱乐部,而且我们吃的是龙虾和鱼子酱,喝的是香槟酒,一起跳舞,在一块玩得很开心。

84、And how do you take your caviar, sir? ─── 先生,您怎么吃鱼籽酱?

85、Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darling. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar. ─── 吃寿喜烧以前,来一点餐前甜点。我可以吃一点那个甜酱吗?甜酱?那个黑莓酱。哦,当然,亲爱的。事实上,这是一种鱼莓酱。它的名字叫鱼子酱。

86、We regale d ourselves on caviar and champagne. ─── 我们尽情地享用鱼子酱和香槟酒.

87、We have the best oysters and caviar. ─── 我们有最好的蠔和鱼子酱。

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