calming 发音
英:[ˈkɑːmɪŋ] 美:[ˈkaːmɪŋ]
英: 美:
calming 中文意思翻译
calming 网络释义
adj. 平静的n. 镇定,平静v. 平静下来(calm的ing形式)
calming 短语词组
1、calming gel cream ─── 镇静凝胶霜
2、calming heat ─── 清热
3、calming down ─── 平静下来;镇定下来
4、calming section ─── 平稳区
5、calming music for kids ─── 让孩子们安静下来的音乐
6、have a calming effect ─── 有镇静作用
7、calming dog bed ─── 安神狗床
8、calming music for birds ─── 给鸟儿的宁静音乐
9、calming effect ─── 镇静作用舒缓效果
10、traffic calming ─── 车辆减速措施
11、calming down cream ─── 镇静霜
12、calming pictures ─── 平静的画面
13、calming heating pad ─── 镇静加热垫
14、calming sounds ─── 平静的声音
15、real skin calming cream ─── 真肤镇静霜
calming 同义词
inactive | relaxation | quietness | settle down | quiet down | compose | soften | cool off | tranquillity | composed | cool it | silence | simmer down | quieten | peaceable | pacific | sober | sunshine | still | soothe | allay | patient | peaceful | placid | steady | moderate | serene | silent | tranquility | noiseless | content | lull | peace | mild | stony | quell | unagitated | appease | equable | pacify | stillness | hush | alleviate | equanimity |quiet | calm air | sedate | serenity | tranquil | tranquillise | assuage | temperate | becalm | calmness | calm down | undisturbed | relieve | tranquilize | collected | conciliate | cool | tranquillize | philosophical | chill out | composure
calming 词性/词形变化,calming变形
形容词最高级: calmest |副词: calmly |名词: calm-ness |动词过去分词: calmed |动词现在分词: calming |动词过去式: calmed |动词第三人称单数: calms |形容词比较级: calmer |
calming 反义词
agitate | excited |stormy | storm
calming 常用词组
traffic calming ─── 交通减速
calming 相似词语短语
1、calking ─── n.填隙;塞缝;v.填…以防漏水(calk的ing形式)
2、camming ─── n.凸轮系统;v.给(机器)配置偏心轮(cam的现在分词)
3、calmingly ─── 平静地
4、becalming ─── v.(使)帆船因无风而停航;(使)平静,平息
5、calling ─── n.使命感;职业;(动物或人的)喊叫;强烈冲动;v.呼喊;大声说;(动物)叫;打电话给;短暂拜访(call的现在分词)
6、encalming ─── 包裹
7、calving ─── n.产犊;裂冰作用;v.产犊;崩解(calve的ing形式)
8、palming ─── n.翻腕;v.把…藏在手掌(palm的ing形式)
9、calquing ─── n.语义转借;译借;仿造;vt.转借;仿造
calming 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He usually stays calm. ─── 他通常都保持镇定。
2、Not anyone can keep calming down in a dangerous situation. ─── 不是每个人都能在危急时刻保持镇定的。
3、You are calming me to be better sleep? ─── 你在安顿我好好地睡眠?
4、To calm himself,he too focused on the view. ─── 可现在,为了使自己平静下来,他也专心一致地看着眼前的景色。
5、Even when those around her panic she always maintains an Olympian calm. ─── 即使周围的人都惊惶不已,她也总是保持著超然的镇静。
6、Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise. ─── 告诉同志们遇事要沉着。
7、Don't pull the boy about, he wants calming down instead. ─── 别把那个男孩拉来拉去,他需要安静。
8、Their response was calm and expert. ─── 他们的反应是既镇静又熟练。
9、Don't excite yourself(= keep calm). ─── 别激动。
10、The morning stillness moved me with a sense of God's utter compassion, and a deep calming came in a whisper to my soul. ─── 在黎明的寂静中,我感到神的无比怜悯,在低声耳语中,我的灵魂获得了深深的安慰。
11、His wife's calm nature act as a counterbalance to his excitability. ─── 他妻子生性从容不迫,这对他的易冲动的个性起著平衡作用。
12、This herb is good for the eyes and ears and for calming the liver. ─── 在中药里,该草本对眼、耳有益,也对镇静肝脏有益。
13、Be calm and take things as they come. ─── 冷静点,既来之则安之吧。
14、His frenzy of the previous day had all calm down. ─── 他一脸泰然自若的样子。
15、The calming effect seemed to last for about ten minutes. ─── 镇静效果好像持续了大约10分钟。
16、You should keep calm even in face of danger. ─── 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静。
17、At that part of the river, the trees on both banks arch over the water, affording an atmosphere of calm which is a welcome relief from the bustle of the nearby city. ─── 在河的那一带,两岸的树木枝叶伸展于水面上,造成一种宁静的气氛,与附近城市车水马龙的情形迥然不同。
18、The teller tried to remain aloof and calm. ─── 出纳员力图保持冷漠和镇静。
19、Keep calm, don't rush your fences. ─── 冷静些,别胡来。
20、The study is an oasis of calm in a noisy household. ─── 在喧闹的家中,书房可谓宁静之一隅。
21、Whatever may happen, you must keep calm. ─── 不论什么事发生,你必须保持冷静。
22、Listening to the music had a calming influence on her. ─── 听音乐对她起了一种定心安神的作用。
23、Even when the car crashed she was calm. ─── 即使在汽车撞坏的时候,她也是毫不慌乱。
24、Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners. ─── 叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。
25、Calm down! Can't you see he's only winding you up? ─── 别激动!难道你看不出他只是在气你吗?
26、He lit a cigarette in order to calm his mind. ─── 他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。
27、His mood suddenly changed and he became calm. ─── 他的情绪突然一变,冷静了下来。
28、Whey he flew out at me, I tried to calm him down. ─── 他对我大发脾气的时候,我没法使他平静下来。
29、There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite different from the atmosphere of a big city. ─── 在乡间有一种和平宁静的气氛,和大城市的气氛截然不同。
30、Keep calm; don't lose your composure. ─── 保持镇静,不要惊慌失措。
31、She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious. ─── 在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。
32、The nuns live in a cloister of calm. ─── 修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。
33、Don't lose your head keep calm! ─── 别惊慌失措的--沉住气。
34、Instead of calming down, she became more and more agitated. ─── 她不但没有平静下来,反而越来越激动。
35、Two days had passed,and it was still dead calm. ─── 两天过去了,仍然是一点风也没有。
36、Peaceful blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. ─── 可知蓝色可以使人平静,通常在卧室使用。
37、The sky is blue, and the sea is calm. ─── 天空碧兰,海上风平浪静。
38、He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. ─── 他深深地吸了几口气,使自己平静下来。
39、"My attorney will be there," was the calm reply. ─── “我的代理人会奉陪的。”对方平静的说。
40、He is calmest (=very calm) when he is all by himself. ─── 他一人独处时极为平静。
41、A good soldier remains calm even in the face of danger. ─── 一名好战士即使面临着危险也应保持冷静。
42、Mr Fogg was as calm and taciturn as ever. ─── 太平洋确实可以说名副其实的“太平”。
43、He always presents a calm smiling face. ─── 他总是展现出平和的微笑。
44、SkinMedica Calming Masque;Murad Soothing Gel Cleanser;B. ─── 参考产品:AESOP Damascan Rose Facial Treatment;
45、He was in a calm and reflective mood. ─── 他显得平静而又有所思。
46、The oils I use change often but at the moment vetiver seems to be the most calming and grounding for me. ─── 我经常会换精油,但是对于我来说岩兰草似乎是最能平静和限制的了。
47、His wife's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability. ─── 他妻子的沉着冷静抵销了他的急性子脾气。
48、Calm self-possession; equanimity. ─── 冷静自控,沉着
49、To calm his mind he began to take laudanum . ─── 为了镇定自己的神经,他开始服鸦片酊。
50、Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind. ─── 什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。
51、Amateur astronomy should be calming and fun. ─── 业余天文学应该是平静的、充满乐趣的。
52、It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency. ─── 在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。
53、The storm fell calm at daybreak. ─── 天亮时暴风雨停了下来。
54、The sky is blue,and the sea is calm. ─── 天空碧蓝,海上风平浪静。
55、Calm down, sir. What's the trouble? ─── 冷静点,先生。出了什么事?
56、Be calm and take thing as they come. ─── 冷静些,事情既然这样了,就随它去吧。
57、In a calm sea,every man is a pilot. ─── 力挽狂澜真英雄。
58、Before answering, he harrumphed for calm. ─── 回答问题之前,他故作镇静地清了清嗓子。
59、Some sounds are so calming, they act as lullabies. ─── 一些声音,就如摇篮曲一样,让人觉得很宁静怡然。
60、The children stuck together, calming one another, except for Lucsenda, a seven-year-old, who clung to my leg fiercely. ─── 孩子们抱成一团,相互安慰,除了7岁的卢森达,他紧紧地抓着我的腿。
61、We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window. ─── 从我们的窗户里可以看到海湾里平静海水的迷人景色。
62、It has a calming effect when used in massage oil and aromatherapy. ─── 名字这么难听的植物却有如此的功效真是不错。
63、That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy. ─── 我很有创意,是不是啊?让观众们平静下来啊:我觉得应该激起你们的热情来,
64、Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect. ─── 在危难中有了她就稳定了人心。
65、The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak. ─── 主考人员想找出你的错误,所以你要保持冷静,考虑好再讲。
66、It is more calm on his surface than reality. ─── 他表面上比实际更冷静。
67、They attained no calm enjoyment. ─── 他们并没有得到安逸的享受。
68、Listening to the music has a calming influence on her. ─── 听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。
69、She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. ─── 她试着让他平静下来,却似乎火上浇油了。
70、Outward calm can hide inward sadness. ─── 外表的冷静能掩饰内心的悲伤。
71、To have a calming or soothing effect. ─── 具有一种镇静或抚慰的效果
72、A calm or tranquil state of mind; self-possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态; 自我克制
73、He spoke in a calm, assured voice. ─── 他冷静自信地说。
74、Traffic calming' is a calque of the German 'Verkehrsberuhigung'. ─── traffic calming是由德语Verkehrsberuhigung直译过来的。
75、A calm or tranquil state of mind;self - possession. ─── 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态;自我克制
76、Listening to Mozart has a calming influence on children. ─── 听莫扎特的音乐对小孩有定心安神的作用。
77、Calm down it's nothing to get steamed up about! ─── 冷静一点--没什麽可激动的!
78、You should be a clearheaded and calm. ─── 你应该清醒冷静。
79、Have some brandy; it'll calm your nerves. ─── 喝点白兰地吧,这会使你紧张的神经松弛下来。
80、While some experts called it a roller coaster kind of day, others were quick to put a calming tone to it. ─── 当一些专家称之为反复不定的一天的时候,其他的人则用平静的口吻来描述她。
81、Calm down there's no need to get into a lather about it! ─── 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!
82、He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency. ─── 他在紧急关头十分镇静为此感到骄傲。
83、His calm response dissolved her anger. ─── 他平静的回答化解了她的怒气。
84、You must be calm, reserved, tolerant. ─── 你应当沉静,含蓄,宽容。
85、He watched me with a calm, scientific gaze. ─── 他用一种沉着的、严谨的眼光注视着我。
86、His trembling hands belied his calm voice. ─── 他颤抖的双手戮穿了他平静的语调。
87、He kept calm amid all these excitements. ─── 他在这些使人激动的事件中保持镇静。
88、His calm manner slaked their enthusiasm. ─── 他的冷静态度使他们的狂热降了温。
89、Just calm down a bit! ─── 你先静一静!
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