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08-29 投稿


crumpling 发音

英:[ˈkrʌmplɪŋ]  美:[ˈkrʌmplɪŋ]

英:  美:

crumpling 中文意思翻译





crumpling 短语词组

1、crumpling paper ─── 起皱纸

2、crumpling def ─── 皱缩def

3、crumpling mean ─── 皱缩平均值

4、crumpling meaning ─── 皱缩意义

5、crumpling resistance ─── [化] 耐揉性

6、crumpling ballots ─── 皱巴巴的选票

7、crumpling test ─── 皱缩试验

crumpling 词性/词形变化,crumpling变形

动词现在分词: crumpling |形容词: crumply |动词过去式: crumpled |动词过去分词: crumpled |动词第三人称单数: crumples |

crumpling 常用词组

crumple up ─── 打垮;揉皱;使崩溃

crumpling 相似词语短语

1、uncrumpling ─── v.去掉……的皱纹,弄平

2、crumbling ─── v.破碎;崩溃(crumble的ing形式);adj.破碎的;n.破碎;皱纹;岩块剥落

3、frumpling ─── 打样

4、rumpling ─── v.把(头发、衣服等)弄乱,弄皱(rumple的现在分词)

5、crumblings ─── n.碎片

6、crimpling ─── v.(使)皱缩,卷曲(crimple的现在分词)

7、crumplings ─── n.扭曲术;v.压皱;击溃;变皱;崩溃(crumple的ing形式);adj.起皱的;扭曲的;崩溃的

8、crumping ─── n.炸弹;嘎吱声;vi.发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸;vt.嘎吱作响地嚼;adj.脆的;易碎的;n.(Crump)人名;(英、德)克伦普

9、scrumpling ─── 筛选

crumpling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wrapping paper can also be used as a cushioning material by crumpling it and placing it in the interior of a box. ─── 还可以将包装纸团起放在盒子内作为减震材料。

2、The President Richard Nixon's crumpling up has illustrated the power of the media lively. ─── 尼克松总统的垮台,形象地说明了新闻报道的威力。

3、Pressure and release can also create crumpling land where such activity is not expected. ─── 即使在那些人们意想不到的平时地质活动并不活跃的地方,压力的产生和释放也会导致地表起皱。

4、He taps his pen in frustration, and finally gives up, crumpling up the paper and throwing it away. ─── 失望的他轻轻敲着笔,最后还是放弃了,把纸揉成一团扔掉了。

5、He is scared of the sound of plastic bags crumpling. ─── 它很害怕揉搓塑料袋发出的悉悉索索的声音。

6、Slowly crumpling on the bed, in shadow ─── 在影子的床上渐渐起皱

7、"Yeah," I said, crumpling the paper, "and if I know anything about Gryphonheart, he'll do anything to get his way." ─── “是的,”我说,蹂躏着这长纸,“凭着我对格芬哈特的了解,他真的会这么做的。”

8、A sudden loud whistle ran through the cabin. My head was like in a vice. There was a deafening noise of crumpling metal. ─── 忽然巨大的呼啸声响彻整个机舱,我感到自己的脑袋好像被老虎钳夹住了似的,金属扭曲的声音震耳欲聋。

9、It seemed as if Federer had finally cracked when, his mouth crumpling, he just managed to get the words out: "God, it's killing me. " ─── 费德勒在最后似乎要崩溃了,他的嘴嗫嚅着,艰难地挤出一句:“天哪,我太难过了。”

10、You can also use newspaper to help dry out wet boots and shoes by crumpling some of it up and stuffing it inside. ─── 你可以使用报纸来让靴子或鞋子内保持干燥,通过弄皱一些报纸放进靴子(鞋子)里面。

11、The next thing he knew he was crumpling newspaper and stacking kindling in the fireplace, and where were the matches? ─── 紧接着,他揉搓着报纸,把它堆积在壁炉里,可是火柴在哪儿呢?

12、It seemed as if Federer had finally cracked when, his mouth crumpling, he just managed to get the words out: "God, it's killing me." ─── 费德勒在最后似乎要崩溃了,他的嘴嗫嚅着,艰难地挤出一句:“天哪,我太难过了。”

13、Keywords maximum reflectivity of vitrinite;Crumpling coefficiency;slip sheet structure; ─── 镜质组反射率;揉皱系数;层滑构造;

14、"Yeah, " I said, crumpling the paper, "and if I know anything about Gryphonheart, he'll do anything to get his way. " ─── “是的,”我说,蹂躏着这长纸,“凭着我对格芬哈特的了解,他真的会这么做的。”

15、crumpling resistance ─── 耐碎裂性

16、His crumpling body was bent low from years of carrying heavy loads. ─── 由于经年累月的负重,他那皱巴巴的身子被压得弯弯的。

17、Unfortunately, she finds herself unable to focus, and keeps discarding ideas, crumpling up pages of writing and throwing them in the bin. ─── 仿佛从小说中自己所虚构灵异的一切,都走出到现实!

18、An instance of bending, warping, or crumpling; a bend or bulge. ─── 弯曲,褶皱;鼓胀

19、China, having helped propel global growth by tooling up and churning out cheap goods for much of the past decade, is crumpling. ─── 毕竟,相当大部分的发达世界已经在衰退状态中,而许多发展中国家正在悬崖边上挣扎。

20、A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking. ─── 细纹由于压皱、折叠或压缩,在平滑的表面造成的细沟、小脊或摺痕

21、In the third quarter, Pierce was deep in the lane when teammate Kendrick Perkins crashed into him from behind, crumpling Boston's No. 34 to the court. ─── 第三节比赛,在禁区底线,帕金斯从后面撞到皮尔斯,这位身穿34号球衣的凯尔特人球员被撞了出去。

22、But the day after, all the Brilliant words seemed like dead leaves, crumpling up and turning to powder, meaning really nothing, Blown away on any gust of wind. ─── 但是第二天,这一切漂亮话只象是些枯死的树叶,绉缩着而成为碎粉,毫无意义,一阵风便给吹散了。

23、They released Gul’dan’s arms suddenly and the orc warlock was unable to stop himself from crumpling to the ground. ─── 兽人术士一时无法止住自己的惯性,顺理成章地扑倒在了地上。

24、An instance of bending,warping,or crumpling;a bend or bulge. ─── 弯曲,褶皱;鼓胀

25、In theqhird quarter,Pierce was f deep in cothe lane when teammate Kendrick Perkins crashed into him from behind, Mail crumpling Boston's No. 34 to the court. ─── 第三节比赛,在禁区底线,帕金斯从后面撞到皮尔-,这位身穿34号球衣的凯尔特人球员被撞了出去。

26、an instance of bending,warping,or crumpling ─── 弯曲、变形、褶皱的例子

27、Theformer are casually wrapped by closing the palm on a wrapper with a dab of pork and vegetable filling as if crumpling a sheet of paper. ─── 前者是随意包裹关闭棕榈油的包装与民建联的猪肉和蔬菜如crumpling填写一张纸。

28、Fold the sweater before laundry as shown to avoid crumpling; ─── 1先依图示摺放衣物,可防止衣物在清洗时捲成一团;

29、No more ugly crumpling and stretching in your skin deformations! ─── 让你的蒙皮变形不再有难看的破面与拉伸!

30、Double only in the post.Double only when you see the ball handler crumpling under pressure from his man. ─── 而只要在低位才需要包夹,只要在持球人在处理球时出现麻烦的时候才要去包夹。

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