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09-12 投稿


indus 发音


英:  美:

indus 中文意思翻译



indus 网络释义

n. [天] 印第安座;印度河(印度西北部的河流)

indus 短语词组

1、indus arthur actress ─── 印度亚瑟王女演员

2、Indus River ─── [网络] 印度河;因底斯河;河流印度河

3、indus valley civilization ─── 印度河流域文明

4、indus river map ─── 印度河地图

5、indus valley n. ─── 印度河流域文明

6、indus sher ─── 印度河流域

7、Indus civilization ─── [网络] 印度河文明;印度河流域文明;史前时代以印度河文明

8、Indus dolphin ─── 梧桐海豚

9、indus river valley ─── 印度河流域

10、ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Indus ─── 东盟商会和印度河

11、indus river dolphin ─── 印度河海豚

indus 相似词语短语

1、indus. ─── n.印度河(印度西北部的河流);印第安座

2、indues ─── v.(诗、文)赋予;(使)充满,渗透;穿上(等于endue)

3、induces ─── vt.诱导;引起;引诱;感应

4、Hindus ─── n.印度教徒

5、nidus ─── n.[医]病灶;巢;孳生地;发源地

6、incus ─── n.[解剖]砧骨(位于中耳)

7、Pindus ─── 品都斯山脉

8、Indus ─── n.[天]印第安座;印度河(印度西北部的河流)

9、indue ─── v.(诗、文)赋予;(使)充满,渗透;穿上(等于endue)

indus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Indus Valley art ─── 印度河文明时期美术

2、Indus River Irrigation System ─── 印度河灌区


4、Study of Characteristics of Raising Water Appliance Design Idea in Ancient Chinese Handicraft Indus ─── 中国古代升水器械设计思想特征探析

5、The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920s. ─── 印度河文化是约翰·马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。

6、Dear : we are a big pesticide manufacturer in China.we company's name is:HUNAN HAILI CHEMICAL INDUS... ─── 发布者:朱源所在地:湖南长沙市行业:化工职位:业务助理工作年限:三年以上

7、Indus River Dolphins ─── n. 印河豚(恒河豚科)

8、Once the Livestock Waste Control Scheme was introduced in phases from 1988, however, the number of livestock farms in the region of the Rivers Indus and Beas dropped dramatically. ─── 1988年以来政府开始分阶段实施禽畜废物管制计划,两条河流附近的禽畜农场数目骤减。

9、Rising west of Kabul city, it flows east into Pakistan and, after a course of 435 mi (700 km), joins the Indus River northwest of Islamabad. ─── 发源于喀布尔西方,向东流入巴基斯坦,全长700公里,在伊斯兰马巴德西北方与印度河汇合。

10、Evolution of Goddesses from the Time of Indus Civilization to Vedic Age ─── 印度河流域文明与吠陀时期的女神

11、Distinctive copper tablets with script and animal motifs and their widespread use in Mohenjo Daro and Harappa are perhaps the earliest evidence for a form of city coinage in the Indus Valley. ─── 刻有文字和动物图案而极具特色的铜块,广泛应用于摩亨佐达罗和哈拉帕,而这可能是印度河流域使用城市货币的最早证据。

12、Asia: Indus, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Mahanadi river basins in India. ─── 亚洲: 印度河, 恒河-在印度的雅鲁藏布江与马哈维里河流域。

13、Valley.It is evident from the discovery of Indus Valley seals in Mesopotamia at the level dating between 2300 and 2000 B. ─── 从印度西北部的河流山谷美索不达米亚处于公元前2300和2000这一时代明显的海豹皮发现。

14、Neolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains ─── 俾路支和印度河平原的新石器时代文化

15、We were based in a town called Leh situated on the Indus River. We travelled to Leh by road, which took about a week. ─── 我们以印度河沿岸一个名叫列城的城镇作为根据地,用了将近一个星期才经由陆路到达那里。

16、Much of the land around the Indus River is wetland, and the salt flats southeast of the Indus River are part of the Rann of Kachchh. ─── 印度河流域大部分土地都是湿地,而东南边的盐碱平原有一部分是卡其沼泽地。

17、Indus (Ind) ─── 印第安星座

18、The people of the Indus Civilization achieved great accuracy in measuring length, mass, and time. ─── 印度文明的人民在测量长度、质量和时间上,达到了很大的精确性。

19、The indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920s ─── 印度河文化是约翰?马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。

20、The Indus cities established their economic base on agricultural produce and livestock, supplemented by fishing and hunting. ─── 印度河的居民以农牧为主、渔猎为辅,建构他们的经济体。

21、He led conquering armies into the Indus River valley and into Thrace in Europe. ─── 他带领军队征服印度河谷,征服欧洲的色雷斯。

22、Indus Waters Treaty ─── 印度河水域条约

23、Nor are we very much nearer when we examine the village cultures of Baluchistan and the adjacent plain which flourished about 3000 BC, and which were the immediate precursors of the Indus civilization. ─── 为了更好地了解印度河文明,有必要了解俾路支及其邻近平原的乡村文化。 这些文化是印度河文化的先驱,在公元前3000年左右已很繁荣。

24、Battle of the Indus River ─── 印度河战役(1221)

25、Early summer, the square, not a pedestrian. Falling rain forest in the Indus, gardenia fragrance emitting enticing. ─── 初夏的广场上,没有了行人。雨飘零在梧桐林中,栀子花散发出诱人的清香。

26、Don't want to Indus gave sad, do not want to let her Ye Yun aggravated a melancholy, so quiet that she indistinct illusory her beauty. ─── 不想对梧桐赋予伤感,不想让她的叶韵加重一笔惆怅,于是安静的让她隐隐约约幻现她的美感。

27、The River Beas, though a tributary of the River Indus, is also a major river in its own right. ─── 双鱼河虽然是梧桐河的支流,但本身流量亦很大,在香港亦称得上是主要河流之一。

28、Time has played some very queer tricks of survival in the indus cities ─── 印度河文明城市之所以能够保存至今,时间起了一种奇特的作用。

29、2900 Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus Valley Civilization begins. ─── 2900年,苏美尔的王权转移到伊里克,伊娜娜已经放弃了第三区域的支配权,印度河流域文明开始了。

30、He enlarged the empire from Iraq to Anatolia, and trade flourished with the Indus valley, Oman, the Persian Gulf coast, Cappadocia, and the Mediterranean. ─── 他将帝国从伊拉克扩展到了安纳托利亚,其贸易在印度河流域、阿曼、波斯湾海岸、卡帕多西亚和地中海地区繁荣起来。

31、Permanent Indus Commission, India and Pakistan ─── 印度--巴基斯坦印度河常设委员会

32、Indus River ─── 印度河

33、The Indus Valley Civilization:Its Foreign Trade ─── 印度河文明的对外贸易

34、The region in which the river's waters formerly arose is known to be geologically active, and there is evidence of major tectonic events at the time the Indus civilization collapsed. ─── 从前被河水淹没的地方现在升起来,被认为是地质运动,但有证据表明这是印度河流域文明倒塌时候的主要建筑。

35、It has a time-honored history and culture. The valleys of the Yellow River, the Indus River, the Euphrates and the Tigris are known as cradles of human civilization. ─── 亚洲有着悠久的历史文化,黄河流域、印度河流域、幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域是著名的人类文明发源地。

36、[Latin] Indus [Ind]|Indian ─── 印地安星座

37、17) Around 1800 B.C.E., signs of a gradual decline of the Indus Valley Civilization began to emerge. ─── 17 )大约公元前1800年的迹象逐渐下降的印度河文明开始出现。

38、His main focus is the Indus Valley civilization of Pakistan and India, where he has conducted research for the past 27 years. ─── 他的研究重心是巴基斯坦、印度境内的印度河流域文明,至今已在这两地研究了27年。

39、Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa. ─── 令人惊讶的是,干旱地区拥有着世界上最大的一些河流系统,如澳大利亚的墨累-达令河、北美的里奥格兰德河、亚洲的印度河和非洲的尼罗河。

40、The British, who realized its potential as a port city for the produce of the Indus Valley, developed it into a commercial trading center. ─── 英国,发挥它的潜力作为港口城市为Indus谷的产物,开发了它成一个商业贸易的中心。

41、It also known as Kang Rinpoche, meaning Precious Jewel Snow Mountain in Tibetan. The legendary mountain is the birthplace of the river Karnali, the Indus, the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra. ─── “冈仁波齐”,藏语的意思是“神灵之山”。千百年来,它有着许多传说,从冈底斯山上流下的河流以马、狮、象、孔雀命名。

42、Indus Civilization ─── 印度河文明

43、Indus and GangesIndus and Ganges ─── 亚洲的印度河与恒河亚洲的印度河与恒河

44、How is the competitiveness of Chinese catering industry? How it competes with foreign transnational catering groups in the globalization tide? Can the Chinese catering indus. ─── 作为关系国计民生的重要产业之一,餐饮产业对拉动经济增长、促进经济结构调整、扩大社会就业、传承传统文化、构建和谐社会具有积极、显著的作用。

45、Indus Gold Marble: Available in from of blocks, counters, flooring tiles and Handicraft. for more details please contact us. ─── [相关分类:厨房工作台面,空顶,桌面,大理石,有色金属矿床

46、Indus dolphin ─── n. 印度河喙啄

47、In CTVE via A,B and C points,the indication rates of the malleus,the indus, the drum cape,the canalis facialis horizontal section,and the prominence of horizontal semicircular canals were prosperously 100%. ─── 40例正常志愿者经选择的A、B、C点入路行CTVE中,锤骨、砧骨、鼓岬、面神经管水平段和外半规管隆凸显示率均为100%;

48、A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization. ─── 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。

49、The Indus civilization was predated by the first farming cultures in south Asia, which emerged in the hills of what is now called Balochistan, to the west of the Indus Valley. ─── 印度河流域文明居先于南印度的首个农业文明,在现在称为卑路支的山丘上浮现,直到印度河流域的西端。

50、Rainy day when the Indus open its "small mouth" This absorption of moisture. ─── 下雨天的时候,梧桐张开它的“小嘴巴”这吸收水分。

51、J.JianpingWu.* , X.XiaolinDing. ,: School of Food Science, Wuxi University of Light Indus原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

52、Today Cunningham's claims are rejected by nearly all researchers, but a minority of mostly Indian scholars continues to argue for the Indus script as the predecessor of the Brahmic family. ─── 今天,坎宁安的主张几乎被所有研究员的反对,但小部分人,通常是印度的研究员,继续争论说印度文献是婆罗门家族承传下来的。

53、How come we can't decipher the Indus script? ─── 为什么我们不能破译古印度河文字?

54、After Alexander conquered Medo-Persia he extended his Kingdom into Egypt and to the Indus River. He died and his Kingdom was divided between his four generals. ─── 亚历山在征服波斯后,把王国一直延伸至埃及和印度河,他死后,王国被他手下四个将军所分。

55、A formal writing system, known as the Early Indus script, emerged in this phase, as evinced by its appearance on numerous pottery fragments and in impressions that a seal, or stamp, made in clay. ─── 印度河文明早期文字的正式书写体系也在此时诞生,从陶器碎片上和图章在黏土上盖出的印记里,都可以证明。

56、Hamson Corporation is a quality producer of Natural Stone tiles and slabs.Our materials include Indus Gold, Black n Gold, Teakwood, Onyx - Red and Green. ─── 主要产品:大理石贴砖,缟玛瑙,大理石艺术制品,大理石板材,矿石荒料,矿石贴砖,规格板石材,壁炉 .

57、Under a tree in the Indus, I learned a lot of poetry, also began to understand the feelings of the poets. ─── 在梧桐树下,我学会了很多诗词,也渐渐地懂得了诗人们的心情。

58、Alexander the Great planned to build a port city at this location for the trade and communication with his Indus valley satrapy and his empire. ─── 亚历山大帝计划修造港口城市在这个地点为与他的Indus谷satrapy和他的帝国的贸易和通信。

59、The 30-stock Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) closed down less than 0.3% while the broader Standard & Poor's 500 (SPX) index finished the day down less than 0.1%. ─── 三十只道琼斯工业股平均收盘价跌幅少于0.3%,标准普尔五百指数当天下跌了不到0.1%。

60、water transfer projects on Indus River ─── 印度河调水工程

61、Foods on the Indus River continued to surge downstream into southern Pakistan more than three weeks after the initial floods started. ─── 印度河汹涌奔腾的洪水继续向下游的南部巴基斯坦地区涌入,该地区从发生洪灾到现在已经持续3周左右。

62、agglomeration of creative indus try ─── 创意产业集聚

63、A well-dispersed system could be obtained by mechano-chemical modification using appropriate dosage of polymer dispersants.In the white system, space steric effect indu... ─── 利用适当用量的聚合物分散剂进行机械化学改性,可以得到良好分散的体系。

64、In contrast to this, only 90 to 96 of the over 800 known Indus Valley sites have been discovered on the Indus and its tributaries. ─── 与之形成对照,超过800个人里面只有90到96个人知道已经在印度以及它的附庸国上发现了印度河流域遗址。

65、The first appearance of the Indus civilization was the early Harappan/Ravi Phase. ─── 印度文明首先是出现于早期的哈拉帕/拉维菲斯阶段文明。

66、A harp-like instrument depicted on an Indus seal and two shell objects found at Lothal indicate the use of stringed musical instruments. ─── 一个竖琴般的乐器描绘在一个印度的图案上,还有两个贝壳状的物件发现在洛塔尔,表明了对弦乐器的使用。

67、The massive citadels of Indus cities that protected the Harappans from floods and attackers were larger than most Mesopotamian ziggurats. ─── 印度城市厚重的大本营保护着哈拉帕免受洪水和攻击者的伤害,比美索不达米亚最大的金字形神塔还要大。

68、Treaty of Waters of Indus River ─── 印度河河水条约

69、But James Dyson, inventor of the dual cyclone vacuum cleaner and one of this year's Tastemakers, believes the biggest threat to good American indus? ─── 但是杰姆斯,二重循环吸尘器的发明家说他相信美国国内工业设计的最大敌人是集团的海外外包采购。

70、There once lived not far from the River Indus an ancient Persian by the name of Ali Hafed. ─── 从前离印度河不远住着一个年老的波斯人,名叫阿里·哈菲德。

71、The Indus civilization appears to contradict the hydraulic despotism hypothesis of the origin of urban civilization and the state. ─── 印度文明显然是与城市文明与国家的水利专制假说相抵触。

72、The Indus Valley was also known as Meluhha, the earliest maritime trading partner of the Sumerians and Akkadians in Mesopotamia. ─── 印度河流域也被认为是麦路哈,是位于美索不达米亚的苏美尔人和阿卡德人的最早海上贸易伙伴。

73、Long-range china trade routes first appeared in the 3rd millennium BC, when Sumerians in Mesopotamia china traded with the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley. ─── 专家称,男性厌食症已成为一种流行病,对于理想身材的追求让他们和女性一样为此狂热。

74、The legendary mountain is the birthplace of the river Karnali, the Indus, the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra. ─── 千百年来,它有着许多传说,从冈底斯山上流下的河流以马、狮、象、孔雀命名。

75、Indus Valley Civilization ─── n. 印度河流域文明

76、Among the Indus civilization's mysteries are fundamental questions, including its means of subsistence and the causes for its sudden disappearance beginning around 1900 BCE. ─── 印度文明之中,主要的问题仍然是是个谜,包括它的生存方式和在公元前1900年左右突然消失的原因。

77、In the case of the Indus the two sides' representatives get along well. ─── 在印度河流域案例中,双方代表相处融洽。

78、Great civilizations developed on the banks of the Indus, the mythical Saraswati, the Ganges, the Godavari and other rivers of the region. ─── 印度河、神话萨拉丝瓦蒂河、恒河、哥达瓦里河和当地其它河流孕育了伟大的文明。

79、Chalcolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains ─── 俾路支和印度河平原的铜石并用时代文化

80、Clearly the Indus people were not particularly warlike, and it is difficult to imagine them arriving from the northwest and subduing a native people, in the way that they themselves were subdued or destroyed by the advancing Aryans. ─── 十分清楚,印度河文明的人们并不特别喜好战争; 我们也很难想象他们会像后来的雅利安人征服或毁灭他们那样,从西北方进攻并征服当地土著居民。

81、The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse. ─── 斯瓦特和印度河流域的洪水就像荷兰的黄热病蚊子一样,是形势可能恶化的象征。

82、Civilization of Indus River Valley ─── 印度河流域文明

83、It`s mainly used in indus trial kiln(furnace) of metallurgy,non-ferrous,buildings and materials , chemical and engin eering etc. ─── 产品广泛应用于冶金 、有色 、建材、化工、等工业窑炉。

84、Like Aryan, the reconstructed vocabulary of early Munda does not reflect the Harappan culture.So its candidacy for being the language of the Indus Civilization is dim. ─── 与雅利安语相似,对早期蒙达语词汇的重建并不能反映出哈拉帕文明,因此它作为印度河河域文明的候选资格是令人怀疑的。

85、In contrast to this localized variety we have the complete uniformity of the indus civilization over a vast area ─── 与这些地区性文化的多样性相对照,则是幅员辽阔的印度河文明的同一性。

86、China Light Indus Mach Moulding Tech Dev Ctr Serv Dept ─── 中轻机械模具技术开发中心服务部

87、Indus seals ─── 印度河印章

88、In 2600 BC, the Indus Valley was verdant, forested, and teeming with wildlife. ─── 公元前2600年,印度河流域文明碧草丛生,充满着野生动物。

89、Some rays of bright suglow shone on the withered tip of the Indus tree.The withered branches are overwelmed in golden and silver colors,and cottons drops the head wearily . ─── 几抹浓艳的朝霞射在梧桐树干枯的树梢上,枯枝涂金抹银,棉花垂头丧气。

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