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08-22 投稿


sheaths 发音

英:[ʃiːðz]  美:[ʃiθs]

英:  美:

sheaths 中文意思翻译



sheaths 同义词

shroud | swathe | sheath | put away | drape | retract | swaddle | plaster | stash |wrap | replace | envelop | enclose | cover | sheet | cloak

sheaths 短语词组

1、thermocouple sheaths ─── 热电偶护套

2、sheaths of optic nerve ─── [医] 视神经鞘

3、sheaths def ─── 护套def

4、sheaths means ─── 护套是指

5、sheaths verb ─── 鞘动词

6、enamel rod sheaths ─── [医] 釉柱鞘

7、sheaths define ─── 护套定义

8、prism sheaths ─── [医] 釉柱鞘

9、sheaths vein ─── 鞘脉

10、sheaths med ─── 中鞘

sheaths 词性/词形变化,sheaths变形

动词过去分词: sheathed |动词现在分词: sheathing |动词过去式: sheathed |动词第三人称单数: sheaths |名词复数: sheaths |

sheaths 反义词


sheaths 常用词组

leaf sheath ─── 叶鞘

tendon sheath ─── [解]腱鞘

cable sheath ─── 电缆包皮层

sheaths 相似词语短语

1、sheathes ─── vt.覆盖;插入鞘;包装

2、heaths ─── n.石南,石南植物;荒野;adj.杜鹃花科木本植物的;n.(Heath)人名;(柬)夏;(芬)海亚特;(英)希思

3、sheathy ─── adj.合身的;紧身的

4、sheathe ─── vt.覆盖;插入鞘;包装

5、sheathed ─── adj.覆盖的;封装的;装有护套的;v.使入鞘;为…备鞘;覆盖(sheathe的过去分词)

6、smeaths ─── 斯迈思。

7、sheath ─── n.鞘;护套;叶鞘;女子紧身服装

8、sheathers ─── 护盾

9、insheaths ─── 不健康

sheaths 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She will decay in her sheath, as a narcissus will, if you do not give her air enough. ─── 她象一棵水仙花,如果你不给她足够的空气,她会在自己的紧身衣中腐烂。

2、A spiral deformation occured in the lower part of the young leaf enclosed in the sheath. ─── 在叶鞘裹住的幼叶下部呈现螺旋状。

3、Leaves, culms and spikelets glabrous except sheath margins. ─── 叶,除鞘边缘之外无毛的秆和小穗。

4、He wiped the knife and put it back in the sheath. ─── 他擦乾净刀子,放入鞘内。


6、Georgos retrieved the knife and returned it to the sheath. ─── 乔戈斯用力把刀抽了出来,插回刀鞘。

7、A fitted covering for the hand with a separate sheath for each finger and the thumb. ─── 手套一种覆盖手部之物,各指和拇指均有独立的套

8、An enveloping sheath or envelope. ─── 外皮或包膜一个包装壳或外壳

9、Leaf sheaths and blades densely hirsute; ligule hairy on back, ciliolate along margin. ─── 叶鞘和叶片密被长硬毛;在背面,具短缘毛的沿边缘上有毛的叶舌。

10、Branches usually arising from 8th to 10th node; culm sheaths pubescent only near inner margin. ─── 分开通常生于给10节的8;竿箨青春期的只近的内部边。

11、Most axons in adult nerve tissue are ensheathed by single or multiple folds of a sheath cell. ─── 成年人神经组织的大多数轴突外面都包裹着一层或多层鞘细胞。

12、The productuses 4 pairs , Insulation is HDPE insulator, and sheath is PVC. ─── 1本产品规格为4对,绝缘采用高密度聚乙烯绝缘料,护套为聚氯乙烯护套料。

13、As the two charge distributions separate, leaving positive and negative sheaths. ─── 当两种电荷分布开始时,就留下正离子鞘和负离子鞘。

14、It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. ─── 它显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。

15、A growing feather still enclosed in its horny sheath, especially one just emerging through the skin. ─── (鸟类的)新生毛一种裹在角鞘中的新生毛,特别是刚刚冒出皮肤外的羽毛

16、UCB-MSCs were infused in the sheath, once a week. ─── 应用脐血间充质干细胞鞘内注入的治疗方法,1次/周。

17、The pages of the older books became the sheaths of a newer one, thus a palimpsest (which is pronounced PAL-imp-sest and is Greek for “rubbed again”). ─── 古老书籍的页面成为新书的外套,这就是重写本(用于宣传游侠与恶魔神话,在希腊称为“擦除再用”)。

18、Young culms thickly white powdery, without spots at maturity. Culm sheaths with sparse small spots. ─── 厚白色敷粉的年轻秆,没有斑点成熟时。有稀少小的点的竿箨。

19、Comparison of the water potentials of leaf, sheath and culm has done. ─── 对春小麦叶鞘、叶片和茎水势的变化情况进行了比较。

20、He drew his sword from its sheath. ─── 他拔剑出鞘。

21、Yes, the sheath is original. ─── 不错,我说鞘是原配。

22、Herbs perennial.Rootstock short, crown usually bearing remnant leaf sheaths. ─── 多年生草本根茎短,根冠通常生残余叶鞘。

23、Mainly applied in cracking resistant sheath of communication cable, control cable and power cable. ─── 主要用于通信电缆,控制电缆和电力电缆的护套层。

24、The command to form in order rang out, then there was the clank of sabres being drawn out of their sheaths. ─── 发出了排队的口令,随后可以听见出鞘的马刀铿锵作响。

25、He pulled the sword out from the sheath. ─── 他把宝剑从剑鞘里抽了出来。

26、I looked down my shoes were his two terribly dirty scuffed sheaths of cheap disintegrating leather. ─── 我低头一看,发现两人的鞋穿错了,脏得不行,廉价的分叉的羽毛都磨得差不多了。

27、Basal culm nodes glabrous; culm sheaths glabrous; auricles not decurrent, ca. 5 mm wide; ligule entire, very shortly ciliolate. ─── 基部的秆节无毛;竿箨无毛;不下延的叶耳,约5毫米宽;叶舌全缘,非常短的具短缘毛。

28、To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber,as through disease. ─── 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质

29、The utility model relates to an ice and snow shovel for road surface, comprising shovels, shovel sheaths, springs and a connecting plate. ─── 本实用新型为一种路面冰雪铲除装置,包括换锹、锹套、弹簧、连接板。

30、Different kinds of plasma sheaths in gas discharge. ─── 气体放电中的各种等离子体鞘层。

31、They offer plastic nail sheaths for pets to blunt their nails. ─── 他们为宠物提供塑料趾甲护套,使它们的趾甲变钝。

32、One can estimate the length of the stylet sheaths of several cicadellid species feeding on sorghum and clover. ─── 人们能够估计那些以高梁和三叶草为食的几种叶蝉类螯针鞘的长度。

33、Stem fistulose, erect, branched above, base clothed in purplish-brown remnant sheaths. ─── 中空的茎,直立,上面的分枝,基部被略带紫色棕色残余鞘覆盖。

34、When all these sheaths are transcended, we expand into the state of samadhi. ─── 当所有的能量自如地超越,那么就能进入三摩地状态。

35、In MS, the immune system destroys the myelin sheaths that surround and protect nerves. ─── 多发性硬化的患者其免疫系统破坏了包绕神经起保护作用的髓鞘。

36、Chinese lady palm with more slender stems and finer sheath fibers than Rhapis excelsa. ─── 我国的一种丛生茎棕竹,比一般棕竹具有更多的细茎以及更好的粗纤维。

37、The veins of leases are parallel, and the vascular bundles have bundle sheaths. ─── 平行脉序,维管束具有维管束鞘。

38、He was not ready to sheath all his weapons. ─── 他并不准备从此刀枪入库,马放南山。

39、Basal sheaths woolly with cream or golden hairs; leaf blades subglabrous to villous. Upper lemma 2-toothed in upper 1/5 or less. ─── 基部的鞘具绵状毛的具米色或金色的毛;叶片给具长柔毛近无毛。上面外稃2齿在上面1/5或更少内。

40、Shorts and shirts discarded, they are all strutting around in penis sheaths, and it's a little hard to know where to look. ─── 他们脱去短裤和汗衫,只扎了一块遮羞布,个个神气活现。 我们却窘迫地不知眼睛朝哪儿看才好。

41、Dendrocalamus parishii (species no. 16) could not be included in the following key because its culm sheaths are not known. ─── 并不的种。16)不能以以下音调包括不因为它的竿箨知道。

42、This species is recognized by the combination of broad leaf blades with hirsute sheaths and a glandular panicle of small spikelets. ─── 本种是通过宽的叶片具具粗毛鞘和一种小的小穗的具腺的圆锥花序的结合的承认。

43、Sheaths are also made to command high appreciation and value. ─── 刀鞘被制作的具有很高的观赏性和价值。

44、The contralateral DRG demonstrated delayed GFAP expression, with 83% of SC soma and SC sheaths were GFAP positive at 7 days. ─── 对侧DRG的GFAP表达延缓,83%的SC细胞体和SC鞘在7天时GFAP表达阳性。

45、Glumes ovate-elliptic, hirtellous above middle; leaf sheaths about as long or longer than internodes. ─── 颖片卵状椭圆形,具微糙硬毛的在中部以上;关于节间等长或长于的叶鞘。

46、Wonder this saber has scabbard fittings/leather sheath? ─── 不知这类匕首有没有鞘装/皮套?

47、When end product burning, PH value and conductivity of insulation and sheath material should suit infra-table regulate. ─── 成品电缆的燃烧时绝缘和护套材料的PH值和电导率符合下表的规定。

48、Basal sheaths appressed pilose with white hairs. ─── 基部的鞘贴伏的具柔毛的具白色的毛。

49、He juxtaposed the magnificence of jacquard fabrics with the savage edge of animal skins, transformed into fitted sheaths. ─── 他把富丽堂皇的提花织物和动物皮毛未经修饰的边拼在一起,做成合身的紧身服装。

50、UGEFP cable adopt black chloroprene rubber sheath. ─── 型电缆采用黑色氯丁橡皮护套。

51、Temperature-dependent plasma properties at LTE state are employed for thearc region, while the electrode sheaths are treated with a simplified method. ─── 为了避免等离子体鞘层中复杂的物理过程给模拟所带来的困难,对阴、阳极鞘层分别进行了简化处理。

52、He wipes the knife and put it back in the sheath. ─── 他擦乾净刀子,放入鞘内。

53、Or it may get its name from the physician of Charles II of England, Dr Condom or Quondam, who made his king sheaths of animal gut. ─── Condus意思是贮藏器。另一种说法是来自一位英国内科医生的名字,他曾用动物肠道为当时的皇帝,查理斯二世制造了安全套。

54、UGEFHP cable adopt black cold-resistant chloroprene rubber sheath. ─── 型电缆采有黑色耐寒氯丁橡皮护套。

55、Burst your sheath, my heart, and come forth! ─── 冲破你的襁褓,我的心啊,出来吧!

56、He lowered it and drew his hunting-knife from its beaded sheath at his hip. ─── 他放下枪,从屁股后面镶珠刀鞘里抽出猎刀。

57、Leaf sheaths which connected leaves with grains was the important guarantee of nutrient substance transportation from leaves to grains. ─── 叶鞘作为连接叶片和籽粒的通道,是叶片营养物质向籽粒运输的重要保障。

58、Larger culm sheath auricle not slanted downward, not tapering. ─── 大竿箨叶耳不倾斜向下,并非渐狭。

59、There are 147 in all, spread like pockmarks across three separate sheaths of exposed rock, and offering dazzling views of the flatlands below. ─── 总共有147个石洞,星罗棋布地分布在三片分开的岩壁之上,站在上头往下看,不由让人头晕目眩。

60、It shows two well-developed sheaths around the vascular bundles. ─── 它显示出两个发育完全之维管束鞘位于维管束周围。

61、The leaf sheath enclosing the lowest two internodes should be stiff too. ─── 包裹最低两个茎节的叶鞘也应坚硬。

62、Edain sheaths a friendly unit in an invulnerability globe of sacred light for a very short time. ─── 伊甸民短暂地将一个友军单位包裹在不可侵犯的圣光核球内。

63、The leaf veins were dense, bundle sheaths had two layers, the outer layers were bigger parenchyma and the inner ones were smaller sclerenchyma. ─── 叶脉稠密,维管束鞘两层,外层为较大型薄壁细胞,内层为较小的厚壁细胞。

64、Peel-away sheaths are also available to create a tract for cryoprobe placement using an adoptive Seldinger technique. ─── Peel-away鞘也可以利用Seldinger技术产生一个用于冷冻针放置的区域.

65、Every fiber-optic cable used for networking consists of two glass fibers encased in separate sheaths. ─── 使用来连网的每个光纤电缆是由包装在分开的保护套内的二条玻璃纤维组成。

66、One-handed active can expose the requiring length of blade edge, or unload and embed blade in the sheath. ─── 单手操作可暴露所需长度的倒刃,或者从刀柄上卸离。

67、Stem inconspicuous or short-caulescent, base clothed with fibrous remnant sheaths. ─── 具茎茎不明显的或短,基部被纤维状残余覆盖。

68、His sword now sleeps in the sheath. ─── 他的剑现在在鞘内。

69、He put the dagger back in its sheath. ─── 他把匕首插回鞘中。

70、Leaves 1--5 mm wide, flat, semiterete, or triangular-semiterete; scape covered with leaf sheaths for less than 1/3 its length; ovary smooth. ─── 叶1--5毫米宽,平,半圆柱形,半圆柱形或三角形;花葶被叶鞘覆盖达少于1/3的其长度;子房平滑。(59

71、To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber), as through disease. ─── 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质

72、Every fiber-optic cable used for networking consists of two glass fibers encased in separate sheaths. ─── 使用来连网的每个光纤电缆是由包装在分开的保护套内的二条玻璃纤维组成。

73、Both MD and SD enhanced the remobilization of non-structural carbohydrate from stems (including sheaths) and increased its contribution to grains. ─── MD和SD增加了茎(含鞘)中非结构性碳水化物的输出率和对籽粒的贡献率。

74、Aha, What beautiful sheath patterns on the artificial leather. ─── 呵!好漂亮的人造革鞘纹。

75、Eversion of the lining of the sheath can expose the epithelium to injury and infection. ─── 包皮内衬的外翻上皮易受伤和感染。

76、largely composed of the fatty myelin sheaths around neurons and so reveals the brain's connections. ─── 主要由神经元周围的脂肪髓鞘组成,揭示了大脑的连接。

77、Overall length is 15 3/4" and comes complete with a sheath. ─── 总长度153/4英寸,配有剑鞘。

78、Paul Thompson at the University of California, Los Angeles, has found a correlation between IQ and the quality of the sheaths. ─── 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的保罗‧汤普森发现,智力与脂肪鞘品质之间是有关联的。

79、To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of(a nerve fiber),as through disease. ─── 失去髓磷质(通过疾病等)破坏或移走(神经纤维)鞘中的髓磷质。

80、KM III has a weight-balanced construction with the sheath and the core each representing 50% of the total weight. ─── III KM有重量平衡构造与护套和核心各自占总重的50%。

81、Fingernail divides into ? ? ? postal sheath backbiting grassy hill. ? ─── 手指甲分成两层是什麽病?

82、Some cultural practices are required to keep these leaf sheaths active during ripening stage. ─── 一些栽培技术要求在成熟期尽量保持叶鞘的活性。

83、The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems. ─── 内皮层皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)

84、It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles. ─── 它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。

85、In grasses the ligule occurs at the junction of the leaf sheath and lamina. ─── 在禾本科植物中,叶舌生长在叶鞘和叶片的交界处。

86、The SC sheath expressed GFAP as early as 6 hours postchromic gut application. ─── 在置入铬制肠线后6周内在SC鞘即有GFAP表达。

87、The production of sheaths has led to some new and unexpected difficulties. ─── 制造被筒时引起一些新的未预料到的困难。

88、Note: Do not use the Catheter in conjunction with transseptal sheaths featuring side holes larger than 1.25 mm in diameter. ─── 备注:勿使用与侧孔半径大于1.25毫米的经中隔导鞘相连接的导管。

89、He drew the knife from its sheath. ─── 他把刀从刀套里退出来。

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