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08-20 投稿


countrified 发音

英:['kʌntrɪfaɪd]  美:['kʌntrɪfaɪd]

英:  美:

countrified 中文意思翻译



countrified 网络释义

adj. 粗俗的;头脑简单的;乡村的;带乡村风味的;质朴的

countrified 词性/词形变化,countrified变形

副词: countlessly |

countrified 短语词组

1、countrified rock ─── 乡村岩石

2、countrified define ─── 乡村化定义

3、countrified soul ─── 乡村灵魂

4、countrified image ─── 乡村形象

5、countrified band ─── 乡村乐队

6、countrified names ─── 国家名称

7、countrified definition ─── 国家定义

countrified 相似词语短语

1、gentrified ─── vt.使优化;修复或改善;使显得高雅;使中产阶级化;vi.进行改善工作

2、corporified ─── 体格化

3、countries ─── 国家(country的复数)

4、countrify ─── v.使土里土气,使有乡村风味

5、copurified ─── 共纯化

6、chondrified ─── v.软骨化

7、countryfied ─── adj.乡野的;粗俗的(等于countrified)

8、country-fried ─── 乡村油炸

9、countrifiedness ─── 国家性

countrified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The house was so handsome, with a lovely countrified garden. ─── 这座房子很漂亮,带一个田园风情的可爱花园。

2、Though they do not have the broaden vision and are not fashionable, sometimes they even seem to a little countrified. ─── 无论是干旱还是洪涝,最后无家可归的就是他们。

3、blue checked shirt. Colors and style fit me, bought it two years ago, particularly like , because I look so countrified when I wear other shirts , only this exceptional . ─── 蓝色格纹衬衫.特别的颜色合身的款式,买了有两年了,还是特别喜欢,因为我一穿衬衫就显土气,只有这件例外.

4、Content's from highness go to lowliness in turn is countrified fry, clear fry, wheat bran fry, generate article. ─── 薯蓣皂苷元之含量由高至低依次为土炒、清炒、麸炒、生品。

5、rustic; uncouth; countrified ─── 土里土气

6、countrified ways ─── 乡下人的作风

7、Ggong) Isn't it? It's not countrified, huh? Basically if we see it as time goes on, it might feel rustic. ─── 孔刘:是吗?不会很俗气,对吧?一般如果过一段时间再看,有可能会觉得很老土。

8、Soup of a seafood of a teapot (swallow of a countrified bottle) ─── 茶壶海鲜汤(土瓶燕)

9、a countrified stretch of land ─── 乡野的一片广阔土地

10、"I'm afraid she'll die laughing when she sees what a countrified girl I am." ─── 我这一身乡气,会惹她笑痛了肚子罢。”

11、The band horn section, it is OK, but I feel a little bit countrified. ─── 他们的打击乐队,水平还可以,就是有点土土的。

12、Quite a countrified area ─── 乡野气息十足的地区.

13、Dai: Someone may say why Li Zhanyang's works are so countrified. ─── 戴:有的人会说,李占洋的作品怎么这么土啊?

14、3. blue checked shirt.Colors and style fit me, bought it two years ago, particularly like , because I look so countrified when I wear other shirts , only this exceptional . ─── 3.蓝色格纹衬衫.特别的颜色合身的款式,买了有两年了,还是特别喜欢,因为我一穿衬衫就显土气,只有这件例外.

15、Content's from highness go to lowliness in turn is countrified fry, clear fry, wheat bran fry, generate article. ─── 薯蓣皂苷元之含量由高至低依次为土炒、清炒、麸炒、生品。

16、dress like a country bumpkin; countrified dress ─── 打扮得真土

17、Behold, although his clothes was tailored barely enough to be the school wear style, the material was obviously the home-woven countrified coarse cloth; ─── 瞧吧,他那身衣服尽管式样裁剪得勉强还算是学生装,但分明是自家织出的那种老土粗布,而且黑颜料染得很不均匀,给人一种肮肮脏脏的感觉。

18、"Your town tastes would find them far too countrified. ─── 尤苔莎醒了过来。那哗啦声原是楼下女仆开百叶窗的声响。

19、Isn't it? It's not countrified, huh? Basically if we see it as time goes on, it might feel rustic. ─── 是吗?不会很俗气,对吧?一般如果过一段时间再看,有可能会觉得很老土。

20、Your town tastes would find them far too countrified ─── 像你这样在城里住惯了的人会觉得他们乡下味儿太重。

21、Lumpish, countrified ─── 怯头怯脑

22、Make one side friend , serve a countrified hot" thought , strive without cease, realize "three labors of Jiangsu , help you to succeed "in uninterrupted growth! ─── 交一方朋友,服务一片热土”的思想,努力不懈,在不断发展中实现“江苏三工,助你成功!”

23、this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof? ─── 这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?

24、At this meeting Olga's bookish and countrified sister, Tatiana (Tanya), falls in love with Onegin. ─── 聚会中,奥佳那位书生气十足且满身土气的姐姐塔替雅娜爱上了奥涅金。

25、Besides, many of them always retained their countrified simplicity. ─── 土气的衣服;土头土脑的笨拙。

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