mendicancy 发音
英: 美:
mendicancy 中文意思翻译
mendicancy 网络释义
n. 乞丐生活;乞讨;托钵
mendicancy 词性/词形变化,mendicancy变形
异体字: Mendelianism |
mendicancy 短语词组
1、mendicancy squad ─── 乞讨队
2、mendicancy means ─── 乞讨意味着
3、mendicancy origin ─── 乞讨起源
4、mendicancy antonym ─── 乞讨反义词
5、mendicancy law ─── 乞讨法
6、mendicancy def ─── 乞讨定义
7、mendicancy meaning ─── 乞讨的意义
mendicancy 相似词语短语
1、medicant ─── 药物
2、mendicants ─── adj.行乞的;托钵修道会的;n.乞丐;托钵僧
3、menaissance ─── 威胁
4、connivancy ─── n.纵容,默许
5、mendicity ─── n.化缘;乞丐生活(等于mendicancy)
6、benignancy ─── n.仁慈;良性;亲切
7、mendicant ─── adj.行乞的;托钵修道会的;n.乞丐;托钵僧
8、medicants ─── 药物;
9、dedicant ─── 奉献
mendicancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、reoonstruetion mendicancy ─── 重构
2、Becoming Urban: Mendicancy and Vagrants in Modern Shanghai, Joural of Social ─── 走向都市:近代上海的乞丐
3、It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. ─── 尽管难以用笔墨形容,可它真真够得上乞丐帮这个词儿。
4、Mendicancy is a personal freedom, in the form of rights; ─── 第三,乞讨的方式多种多样;
5、beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. ─── 形容,可它真真够得上乞丐帮这个词儿。
6、The Application of Crime of Organizing the Handicapped and Minors to Engage in Mendicancy ─── 组织残疾人、未成年人乞讨罪适用解读
7、It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the look-out for the mendicancy squad. ─── 这使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分。
8、Study on Wandering Mendicancy-Salvation--as China Peasants Issues in the Environment of City Changing ─── 论流浪乞讨救助--城市化环境下的中国农民问题
9、A Tentative Study of the Countermeasures to the Problem of Mendicancy in China ─── 试论解决当前我国社会乞讨问题的对策
10、It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. ─── 虽然不能说绝对的难以形容实际上,确实与贫民窟也相差无几了。
11、It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. ─── 尽管难以用笔墨形容,可它真真够得上乞丐帮这个词儿。
12、Cause Analysis to the Energence and Development of Mendicancy in our Country ─── 当前我国社会乞讨现象产生和发展的原因分析
13、As a social phenomenon, mendicancy exists in the world generally. ─── 乞讨,作为一种社会现象在世界范围内普遍存在。
14、whe you see the professional mendicancy, the best way you do is leave directly. ─── 遇到要钱的职业乞丐,最该做的就是直接走开。
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