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08-24 投稿


disintegrate 发音

英:[dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt]  美:[dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt]

英:  美:

disintegrate 中文意思翻译




disintegrate 网络释义

vt. 使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变vi. 瓦解;碎裂;衰变

disintegrate 反义词


disintegrate 短语词组

1、disintegrate syn ─── 分解syn

2、disintegrate masses ─── 分解质量

3、fall to pieces disintegrate ─── 摔得粉碎

4、disintegrate definition ─── 分解定义

5、disintegrate d&d 5e ─── 分解d&d 5e

6、disintegrate in a way crossword ─── 以纵横字谜的方式分解

7、disintegrate d3 ─── 分解d3

8、disintegrate 5e ─── 分解5e

9、track disintegrate ─── 履带解体

10、disintegrate pathfinder kingmaker ─── 瓦解探路者王者

disintegrate 同义词

mold | deteriorate | decompose | rot | separate | loosen | up | degenerate | split | erode | decay | addle | break | break up | collapse |crumble | breakdown | fragment

disintegrate 词性/词形变化,disintegrate变形


disintegrate 相似词语短语

1、disintegrant ─── n.分解质,崩解剂

2、disintegrates ─── vt.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变;vi.瓦解;碎裂;衰变

3、disintegrator ─── n.粉碎机;分解者

4、disintegrants ─── n.崩解剂(disintegrant复数)

5、disintegrated ─── adj.分裂的;崩溃的;v.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变(disintegrate的过去式和过去分词)

6、disintegrating ─── v.分裂;瓦解;(非正式)精神崩溃;(物理)蜕变(disintegrate的现在分词)

7、disintegrative ─── adj.使崩溃的;使分裂的

8、disintegrable ─── 可分解的;易碎裂的

9、to disintegrate ─── 瓦解

disintegrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The nose disintegrates. Aromas disintegrate... ─── “耳朵瓦解。声音瓦解...

2、to burst apart pieces; to burst into pieces; to disintegrate ─── 崩裂

3、The critical technology in producing ODTs is the technology to make them disintegrate rapidly. Lyophilization or freeze-drying, direct compression and compression after wet granulation are currently applied home and abroad. ─── 冷冻干燥压片将主药和辅料定量分装在一定模具中,冻干去水,制得高孔隙率的固体制剂,其质地疏松,崩解时限一般在15秒内。

4、Flying foam hit the wing of the Shuttle Columbia in 2003, causing the shuttle to disintegrate on re-entry to earth. ─── 在2003年,脱落的泡沫块击中了哥伦比亚号航天飞机的机翼,导致航天飞机在返回地面的过程中解体。


6、But the storm raged on, and the ship continued to disintegrate. ─── 但狂风继续肆虐,他们的船也逐渐解体。

7、in late development stage,they have callose wall,until the cells disintegrate. ─── 发育后期,则具有胼胝质壁,直至细胞解体。

8、In order to smash the Kuomintang attacks our Party must work to disintegrate the Kuomintang troops which are preparing to attack or are already attacking. ─── 为着粉碎国民党的进攻,我党必须对一切准备进攻和正在进攻的国民党军队进行分化的工作。

9、In the society of One Child policy, families will disintegrate ever. ─── 在独生政策之下,许多家庭瞬间瓦解。

10、Confiscates because of plutocrat disintegrate share resale gave worker and average citizen, but, its are not worker and average citizen became capitalist at a draught as a result. ─── 因财阀解体而没收的股份转售给了职工和一般市民,但是,其结果并不是职工与一般市民一下子都变成了资本家。

11、One, serious economic sluggish bilges 1991 after Russia disintegrate, russia became.. ─── 一、严重的经济滞胀1991年苏联瓦解后,俄罗斯成了一个...

12、apt to break into small fragments or disintegrate. ─── 容易碎成小块或者解体。

13、In many cases, when divorce occurs, friendships disintegrate because couples usually prefer to associate with other couples. ─── 在很多情况下,一旦离婚,友谊随之瓦解。 因为离异后的双方,通常都宁愿与其他家庭的夫妻交往。

14、Also, the ionizing radiation used by irradiators is not strong enough to disintegrate the nucleus of even one atom of a food molecule. ─── 同样的,辐照设备所产生的电离辐射也没有足够的能量使得哪怕一个组成食品分子的原子分裂。

15、The dispersion medium, water, has the ability to disintegrate the material sufficiently to carry it into colloidal suspension. ─── 作为分散介质的水能够充分地将这些物质分散并使之成为胶态悬浮体。

16、Taking the history as an object lesson" and forecasting from the development the Holy Alliance, the "New NATO"is bound to disintegrate because its internal uncompromising contradictions. ─── 以史为鉴,从神圣同盟的演变过程可以预测,“新北约”由于其内部矛盾的不可调和,它的解体势在必然。

17、But, I to his liking, cannot along with not favor me this all but to disintegrate, but vanish. ─── 但是,他所喜欢但我不喜欢东西不能强加于我,这样会瓦解甚至让我迷失。

18、During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate. ─── 10月期间奥匈帝国开始瓦解。

19、It can disintegrate and/or disassemble a substance. ─── 它可以撕裂或者让物质崩溃。

20、When governments lose their control on power, law and order begin to disintegrate. ─── 当政府失去对权力的控制时,法律和秩序就开始瓦解。

21、After cold war ends, as before the disintegrate of Russia, strategic position of Africa drops somewhat, the United States is increasingly abate also to African interest. ─── 冷战结束以后,随着前苏联的解体,非洲的战略地位有所下降,美国对非洲的兴趣也日益减弱。

22、Prerequisites: Dex13, ability to cast disintegrate as a spell or use it as a spell-like or supernatural ability. ─── 先决条件:敏捷13,能够以法术、法术能力或超自然能力施展解离术。

23、Taiwan is the base point of America ge opolitics strategy in Asian -Pacifi c area,Its core is to contain and disintegrate China. ─── 台湾是美国亚太地缘战略的基点。 其核心是遏制和分化中国。

24、However, it is necessary for hostile political mobilization to take "braking" measures in accordance to law so as to disintegrate resolutely the disruptive even subversive propaganda. ─── 同时也要采取积极的“制动”措施,依法采取有效措施果断瓦解破坏性和颠覆性的网络政治动员。

25、During the third tenth of a second, the steering wheel begins to disintegrate and the steering column reaches the CHEST of the DRIVER. ─── 在第三个十分之一秒中,方向盘开始破碎,并且方向盘轴已接触到驾驶员的胸腔。

26、Does it have any effect against the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power? ─── “星质护甲”异能对“解离术”法术或异能呢?

27、Forecasters say it should disintegrate completely in the next day as it hits colder air in Canada. ─── 气象预报人员说,厄尔在撞击加拿大冷空气后的第二天,应该会彻底消散。

28、Cathcart's book ends with a discussion of the question why the tortoise beat the hares in the race to disintegrate nuclei with accelerators. ─── 卡斯喀特在书的末尾探讨了这样一个问题:为什么乌龟在用加速器分裂原子的赛跑中击败了兔子?

29、become soft or disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking. ─── 因过度浸泡而变软或分解。

30、In August 1936 the Red Army, while surrounding Tanpachai with the local armed forces, proceeded to win over the basic masses in the village and disintegrate the enemy from within. ─── 一九三六年八月,红军一面用地方武装围困,一面争取寨内基本群众,瓦解寨内敌军。

31、It is favored by small traders and farmers, and the bags disintegrate both in sunlight and with their frequent re-use. ─── 农民和小商贩喜欢使用编织袋,但在阳光下以及反复利用时,编织袋分解破碎。

32、While the feudal imperial authority thought is crushed, this tradition's morals “harmonious” at the same time the thought structure disintegrate. ─── 在封建皇权思想被粉碎的同时,这种传统的道德“和谐”思想结构同时被解体。

33、Plastic pulley quality of a material is solid, but easy disintegrate, use time grows meeting hair acerbity, harden, cannot slide; ─── 塑料滑轮质地坚硬,但轻易碎裂,使用时间一长会发涩、变硬,无法滑动;

34、And if our Party does not wage a stern and resolute armed struggle against the bourgeoisie when forced to break with it,our Party will likewise disintegrate and the revolution will likewise fail. ─── 又如果我们党在被迫着同资产阶级分裂时不同资产阶级进行坚决的、严肃的武装斗争,同样党也就会瓦解,革命也就会失败。

35、Rocks disintegrate because of the effects of wind and water. ─── 岩石由于风和水的作用而分裂。

36、Abstract] The cause to disintegrate affirmably the traditional state-ownership is that the traditional state-ownership reveal the ownership by the whole people in a distort way, that is, to form a false state-owned property right. ─── [摘要]传统国有制采用歪曲的形式表现全民所有制,即形成了虚伪的国家所有权,是传统国有制必然解构的原因。

37、It must retain its shape for some time and not disintegrate in water but be easily digestible. ─── 它一定要保有它的形状一段时间,而且不在水里分解,但是容易被消化。

38、Once states fail, no one assumes responsibility for their debt to outside lenders.If enough states disintegrate, their fall will threaten the stability of global civilization itself. ─── 一旦国家衰败,没有人能对外界的债权国承担起债务责任,若瓦解的国家多到一定数量,将威胁世界文明的稳定。

39、Client disintegrate, investment fails, the company is immersed in indebted crisis. ─── 客户解体,投资失败,公司陷入负债危机。”

40、The creature could, for example, disintegrate only a target's skeleton, leaving its skull untouched. ─── 举例来说,它可以只解离掉目标身躯的骨骼而保留头骨不受损。

41、It is often said that in the face of the euro crisis the EU must either integrate or disintegrate. ─── 经常有人说,面临着欧元危机的欧洲要么整合要么分裂,哪一种都有可能。

42、"The body disintegrates. Tactile sensations disintegrate... ─── “舌头瓦解。口味瓦解...

43、If, at any instant He were to cease exerting His will, the entire Universe would disintegrate into thought. ─── 如果在任何的瞬间,创化者停止施加他的意愿,这全部的宇宙将解体进入思想。

44、Early amplifiers were made of crude materials that tended to disintegrate over use, causing the amp to "run away. " ─── 早期的放大器,是用天然材料制成,而这种未经加工的材料往往会在使用的过程中逐渐分解,导致电流的流失。

45、Before bigger interest redound, the state of mind of company group produces change, "Everybody's purpose, think of a way is different, with respect to disintegrate. ─── 在更大的利益回报面前,公司团队的心态发生变化,“大家的目的、想法不一样,就解体了。”

46、But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate. ─── 但父母与我们姐妹间的关系仍在分崩离析。

47、Taken by some foreign forces as a strategic weapon to "westernize and disintegrate" the PRC since the end of the cold war, human rights has become a focus in China's foreign relations. ─── 冷战结束以来,国际敌对势力一直把“人权”问题作为对中国进行西化、分化的一个战略武器,人权问题成为中国外交斗争的一个焦点。

48、Be in for disintegrate AMD the offensive of processor market, intel still shines in NOR put the market to be hit through depreciating press AMD. ─── 为了崩溃AMD在措置器市场的攻势,英特尔还在NOR闪存市场经由过程提价打压AMD。

49、Russia is in before during going 10 years disintegrate, this is a serious blow for the country accessorily to its. ─── 前苏联在过去的10年期间瓦解了,这对其附属国来说是一个沉重的打击。越南迅速适应新形势的能力在前苏联集团国家中简直是无与伦比的。

50、During his forty-odd years in office he resorted to all means available to hit out at and disintegrate political parties.He was the initiator of money politics in Japan. ─── 在他从政的40多年中,利用种种手段打击、瓦解政党,开日本金钱政治的先河。

51、It would disintegrate. ─── 它会分崩离析。

52、Atoms of 114 disintegrate within a few seconds, while 116 disappears in just a fraction of a second, Moody said. ─── 114号元素在几秒钟之内就会消失,而116号元素的寿命甚至不足一秒钟。

53、Economy of Chinese feudal city is the fill-in of feudal smallholder economy, western Europe is feudal the disintegrate that urban economy is feudal and manorial economy person. ─── 中国封建城市经济是封建小农经济的补充物,西欧封建城市经济则是封建庄园经济的瓦解者。

54、During his forty-odd years in office he resorted to all means available to hit out at and disintegrate political parties. He was the initiator of money politics in Japan. ─── 在他从政的 40多年中 ,利用种种手段打击、瓦解政党 ,开日本金钱政治的先河。

55、If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century. ─── 假如支撑西南极洲冰盖的沿岸冰架持续解体,那么冰盖就会泄入海洋,百年之内海平面便将上升数米。

56、If lack of a child is going to disintegrate you, then have a child if you possibly can. ─── 如果没有儿子使你不完备,那么,只要你能够,生个孩子罢,不过,做这种事要以获得一个完备的生活为目的。

57、Last year unit disintegrate, did not have fixed job, add a wife sickish, the life is very difficult. ─── 去年单位解体,没了固定工作,加上妻子多病,生活非常困难。

58、A creature with this feat can use disintegrate effects to affect smaller, more exacting areas. ─── 具有此专长的生物在使用解离射线时影响范围更小,更精确。

59、It was soon to disintegrate as many painters of the town left in search of more attractive prospects in larger, richer cities, such as Amsterdam. ─── 但即将瓦解,因为许多画家在更大的,更丰富的城市寻找更具吸引力的前景,如阿姆斯特丹。

60、If heavy atoms could be split, scientists reasoned, this energy could be released, as it is when the radioactive elements disintegrate spontaneously. ─── 于是,科学家们推断,如果重原子能够被分裂的话,这种能量就可以被释放出来,放射性元素自然衰变时情况就是这样。

61、Before Russia still does not have disintegrate, my parents plays politics actively, be in in viatic road, they are returned by authorities temporary distrain. ─── 在苏联还没有解体前,我的父母积极参加政治活动,在一次旅行途中,他们还被当局暂时扣押。

62、A few elements, among them uranium and thorium, spontaneously disintegrate into lighter elements by chances. ─── 少数元素,其中有铀和钍,通过它们核的变化自然蜕变成较轻的元素。

63、When man ceases to advance in his thoughts and ideals, his forces immediately begin to disintegrate and his countenance gradually registers these changing conditions. ─── 如果人类的思想停止进步,理想不再提升,他的能力就开始瓦解。相由心生,他的面容也将随之改变,以记载这些变化的情况。

64、Does the Inertial Armor feat or the inertial barrier power block the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power? ─── “惰性护甲”专长或“惰性障壁”异能阻挡“解离术”法术或异能么?

65、Record company nature also is met very glad, not only got money, still can have the effect that MP3 of disintegrate pilfer edition is searched and downloads gradually. ─── 唱片公司自然也会很高兴,不但收到了钱,还可以起到逐渐瓦解盗版MP3搜索和下载的作用。

66、20 century below very hard condition, russia disintegrate, as the successor of former Russia- - Russia began to commercialize economic system reform unconventionally. ─── 20世纪末,苏联解体,作为原苏联的继续者--俄罗斯开始了异乎平常的市场化经济体制改革。

67、Which it is for disintegrate, as arcane damage. ─── 对于瓦解光线来说,它是奥术伤害。

68、disintegrate; fall apart ; collapsing; disunite ─── 分崩离析

69、Although do not have the natural economy of disintegrate autarky,market economy is in on initiative phase, but asset.. ─── 市场经济在初始阶段上虽然没有瓦解自给自足的自然经济,但资产...

70、to divide and disintegrate; to split and disintegrate ─── 分化瓦解

71、To cause to disintegrate. ─── 使瓦解;使蜕变

72、Disintegrate model experiment is obviously convenient to compare and optimize the every part performance.In this way, the hydraulic performance of pump system could be optimized. ─── 分解模型试验方法可分别地获取水泵装置各组成部分的性能,有利于泵装置各部分水力性能的比较和优化,进而使得水泵装置性能达到最优。

73、We are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. ─── 我们生来就注定要分解死亡,即使在理想的条件下也是如此。

74、Most missile technologists consider speed increases significantly beyond that point to be infeasible because the missile would disintegrate on contact with the surface. ─── 大多数的飞弹技术专家认为,不可能将速度大幅提高到超过这个程度,因为如此一来,飞弹接触地面时将会解体。

75、For an instant, the fight threatened to disintegrate into a farce as he actually turned and ran. ─── 在一个缓间,战斗吓得那个挑战者作出滑稽的事:转身逃跑。

76、Also, the ionizing radiation used by irradiators is not strong enough to disintegrate the nucleus of even one atom of a food molecule. ─── 同样的,辐照设备所产生的电离辐射也没有足够的能量使得哪怕一个组成食品分子的原子分裂。

77、Without constant attention, most houses would disintegrate into splinters, he adds. ─── 他还补充到,“如果缺乏经常性的维护,很多房子就会逐渐破裂,甚至瓦解成碎片。

78、Divide China Post: The postal service monopolization will disintegrate? ─── 中邮分家:邮政专营将瓦解?

79、Ukraine will disintegrate into two halves, and we want the eastern half, including of course, first and foremost, Crimea. ─── 乌克兰将会解体成为两部分,我们希望得到乌克兰东部部分,这当然首先包括克里米亚。”

80、disintegrate and collapse; crumble aud perish; fall apart ─── 土崩瓦解

81、Even if occurrence blowout, 1 square centimeter glass meets what disintegrate does not have edges and corners equably into 64 size is small, wallop is weak, won't cause harm to human body. ─── 即便出现爆裂,1平方厘米的玻璃会碎裂成64块大小均匀没有棱角的小块,冲击力弱,不会对人体造成伤害。

82、At the end stage of vitellogenesis, Golgi complex began to disintegrate, so its number decreased. ─── 卵黄发生后期,高尔基复合体开始解体,数量减少。

83、"The tongue disintegrates. Tastes disintegrate... ─── “鼻子瓦解。芳香瓦解...

84、A large number of watering make uric fluid attenuant, leucocyte number decreases relatively inside unit volume, try low ooze make water and make leucocyte disintegrate. ─── 大量饮水使尿液稀释,白细胞数在单位容积内相对减少,加以低渗尿而使白细胞解体。

85、Society must disintegrate once the family dissolves. ─── 一旦家庭解体,社会也就必定崩溃。

86、Against nonliving targets, the creature can use disintegrate to sculpt and reshape the object in any manner desired, as long as the result is no larger in volume or size than the original object. ─── 对于非活体目标,只要计算结果不超过原物体的数量或尺寸,就可以用解离术对其以它希望的任何方式雕琢整形。

87、8 century BC, the Greek clan society gradually disintegrate, the city system gradually formed the slave society, established more than 200 city-state. ─── 公元前9-8世纪,希腊氏族社会逐步瓦解,城邦制的奴隶社会逐渐形成,建立了200多个城邦。

88、Other old ciliatures and the base-associated fibers can remain for a relative longer time in the cortex and finally begin to degenerate and disintegrate when their function declines gradually. ─── 其他纤毛器及其基部纤维在皮层残留的时间较长,它们可能是伴随着老结构逐渐失去功能而退化瓦解的。

89、Most of the new elements that get created like this last billionths of a second before they disintegrate. ─── 大多数被创造出来的新元素在衰变以前只能存在十亿分之一秒。

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