generalization 发音
英:[,dʒenrələ'zeɪʃən] 美:[,dʒɛnrələ'zeʃən]
英: 美:
generalization 中文意思翻译
generalization 短语词组
1、generalization and summarization ─── 概括和总结
2、generalization association ─── [计] 概括联系
3、stimulus generalization ─── [医]刺激泛化:对类似的但与条件刺激不完全相同的刺激出现的条件反应
4、generalization in aba aba ─── 中的泛化
5、generalization reading ─── 泛化阅读
6、generalization method ─── [计] 一般化方法
7、generalization definition ─── 泛化定义
8、generalization psychology ─── 泛化心理学
9、generalization conditioning ─── 泛化条件
10、a generalization of ─── 的泛化
11、generalization error bound ─── 泛化误差界
12、generalization of skills ─── 技能概括
13、functional generalization ─── 函数泛化
14、rule of universal generalization ─── [计] 全称推广规则
15、misapplied generalization ─── 误用概括
16、unqualified generalization ─── 无限泛化
17、initial generalization ─── 初期泛化
18、generalization in the culture ─── 文化中的泛化
19、generalization and coordination ─── [经] 普遍化与协调
generalization 词性/词形变化,generalization变形
generalization 相似词语短语
1、generalisation ─── n.(英)一般化;归纳;普遍原理(等于generalization)
2、federalization ─── n.联邦化;同盟
3、generalizations ─── n.概括;一般化(generalization的复数)
4、demoralization ─── n.堕落;道德败坏;士气低落
5、generalisations ─── n.(英)一般化;归纳;普遍原理(等于generalization)
6、centralization ─── n.集中化;中央集权管理
7、mineralization ─── n.矿化;[地质]矿化作用;使含矿物
8、demineralization ─── n.去矿化作用;除盐作用;失矿质
9、renormalization ─── n.重正化;再归一化
generalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In all these cases, reality is veiled by social generalization, which, in a highly differentiated society, makes discovering it altogether impossible. ─── 在这些例子中,现实被社会普遍化给遮盖住了,它(遮盖的现象)在分化的社会中使得了解现实变得十分困难。
2、Compared with BP network and RBF network, Elman observer has lower error and stronger generalization ability. ─── 与BP网络和RBF网络相比,具有更低的误差和更强的泛化能力;
3、Don't be hasty in generalization. ─── 不要急于笼统地下结论。
4、The accuracy and generalization of detection rules are two critical factors for IDS. ─── 入侵检测系统的关键在于模式规则的准确性与概括性。
5、They are characterized with systematization and generalization, which result from their semantic association and their formative analogy. ─── 它们以扩散性的联想意义为联结而进行语义泛化或结构类推成词,并具有系统性、对举性、概括性特征。
6、Actual applications show that this system features quick convergence, powerful generalization and high practical value. ─── 实践证明这种遗传神经网络预测系统收敛速度快、推广性强,具有较高的实际应用价值。
7、Common pathogen is bacterium of generalization pus sex to wait like grape coccus, streptococcic, coliform organisms more. ─── 常见的病原体多为一般化脓性细菌如葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌等。
8、Professor Owen has subsequently extended the same generalization to the mammals of the Old World. ─── 以后欧文教授把这一法则引伸到“旧世界”的哺乳动物。
9、Experimental results show that the proposed AEPSVR can reduce the affect of outliers, and have the very good generalization capability. ─── 实验表明,该支撑向量回归机AEPSVR能显著地降低离群点的影响,具有良好的泛化性能。
10、Further more, the application of Neural Network Ensembles improved the network generalization and enhanced the forecasting performance. ─── 同时为进一步提高预测效果,引入神经网络集成技术以改善网络泛化能力。
11、Its important situation, may the affiliation obtain by its use gradual generalization situation some should prove. ─── 其重要性的情况,可以藉由其使用逐渐普遍化情形来获得一些应证。
12、In classical empiricism, the truth of―"All balls are red," for example, is assessed by inspecting balls; any observation of a non red ball refutes unequivocally the proposed generalization. ─── 在古典经验主义中,对比如“所有球都是红色的”这一真理的评价是通过观察球来进行的;任何对非红球的观察都毫不含糊地驳斥了提出的泛化论。
13、The authors have described the tasks and geochemical significance of different stages(reconnaissance,gener... ─── 应用典型探例说明油气化探方法的有效性。
14、The experiments for clustering three data sets with different distributions show that the HCA has better generalization and effectiveness. ─── 三组不同分布类型的数据聚类实验表明,该算法具有较好的通用性和有效性。
15、The generalization of eigenfunction, by combining the features of traditional methods with results of classical vibration problem is presented. ─── 将本征函数法进行了推广,并结合传统方法的优点和经典的振动问题提出推广的本征函数法。
16、The “four images and three circles” is actually a generalization of the ancient Chinese aesthetics with primal culture as its context. ─── “四象三圈”就是对这个以原始文化为背景的中国古代美的概括;
17、The inequality of Bellman-Bihari type is the nonlinear generalization of the noted linear Gronwall-Bellman inequality. ─── Bellman-Bihari不等式是著名的Gronwall-Bellman不等式由线性到非线性的一种推广形式。
18、In other words, prior to the birth of a real shopping center, the word, "Shopping Center", has been abused and generalization. ─── 也就是说,在真正的购物中心出生前,“购物中心”的名字已在中国被滥用和泛化。
19、NLP believes that subconscious mind is converted to conscious mind and sentences through the process of deletion, distortion and generalization. ─── NLP认为,人们存在于潜意识中的思想,经过删减、扭曲和一般化,转变成有意识的语言表达出来。
20、Contemporary.female"s pursure of equality was more and more generalization and theorization,and acquired significant progress. ─── 同时,女性对平等的追求也逐渐走向普遍化和理论化,并取得了很大的进展。
21、The generalization ability of the network was improved by regularization. ─── 为了提高网络模型的泛化能力,采用规则化调整的方法。
22、If we went under, our workers could have found positions with Ford and Gener al Motors. ─── 如果我们倒闭了,我们的工人可以在福特汽车公司和通用汽车公司找到工作。
23、So the generalization ability of the system is more important. ─── 因此对于报价系统来说,系统的泛化能力显得尤为重要。
24、One that is excepted, especially a case that does not conform to a rule or generalization. ─── 例外被排除在外的,尤指不符合常规或普遍原理的例子
25、A generalization of cut-sets is known as a seg. It is also sometimes called a disconnecting set. ─── 割集的一个推广叫做广义割集。有时也把它叫做断开集。
26、Vince is a natural generalization of chromatic number. ─── Vince定义的星着色数推广了一般的着色数的定义 .
27、Using RVM in the intrusion detection the generalization ability of the IDS is good when the sample size is small. ─── 应用RVM的对小样本的良好分类能力,提出一种基于RVM的人侵检测原型系统。
28、Practical application indicated this system is stable and doable and it is of important values in generalization and application. ─── 实际应用表明该方法稳定可靠,成本低,具有重要的应用和推广价值。
29、In order to improve the network generalization ability, Neural Network Ensembles was introduced into this hybrid model. ─── 为进一步提高预测精度,引入了神经网络集成技术以改善网络泛化能力。
30、After automated generalization, however, the label would not be supplied by the base processing for the. ─── 元素的基本处理将不提供该标签。
31、Defining what such game-playing machines mean, computability logic provides a generalization of the Church-Turing thesis to the interactive level. ─── 定义了这种游戏扮演机器所意味的东西,可计算性逻辑在交互层面提供了邱奇-图灵论题的一般化。
32、Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization. ─── 亚里士多德式内省:推广。
33、In other words, prior to the birth of a real shopping center, the word, "Shopping Center" , has been abused and generalization. ─── 也就是说,在真正的购物中心出生前,“购物中心”的名字已在中国被滥用和泛化。
34、ISBN号: China, Late Society, Family and Clan, Ethics, Generalization. ─── 出版年:中国;后期社会;家族或宗族;伦理;普遍性
35、No: “commercial speculation, rubbish production and the mindless reading” is the generalization of the three steps in the publication market. ─── 反方:商业炒作、垃圾生产、无脑阅读,是我对当前中国出版市场三部曲的总结。
36、There is an inevitable conflict between generalization and specialization. ─── 多学科综合研究与专门学科单项研究之间存在着不可避免的矛盾。
37、"You forget me" - this generalization, men are often the first to say that. What do you think he is? Do you think I can not forget you? ─── “你忘记我吧”--这五个字,男人常常抢著说。你以为自己是什么?你以为我无法忘记你吗?
38、Then we elaborated the concept of map generalization in mobile environment from the point of the fundamental problems in map generalization. ─── 进一步从制图综合基本问题出发,阐述了移动环境地图自动综合的概念。
39、The generalization of operation parts of this system will contribute to do further research and analysis in improving system efficiency. ─── 分析厘清中国规制规制者体系的现状,有助于健全和完善规制规制者体系,提高规制效率。
40、Historically, a cornerstone of classical empiricism has been the notion that every true generalization must be confirmable by specific observations. ─── 历史上,经典经验论立基于此一观念之上:每个真实的归纳命题必须能被个别观察所证实。
41、Man distorts the picture of another. He both detracts and supplements, since generalization is always both less and more than individuality is. ─── 人曲解、贬低和补充其对他人的想像,因为普遍化总是同时比个性多一些或少一些。
42、It is gener all yaccepted that smoking is harmful to ourhealth. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。
43、There are some exceptions to this generalization about where the new right is added and its effects. ─── 对于有关在哪里添加新权限及其效果的这一概括总结,有一些例外情况。
44、Another interesting generalization arose from the provenance tests of the four species mentioned in the previous section. ─── 从前节所讨论的四个树种的种源试验中,还可得出另一有趣的规律。
45、Socialist culture with Chinese characteristic is the integration of the basic natures of generalization, openness,science and innovation. ─── 中国特色的社会主义文化是人民性、开放性、科学性、创新性等基本特征的统一。
46、Market order supersedes plan order is a lengthy process, its are main the obstacle is order of " relation " already had generalization tendency. ─── 市场秩序替代计划秩序是一个漫长的过程,其主要障碍是"关系"秩序已有普遍化趋势。
47、The generalization of the NRG algorithm to the bosonic impurity systems is also provided an introduction. ─── 对于将NRG推广到玻色子系统也在此作了介绍。
48、Period research is the generalization of a thing's development.It is the marking that historiography research whether is mature. ─── 分期问题是对事物发展历程的一种概括和揭示,是史学研究是否成熟的标志。
49、Philosophy is the generalization and summation of the knowledge of nature and society. ─── 哲学是关于自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。
50、Therefore "tiankui" is both a unity of substance and function, and an abstract generalization of this unity. ─── 所以,天癸既是一个物质和功能的统一体,又是对其统一性的抽象概括。
51、A very satisfactory answer can be given in terms of the appropriate analytic generalization of the algebraic concept of nilpotence. ─── 将代数学中的幂零元概念作适当的解析学上的推广,可以绘出一个很满意回答。
52、If this demand is not satisfied, objects may be described capriciously and, as a result, no generalization is possible. ─── 如果这个条件不被满足,则对象的描述具有不稳定性,由此不可能进行推广。
53、The RBFNN designed by MOGA has much better generalization than that of SOGA, and also keeps simple architecture. ─── 多目标遗传算法所得网络比单目标遗传算法所得网络泛化能力得到较大改善,结构同样简单。
54、Like the first law, the second law is a generalization from experience. ─── 像第一定律一样,第二定律是由经验归纳得出的结果。
55、The traditional Attribute-Oriented Induction (AOI) technique is weak at efficiency and coarseness of generalization. ─── 传统的面向属性归纳技术(AOI)存在概化粗糙及算法效率较低等缺陷。
56、Compare to other ANN modeling, the neuron number of the CNN hidden layer is few, and the ability of generalization of the CNN system is well. ─── 与其它的ANN建模相比较,用CNN建立的模型的隐层神经元数量少,系统的泛化能力强。
57、But Luo Jiao awards think: "The generalization of cohabitational phenomenon, with idea of whole society marriage become loose have main concern. ─── 但罗教授认为:“同居现象的普遍化,与整个社会婚姻观念的松动有重要关系。
58、To maintain high generalization ability, the most widespread class should be separated at the upper nodes of a binary tree. ─── 为了获得较高的推广能力,必须让样本分布广的类处于二叉树的上层节点,才能获得更大的划分空间。
59、A fond deam,a kind of A realfate,a gener at ions perest I will miss you for a gentle and soft mood. ─── `````` 天使之恋 一个梦想,一种追求。一份真缘,一世挚。我将用一种温柔悳心情想你。
60、You have made a gross generalization that you and your spouse will now waste time arguing about. ─── 你做了一个粗劣的归类,所以你和你的配偶就开始在这一点上浪费时间争吵不休。
61、An idea is always a generalization, and generalization is a property of thinking. To generalize means to think. ─── 一个观点总是一种推理,而推理是思维的财富。推理就意味着思维。
62、Based on Khatri-Rao matrix product, a new USTM scheme named KR-USTM is proposed for the generalization of the previous HST-FSK scheme. ─── 3.作为对上述HST-FSK方案的推广,提出了一种基于Khatri-Rao矩阵积的酉空时调制方案。
63、The discovery of strange particles lead to a generalization of the law of nucleon conservation. ─── 奇异粒子的发现导致了核子守恒定理的推广。
64、It's the kind of simplified generalization that tends to be made by an individual with a shallow understanding of a language and a culture. ─── 那是一种简而言之的概括方式,这是那些对语言对文化理解浅薄的人经常会使用的伎俩。
65、The new system of "five parts", with its high generalization and openness, will be more innovating today. ─── 在确立教育经济学的教育性任务基础上,具有高度概括性与开放性的“五位一体”学科体系更富有时代的创新意义。
66、Many other variation of Huff's method can be proposed for simplification, generalization or improvement in convergence and in precision. ─── 哈夫法还可以用很多不同的方式来简化或使其通用化,也有很多不同的方式来改进其收敛性和精确度。
67、What highly creative artistic activity produces is not a new generalization that transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular. ─── 具有高度创造性的艺术活动所产生的并不是一种超越既定界限的新的概括,而是一种美学上的特殊。
68、With more than two samples, there is no convenient generalization of TTEST, and the Single Factor Anova model can be called upon instead. ─── 如果有两个以上的样本,则没有使用方便的TTEST归纳,可改为调用“单因素方差分析”模型。
69、Education primarily influenced the capacity of abstract and generalization in the language. ─── 受教育年限主要影响语言的抽象、概括能力。
70、Try to avoid generalization. ─── 尽量避免泛泛而论。
71、Two generalization models are created, the names are called "CDTNGM" and "CGM". ─── 实现了两类综合模型,即“约束Delaunay三角网综合模型”和“Circle综合模型”。
72、Yet it is doubtful whether the proposition is strong enough to bear the vast weight of generalization that has been placed on it. ─── 然而,令人怀疑的是,这个命题是否足够强大,足以承受被置于其上的广泛的泛化的重量。
73、You can think of destinations as a generalization of a queue and topic. ─── 您可以把目的地看作是队列及主题的泛化。
74、Anything you know a little bit about you'll probably be able to rely on your experience to make an inductive generalization. ─── 你了解一点的,你可能会依赖你的经验,来做出归纳推广。
75、Because does not have the concrete object to make the reference, very easy assurance not well, easy generalization. ─── 因为没有具体物体作参照,很容易把握不好,容易概念化。
76、It is unwise to be hasty in generalization. ─── 急于归纳是不明智的。
77、We now state the generalization of the two previous problems. ─── 我们叙述前面两个问题的一般情形。
78、This is, of course, only a simple generalization. ─── 当然,这只是一种简单的概括性说法。
79、In addition, SLT has high generalization ability as well. ─── 不仅如此统计学习理论还具有好的推广特性。
80、Dupuit formula theoretical generalization with hydrochemical index is right of fact demonstration. ─── 从事实上进一步论证了水化学指标表示裘布依公式的理论概括是正确的。
81、Seam introduces the notion of bijection as a generalization of injection. ─── 从客户角度出发,一个特定的无状态的组件的所有实例都可以互换。
82、The semantic grammaticalization refers to semantic generalization and decategorialization which involves broadening of meanings. ─── 其中,语义的虚化是指语义的抽象化及词的类变所带来的语义的泛化。
83、Two ghosts” is the generalization made by Zhou Zuoren of self-contradictoriness, and is also the universal recognition of him. ─── 两个鬼”是周作人对自身矛盾性的一种概括,亦是人们对他的普遍认识。
84、Traditional Chinese Philosophy is a kind of theory and thought system, and it is the generalization and summation of the Chinese Culture. ─── 中国传统哲学是中华民族在漫长的历史进程中形成的理论与思维体系,是中国文化的总结和概括,体现了中华民族生存和发展的智慧。
85、SVM has been good development and utilization because of its excellent generalization performance in recent years. ─── SVM由于其优良的泛化性能,近几年来得到很好的发展和利用。
86、This paper has presented some suggestions of the generalization of SRD system, which can be a reference for related companies concerned. ─── 同时,为推广应用SRD系统提出了一些建议和意见,可供有关人员和企业系统了解及推广应用SRD系统做参考。
87、It can issue shares, or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the gener al public. ─── 它可以面向金融机构投资者或者广大公众发行股票或单位股权资本。
88、The NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice conference promotes the understanding of problems of learning and generalization. ─── 北大西洋公约组织nato进阶理论及实践学院讨论会促进学习和概括问题的了解。
89、Shepard, R. N. (1987). “Towards a universal theory of generalization for psychological science.” Science, 237, 1317-1323. ─── 1996年).资料分析:贝氏个别指导.牛津大学出版社第1-22页
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