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08-25 投稿


collusion 发音

英:[kə'l(j)uːʒ(ə)n]  美:[kə'lʊʒən]

英:  美:

collusion 中文意思翻译



collusion 短语词组

1、in collusion with ─── 与...勾结 [法] ─── 与...勾结, 串骗

2、collusion russia ─── 勾结俄罗斯

3、collusion definition ─── 共谋的定义

4、act in collusion with each other ─── 相互勾结

5、collusion boar ─── 共谋公猪

6、act in collusion ─── [法] 相互勾结

7、collusion occurs when ─── 共谋发生在

8、collusion clothing ─── 勾结服

9、tacit collusion ─── [经] 暗地串通

collusion 相似词语短语

1、pollusion ─── 污染

2、conclusion ─── n.结论;结局;推论

3、collation ─── n.校对;便餐;斋日的点心;牧师职务;排列规则

4、pollusions ─── 污染

5、collisions ─── n.[物]碰撞;冲突;撞击(collision的复数形式)

6、allusion ─── n.暗示;提及

7、collusions ─── n.勾结;共谋

8、collodion ─── n.火棉胶;[高分子]胶棉

9、collision ─── n.碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的)倾轧

collusion 习惯用语

1、in collusion with ─── 与... 串通[勾结]

collusion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Still later, suspecting his brother of treasonous collusion with Nian, Emperor Yongzheng recalled the fourteenth prince to Beijing and had him imprisoned. ─── 不久,雍正疑心允禵和年羹尧串通谋反,于是将他召到北京,下狱治罪。

2、Act in collusion to make each other's confessions tally ─── 同案犯人互相串通,编造口供

3、Gentleman unity, rather than collusion, collusion villain, rather than unity. ─── 君子团结,而不勾结,小人勾结,而不团结。

4、the Collusion between Bureaucrats and Coal Businessmen ─── “官煤勾结”

5、They are in collusion with one another for schemes and intrigues. ─── 他们串通一气, 搞阴谋诡计。

6、Academic Thought on "Collusion and Monopolization of Hui Merchants" ─── 对"徽商勾结、垄断"说的学术思考

7、There was collusion between the two witnesses(= they gave the same false evidence). ─── 两个证人串通作伪证。

8、collusion between the enemies within and without ─── 内外勾结

9、Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred. ─── 参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。

10、Adjutants still kept galloping up from every side, and all, as though in collusion, said the same thing. ─── 副官们从各方面不断驰来,他们好像商量好似的,都说同样的话。

11、Research on Collusion in Multiple-unit Auction ─── 多单位相同物品拍卖中合谋问题的研究

12、During this time, GAO continues to cattle as bribery, but also a prominent figure for the collusion of the Village deal. ─── 在这段时间内,高家继续贿赂牛成外,还串通了村乡头面人物为其周旋。

13、Were they in collusion? ─── 她们在狼狈为奸吗?

14、A longtime relationship between business and government fosters collusion. ─── 工商界和政府之间长期以来形成的一种关系助长两者之间的串通。

15、the collusion of the business accounting ─── 企业会计舞弊

16、They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords. ─── 他们喑中和北洋军阀勾结起来。

17、The research on the collusion theory focuses on the collusion in auctioning off franchise rights. ─── 合谋理论研究的重点是特许经营权拍卖中的合谋。

18、Inclusive, eclectic mind the Sea of style, advanced water treatment technology of Western and Oriental design language perfectly soft collusion, forming a letter can be gritty product quality. ─── 兼容并蓄、博采众长的胸怀、海纳百川之风范,将西方先进水处理技术与东方柔美之设计语言完美合璧,形成了致能坚韧不拔的产品品质。

19、Kwame Nkrumah, without taking into account local collusion with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has been considered the key culprit. ─── KwameNkrumah的下台,但却避而不谈当地某些人与美国中央情报局(CIA)的共谋,后者一直被视为该事件的主要源由。

20、If it had not been for collusion between criminals and a few corrupt police officers, the drug ring would have been exposed long ago. ─── 若不是因为罪犯们的串通和几个腐败的警方官员,这个贩毒集团早就被曝光了。

21、A Research on the Collusion of Agents of State - owned Enterprise ─── 国有企业多重委托代理结构中的合谋现象研究

22、In law, "fraud" generally involves an act of deception, bribery, forgery, extortion, theft, misappropriation, false representation, conspiracy, corruption, collusion, embezzlement, or concealment of material facts. ─── 从法律意义上,“欺诈”通常包括以下行为:欺骗、贿赂、伪造、勒索、偷窃、挪用、错误陈述、共谋、贪污、盗用或故意隐藏事实等。

23、There was collusion between the two witnesses,eg.They gave the same false evidence to protect the defendant. ─── 两个证人串通一气(如两人作同样伪证包庇被告).

24、However, under oligopoly where, only a few firms exist, collusion will be easily sustained. ─── 但是,在这种市场结构下,由于厂商数目少,特别容易达成合谋。

25、As an embranchment of incentives theory, collusion theory has entered foreland of the mainstream economy's research. ─── 合谋理论作为激励的一个分支,近年来已经进入主流经济学的研究前沿。

26、At the same time, the collusion also extends to auction theory and decision-making areas. ─── 同时合谋理论也拓展到拍卖和决策等领域。

27、The with all sincerity welcome large customer outside the world of company come, guide, communicate, talks over, the collusion development. ─── 公司竭诚欢迎广大海内外客户光临、指导、交流、洽谈,共谋发展。

28、Most Chinese live close to the poverty level or well under it, while a small group of newly brooded capitalists profit hugely in collusion with shady officials. ─── 大多数中国人仍生活在接近贫困线的水平或以下,而少数新兴的资产阶级和“灰色”官僚聚集了大量财富。

29、crime of collusion in entering bids ─── 串通投标罪

30、The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers. ─── 警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。

31、1.hand in glove with each other; 2.in collusion with each other ─── 一搭一挡

32、The fact proves that it is no good grounds on the statement that this bankrupt trust company is in collusion with the government. ─── 事实证明,这家信托公司破产与政府有共谋的说法是没有根据的。

33、Both Tradition Collusion Hypothesis (TCH)and Efficient Structure Hypothesis (ECH)are invalid in China fund industry. ─── 为更好地发展我国基金业,政府应逐步放宽基金市场准入,并改革现有费率制度和基金发行制度;

34、to act in collusion to deceive ─── 串通欺骗

35、Both Tradition Collusion Hypothesis(TCH)and Efficient Structure Hypothesis(ECH)are invalid in China fund industry. ─── 传统的有效结构假说和共谋假说对我国的基金业均不成立,而修正的有效结构假说能较好地反映我国基金业的市场绩效与市场结构之间的关系。

36、Under stringent constraints, it is crucial that fingerprinted multimedia copies can resistance collusion attacks in streaming applications. ─── 一定条件下,多媒休拷贝内容能够有效跟踪非法用户并抗击共谋攻击是其应用的关键技术。

37、Men on shore were moved away from their home location for fear of collusion. ─── 岸上的人背井离乡,以免被勾结。

38、They act evilly in collusion with each compelling us to make RMB Appreciation. ─── 他们沆瀣一气,逼迫人民币升值。

39、A Research of Mechanism and Countermeasures on Construction Project Bidding Collusion. ─── 建设项目招投标共谋机理与方防范机制研究。

40、Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium. ─── 他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气。

41、There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. ─── 12例病变部位为髋臼附近 4例 ,胫骨上端 2例 ,距骨 3例 ,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各 1例。

42、Around a third--1,414-- of the penalised candidates took part in plagiarism, collusion or copying another's work. ─── 受罚的考生中有三分之一(414人)取抄书、通作答或抄别人答案的方式进行作弊。

43、Some of collusion between police and female prostitution, the hook to attract clients, prostitutes and a fine equal. ─── 有的警察和卖淫女勾结,吸引嫖客上钩,罚款和妓女平分。

44、She acted in collusion with the other witness ─── 她与另一证人串通一气.

45、But tacit collusion may still be beyond them. ─── 但默契结盟还不止这些。

46、He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers. ─── 他找不出唱片公司与零售商互相勾结的证据。

47、Dynamic Analysis on Corporate Collusion and Price War ─── 企业合谋和价格战的动态分析

48、Oligopoly. Cournot, Bertrand Equilibria. Quantity, Price Leadership. Market Entry. Collusion. ─── 18寡头垄断,古诺模型,伯特兰德均衡,数量、价格领导,市场进入,勾结

49、The collusion could be in an explicit agreement, or in a more subtle form -- known as tacit coordination or coordinated interaction. ─── 这种串谋可以是一个很明显的协定,也可能是以较为隐蔽的方式。

50、The solicitor warned his client that he would not obtain a divorce if he and his wife were found to be in collusion. ─── 律师警告他的当事人说,要是发现他与他的妻子勾结的话,他就不会获准离婚。

51、They acted in collusion with corrupt officials. ─── 他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。

52、The officials are in collusion with the criminals. ─── 官员们与罪犯勾结。

53、Tender of auction and collusion of auction are different concepts of law and they have not a junction indenotation. ─── 串通投标与串通拍卖是两个不同的法律概念,其外延并无包容或交叉关系,二者在标的、的、会危害程度、用法律等方面均有一定的区别。

54、Collusion in judicial proceedings is a secret agreement. ─── 在司法程序中,通谋是指一项秘密协议。

55、Based on the late Paleozoic fold basement, Simao Triassic sedimentary basin formed in the early continental-island arc collusion stage after the close of Paleo-Tethys ocean. ─── 三叠纪沉积盆地建立在晚古生代褶皱基底之上,形成于古特提斯洋闭合后,造山早期的弧陆碰撞阶段。

56、Federal law, passed in 1890, that makes it illegal for parties to act in combination, conspiracy, or collusion with the intent of restricting competition in interstate commerce. ─── 1890年的反托拉斯法案,对于想要以联合,阴谋,或相互勾结来限制美国州际间的商业行为视为违法。

57、The variation of audit demand produces the audit form demand and the audit essence demand,and the different goals of them lead to the auditing collusion by audit form demand and auditor. ─── 审计需求的变异产生审计的形式需求方与实质需求方,而各自追逐的目标不一致导致了审计的形式需求方与审计方合谋。

58、Whoever commits the crimes in the preceding paragraph in collusion with institutions, organization, or individuals outside the country shall be punished according to the stipulations in the preceding paragraph. ─── 与境外机构、组织、个人相勾结,犯前款罪的,依照前款的规定处罚。

59、The zeal serves for large cust omer,collusion development,create the outsanding score together. ─── 展望未来,美的将继续秉持“质量第一、顾客至上”的经营理念,热诚为广大客户服务,共谋发展、共创佳绩。

60、If he just killed the murderers, fine, but he kills the whole gang, works his way up the chain, and kills anyone in collusion. ─── 若他只是杀掉凶手,OK,这还好说。可是他依据线索杀掉了整整一帮人。

61、Objectively speaking price cartels are collusion between firms and adjusted price action there after, in which the party to the collusion is directly involved in the business. ─── 客观方面表现为各厂商企业之间的共谋及其此后的协调一致的价格行为;

62、collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers. ─── 对国家紧迫的能源需求所作的应急措施。

63、Collusion is a widespread phenomenon in all of organizations and constitutions, it would cause serious distortions of industrial policy and governmental regulation. ─── 合谋是所有组织和机构中普遍存在的现象,将造成产业政策和政府规制政策的严重扭曲。

64、After the introduction of the game theory, it mostly used to study the dynamic equilibrium of the collusion. ─── 博弈论引入后的分析则更多的是时合谋均衡的动态研究;

65、We all sincerity welcomes the new and old customer of the world outside to cometoes patronage, collusion development. ─── 公司竭诚欢迎海内外新老客户莅临惠顾,共谋发展。

66、They are killing fighters against Japan, holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation. ─── 就是杀抗日分子,压制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。

67、They were in collusion and swindled people out of their money. ─── 他们穿连裆裤, 诈人钱财。

68、The fact proves that it is no good grounds on the statement that this bankrupt trust company is in collusion with the government. ─── 事实证明,这家信托公司破产与政府有共谋的说法是没有根据的。

69、Collusion in entering bids cases are difficult to determine, methods of crime are various, so it is essential to study the investigation methods. ─── 串通投标案件的认定困难、犯罪方法多种多样,侦查途径至关重要。

70、In a horizontal merger, the acquisition of a competitor could increase market concentration and increase the likelihood of collusion. ─── 在横向合并中,市场竞争者可获得的是提高市场的集中程度及增加串谋的可能性。

71、She acted in collusion with the other witness. ─── 她与另一证人串通一气。

72、He was too moved, by the warmth which collusion had brought to their relationship. ─── 他也动情了,由于串通一气给他们之间带来的热忱而动情了。

73、There was collusion between the two witnesses, eg They gave the same false evidence to protect the defendant. ─── 两个证人串通一气(如两人作同样伪证包庇被告).

74、They were in collusion and swindled people out of their money. ─── 他们穿连裆裤, 诈人钱财。

75、This has worked to the advantage of big corporations, which notoriously overbill the taxpayer if they think that, often in collusion with bureaucrats, they can get away with it. ─── 众所周知,当这些公司认为能逃避惩罚时(他们往往与政府官员相勾结),就会挥霍纳税人的钱。

76、Hitler must have assumed that we were all in collusion. ─── 希特勒必定猜到我们是串通好了的。

77、January 18, 1988, damages were announced in the Collusion I case. ─── 1988年1月18日,默契事件I的损害宣判。

78、Chinese logging companies in Myanmar have illegally exported huge amounts of timber in collusion with the military government and ethnic guerrillas, destroying ecologically unique forest areas. ─── 在缅甸的中国伐木公司伙同缅甸军方和部族游击队,非法出口木材,大肆破坏唯一的生态林区。

79、Some identification, assessment, auction agencies and judges, lawyers collusion, futilely pursuing false identification, false assessments, false auction, the court into "a relationship. ─── 一些鉴定、评估、拍卖机构与法官、律师内外勾结、沆瀣一气,搞虚假鉴定、虚假评估、虚假拍卖,把打官司变成“打关系”。

80、While there is certainly anger at Hamas among Gazans, it pales beside the anger at Israel, the West and what some see as Fatah’s collusion with those enemies. ─── 加沙人民对于哈马斯多少是有些愤怒的,但与对以色列、西方和(某些方面认为)与敌人勾结的法塔赫的愤怒相比就有些小巫见大巫了。

81、They ganged up and acted in collusion with each other. ─── 他们拉帮结派,狼狈为奸。

82、For a conspiracy to occur, there would need to be collusion and incentive. ─── 一个阴谋要出现,需要勾结(谋)动机。

83、Uncertainty in oligopolistic markets can be reduced by collusion. ─── 不确定性在市场垄断市场上可能被阴谋减少。

84、Company this the " trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion. ─── 公司本着“诚信待客、公平交易、互惠互利、共求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。

85、One grandparent blames the scandal on corrupt collusion between dairy businesses and local officials. ─── 一位祖父说,奶粉丑闻的罪魁是奶制品企业与地方官员的腐败勾结。

86、On the basis of known secure sum computation,this paper concentrated on the issue of dishonesty and collusion when sharing data for secure sum computation and proposed a method based on game theory. ─── 在已知的安全求和方法基础上,针对合作各方可能不诚实提供数据或共谋的情况,提出了一种基于博弈论的安全多方求和算法。

87、Ministers in both London and Edinburgh deny any such collusion. ─── 伦敦及爱丁堡的部长们矢口否认此类苟合。

88、Company this the“ trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion. ─── 公司本着“诚信待客、平交易、惠互利、求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。

89、Collusion and Nash equilibrium of static game ─── 串谋及静态博弈的纳什均衡

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