rheumatism 发音
英:['ruːmətɪz(ə)m] 美:['rumətɪzəm]
英: 美:
rheumatism 中文意思翻译
rheumatism 短语词组
1、MacLeod's capsular rheumatism ─── [医] 麦克劳德氏 ─── [渗出性]关节囊风湿病
2、chronic rheumatism ─── [医] 慢性风湿病
3、palindromic rheumatism ─── [医] 复发性风湿病, 汉-罗二氏综合征
4、acute rheumatism ─── [医] 急性风湿病
5、apoplectic rheumatism ─── [医] 中风性风湿病
6、Heberden's rheumatism ─── [医] 指关节风湿病
7、Besnier's rheumatism ─── [医] 贝尼埃氏风湿病, 慢性关节滑膜炎
8、inflammatory rheumatism ─── [医] 炎性风湿病, 风湿 ─── [性]热
9、Poncet's rheumatism ─── [医] 结核性风湿病
10、osseous rheumatism ─── [医] 骨风湿病, 变形性关节炎
11、cerebral rheumatism ─── [医] 大脑风湿病
12、gonorrheal rheumatism ─── [医] 淋病性关节炎
13、acute articular rheumatism ─── [医] 急性关节风湿病, 风湿 ─── [性]热
14、lumbar rheumatism ─── [医] 腰风湿病, 腰痛
15、chronic articular rheumatism ─── [医] 慢性关节风湿病
16、muscular rheumatism ─── [医] 肌风湿病
17、rheumatism of heart ─── [医] 心风湿病
18、nodose rheumatism ─── [医] 结节性风湿病
19、desert rheumatism ─── [医] 球孢子菌病
rheumatism 相似词语短语
1、rheumatise ─── 风湿病
2、rheumatical ─── 风湿性
3、rheumatics ─── adj.风湿病的;风湿病引起的;n.风湿病;风湿病患者
4、rheumatic ─── adj.风湿病的;风湿病引起的;n.风湿病;风湿病患者
5、rheumatize ─── 风湿病
6、rheumateese ─── 风湿病
7、rheumatisms ─── n.[内科]风湿病
8、rheumatiz ─── 风湿
9、rheumatismal ─── 风湿
rheumatism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Straight rachitis belongs to rheumatism, a chronic disease because of the pathological changes of the spine. ─── 强直性脊柱炎属于风湿病范畴,是以脊柱为主要病变的慢性疾病。
2、Thermotex has been relieving aches and pains, particularly those caused by rheumatism,for many years. ─── 多年来,保暖纤维一直在解除人们的疼痛,尤其是因为风湿引起的疼痛。
3、Capricorn's bones, joints and knees, however, may be vulnerable to rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, stiff joints and orthopedic problems. ─── 不过,摩羯座人的骨头、关节和膝盖易出现风湿、关节炎、神经痛和畸形等问题。
4、When rheumatism breaks out, ache is acuteness, drag in whole body is articulatory, resemble by tiger bite into same, ache so that bear hard. ─── 当风湿发作时,疼痛剧烈,累及全身关节,就像被老虎咬住一样,疼得难以忍受。
5、The kind of rheumatism ossein proliferation spur trades the knee surgery? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>外科>骨科>类风湿骨质增生骨刺换膝手术?
6、He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism. ─── 他有风湿病,所以行动非常迟缓。
7、He was getting old then long before his time. He'd come in from his sermons complaining of rheumatism and the cold. ─── 当时他早已未老先衰了。他在布道后走进来,常诉说风湿关节炎和感冒之苦。
8、How 1ong have you suffered from rheumatism? ─── 你得风湿病多久了?
9、Any dampness and my rheumatism will be back. ─── 只要有一点潮湿,我的风湿病就会复发。
10、Mr. White is affected with rheumatism. ─── 怀特先生患有风湿。
11、How can you relieve rheumatism symptom? ─── 怎么能减轻风湿症状?
12、He is suffering from rheumatism. ─── 他正患风湿症。
13、What medicine treats kind of rheumatism arthritis to have profit most? ─── 什么药治疗类风湿关节炎最有好处?
14、They are said to cure everything from rheumatism to ringworm, colic to snakebite-the lot. ─── 据说他们可治百
15、I'd like a single-room with enough sunshine, for I have rheumatism. ─── 我要预订一间阳光充足的单人间,我有风湿。
16、Your rheumatism shall take a course of treatment for about a month . ─── 你的风湿病要进行约一个月的治疗。
17、The plaster of what brand alleviates is remedial rheumatism effective? ─── 什么牌子的膏药缓解治疗风湿有效呢?
18、He was afflicted with rheumatism . ─── 他为风湿病所苦。
19、Everybody is good, who knows to compare the good hospital that treats rheumatism or doctor! ? ─── 大家好,有谁知道比较好的治疗风湿的医院或医生!?
20、She' s a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长期受风湿病的折磨.
21、She had suffered from rheumatism all her life. ─── 她一辈子受风湿病之苦。
22、A potato in your pocket will cure rheumatism and eczema. ─── 口袋里装土豆可以治疗风湿病和湿疹。
23、Anything damp and my rheumatism comes back. ─── 一碰到潮湿我的关节炎就要复发。
24、He was somewhat gouty, and when he was asleep, his aged fingers, stiffened with rheumatism, lay crooked up in the folds of his sheets. ─── 他有点痛风,睡着的时候他那些被风湿病僵化了的手指在被单的皱折里老弓曲着。
25、He bent down with some difficulty, for he suffered from rheumatism. ─── 他很吃力地弯下身子,因为他患有风湿
26、In chronic prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, adanced cancer, diabetes, and stroke, all women dysmenorrhea kid crazes, snakes, etc. ─── 专治慢性前列腺炎,风湿类风湿关节炎,糖尿病,晚期癌症,妇女痛经,中风,各种跌打损伤,蛇药等。
27、My double leg is articulatory two side, two side always feel arm joint ache, be rheumatism? ─── 我的双腿关节两侧,胳膊关节两侧总是感到疼,是风湿吗?
28、Dr: Did you ever have rheumatism as a child? ─── 你小时候患过风湿病吗?
29、The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it ai not the gout. ─── 我所知道最佳的风湿特效药是:感谢上帝,好在那不是痛风。
30、She is a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长斯受着风湿病的折磨。
31、My rheumatism does play me up during this damp weather. ─── 天气潮湿时我的关节炎就痛得要命。
32、have a small lump elbow, elbow pain is often the early symptoms of suffering from rheumatism. ─── 肘部有小硬块,肘关节隐隐作痛往往是患风湿病的初期症状。
33、It also alleviates indigestion, soothes arthritis and rheumatism, and the flower can be used in cough syrup . ─── 它还能减轻消化不良,缓解关节炎和风湿病,花可用于制造咳嗽糖浆。
34、She's a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长期受风湿病的折磨。
35、Drink can you treat rheumatism? ─── 喝酒能治疗风湿吗?
36、Used medicinally for treating heart disease caused by rheumatism. ─── 为治疗被风湿症引起的心脏病医学使用。
37、Cupping jar, a folk skill, for the treatment of symptom resulted from rheumatism, wind chill. ─── 吸血法广口瓶,人们技术,为症状的治疗起因于风湿病,风寒冷.
38、Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases. ─── 关节炎和风湿病是常见致残的疾病。
39、Our tincture of tiger bone is used in treating arthritis and rheumatism. ─── 我们的虎骨酒是用来治疗关节炎和风湿的。
40、Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism. ─── 天一冷,我的风湿病就犯了。
41、Rheumatism sex arthritis has the remedial method with good what inside, what specific does medicaments have? ─── 内风湿性关节炎有什么好的治疗方法,药物有哪些特效药?
42、Due to years of toil, my mother broke down from constant overwork and suffered from rheumatism. ─── 妈妈由于长年的操劳,积劳成疾,患上了类风湿。
43、When applied onto the skin, it becomes a natural lotion that helps cure skin ailments such as eczema and other illness such as rheumatism. ─── 把这些泥巴涂在皮肤上,就变成一种天然的化妆水,可以治疗像湿疹这样的皮肤病,和其它如风湿病等疾病。
44、The inhabitant is predispose to rheumatism by the damp climate. ─── 因气候潮湿,居民易患风湿症。
45、Possible Uses: Bronchitis, colds, coughs, exhaustion, flatulence, flu, gout, insect bites, insect repellent, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis. ─── 功效:支气管炎,感冒,咳嗽,疲劳,消滞,流感,痛风,杀虫,肌肉疼痛,风湿,鼻窦炎.
46、Unusual cases were viral meningitis, systemic disease, such as Rheumatism, Cancer, Tuberculosis, ect, occupying 3.4% of the patients. ─── 少见疾病为病毒性脑炎、全身疾病发热、结缔组织疾病、肿瘤、结核等,占3.4%。
47、I think his rheumatism was bothering him. ─── 我想是风湿使他难受。
48、He is a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 他长期深受风湿病之苦。
49、She is suffering from rheumatism. ─── 她正患风湿症。
50、Rheumatism affects people living in damp localities. ─── 住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病。
51、There was one guy who applied fresh tiger dung on his knees, his rheumatism was cured after a few applications. ─── 一个人将新鲜的虎粪糊在膝盖上,几次以后,他的风湿就好了。
52、He is afflicted with rheumatism. ─── 他有风湿病。
53、He is a martyr to his rheumatism. ─── 他长期受风湿病折磨。
54、But four years ago, Ani told me, she had developed rheumatism in her left knee and it got so painful she just could not work any more. ─── 我曾经去过他们的工地,房间很大,室内的管道都很规范,给我留下深刻印象。他们盖的这所房子与他们在西爪哇农村住的小房子完全不一样。
55、"Can it cure rheumatism?"asked the woman. ─── 妇女问:"风湿病能治吗?"
56、How to treat rheumatism effectively? ─── 如何有效治疗风湿?
57、Shaved or ground into a powder, the horn is dissolved in boiling water and used to treat fevers, rheumatism and gout. ─── 通常,犀角被研磨成粉,然后在沸水里熬制,用以治疗发烧、风湿和痛风。
58、I had a feeling that, if I said I had inflammatory rheumatism, Mother or my brothers and my sister Stella might laugh. ─── 我有一种感觉,如果我说得了风湿性关节炎,母亲、兄弟们和妹妹斯泰拉可能会笑我。
59、Use the drug that fights rheumatism. ─── 使用抗风湿的药.
60、She suffered tortures from rheumatism. ─── 她为风湿痛所苦。
61、The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the Body. ─── 各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。
62、Rheumatism affects people living in damp localities. ─── 住在潮湿地区的人易患风湿病。
63、I find that damp weather plays hell with my rheumatism. ─── 我发现潮湿的天气使我的风湿病更严重了。
64、A few years later, old Jehan Daas lost the use of his limbs on account of rheumatism. ─── 几年后,老耶汉?达斯因患风湿症而四肢瘫痪。
65、Rosemary can be used forthe brain waking, release nerve, cool, it also can cure the rheumatism, it can improve the pressure, health and bring the mind comfort. ─── 心灵音乐疗法:迷迭香心灵音乐可用来醒脑、放松神经、消除疲劳、释放压力、疗伤止痛、带来身心灵的舒畅。
66、Did not you hear him complain of the rheumatism? and is not that the commonest infirmity of declining life? ─── 你没听他说有风湿病吗?难道这不是最常见的衰老症?
67、She was somewhat crippled with rheumatism. ─── 她由于得了关节炎,腿有点瘸。
68、Deepness of rheumatism of large area land amounts to 0.4-1 centimeter, the land that whole town turns badly dene amounts to 120 thousand mus. ─── 大面积土地风湿深度达0.4-1厘米,全镇严重沙化的土地多达12万亩。
69、She's a martyr to rheumatism . ─── 天一冷,我的风湿病就犯了.
70、She is afflicted with rheumatism . ─── 她为风湿症所苦。
71、Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis rheumatism constipation prostate and bladder inflammation. ─── 四肢麻木关节风湿痛。水土不服肠胃痛前列腺膀胱淡涨。
72、How is knee joint rheumatism of the youth treated, what is there effectively measure? ─── 年轻人的膝关节风湿怎么治疗,有什么有效地措施?
73、The stove has good curing effects on the pains in waist and legs, stomachache, tummy ache and rheumatism. ─── 对腰腿疼、肚子痛、胃疼、类风湿有非常好的缓解疼痛作用。
74、It features certain effect on stopping pain, curing colds and coughs, lessening muscles ache, rheumatism and arthritis, suitable for both the young and old. ─── 对止痛、感冒、咳嗽,舒缓各种肌肉酸痛、风湿、关节炎也有一定疗效,老少皆益。
75、The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it is not the gout. ─── 我所知道最佳的风湿特效药是: 感谢上帝,好在那不是痛风。
76、I'm beginning to suffer from rheumatism, and at times I feel like a right old crock. ─── 我开始患风湿病了,常感觉似乎真象一名老朽了。
77、Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis, rheumatism, constipation, prostate and bladder inflammation. ─── 四肢麻木关节风湿痛。水土不服肠胃痛,前列腺膀胱淡涨。
78、Vetiver essential oil is used to treat arthritis, cuts, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, muscular aches, rheumatism, sores and stress. ─── 岩兰草单方精油用来处理关节炎,伤口,沮丧,疲惫,失眠,肌肉疼痛,风湿,酸痛,压力
79、The cold he caught threw back his recovery from rheumatism. ─── 他的感冒拖延了他风湿病的康复。
80、My rheumatism's been giving me gyp. ─── 我的风湿病使我一直很痛苦.
81、Does rheumatism have good remedial method inside? ─── 内风湿有好的治疗方法吗?
82、How to treat lumbar rheumatism? ─── 如何治疗腰部风湿病?
83、He gets about quite well, despite his rheumatism. ─── 他虽患风湿病,但行走自如。
84、The key tells coronary heart disease and rheumatism sex heart disease to accompany the mental obstacle of hair severally below. ─── 下面重点讲一下冠心病和风湿性心脏病各自伴发的精神障碍。
85、He has an uphill battle against rheumatism. ─── 他与风湿病作艰苦顽强的斗争。
86、I've been having trouble with my rheumatism, but at least my lungs are in good order. ─── 我一直受风湿病之苦,但至少我的肺功能良好。
87、He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism. ─── 他因为患风湿病,行动很缓慢。
88、Quiz: How can you just treat rheumatism thoroughly? ─── 提问:如何才能彻底治疗风湿病?
89、She suffered from rheumatism all her life. ─── 她一生都受风湿病的折磨。
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