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09-03 投稿


peppered 发音


英:  美:

peppered 中文意思翻译



peppered 网络释义

adj. 用胡椒调味的;加胡椒的,撒胡椒粉的v. 在(食物上)撒胡椒粉(pepper的过去式)

peppered 词性/词形变化,peppered变形

原型:pepper 过去式:peppered

peppered 短语词组

1、peppered cottons ─── 胡椒棉

2、peppered gravy ─── 胡椒肉汁

3、peppered with ─── 使布满

4、peppered steak recipe ─── 胡椒牛排食谱

5、peppered bread ─── 胡椒面包

6、peppered ash granite ─── 胡椒灰花岗岩

7、peppered steak ─── [网络] 炖牛排

8、peppered moth ─── 椒花蛾 英国灰蛾 桦尺蠖 斑点蛾

peppered 相似词语短语

1、bepeppered ─── 胡椒粉

2、pampered ─── adj.饮食过量的;饮食奢侈的;v.饮食过多;纵容(pamper的过去分词形式)

3、unpeppered ─── 未升级

4、pepperer ─── n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉(pepper的变形)

5、repapered ─── vt.用纸重新包;以新纸裱贴(墙壁)

6、kippered ─── v.熏制(鲱鱼或其他鱼)(kipper的过去式及过去分词);adj.(鱼,尤指鲱鱼)熏制的;完全被击败的

7、coppered ─── n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜制的;vt.镀铜;n.(Copper)人名;(英)科珀

8、papered ─── adj.纸做的;v.用纸糊;贴壁纸(paper的过去式和过去分词)

9、pepperers ─── 胡椒粉

peppered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He wanted a little more pepper to spice up his rump steak. ─── 他想再加一点胡椒粉给他的菲力牛排调味。

2、They peppered the enemy's lines with their shots. ─── 他们用炮弹向敌人阵地密击。

3、Some pepper in a bit of business while meandering to their target. ─── 一些辣椒有点生意,而蜿蜒的目标。

4、Season slaw to taste with salt and pepper. ─── 再用盐和胡椒粉给沙拉调味。

5、Zhou peppered me with questions about European politics, policies, and personalities. ─── 周就欧洲的政治、政策和人物向我提出不少问题。

6、He burned his tongue with red pepper . ─── 他的舌头被红辣椒辣得好难受。

7、She seasoned the meat with salt and pepper. ─── 将食物调味。

8、He peppered the ball across the green. ─── 他一下子把球猛击过草地。

9、I often sauce meat with pepper. ─── 我常往肉里放胡。

10、Members of the city council peppered him with questions about the details of his plan. ─── 市议员们对他计划的详情问个不休。

11、Where is the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked? ─── 彼特?帕博捡的一些有盐渍的胡椒在哪?

12、He peppered his speech with jokes. ─── 他在讲演中插入了许多笑话。

13、Called the colored bell pepper. ─── 叫七彩圆椒。

14、I'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd. ─── 我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉。

15、Ginger,nutmeg,cinnamon,pepper and cloves are common spices. ─── 姜、肉豆蔻、肉桂、胡椒、丁香都是常用的香料.

16、I order black pepper sirloin without any paprika. ─── 我叫的是黑椒牛腰肉,不要放红椒。

17、Stir in the tomato, salt and pepper. ─── 加入小番茄,盐及黑胡椒炒匀。

18、He was peppered with bullets. ─── 他被打成蚂蜂窝了。

19、His face is peppered with freckles. ─── 他的脸上满是雀斑。

20、Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, cinnamon. ─── 应该跟盐和胡椒一起放在橱柜里。

21、The Save: So Gibbo's been a naughty boy and had some filthy, expletive-peppered rants splashed all over the news. ─── 拯救策略:吉普森一直是个淘气男人,在各地的新闻里都有一些他肮脏胡言乱语的咒骂之词。

22、Stir in horseradish, lemon juice, salt and pepper. ─── 倒入辣根调味剂,柠檬汁,盐和胡椒粉。

23、"Pinteresque" perfectly describes taut silences peppered with half-stated insights. ─── “品特派”形象的描述了隐晦有序的沉默。

24、Season with salt and pepper and add oregano. ─── 加入盐和菜椒、干牛至叶粉调味。

25、Can you pass the salt and pepper, please? ─── 你能把盐和胡椒递过来吗?

26、He peppered me with questions about my condition and prognosis. ─── 他问了我好多健康方面的问题。

27、The book is peppered with quips, presumably to remind the reader that he is not studying for an exam but is supposed to be having fun. ─── 这本书很有些讥讽的意味,似乎是在提醒读者这不是一本以证明事实为目的的学术著作,而是本娱乐读物。

28、My country is rich in cinnamon, cloves, ginger, pepper, and precious stones. ─── 我国盛产肉桂、丁香、生姜、胡椒和宝石。

29、We have an excellent black pepper steak today. ─── 我们今天有上好的黑椒牛排。

30、We peppered the enemy's lines with our shot. ─── 我们向敌人阵地密集扫射。

31、We peppered them with bullets. ─── 我们向他们猛烈射击。

32、It tastes of onions [pepper]. ─── 它有洋葱[胡椒粉]的味道。

33、You can barely make out his face, but you can see his hair is peppered with silver and his skin is worn. ─── 你看不清他的脸,但能看到他的头发已经花白,皮肤也很粗糙。

34、You half-wit, I asked for pepper, not paper. ─── 你这个笨蛋,我是要胡椒,不是要纸。

35、Members of the city council peppered Mr Johnson with questions about the details of his plan. ─── 市议员对约翰逊先生的计划的细节问个不停。

36、Add salt and pepper, spread in pie plate. ─── 加盐并且胡椒,传播在饼板材里。

37、The speaker was peppered with awkward questions. ─── 发言人被尴尬的问题所围困。

38、Add arugula;season with salt and pepper. ─── 加入芝麻菜,并用盐和胡椒粉调配。

39、Lake Missoula spilled out onto the lowlands in a rumbling, frothy flood peppered by chunks of the shattered ice dam. ─── 密苏拉湖泄人低地,轰隆隆、泛着白沫的洪水上到处是冰堰的碎片。

40、Add salt and pepper to taste, and add a little nutmeg, if desire. ─── 加入盐和白胡椒调味,喜欢的话,可以加入少许豆蔻粉。

41、Can you taste pepper in the pudding? ─── 你能吃出布丁里胡椒的味道吗?

42、We peppered the enemy with our shot. ─── 我们向敌人密集地发射枪弹。

43、She sauced the beef with pepper. ─── 她用胡椒给牛肉调味。

44、Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper. ─── 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

45、It's always pepper that makes people hot-tempered. ─── 也许就是因为胡椒的缘故,人们的脾气才那么暴躁。

46、Development of the New Little Pepper Variety Wanjiao No. ─── 宛椒六号小辣椒的选育。

47、We ate a green salad, strongly spiced with garlic and pepper. ─── 我们吃了一道青菜沙拉,浓浓的蒜和胡椒使它的味很足。

48、It goes well with a shot of peppered vodka, one taste canceling the other. ─── “萨烙”和胡椒伏特加一起很好吃,一种味道盖过另一种味道。

49、The cook put a sprinkle of pepper into the soup. ─── 厨师在汤里放了一点胡椒。

50、David peppered the audience with an anti-inflation speech. ─── 大卫做反通货膨胀的演说鼓动听众。

51、The North Korean artillery shell knocked Park Myung-hoon unconscious and peppered him with shrapnel when it hit his construction site. ─── 朝鲜攻击韩国人ParkMyung-hoon所在的建筑工地时,他被击昏了过去,而炮弹碎片仍不断落在他身上。

52、Add salt and pepper to your taste. ─── 加入盐和胡椒,以你的口味。

53、A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Wanjiao No. ─── 宛椒1号辣椒的选育。

54、Could you pass me the salt (pepper)? ─── 你能把盐(胡椒)给我吗?

55、He burnes his tongue with red pepper. ─── 他的舌头被红椒辣得发麻。

56、You don't have to pepper the soup. ─── 你不一定要往汤里撒胡椒粉。

57、Did you also get ground pork, cabbage, garlic and pepper for the filling? ─── 你也买了碎猪肉。甘蓝菜。大蒜和辣椒做馅用吗?

58、He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel. ─── 他两条腿都受伤了,受到了弹片重创。

59、Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. ─── 加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。

60、Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and cloves are common spices. ─── 姜、 肉豆蔻、 肉桂、 胡椒、 丁香都是常用的香料。

61、Add pinch of pepper when serving. ─── 吃时可加入胡椒粉调味。

62、If you want to eat hot things, you can add red pepper to them. ─── 如果你想吃辣的东西,可以加些红辣椒在上面。

63、Mix together salt and ground pepper. ─── 将盐和磨碎的胡椒粉混合在一起。

64、Beat eggs and add salt and pepper, mix well. ─── 将鸡蛋打入碗中,加入盐及胡椒粉,打匀。

65、The old moral support is what gives us players the old pepper. ─── 传统的道德信念为我们的球队队员注入了昔日的活力。

66、The wall had been peppered with bullets. ─── 墙上有密集的子弹痕迹。

67、They grind pepper from pepper corn. ─── 他们把胡椒籽磨成胡椒粉。

68、Season the steak with salt and pepper. ─── 将牛肉用盐和胡椒粉调至入味。

69、I like pepper but it doesn't like me. ─── 我喜欢吃胡椒,但胡椒不适合我的肠胃。

70、He put some pepper in the bowl. ─── 他放了一些胡椒粉在碗里。

71、I 'd rather have prawns with pepper sauce. ─── 我倒希望吃干烧明虾。

72、These pepper tins from the early 1900s are popular collectibles. ─── 图中是20世纪初的胡椒粉罐,是当时非常受欢迎的收藏品。

73、Paralyze them with limited charges of pepper. ─── 加些香辣粉可以进行防范。

74、You put too much pepper in that soup. ─── 你在这汤里放了太多胡椒。

75、The book is witty and peppered with good one-liners. ─── 这本书诙谐幽默,俏皮话随处可见。

76、Smith peppered his opponent with long right. ─── 史密斯用右手长拳痛击对手。

77、Excuse me, would you pass the salt and pepper to me? ─── 对不起,请把盐和胡椒递给我好吗?

78、Our pepper pot soup taste plus points more good. ─── 我们这锅汤里加点胡椒面味道更不错。”

79、As he walked the District's streets in August, people peppered him with three words: Beat the Heat. ─── 当他在8月走在华盛顿特区的大街上时,人们会不断的冲他喊三个词:Beat+the+Heat(击败热火队)。

80、Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. ─── 彼得.派泊取出许多腌制的泡菜辣椒.

81、When I am young I like the acridness of certain kinds of pepper. ─── 我年轻的时候喜欢某些种辣椒的刺激。

82、He peppered the wild ducks with bird shot. ─── 他用鸟枪向野鸭子射击。

83、Have you ever tried Chinese Pepper Steak? ─── 你有没有尝过中国胡椒牛排?

84、Today's specials are diced chicken with dried red pepper and mapo beancurd. ─── 今天的特色菜有辣子鸡丁和麻婆豆腐。

85、The wall had been peppered with stains. ─── 墙上满是污痕。

86、Mix ricotta cheese with parsley, salt and pepper in a small bowl. ─── 乳酪加入欧芹末,盐和胡椒粉拌匀在一小碗里。

87、He likes the dishes spiced with much pepper. ─── 他喜欢吃加饰多糊椒粉的莱。

88、You can season the soup to taste with the salt and pepper. ─── 你可以用盐和胡椒来调汤的味道。

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