cession 发音
英:['seʃ(ə)n] 美:['sɛʃən]
英: 美:
cession 中文意思翻译
cession 短语词组
1、cession bordereau ─── [财]分保明细报表
2、cession 66 ─── 割让66
3、cession of goods ─── 货物的割让
4、cession stand ─── 分保台
5、tank cession price ─── [经] 油库交货价格
6、cession of property ─── [法] 财产转让
7、acquisition cession ─── [法] 继受取得
8、disguised cession ─── [法] 变相割让
9、cession day ─── 转让日
10、cession 347 ─── 转让347
11、cession define ─── 割让定义
12、cession of territory ─── [法] 领土割让
13、utility cession ─── [计] 实用对话, 应用会话
14、benefit of cession ─── [法] (财产)让与权
cession 相似词语短语
1、session ─── n.会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会;学期;讲习会
2、accession ─── n.增加;就职;到达;vt.登记入册
3、pression ─── n.压力;压强(偏向力学方面);n.使用挤压肌肉技术的按摩术
4、recession ─── n.衰退;不景气;后退;凹处
5、cessions ─── n.(权利的)转让,出让;(领土的)割让
6、secession ─── n.脱离;分离
7、decession ─── n.死亡术(游戏中的一种法术名称)
8、scission ─── n.切断,分离;断开
9、cessation ─── n.停止;中止;中断
cession 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Taiwan?s New Deal modernization drive started from 1874 and ended in 1895 when the island was handed to Japan in the cession. ─── 台湾洋务新政初始于 1874年 ,止于 1895年割台。
2、legal cession ─── 法定分保
3、RESULTS & CONCLUSION: As a dual inhibitor of 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine,amfebutamone is effective for depression,but also effective for smoking addiction cession. ─── 结果及结论:安非他酮作为一种5-羟色胺和多巴胺再摄取的双重抑制剂,不仅可以用于抑郁症的治疗,对于戒除烟瘾也有一定的疗效。
4、The transfer finally took place on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. ─── 最后,直到1803年11月30日才交接了控制权,而此时距离出售给美国的时限仅仅3个星期。
5、In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession. ─── 20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。
6、cession number ─── 新添资料编号
7、TX A Study on the Issue of the Cession of Alaska ─── 阿拉斯加割让问题研究
8、Each Contracting Party may at the time of signature or ratificationof this Convention or ac cession thereto, declare that it does not consideritself bound by Article XX of the Convention. ─── 每一缔约国可在签署、批准或加入本公约时,声明其不受本公约第XX条的约束。
9、When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance. ─── 第二十八条保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。
10、Amfebutamone for Depression and Smoking Addiction Cession ─── 安非他酮应用于抑郁症和戒除烟瘾
11、utility cession ─── [计] 实用对话, 应用会话
12、acquisition cession ─── [法] 继受取得
13、temporary cession ─── 暂时让与
14、cession of the administration ─── 行政割让
15、Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market, as it is free of the limitations of direct cession. ─── 住房抵押货款证券化可以最大限度上克服直接转让的缺陷,促进二级市场的快速发展。
16、The secondary market with direct cession cannot be efficient. ─── 直接转让二级市场,效率是不高的。
17、Discussion of Perfecting the System of Twice Cession ─── 我国民法体系中债权二重让与的完善
18、Because of the cession of insurance mark modificatory insurance contract has a kind of specific case, of the insurance mark that is freightage insurance contract make over, insurance contract is changed automatically. ─── 因保险标的转让而变更保险合同有一种特定情况,就是货物运输保险合同的保险标的转让,保险合同自动变更。
19、On the Notification of the Cession of Credit ─── 论债权让与的通知
20、cession of patent ─── 专利权的让与
21、For a territorial cession, the military government of the principal occupying power does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty, but continues until legally supplanted. ─── 对一个领土割让来说,主要占领权之军事政府并非因为和平条约生效而结束,而是此军事政府会一直持续到有法律效力之替代方案实施为止。
22、Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market, as it is free of the limitations of direct cession. ─── 住房抵押货款证券化可以最大限度上克服直接转让的缺陷,促进二级市场的快速发展。
23、Methods Study the effects of 465 cases of cataract that surgery by non-phacoemulsification small incision ECCE during the second cession of the "Vision first China action" in Hainan. ─── 方法在二期“视觉第一中国行动’赴海南省医疗队中,对465例白内障实施小切口非超声乳化白内障摘除术并观察其疗效。
24、finally took place on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. ─── 最后,直到1803年11月30日才交接了控制权,而此时距离出售给美国的时限仅仅3个星期。
25、The large indemnity of defeat, the cession of colonies and the influence of the global economic crisis drove Existentialism's appearance. ─── 战败后的巨额赔款,殖民地的割让,世界性经济危机的影响促使了存在主义在德国这片土地上的滋生。
26、The cession of a part of China aroused shame and anger among the Chinese, and the unfortunate Qishan was ordered to Peking (Beijing) in chains. ─── 中国认为割地是奇耻大辱,举国震怒,清廷遂把琦善撤职,解京查办。
27、Classics partner agrees with cession equity below coequal condition other shareholder has preferential buy right. ─── 经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。
28、The Convention of Peking in 1860, which ended the hostilities, provided for its outright cession. ─── 一八六零年,战争结束,订立《北京条约》,九龙半岛正式割让予英国。
29、voluntary cession ─── 自愿割让
30、77. their inexplicable cession of the chart; or harder still to understand, the doctor's last warning to Silver,' Look out for squalls when you find it;' ─── 他们让人摸不着头脑地交出了地图,更难理解的是大夫最后警告希尔弗的那句话:“找到宝藏时,一定要注意响声。”
31、For instance, the cession of building and land access involves duty of business tax, agree to wait. ─── 比如,房屋和土地使用权的转让涉及营业税、契税等。
32、forced cession ─── 强迫割让
33、7 No assignment, cession or transfer of any right or obligation arising under the present Contract shall be made by one party to third party without the previous consent of the other party. ─── 7如未经另一方同意,一方不得将现有合同所产生的权利和义务分配、分割或转让给第三方。
34、First explored by the Spanish in the 'th and 7th centuries, the region was added to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase (803) and a cession by Mexico (848). ─── 于'和7世纪首先被西班牙人探险发现,通过路易斯安那购买(803年)和墨西哥的割让(848年)而加入美国版图。
35、The acquisition of Texas occurred in 1845, followed by the Oregon Territory the next year, and the Mexican Cession three years later. ─── 德克萨斯于一八四五年取得,接着第二年是俄勒岗,三年后则是墨西哥领土割让。
36、cession in lease ─── 租借割让
37、This present thesis is devoted to a thorough and careful analysis about the English foreign policy on Hong Kong's cession and its feature. ─── 文章主要阐述了英国割占香港这一对华政策及其特点,首先,从中国割占一块领土(香港)本身是英国长时期对华外交的既定政策和目标。
38、Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system,it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system. ─── 按揭是英美法中的权利移转型担保,它与大陆法系的让与担保既有相似之处又有一些不同。
39、Third-party states have no title to object to cession ─── 第三国无权反对割让。
40、disguised cession ─── 变相割让变相让与
41、13.7 No assignment, cession or transfer of any right or obligation arising under the present Contract shall be made by one party to third party without the previous consent of the other party. ─── 当前合同项下,双方任何一方在没有另外一方的同意,没有权利转让或者委派给第三方。
42、a the buyers cession of its ownership or.Expectation rights; ─── 二是买受人让与标的物的所有权或让与期待权;
43、cession of teritory ─── 领土割让
44、In this way, I thank you in advance for the discussion we had and I stay at your disposal to provide you offers for cession rights on the Methods, Phrase books, and Kids series. ─── 人们认为有了它交流就能畅通无阻。但是事实证明,目前的翻译软件在应用上有很大局限性,对于沟通准确性要求高的商务领域基本不适用。
45、But Toktamish overreached himself when he tried to demand the cession of territories ruled by another Mongol chief, Timur (1336 1405), whose capital was Samarkand. ─── 但是,托克塔米扩张自己的势力,试图要求另一个蒙古首领帖木儿 (1336-1405年)所管辖的领土割让与他,帖木儿建都撒马尔罕。
46、For instance, save 6000 yuan than present price, want to pay 1200 yuan cession fee. ─── 比如,比现价节省6000元,便要支付1200元的转让费用。
47、If this domain name brings hundreds of yuan cession to expend only, fail namely to him. ─── 如果这个域名只带来几百元的转让费,对于他来说就是失败。
48、The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. ─── 因为他们输了这场战争,割让领土是无法避免的。
49、Under the US Constitution, everyone subject to its jurisdiction -- including those under US military occupation after peace treaty cession -- enjoy the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ─── 根据美国宪法,接受美国管辖的人民,包括依照和平条约割让后的美国军事占领区,人人都享有不可剥夺生命、自由与追求幸福的权利。
50、The 111th US Congress controlled by Democrats in both Houses convenes today with the ailing economy expected to dominate the early days of the cession. ─── 由民主党领导的第111届美国国会两院今天齐聚一堂讨论如何在交接早期控制疲软的经济状况。
51、cession of property ─── 财产转让
52、Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market,as it is free of the limitations of direct cession. ─── 住房抵押贷款证券化可以最大限度上克服直接转让的缺陷,促进二级市场的快速发展。
53、A series of talks will be organized to introduce methods for smoking cessation, as well as cession services available at school and the community. ─── 本讲座将介绍吸烟对健康的影响,有效的戒烟方法,与及校内以至社区内可供使用的戒烟资源。
54、Taking “dam's safety monitor i ng" as an illustration,the design method of message requiry and the concrete pro cession of making message inquiry by the WORD's super-linker are introduced. ─── 并以“大坝安全监测”查询为示意性例子,介绍了信息查询设计方法,及利用WORD超级链接技术制作信息查询的具体过程。
55、(7) is not legal person unit, need to offer branch of its property right to agree with cession proof. ─── (7)非法人单位的,需提供其产权部门同意转让的证实。
56、Important : Daily report on your work by email or chat, full copyright cession, full privacy on project and client. ─── 重要事项:在您通过电子邮件或聊天,全版权割让,对项目和客户完整的隐私权日常工作的报告。
57、Whole 1994 country takes a sale, rent, contract, a variety of forms such as the affiliation, finished " 4 barren " the cession of resource access works. ─── 1994年全乡采取拍卖、租赁、承包、联营等多种形式,完成了“四荒”资源使用权的转让工作。
58、alienation of property; cession of property ─── 财产的转让
59、Article28 When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance. ─── 第二十八条保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。
60、ceding of territory | cession of territory ─── 领土让与
61、Compare Study with the System of Cession--Discussion of perfecting the system of cession ─── 债权让与制度比较研究--兼论对我国合同法中债权让与制度的完善
62、tank cession price ─── 石油产品在油库的售价
63、cession bordereau ─── 分保明细报表
64、First explored by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, the region was added to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and a cession by Mexico (1848). ─── 于16和17世纪首先被西班牙人探险发现,通过路易斯安那购买(1803年)和墨西哥的割让(1848年)而加入美国版图。
65、And the cession of land and flow are to connect its to pass to install and make over those who will finish of the right. ─── 而土地的转让和流动是通其过权利的设置和转让来完成的。
66、cession of goods ─── 货物让与
67、cession limit ─── 分保限额
68、On Adaptive Cession of State Sovereignty ─── 试论国家主权的适应性让渡
69、The acquisition of Texas occurred in 1845, followed by the Oregon Territory the next year, and the Mexican Cession three years later. ─── 德克萨斯于一八四五年取得,接着第二年是俄勒岗,三年后则是墨西哥领土割让。
70、treaty of cession ─── 割让条约
71、acquisition by cession ─── 转让取得
72、benefit of cession ─── 转让权
73、Need warranty of Cession be Brought into Civil Code as Soon as Possible?--From the angle of the relation between warranty of cession and commicial building mortgage ─── 让与担保需要尽快进入民法典吗?--从让与担保与我国商品房按揭关系的角度谈起
74、A Historical Retrospect on Establishment and Cession of Taiwan Province In Memory of the 120th Anniversary of Mr.Liu Ming Chuan as the 1st Taiwan Governor ─── 从台湾建省到台湾割让的历史反思
75、China Re has achieved a stable transition from the compulsory cession as primary business to commercial business entirely. ─── 中再集团已实现由法定业务为主向全部商业业务的平稳过渡。
76、Reinsurance: Cession and retrocession of insurance.An FIIC may not conduct both property insurance business and life insurance business at the same time. ─── 外资保险公司不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。
77、cession of business ─── 停业
78、Application of Law About the Behavior Concerning Cession of Earnest Money During the Process of Sale of Merchandise Building ─── 商品房销售中定金转让行为的法律适用
79、twice cession ─── 二重让与
80、Concise cession concuss castaway cascade, ─── 简洁的割让震动被抛弃的小瀑布。
81、significant historical task of construction of new countryside was put forward in the fifth cession of 16 th NPC, peculiar position of town government decides crucial effect which can not be replaced. ─── 摘要党的十六届五中全会提出了新农村建设的重大历史任务,乡镇政府的特殊地位决定了其在新农村建设中不可替代的关键作用。
82、Analysis about the English Foreign Policy on Hong Kong's Cession and Its Features ─── 试析英国割占中国香港的外交政策及其特点
83、Article 28 When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance. ─── 应再保险接受人的要求,再保险分出人应当将其自负责任及原保险的有关情况告知再保险接受人。
84、In calling for this special cession session, that UN Human Rights Council argued that the global food crisis is a massive violation of human rights. ─── 为召集此次会议,联合国人权理事会就“全国食物危机是违背人权的”主题展开争论。
85、After the First Opium War, the Guangdong-Macao relationship l ost its balance because of the cession of Hongkong. ─── 第一次鸦片战争后,香港的割让引起粤澳(中葡)关系失衡,是有澳门议事会九请和中葡谈判的出现。
86、Later, the principle that Hao Peng places to oneself is, if the cession of a domain name is expended,did not reach 4 digit, registering experience this is not successful. ─── 后来,郝鹏给自己定下的原则是,如果一个域名的转让费没有达到4位数,这次注册经历就不是成功的。
87、When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance. ─── 第二十八条保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。
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