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08-23 投稿


fascicled 发音

英:[['fæsɪkld]]  美:[['fæsɪkəld]]

英:  美:

fascicled 中文意思翻译




fascicled 短语词组

1、fascicled leaf ─── 簇生叶

2、fascicled leaf arrangement ─── 丛生叶排列

3、fascicled needles ─── 束针

4、fascicled stem ─── 成束茎

5、fascicled gerardia ─── 束状叶

fascicled 相似词语短语

1、fascicular ─── adj.丛生的;群生的;成束的

2、fasciole ─── n.狭窄的色带;带线

3、fascicules ─── n.(书的)分册

4、fasciculated ─── 束状的

5、fascicule ─── n.(书的)分册

6、fascioles ─── n.狭窄的色带;带线

7、fascicle ─── n.束;分册;一簇

8、fasciated ─── adj.用带子束住的;具横带的;扁化的

9、fascicles ─── n.成束;成簇(fascicle的复数形式)

fascicled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1 Flowers in fascicled cymes from floral buds; leaf blade abaxially glabrous or pubescent on veins. ─── 来自花芽的花生于簇生聚伞花序;叶片背面无毛或被短柔毛在脉上。

2、Male flowers fascicled to glomerulose, rarely solitary along axis; ─── 雄花簇生到小球,很少沿着轴的单生;

3、Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled, often arranged into terminal racemes. ─── 腋生的花,单生或簇生,通常排列成顶生的总状花序。

4、Panicles axillary or lateral, fascicled toward ends of branches, 10-18 cm, pubescent with pale yellow hairs. ─── 圆锥花序腋生或侧生,在枝的末端簇生,10-18厘米,具浅黄色短柔毛。

5、Stems fascicled, ascending, sparsely branched, slender and long, 15-40 cm, furrowed. ─── 茎簇生,上升,疏生分枝,纤细和长,15-40厘米,棱槽。

6、fascicled degeneration ─── 肌束变性

7、Flowers unisexual, monoecious, densely fascicled in terminal racemes, female in lower part, male in upper part, sometimes male throughout. ─── 单性的花,雌雄同株,密簇生在顶生总状花序内,在下半部分内女性,在上半部分内男性,有时各部都有男性。

8、Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled, fascicles 2- or 3-fruited, axillary on current year's branchlets; ─── 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生,束簇2或3果,在当年小枝上腋生;

9、Male flowers 7-13, fascicled or glomerate; ─── 雄花7-13,簇生或团集的;

10、fascicled bud ─── 簇生芽

11、Rootstock swollen, with transverse air chambers, roots fascicled. ─── 使膨胀的根茎,具横裂的气室,根簇生。

12、Flowers axillary or supra-axillary, fascicled or in short cymes or umbels, proximal axils with male flowers, distal axils usually with female flowers, usually distinctly pedicellate. ─── 花腋生的或腋上生,花腋生或腋上生,簇生或为短的聚伞花序或伞形花序,下部腋处具雄花,上部腋处具雌花,通常明显具花梗。

13、Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled, fascicles 3-fruited, axillary on current year's branchlets; ─── 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生,束簇3果,在当年小枝上腋生;

14、fascicled leaf ─── 簇生叶

15、Inflorescences axillary or some cymes fascicled around nodes, 3-flowered, central flower female, lateral flowers male; ─── 花序腋生或一些聚伞花序簇生在节周围,3花,中心的花雌性,侧的花雄性;

16、Inflorescences axillary, racemose or paniculate, fascicled or very short and densely glomerate; ─── 花序腋生,总状或圆锥状,和浓密团集的簇生或非常短;

17、Male flowers few fascicled in leaf axils or 10-30-fascicled at lower part of branchlets, with rudimentary pistil. ─── 花瓣宿存雄花很少簇生在叶腋或10-30簇生在小枝的下半部分,具不发育雌蕊。

18、Flowers appearing before leaves, bisexual, heterostylous, 1 to several fascicled in leaf axils, pedicellate. ─── 花在叶之前出现,两性,,在叶腋,有花梗内的1到数个簇生。

19、Leaves opposite. Corymbs short pedunculate or sessile, axillary, often fascicled. ─── 叶对生伞房花序短的有花序梗或者无柄,腋生,经常是簇生。

20、Stamens (3-)5(-20), free or fascicled when numerous. ─── 雄蕊(3-)5(-20),离生或当多数时簇生。

21、Leaves variable, those on previous year's branches usually alternate, those on short branches approximate and often fascicled ; ─── 变的叶,那些在通常互生的第二年分枝上,那些在短枝紧靠和通常簇生上;

22、tip of currene growth, solitary or 2~3 (sometimes more) fascicled. ─── 梢顶端,单生或2~3朵簇生,有时更多。

23、Cymes fascicled, short pedunculate, densely flowered, glabrous or puberulent.Sepals ovate. ─── 聚伞花序簇生,短有花序梗,花密集,无毛或具微柔毛。

24、fascicled stem ─── 成束茎(动)

25、Panicles lateral or axillary, 25-35 cm, fascicled toward ends of branches, pubescent or glabrescent. ─── 圆锥花序侧生或腋生,25-35厘米,在枝末端簇生,被短柔毛或几无毛。

26、Rootstock swollen, with transverse air chambers, roots fascicled. ─── 使膨胀的根茎,具横裂的气室,根簇生。

27、Inflorescences axillary, extra-axillary, or terminal, cymose, fascicled, or thyrsoid. ─── 花序腋生,腋外生,或顶生,聚伞状,簇生,或聚伞圆锥状。

28、flowers fascicled, axillary, unisexual or dioecious, milky yellow; ─── 花簇生于叶腋,单性或杂性,乳黄色;

29、Thyrses axillary near apex, solitary or several fascicled; ─── 聚伞圆锥花序腋生近先端,单生或数朵簇生;

30、Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled, fascicles 2-fruited, axillary on first to second year's branchlets; ─── 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生,束簇2果,第1到第2年小枝上腋生;

31、Stamens [not usually clearly fascicled] irregularly arranged, anthers dorsifixed. ─── 雄蕊[通常不清楚簇生]不规则排列,花药背着。

32、fleshy fascicled adventitious root ─── 肉质簇生不定根

33、Leaves small, petiolate, alternate on annual twigs, fascicled on dwarf shoots, scabrous, adaxially white spotted, margin coarsely dentate. ─── 在一年生草本上的小,具叶柄,互生的叶小枝,在矮小嫩枝上,粗糙,白色斑点,边缘粗牙齿。

34、Leaves subleathery, alternate, usually fascicled at apex of branchlets; ─── 近革质的叶子,互生,通常在小枝先端簇生;

35、Inflorescences polygamous, axillary in distal leaves, paniculiform, fascicled from many spikes; ─── 花序杂性,在远轴叶上腋生,圆锥花序状,很多穗状花序簇生;

36、Flowers fascicled in axil of upper leaves, bisexual but number of organs variable. ─── 花簇生在上部的叶的腋部,两性,但是器官的数量易变。

37、Flowers fascicled or in branched glomerules, bracteolate. ─── 花簇生或在枝团伞花序里,具小苞片。

38、leaves opposite or alternate on long shoots, clustered or fascicled on short shoots; ─── 在长枝,簇生或在短茎上簇生上的叶对生或互生;

39、Inflorescences fascicled, 1-3 cm, tomentulose; ─── 花序簇生,1-3厘米,被微绒毛;

40、fascicled phyllotaxy ─── 簇生叶序

41、Cymes fascicled, terminal or axillary, thyrsoid, 8-10.5 cm, puberulent. ─── 聚伞花序簇生,顶生或腋生,聚伞圆锥状,8-10.5厘米,被微柔毛。

42、Cymes fascicled in leaf axils, with 1 or 2 buds per axil and ca. 5 flowers per bud; ─── 在叶腋里的聚伞花序簇生,带有1或2芽每腋和大约每个芽5朵花;

43、Branches armed; flowers fascicled, precocious or coetaneous; sepals erect, rarely reflexed; stipules herbaceous, reniform or auriculate, margin serrate. ─── 分枝具刺;花簇生,先有花或;萼片直立,很少反折;草本,肾形的托叶或者耳形,边缘有锯齿。(2

44、Inflorescence irregularly racemose, to 12 cm, lax, or flowers fascicled, scented. ─── 花序不规则总状的,达12厘米,疏松,或花簇生,香。

45、Inflorescence axillary, fascicled, sometimes umbel-like; ─── 花序腋生,簇生,有时伞形花序状;

46、Flowers solitary or nearly fascicled, rarely racemelike, axillary or rarely aggregated on twig tips. ─── 花单生或近簇生,很少总状花序状,腋生的或很少在小枝端部上聚生的。

47、Corolla hairy, hairs sometimes closely adpressed to surface; leaves opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate, not fascicled. ─── 有毛的花冠,在表面有时接近紧贴的毛;叶对生或近对生,很少互生,并非簇生。(5

48、Flowers unisexual, monoecious, densely fascicled in terminal racemes, female in lower part, male in upper part, sometimes male throughout. ─── 单性的花,雌雄同株,密簇生在顶生总状花序内,在下半部分内女性,在上半部分内男性,有时各部都有男性。

49、Leaves simple, alternate, fascicled at the ends of branchlets, elliptical, acute at apex, margin entire; ─── 单叶互生,于枝条末端集生,椭圆形,可达15公分长,全缘;

50、Leaves fascicled, opposite, or alternate on elongated branches, long petiolate. ─── 叶簇生,对生,在拉长的分枝,具长叶柄上的或互生。

51、branches arising singly from nodes and subtended by a leaf sheath and 2-keeled prophyll, often fascicled in bamboos. ─── 枝条从节上发出,并被叶鞘和内稃包围,通常在竹子内簇生。

52、1 Leaves entire, broadly elliptic or oblong; flowers usually 2- to few fascicled at leaf axils, rarely solitary, peduncles absent; style simple. ─── 全缘的叶,或长圆形的宽椭圆形;通常花2-在叶腋,很少单生的很少簇生,花序梗无;花柱单一

53、Male flowers 7-15, fascicled or glomerate; ─── 雄花7-15,簇生或团集;

54、Racemes elongate, sparsely flowered, fascicled in axils. Flowers small. ─── 总状花序拉长,稀少花,在腋内簇生。

55、Leaves simple, alternate or fascicled, shortly petiolate or sessile, venation camptodromous, margin crenulate, serrulate, or entire; ─── 单叶,互生或,具短叶柄或无梗,脉序,边缘具细圆齿,有细锯齿,或全缘;

56、Inflorescence axillary or terminal, racemose, corymbose, paniculate, or sometimes fascicled or solitary flowers. ─── 花序腋生或顶生,总状,伞房状,圆锥状,有时簇生或单花。

57、Lateral roots numerous, fascicled, to 16 cm, 1-2 mm in diam., with few fibrous roots. ─── 侧根多数,簇生,在16厘米,1-2毫米直径,具很少须根。

58、fascicled root ─── 簇生根

59、Flowers solitary or fascicled, precocious or coetaneous. ─── 花单生或腋生,先有花或。

60、Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled; ─── 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生;

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