propagate 发音
英:[ˈprɑːpəɡeɪt] 美:[ˈprɒpəɡeɪt]
英: 美:
propagate 中文意思翻译
propagate 短语词组
1、propagate pothos ─── 繁殖马铃薯
2、propagate content ─── 传播内容
3、look-ahead symbol propagate ─── [计] 先行符号传播
4、propagate definition ─── 传播定义
5、propagate succulent cuttings ─── 繁殖肉质插条
6、group propagate ─── [计] 成组传送
7、propagate aloe ─── 传播芦荟
8、bipinnatifidum cutting propagate ─── 凤尾草扦插繁殖
9、propagate peperomia ─── 繁殖性蛋白血症
propagate 词性/词形变化,propagate变形
propagate 相似词语短语
1、to propagate ─── 传播,繁殖
2、propagule ─── n.[植]繁殖体;繁殖芽体;能发育成植物体的芽
3、propagative ─── adj.传播的;繁殖型;繁殖的
4、propagable ─── adj.可推广的;可传播的
5、prorogate ─── 休会
6、propagates ─── vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传;vi.繁殖;增殖
7、propagated ─── 传播
8、propage ─── 传播
9、propagator ─── n.宣传者;(植物)培育箱
propagate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate. ─── 一方鸟或兽的为了繁殖的配偶中的一只。
2、If you make changes to the attributes of an object in a target forest, the changes do not propagate back to the source forest. ─── 如果对目标林中对象的属性进行了更改,则这些更改不会传播回源林。
3、They started a newspaper to propagate their ideas. ─── 他们办了一份报纸来宣传他们的主张。
4、Comrades, wherever you go, you should propagate the line of the congress and, through the members of the Party, explain it to the broad masses. ─── 同志们到各地去,要宣传大会的路线,并经过全党同志向人民作广泛的解释。
5、If the node does not propagate the execution, it behaves as a wait state. ─── 如果这个节点没有传递执行,它将作为一个等待状态。
6、God made the crab, but man made the pippin; but the pippin cannot propagate itself, and exists only by violence and usurpation . ─── 上帝创造了酸果树,而人类创造了良种苹果;但是,良种苹果不能自我繁殖,只能依靠掠夺和侵占生存下去。
7、The optical beam can propagate stably with definite degrees of nonlocality. ─── 在一定的非局域程度下,光束能以光孤子态在非局域克尔介质中稳定传输。
8、Level3- Slams the ground, causing waves of spikes to propagate from the hero in all directions. Deals450 damage and stuns for1.8 second. ─── 三级-重击地面,形成大范围的穿刺,对敌方单位造成450点的伤害并晕眩1.8秒。
9、To propagate(a crop)from ratoons. ─── 使长根蘖截根栽培(作物)
10、The missionaries began to propagate Western nursing through setting up dispensaries,hospitals and nurses schools. ─── 传教士通过建立诊所、医院和护士学校,开始在中国传播西医护理学。
11、Therefore, it is of special significance at present to diligently propagate and carry out the mass line throughout the Party. ─── 因此,目前在全党认真地宣传和贯彻执行群众路线,也就有特别重大的意义。
12、Such networks are more vulnerable to failures than opaque networks since failures propagate without being isolated. ─── 因为它的故障传输并不是孤立的,通常比不透明网络更容易出现故障。
13、In SQL Server 2000 and earlier, linked servers propagate the warning message to the client. ─── 在SQL Server 2000和更早的版本中,链接服务器将警告消息传播给客户端。
14、Another way to propagate Roridula is through stem cuttings. ─── 另外一种繁殖捕虫树的方式是枝插法。
15、A milky white mist develops, which is able to feed and propagate a flame if ignition occurs. ─── 乳白色的油雾不断形成和繁殖一旦遇到热点会形成火焰。
16、Signals can propagate arguments to each of the slots they call. ─── 信号可以向它们调用的每个插槽传递参数。
17、That everyone needs a moisturiser is a multimillion dollar myth the cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand over your hard-earned cash. ─── 人人都需要润肤霜是化妆品公司花费数百万美元宣扬的一个神话,目的是为了让你掏出自己的血汗钱。
18、Method does not propagate the calling stack. ─── 不传播该调用堆栈。
19、When the binary input changes value there is a delay due to the time it takes the signal to propagate from the input of the gate to the output of the gate. ─── 当二进制信息被输人以后,从输人栅门到输出栅门要消耗一段时间。
20、Such interconnectedness entails certain dangers, however, including the possibility that a shutdown in one sector could rapidly propagate to others. ─── 不过,这样的互相连通也会带来某些危险,包括一个地区断电就可能很快地扩散到其他地区。
21、When applying the principles and policies mentioned above,we must fully propagate and explain them to the masses,and not be afraid to criticize ourselves in front of them. ─── 在执行上述方针政策的时候,必须向群众作充分的宣传和解释,不要惧怕在群众面前进行自我批评。
22、Click to select the Allow Inheritable permissions to propagate to this object and all child objects check box. ─── 单击以选中“允许将可继承权限传播到该对象和所有子对象”复选框。
23、The fatigue cracks initiate in a intergranular manner and propagate in a transgranular manner, which stages are separated by secondary cracks. ─── 实验结果表明疲劳载荷下的橡胶裂纹首先沿片晶结合面萌生,然后穿晶扩展破坏,且存在次生裂纹。
24、The belief of God Esha is the most vigorous humane system,and is also the spiritual power and social mechanism for the Lahu Nationality to live and propagate. ─── 厄莎信仰是拉祜族最具生命力的人文系统,是拉祜族得以生存繁衍的精神动力和社会机制。
25、Siwuqiannian ago in the Neolithic Age, the ancestors are here to propagate interest-bearing. ─── 在距今四五千年的新石器时代,先民们就在这里繁衍生息。
26、Plants won't propagate in these conditions. ─── 植物在这种条件下不能繁殖。
27、Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith. ─── 传教士到远方去传播其信仰。
28、And starts propagate and import restriction for this. ─── 响不良,开始限制这种鱼的养殖和进口。
29、By choosing the best imitator for a mate, women help propagate the genes needed to copy religious rituals, colorful clothes, singing, dancing, painting and so on. ─── 女人挑选最佳模仿者做性伴侣,就是协助散播使人善于复制宗教仪式、彩色服饰、舞蹈、绘画等技能的基因。
30、Many of the species native to California, such as the prickly chaparral, rely on fires to propagate. ─── 加利福尼亚有许多土生土长的物种,比如多刺的灌木荆棘丛,依靠火来繁殖。
31、Level2- Slams the ground, causing waves of spikes to propagate from the hero in all directions. Deals350 damage and stuns for1.5 second. ─── 二级-重击地面,形成大范围的穿刺,对敌方单位造成350点的伤害并晕眩1.5秒。
32、These funds I wish to entrust to you, to help propagate the works of charity where ever your location is. ─── 我希望把这笔款项托付给你们,用于进一步推动你们正在发展的当地慈善事业。
33、The electric current passing through the conductor on the film of bubble generates a local magnetic field gradient to make the bubble propagate. ─── 在磁泡薄膜上面的导体中通过电流,产生局部磁场梯度使磁泡传输。
34、Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes. ─── 那些无法适当压抑的人会受到部落或者城市的抵制,而且没有足够的运气来繁衍他们的基因。
35、Citizens enjoy freedom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism. ─── 公民有信仰宗教的自由和不信仰宗教、宣传无神论的自由。
36、Does not propagate the calling stack onto the worker thread. ─── 不将调用堆栈传播到辅助线程上。
37、The Lab Activities will show students how to configure a default route, use RIP to propagate the information, and then convert the router to IGRP. ─── 实验活动将对同学展示如何组态设定预设路由,使用RIP来传递资讯,然后将路由器转换到IGRP。
38、In handling the affairs relating to minority nationalities,we should not act blindly and go there rashly to carry out reform,raise proposals and propagate the nationality policy. ─── 对少数民族的许多事宜,不盲动,不要轻率地跑去进行改革,不要轻率地提出主张,宣传民族政策也不要轻率。
39、To cause(a disturbance) to propagate through a medium. ─── 传导在通过一个媒质时产生的(振动)
40、An anomalous signal of the APO may propagate to the Arctic and Antarctic. ─── APO异常信号可以传播到南、北两极。
41、How do we protect and propagate our brand if that brand can be hidden behind the brand of a software company or an online service provider? ─── 如果我们的品牌被隐藏在一家软件公司或者在线服务公司品牌的后面,我们应该如何保护和宣传自己的品牌?
42、The vorticties are generated in the breaking process, and they extend and elongate toward offshore as wave propagate onshore. ─── 在碎波过程中生成的涡流随著波浪向岸传递同时向离岸方向延伸与拉长。
43、Put E. coli BL21(DE3) into LB medium containing ampicillin and make them propagate until A600=0.6, then add inducer IPTG to induce hRI express. ─── 将BL21(DE3)置于含有氨苄青霉素的LB培养基中扩增至A600=0.6后加入诱导剂IPTG,诱导hRI的表达。
44、During the May4 th Movement he did vigorous action to propagate new ideology. ─── 他在“五四”时期积极宣传马克思主义,传播新思想。
45、The term propagation-delay refers to the average time it takes the input signal to propagate to the output. ─── 传导延时这一概念就是指从输人信号到输出信号所经历的平均时间。
46、Various activities to study and propagate such a concept of honor and disgrace have been launched. ─── 为此,全社会从上到下展开了学习和宣传社会主义荣辱观的形式多样的活动。
47、A device that can generate and propagate signals representing data or speech. ─── 一种能生成和传送代表数据或话音的信号的装置。
48、If you are able to donate money, spread happiness, inspire health, propagate love, share knowledge, motivate people, etc. then you are successful. ─── 如果你能捐献钱财、传递快乐、倡导健康、传播友爱、分享知识、激励他人等等,那么你就是成功的。
49、Data flow in the context of collision and broadcast domains focuses on how data frames propagate through a network. ─── 在碰撞和广播领域情况下的资料流的焦点在于如何把资料框架经由网路传送。
50、NNTP) is a protocol that most USENET machines now use it to allow news articles to propagate from one machine to another over a reliable connection. ─── NNTP是一种非常流行的新闻机制协议,现在我们利用它通过可靠的连接传播新的文章;
51、Click to clear the Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object check box. ─── 单击取消“此对象继承父对象的安全属性”(大意)选项框。
52、The advantages of acoustical techniques reside in the fact that sound waves can propagate considerable distances in dense liquids and solid where light cannot. ─── 声学方法的优点在于声被在稠密液体或固体中可以传播很远,而光却不能。
53、Level 1 - Slams the ground, causing waves of spikes to propagate from the hero in all directions. Deals 250 damage and stuns for 1.2 seconds. ─── 一级-重击地面,形成大范围的穿刺,对敌方单位造成250点的伤害并晕眩1.2秒。。
54、They survive and propagate by tricking the cells of a host organism into bringing the virus inside, rather like a biological Trojan horse. ─── 它们就像生物学中的特洛伊木马,可以蒙骗宿主的细胞,使细胞把病毒纳入细胞,然后病毒在细胞中生存繁殖。
55、UTM formations may be accompanied by heat-induced cracking within these overheated areas that, if left in place, can propagate while in service. ─── UTM的形成可能是由于过热区内热损伤裂纹造成的,如果裂纹没有被及时处理,就会在实际使用过程中扩展。
56、Models describing laser beam propagate through horizontal and slant atmospheric stochastic channel are built. ─── 建立了激光通过倾斜和水平的大气随机信道的数学传输模型。
57、Many of the species native to California, such as the prickly chaparral, rely on fires to propagate. ─── 加利福尼亚有许多土生土长的物种需要依靠火灾才能繁衍增殖,比如多刺的灌木丛。
58、The worst ones can propagate crime and sex. ─── 下焉者诲盗诲淫,
59、So it propagate the scope of application for the nitrocarburizing. ─── 从而拓宽了氮碳共渗的应用范围。
60、Rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly. ─── 兔子繁殖迅速。
61、Third is to propagate the Party's major principles and policies both inside and outside the Party. ─── 三是在党内外宣传党的重大方针政策.
62、In this lab, the students will configure a default route and use RIP to propagate this default information to other routers. ─── 在本实验中,同学将组态设定预设路由,并使用RIP传送此预设资讯到其它路由器。
63、Animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity. ─── 动植物病害传播极快。
64、Structure of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations, and the mechanisms by which they propagate strain are covered. ─── 内容涵盖刃差排、螺旋差排及混合差排的结构,及差排传递应变的机构。
65、The biopolymer-producing spores can germinate,transport and propagate easily in Berea cores or porous media with permeability of more than 4. ─── 岩芯试验和矿场应用发现,微生物可以在多孔介质中生长、运移和繁殖,代谢产生生物聚合物,并进一步形成生物膜。
66、In order to propagate the labor EA, the elucidation of decisive factors related to labor EA is of paramount importance. ─── 为推广减痛分娩以让更多的产妇受益,阐明影响国内产妇接受减痛分娩决定的因素实属必要。
67、The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings. ─── 繁殖葡萄藤最容易的办法就是采取硬木扦插。
68、The outside casing and the inside compress colour pattern may print equally or embroidering making appointment on the product and propagate content. ─── 外包装和内部压缩品上均可印刷或绣制指定的彩色图案及宣传内容。
69、The MS+BA 0.1 mg/L +RTCA 5 mg/L is the best one to propagate the crowd buds rapidly. ─── 丛生芽快速繁殖最适培养基为 MS+BA 0.1 mg/L+病毒唑5 mg/L;
70、However, this soliton can break up after a long time and excite a train of small amplitude waves that propagate westward. ─── 在一定时间后,强迫孤立子除了东传外还存在一个缓慢的西传。
71、I hope that, when you go back, you will do this work and propagate it, so that by next year's conference of labour heroes we shall have achieved still greater results. ─── 希望你们回去实行这一条,宣传这一条,使明年再开劳动英雄大会的时候,我们能够得到更大的成绩。
72、Due to a combination of the environmental requirements and the necessity of living off a host plant, sandalwood is not easy to propagate. ─── 由于对环保要求的结合和生活过的主机电站的必要性,檀香是不容易传播。
73、Energetic efforts will be pooled to develop education and propagate scientific knowledge to enhance the nation's scientific and cultural quality and innovation capacity. ─── 大力发展教育和科学普及事业,提高全民族的科学文化素质和创新能力。
74、And optical pulses can propagate stably in long transmission based on soliton self-trapping. ─── 基于孤子自捕获效应,光脉冲能长距离稳定传输。
75、Don't allow exceptions to propagate across module boundaries. ─── 不要允许异常跨越模块边界传播。
76、If you make changes to the attributes of an object in a target forest, the changes do not propagate back to the source forest. ─── 如果对目标林中对象的属性进行了更改,则这些更改不会传播回源林。
77、Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it and to propagate atheism. ─── 中国公民有信仰宗教的自由和不信仰宗教、宣传无神论的自由。
78、This, in turn, can propagate the error, making it difficult to locate the source of the problem. ─── 反过来,这可能传播错误,使定位问题的源头变得困难。
79、Essentially, a point-to-point pipe is a one-to-one message-passing mechanism, and a propagate pipe is a one-to-many message-passing mechanism. ─── 从本质上讲,点对点管道是一对一的消息传输机制,广播管道则是一对多的消息传输机制。
80、Most plants propagate by seeds. ─── 大多数植物都是通过种子繁殖的。
81、Sun Yat-sen was one of the first men to come into contact with, research and enthusiastically propagate socialism. ─── 孙中山先生是近代中国最早接触、研究并热情宣传社会主义的人之一。
82、Cultivate and propagate Dao needs realization and execution, or it turns to be vain, zero. ─── 修道办道要有所体悟、有所行,不然等于空、等于零。
83、It can be observed that several wavelets propagate along different routes.This result validates the multiple wavelet hypothesis of AF. ─── 在这些标测结果中,可观察到多个子波沿不同路径的传导过程,验证了房颤的多子波假说。
84、In this example, you see that the "Create table" statement failed to propagate on target servers. ─── 在本例中,您将看到“Createtable”语句未能广播到目标服务器。
85、Aminal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity. ─── 动物和植物病害极迅速传递。
86、Link state routing is not used by Exchange 2007 Hub Transport servers and Exchange 2007 can't propagate link state updates. ─── Exchange 2007集线器传输服务器不使用链接状态路由,并且Exchange 2007无法传播链接状态更新。
87、To propagate(a crop) from ratoons. ─── 使长根蘖截根栽培(作物)
88、If news propagate course can be looked as a speech intercommunicate course ,news title is the most important information of the society. ─── 如果把新闻传播的过程看作是言语交际的过程的话,新闻标题可以看作是交际中要传递的最重要的信息。
89、Most plants propagate by seed. ─── 大多数植物靠种子繁殖。
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