monetary 发音
英:['mʌnɪt(ə)rɪ] 美:['mʌnɪtɛri]
英: 美:
monetary 中文意思翻译
monetary 短语词组
1、Bhutanese monetary unit ─── [网络] 不丹货币单位
2、Bolivian monetary unit ─── [网络] 玻利维亚货币单位
3、Botswana monetary unit ─── [网络] 博茨瓦纳货币单位
4、Argentine monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿根廷货币单位
5、Afghan monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿富汗货币单位
6、bimetallic monetary system ─── [经] (金银)复本位货币制度
7、monetary policy ─── 货币政策 [经] ─── 货币政策
8、Bangladeshi monetary unit ─── [网络] 孟加拉国货币单位
9、Austrian monetary unit ─── [网络] 奥地利货币单位
10、Albanian monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿尔巴尼亚货币单位
11、Brazilian monetary unit ─── [网络] 巴西货币单位
12、Azerbaijani monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿塞拜疆货币单位
13、Armenian monetary unit ─── [网络] 亚美尼亚货币单位
14、Algerian monetary unit ─── [网络] 阿尔及利亚货币单位
15、Bahrainian monetary unit ─── [网络] 巴林货币单位
16、Angolan monetary unit ─── [网络] 安哥拉货币单位
17、British monetary unit ─── [网络] 英国货币单位
18、Belarusian monetary unit ─── [网络] 白俄罗斯货币单位
19、arab monetary fund ─── [经] 阿拉伯货币基金会
monetary 词性/词形变化,monetary变形
副词: monetarily |
monetary 相似词语短语
1、donatary ─── 多纳塔里。
2、momentary ─── adj.瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的
3、nonmonetary ─── adj.非金融的,非货币的
4、mortary ─── adj.碎斑状的
5、sonnetary ─── 十四行诗
6、monetarily ─── adv.财政上;在金钱问题上;在货币问题上
7、cometary ─── adj.彗星的;彗星似的
8、monetarism ─── n.货币主义
9、consectary ─── 神圣的
monetary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Keynesian demand management was abandoned in favour of the monetary approach. ─── 倾向于货币调整的当局弃用了凯恩斯需求管理理论。
2、Won't everyone stop programming without a monetary incentive? ─── 会不会因为没有金钱上的诱因而让大家都停止写程式了呢?
3、COSATU is now meddling in monetary policy too. ─── 南非总工会现在也干预货币政策。
4、They agreed that the definition of monetary aggregates should be reviewed. ─── 委员会成员同意应检讨货币数字的定义。
5、The oft-cited correlation with monetary conditions is tenuous, too. ─── 人们常常提到的上证综指与货币环境之间的关系也不足为信。
6、To some extent,easier monetary policy may soothe the transition. ─── 就某种程度上来讲,宽松的货币政策可能对过渡期起到缓和作用。
7、Do you have more than $5,000 in monetary in struments? ─── 你有超过5,000美元货币的东西吗?
8、Equally, who can be sure about its potential impact on monetary management? ─── 同样,谁可确实知道资讯科技会对货币管理带来多大的冲击?
9、What is the International Monetary Fund? ─── 什么是国际货币基金组织?
10、Do you store an amount and a currency code with every monetary value? ─── 您会为币值单独存储一个数值和一个币种信息吗?
11、How do you get out of the monetary system if it controls everything? ─── 如果金融系统已控制了每一样事物,你怎么来避免它?
12、Our current monetary policy can't help but have a stimulative effect. ─── 当前的货币政策,尽管有一定的刺激作用,但本质上未作用有限。
13、Might central bankers soon start to peer at the monetary dials again? ─── 中央银行家们很快又会重新注视货币手段吗?
14、There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union. ─── 党内在欧洲货币同盟问题上存在巨大分歧。
15、In 1944, a meeting took place in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire : the International Monetary Conference. ─── 1944年在新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林召开了一次会议:国际货币会议。
16、Monetary conditions were stable in 2001. ─── 二零零一年本港的货币状况大致保持稳定。
17、What is the International Monetary System? ─── 什么是国际货币制度?
18、A material monetary loan, endorsement, or provision of guarantee. ─── 五、重大之资金贷与、背书或提供保证。
19、The differences between instruments of monetary policy in rich countries and poor ones are many. ─── 富国和穷国在货币政策手段上的差别很多。
20、But all this complicates monetary policy. ─── 但所有这些会使货币政策复杂化。
21、The Monetary Authority of Macao yesterday said the funds would be handled "in accordance with the instructions of the account holders" . ─── 澳门金融管理局(MonetaryAuthorityofMacao)昨日表示,将“根据帐户持有者的指示”,处理此笔资金。
22、During the monetary crisis, several European bankers rallied to the pound. ─── 在金融危机期间, 欧洲的几个银行家联合起来支持英镑。
23、Two pennies regarded as a monetary unit. ─── 当作一个货币单位的两个便士
24、We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates. ─── 我们发现,在变动汇率下货币政策更有效。
25、Studies of the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy. ─── 对货币政策传导机制的研究。
26、S. monetary policy," Pettis said. ─── 帕特提斯指出。
27、In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed. ─── 在一个贪婪的社会里,贪财是自私自利的突出表现形式。
28、Does Global Liquidity Matter for Monetary Policy in the Euro Area? ─── 全球货币流动性是否影响欧元地区货币政策?
29、How will the monetary policy instrument be applied to attain an 8 percent increase of the national economy? ─── 怎样应用货币政策工具促进经济实现百分之八的增长目标?
30、Taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. ─── 和世界银行和国际货币基金会齐头并进。
31、A second error was that Japan tried to offset the adverse economic effects of a strong yen with over-lax monetary policy. ─── 第二个错误在于日本试着用过度宽松的货币政策来抵消强势日元对经济的副作用。
32、Where income is in foreign currencies, the name and monetary unit should be tilled out in the "Remarks"column. ─── 如系外币,应在备注栏中注明外币名称和单位。
33、Monetary stability in an export economy requires heroic measures. ─── 在一个出口类型的经济中,稳定货币就需要有孤注一掷的措施。
34、The International Monetary Fund bailed them out. ─── 国际货币基金组织把他们保释出来了。
35、A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration. ─── 少量津贴很少一部分金钱补助、工资或津贴
36、To give over the full monetary amount demanded. ─── 付清全部款项缴清所要求的全部资金数额
37、New research suggests that CSR may create monetary value for companies—at least when they are prosecuted for corruption. ─── 新的研究表明,企业社会责任可能为企业创造货币价值——至少企业因腐败而被起诉时是这样。
38、The bank-bailout channel will be the only monetary transmission mechanism to function like clockwork. ─── 银行纾困渠道将是唯一精确运转的货币传导机制。
39、We have seen initiates manifest a temporary problem with monetary flow. ─── 我们已看到提升者们显化了一个临时的金钱问题。
40、Yet certain factors complicate the ability of the Federal Reserve to use monetary policy to promote specific goals. ─── 可是有些因素,使联邦储备系统利用货币政策来达到一定目的的可能性复杂化。
41、In addition, the report from Nikkei Business Daily said the Bank of Japan is considering additional steps to ease monetary policy. ─── 另外《日本经济新闻》(NikkeiBusinessDaily)还报导称,日本央行正在考虑采取更多措施来放宽货币政策。
42、Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? ─── 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
43、Promoting monetary and financial stability is one key objective of the BIS. ─── 促进金融和财政稳定是国际清算银行的一个主要目标。
44、He has changed his stance on monetary union. ─── 他已经改变了对货币联盟的态度。
45、After all, there was no legal mechanism for a country like Greece to leave the monetary union. ─── 毕竟还没有一个合法的机制让希腊这样的国家离开欧元货币联盟。
46、In the meantime, monetary policy can assume the burden of safeguarding growth. ─── 同时,货币政策可以承担起保持增长的大任。
47、Balance-of-payments deficits are increasingly financed by special drawing rights at the International Monetary Fund. ─── 国际货币基金组织的特别提款权被越来越多地用来融通国际收支中的逆差。
48、A stable monetary policy was carried out, and more loans were made. ─── 实施稳健的货币政策,贷款增加较多。
49、What is the monetary system in China? ─── 中国的货币制是什麽样的?
50、You can use these for accurate monetary calculations,for example. ─── 例如,可用它进行精确的币值计算。
52、One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling. ─── 唯利是图的人仅为获取金钱而服务或工作的人;以金钱为目的人
53、Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain. ─── 唯利是图的以获取金钱或物质为唯一动机的
54、Many crimes have a monetary profit motive. ─── 很多犯罪都有获得金钱利益的动机。
55、One attraction is that it eases the over-reliance on monetary policy. ─── 一个很大的好处是,财政刺激能够较少过分依赖货币政策。
56、A book in which the monetary transactions of a business are posted in the form of debits and credits. ─── 分类帐将业务中的货币交易记录下来的帐本,分借方和贷方
57、Large capital inflows continue to complicate the conduct of monetary policy. ─── 大量的资本流入将使中国的货币政策操作变得复杂。
58、Also important was an accidental switch to contractionary monetary policy. ─── 同样重要的是一次偶然的向紧缩性货币政策的转换。
59、A monetary unit equal to! /1000 of a U.S. dollar or! /10 of a cent. ─── 密尔一种货币单位,等于!/1000美元或!/10美分
60、Yet monetary policies are still highly expansionary. ─── 但当下的货币政策依然是高度扩张性的。
61、It gives us complete financial autonomy and an independent monetary system. ─── 我们也可以享有全面的财政自主权和拥有独立货币制度;
62、Making monetary policy by megaphone never leads to good results. ─── 夸夸其谈的货币政策决不会取得效果。
63、A former monetary unit of East Germany worth100 pfennigs. ─── 东德马克德意志民主共和国使用的货币单位,等于100芬尼
64、Name a central bank not responsible for monetary policy. ─── 哪一家中央银行不负责掌管货币政策?
65、Monetary growth surged before both bouts of inflation in 1987-88 and 1993-94. ─── 在1987-88年以及1993-94年的通胀爆发前,货币供给量也有大幅增长。
66、The economic theory or practice of using only one metal as a monetary standard. ─── 单金属本位制仅使用一种金属作为货币标准的经济理论或实施方法
67、A majority of monetary officials is still striving to restore greater fixity to exchange rates. ─── 大多数金融官员仍力图使汇率恢复较大的固定性。
68、He rejected the austerity program advocated by the International Monetary Fund. ─── 他拒绝了国际货币基金组织提出的紧缩开支方案。
69、The International Monetary Fund (referred to as IMF) is currently deeped into a very awkward position after after 60 years of development. ─── 国际货币基金组织(以下简称“IMF”)在历经六十余年的发展后,目前处于一个非常尴尬的境地。
70、A period of financial crisis has disequilibrated the monetary system. ─── 一个时期的金融危机已打破了金融体系的平衡。
71、Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy. ─── 国内的条件不适宜放宽货币政策。
72、To some extent, the monetary policy strategy of ECB has succeeded. ─── 从主要指标看,ECB的货币政策战略已经取得初步成功;
73、She is in complete charge of all monetary matter affecting the household. ─── 她全权负责一切有关家务的财政事宜。
74、Today, interest in Santi Suk's monetary experiment is picking up again. ─── 如今,讪滴戌村的货币实验再次引来了关注。
75、There is room for manoeuvre - scope for fiscal policy to support monetary policy. ─── 在回旋退避的余地-财政政策支持货币政策的余地。
76、Third, exchange and monetary compensation and rehousing. ─── 三是互换与货币补偿安置。
77、There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory. ─── 然而,他的货币理论中有很多关键性的欠缺。
78、Pay up To give over the full monetary amount demanded. ─── 付清全部款项:缴清所要求的全部资金数额。
79、Now looser monetary and fiscal policy is speeding recovery. ─── 如今更宽松的货币和财政政策正在加速经济复苏。
80、One third of the wagers on this website are also monetary. ─── 三分之一的工资,在这个网站上也有货币。
81、The People's Bank of China formulates monetary policy. ─── 中国人民银行制定金融政策。
82、A former monetary unit of East Germany worth 100 pfennigs. ─── 东德马克德意志民主共和国使用的货币单位,等于100芬尼。
83、Eddie Yue is responsible for monetary management and financial infrastructure. ─── 余伟文先生负责货币管理及金融基建事务。
84、To stave off recession, the Federal Reserve loosened monetary policy. ─── 为了防止经济衰退,美联储放松了货币政策。
85、Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic. ─── 刺激性货币政策并非妖术。
86、Hower, we would not exclude the usage of the monetary policy. ─── 但也不是绝对地排除使用货币政策的相关工具和手段。
87、It allows us complete financial autonomy, and the independence of our monetary system. ─── 我们也可以享有全面的财政自主权和拥有独立货币制度。
88、Do you have more than $2000 in monetary instruments? ─── 你有价值超过2000美元货币的东西吗?
89、To divest(a coin, for example) of monetary value. ─── 使失去货币资格剥夺(如,硬币)作为货币的价值
Jungle Book [词典]万兽之王; [**] 森林王子; [网络]小泰山; 丛林故事; 丛林之书; [例句]In their dreams monetary authorities tighten like Kaa, the Jungle Book python. 货币政策制定者们梦想能像**《森林王子》(jungle book)中的蟒蛇kaa一样收紧政策。
美国联邦储备系统(The Federal Reserve System),简称为美联储(Federal Reserve),负责履行美国的中央银行的职责。
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