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09-13 投稿


clinically 发音

英:[ˈklɪnɪkli]  美:[ˈklɪnɪkli]

英:  美:

clinically 中文意思翻译



clinically 短语词组

1、clinically isolated syndrome ─── 临床孤立综合征

2、clinically brain dead ─── 临床脑死亡

3、clinically depressed people ─── 临床抑郁症患者

4、clinically definition ─── 临床定义

5、clinically depressed ─── 临床抑郁症的

6、clinically insane ─── 临床精神病

7、clinically important ─── [建] 临床重要的

8、clinically proven ─── 临床证明

9、clinically significant disease ─── 有临床意义的疾病

10、clinically diagnose ─── 临床诊断

clinically 相似词语短语

1、actinically ─── 光化

2、cynically ─── adv.爱嘲笑地;冷笑地

3、clinally ─── 临床上

4、critically ─── adv.精密地;危急地;严重地;批评性地;用钻研眼光地;很大程度上;极为重要地

5、finically ─── 吹毛求疵地

6、civically ─── 谦恭地

7、clerically ─── adv.如牧师般地

8、clinical ─── adj.临床的;诊所的

9、conically ─── adv.成圆锥形地(conical的副词)

clinically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The diurnal rhythm of blood pressure is clinically significant, especially in patients with hypertension. ─── 人体血压的昼夜节律现象具有重要临床意义,高血压病更尤为如此。

2、There is no infallible way to distinguish clinically between a solitary cyst and a potential malignant disease. ─── 事实上,临床上并没有一种万无一失的方法,可区别一个孤立性囊肿和潜在性恶性瘤。

3、Triphenylethylene-derived compounds are used clinically for treating the disease of estrogen. ─── 三苯乙烯类衍生物在临床上用来治疗雌激素相关性疾病,有很广泛的应用前景。

4、Clinically, it is used to cure the fever and headache, the gall of throat, the rectocele, and uterus prolapsus. ─── 临床用于治疗风热头痛,咽喉肿痛及脱肛,子宫脱垂等疾病。

5、They are building a clinic near here. ─── 他们正在附近建一家诊所。

6、He is a well known doctor who has his own clinic. ─── 他是一位有名的医生,拥有自己的诊所;

7、Clinically, PV presents with mucosal, mucocutaneous, or cutaneous lesions whereas PF lesions are primarily cutaneous. ─── 临床上,寻常性天疱疮可以黏膜病灶、黏膜皮肤病灶或皮肤病灶来表现,而落叶型天疱疮则以皮肤病灶为主。

8、What's a walk-in medical clinic? ─── 免约诊所是什么样的诊所?

9、Then one day the oak-sized biker appeared in the clinic again. ─── 后来有一天,那个长得象一棵橡树的摩托车手又出现在诊所里。

10、Clinically, clustered microcalcifications (MCCs) on mammograms are considered to be a strong indicator of malignancy. ─── 临床上,乳房摄影影像中的微小钙化群常是恶性变化的指标。

11、Three of 6 cases with endolymphatic sac surgery had complete control of vertigo and were cured clinically. ─── 6例内淋巴囊手术者,3例眩晕症状完全控制,3例基本控制。

12、Clinically localized pain, often appear in sync with her menstrual cycle, the general in mammary gland is pure and cystic hyperplasia. ─── 临床上出现局部疼痛,常与月经周期有关,一般多见于乳腺的单纯和囊性增生。

13、He went to an expensive clinic to dry out. ─── 他到一家费用昂贵的诊所戒酒瘾。

14、The Yuan acupoint of six Yang meridians was completely consistent with that of the one used clinically now. ─── 六条阳经的原穴与目前临床所用完全一致,六条阴经的原穴不再以输代原,而是以络穴或郄穴代替。

15、Occasionally it may cause clinically troublesome hyperviscosity. ─── 偶尔它可以引起临床上难治的高粘度症。

16、He's gone to the clinic for a blood test. ─── 他去诊所验血了。

17、He has been treated at a private clinic. ─── 他在一家私人诊所接受了治疗。

18、Therefore, more data are needed to determine if TEG is a clinically useful screening test for this purpose. ─── 因此,需要更多的资料去判断TEG对于这个目的是不是临床有用的成像技术。

19、The baby was delivered in a clinic. ─── 孩子就是在一个医疗站接生的。

20、He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic. ─── 他未能按预约的时间去诊所。

21、Clinically, all developed blurred vision, 12 had hearing loss, 11 had headache, and 5 had tinnitus. ─── 在临床症状方面,视力模糊19例,听力丧失12例、头痛11例、眩晕或头晕10例,而耳鸣5例。

22、Alcohol intoxication does not result in clinically significant changes in GCS score for patients with blunt TBI. ─── 对于钝性外伤性脑损伤的患者,酒精中毒不会造成GCS评分在临床上的显著改变。

23、The resistance rate of ICZ and FCZ against clinically isolated strain of C.albicans was very high,while of al... ─── 临床分离株对ICZ和FCZ的耐药率很高,对大蒜素提取物的耐药率较低。大蒜素提取物对白色念珠菌生长有强力抑制作用。

24、Clinically, distant metastasis happens more frequently than the local recurrence. ─── 一般临床上远处转移的机会又比局部复发的可能性较高。

25、This is frequently noted clinically as a period of diuresis. ─── 临床上,这常表现为多尿期。

26、His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. ─── 他的诊所在新建的火车站附近。

27、The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays. ─── 产前检查时间为星期三。

28、Clinically demonstrated to reduce colic. ─── 临床证明,以减少绞痛。

29、He works in a free clinic for the homeless. ─── 他在一家免费诊所工作,救助那些无家可归者的人们。

30、The children's clinic was open during school hours. ─── 学校诊疗所在学校上课的时间是开诊的。

31、It predicted that in just over 40 years, 60% of men, 50% of women and a quarter of all children in the UK are likely to be clinically obese. ─── 报告还显示说,在过去的40年中,英国60%男人,40%女人和四分之一的儿童被临床鉴定为肥胖症。

32、She was diagnosed as being clinically depressed. ─── 她被诊断为患临床抑郁症。

33、This is a new clinically approach to treat total corneal limbal stem cells deficiency. ─── 为临床上由于角膜缘干细胞缺失所致的角膜疾患的治疗提供新措施。

34、However, only those adults in the VT/orthoptics group had clinically meaningful improvements in NPC and PFV. ─── 但是,只有在VT/斜视矫正组中的成人,其NPC 和PFV获得显著的进展。

35、One who conducts sessions or teaches at a clinic. ─── 临床指导在诊所讲授或指导研讨的人

36、There's a good clinic just around the corner. ─── 在转角处就有一间不错的诊所。

37、What if clinically relevant information is found? ─── 如果发现相关的临床信息,将发生什么?

38、That raises the question of whether it is possible to "treat" this romantic state clinically, as can be done with OCD. ─── 这又产生一个问题,即是否可能和处理OCD一样,用病理学方式来“处治”这种浪漫状态。

39、Phase 3 studies are aimed at assessing clinically relevant outcomes. ─── 3期研究的目的是评价临床相关结果。

40、Clinically, the patient often presents with right lower quadrant abdominal pain. ─── 临床上,病人常表现为右下腹疼痛。

41、The diurnal rhythm of blood pressure is clinically significant,especially in patients with hypertension. ─── 人体血压的昼夜节律现象具有重要临床意义,高血压病是尤为如此。

42、Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods. ─── 先不谈极少数患有临床抑郁症的人,大多数有坏情绪的人也有很好的情绪。

43、HEP is clinically proven to be effective and it really works! ─── HEP已被临床验证是最有效的,它确实非常有用!

44、Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (r-TPA) was also used when clinically indicated. ─── 临床上有指征时也可应用重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂。

45、Three years after, she was suspected clinically with CSF leakage. ─── 一位三年前接受过颅底手术之55岁妇女,临床上怀疑有脑脊髓液渗漏。

46、It is probably underdiagnosed clinically due to lack of history of being scratched or bitten by a cat or kitten. ─── 在不知有被猫抓或咬到的病例个案,临床上可能不会想到这个诊断,以至于要靠侵袭性的方法,例如外科手术,才能正确诊断。

47、Clinically,typical characteristics of eosinophilic fasciitis were found in all cases. ─── 均表现有较典型的嗜酸细胞性筋膜炎的临床特征。

48、She may have gone to the clinic. ─── 她或许到医务室去了。

49、Its main symptom is clinically to have a sore waist with radiating ache in underbody or without that. ─── 临床上以腰痛伴有或不伴有下肢放射痛为主要症状。

50、He knocked up the clinic and obtained some drugs. ─── 他敲开医务室的门,拿到了一点药。

51、Clinically,the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament. ─── 同时,临床上也以桡骨头损伤合并内侧副韧带损伤多见。

52、During the past decade, a large number of novel adjuvants have been developed and evaluated clinically. ─── 在过去的10年间,有大量的新型佐剂已被开发出来并已进行临床评价。

53、It is not enough to avoid being clinically obese, or even just a bit overweight. ─── 仅仅避免临床的肥胖症是不够的,甚至是一点点地超重也不行。

54、She had an abortion at the women's health clinic. ─── 她在妇女保健医院做了流产手术。

55、Wellness programs;a wellness clinic. ─── 健康计划;健康诊所

56、What is its significance clinically? ─── 临床上有何意义?

57、He is being treated at the London clinic. ─── 他正在伦敦一家私人诊所接受治疗。

58、Episiotomies should only be done where clinically required. ─── 只有在有医学指征时才能应用会阴切开。

59、Clinically it is often assumed that "low motivation" in patients with stroke is a symptom of depression. ─── 在临床上常把中风病人的积极性降低当作抑郁症的一个症状。

60、There is medical evidence to show that he is suicidal and clinically depressed. ─── 医学证据表明他有自杀倾向而且临床诊断为抑郁。

61、She is attending the antenatal clinic. ─── 她正接受产前检查.

62、Clinically proven to relieve dry skin. ─── 临床证明,以减轻皮肤干燥。

63、Soon afterwards, Ira came storming into the clinic. ─── 不久以后,艾拉闯入医务室。

64、You know those posters for the city free clinic? ─── 你知道那些城市免费门诊的招贴画吗?

65、It is not enough to avoid being clinically obese, or even just a bit overweight. ─── 仅仅避免临床的肥胖症是不够的,甚至是一点点地超重也不行。

66、In the hospital we noticed the family planning clinic. ─── 在医院里我们看到了计划生育指导室。

67、clinically trained social workers than clinically trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined. ─── 受过临床训练的社会工作者比受过临床训练的精神病医生、心理学家和精神科护士加起来还要多。

68、Clinically it may be confused with adenofibroma and lipoma. ─── 临床上易与腺纤维瘤及脂肪瘤混淆。

69、Miss Liu works in the school clinic. ─── 刘小姐在学校医务室工作。

70、The changs of BNP in plasma after PCI is clinically important for predicting the prognosis. ─── AMI患者经PCI治疗血浆BNP水平变化说明PCI术对改善AMI患者的预后有重要意义。

71、She is attendingthe antenatal clinic. ─── 她正接受产前检查。

72、He got off early and went to the clinic. ─── 他提早下班,到门诊所看病去了。

73、How to Manage Your Dental Clinic Successfully? ─── 如何成功地建立私立牙科诊所?

74、Only two cases with crescent GN were comfirmed in the other six "RPGN" patients clinically diagnosed. ─── 但6例临床诊为“急进性肾炎”者仅2例被证实为新月体性肾炎。

75、Neuropathological examination was conducted in more than half of the clinically examined subjects. ─── 对一半以上临床检查对象进行了神经病理检查。

76、Dental Clinic Information Management System. ─── 优医联盟口腔诊所管理系统。

77、She must have gone to the school clinic. ─── 他准是到学校医务室去了。

78、Scc can subtitute Scr and Ccr,and may be clinically utilized as a sensitive indicator of GFR. ─── Scc是反映GFR的一项敏感指标,可以取代Scr和Ccr在临床上常规应用。

79、Boji Dental Clinic Center was established in 2003. ─── 博济牙科中心成立于2003年。

80、Packaging has come about because food now has to be clinically clean and packed in acti-oxidants to give it a long shelf life. ─── 有包装是因为现在食物都必须达到相当的干净。包在抗氧物中可以保质期更长。

81、Assessing bleeds clinically: what's the score? ─── 上消化道出血的临床评估:如何评分?

82、The incidence of simple obesity has become higher and higher and clinically safe and effective medication is lacking. ─── 单纯性肥胖病的发病率越来越高,而临床缺乏安全有效的药物疗法。

83、He's booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic. ─── 他自己联系了一家康复诊所。

84、He is being treated at a private clinic. ─── 他正在私人诊所接受治疗。

85、She works as a nurse in a clinic. ─── 她在一家诊所当护士。

86、He must have gone to the clinic. ─── 他一定是去医务室了。

87、He started his first clinic when he was 20 . ─── 他20岁时,开了他立业的第一个诊所。

88、Of LASIK and LASEK has found no clinically significant differences between the two types of laser eye surgery. ─── 一项关于对比LASIK与LASEK手术的安全性,有效性与可靠性方面的研究发现,在两种眼科激光手术间无显著临床差异。

89、Antimetabolites,interferins and heperin were used experimentally and clinically for glaucoma filtering surgery. ─── 如:抗代谢药物、干扰素、肝素等已用于滤过术后的实验及临床研究。

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