dissertations 发音
英:[ˌdɪsə(ː)ˈteɪʃənz] 美:[ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃənz]
英: 美:
dissertations 中文意思翻译
dissertations 词性/词形变化,dissertations变形
dissertations 短语词组
1、dissertations 2019 2019 ─── 学位论文
2、dissertations uk ─── 英国学位论文
3、dissertations pdf ─── 论文pdf
4、Doctoral Dissertations on Asia ─── 亚洲博士论文
5、dissertations com ─── 论文通讯
6、dissertations gcu gcu ─── 学位论文
7、dissertations msc ─── 论文硕士
8、dissertations phd ─── 博士学位论文
dissertations 相似词语短语
1、dissertational ─── 论述的;学术讲演的
2、dissertating ─── vi.讲演;论说;写论文
3、dismutations ─── n.歧化作用
4、discerptions ─── n.断片;分裂
5、dissertationist ─── n.学术演讲者;论述者(dissertation的变形)
6、disceptations ─── 免责声明
7、disoperations ─── n.侵害作用;相害作用
8、dissertation ─── n.论文,专题;学术演讲
9、disreputations ─── 名誉
dissertations 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、full-text database of dissertations ─── 博硕士论文全文数据库
2、This paper introduces the control logics in different operate conditions, dissert the possible fault and result. ─── 介绍了LCI在各种运行方式下的控制逻辑,并对可能遇到的故障和导致的后果进行了分析。
3、should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. ─── 应该注意的是迟交的论文将不予接受。
4、According to statistics, she has pubished eighty thesis on the concerning academic dissertations at home and abroad. ─── 据统计,她在国内外有关学术刊物上发表了80篇论文。
5、It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. ─── 应该注意的是迟交的论文将不予接受。
6、Top academic talent; Reward-gainers of the excellent PhD dissertations; Growing experience; Qualitative research. ─── 高层次学术型人才;优秀博士学位论文获得者;成长经历;质的研究。
7、A Study of the Quality Management of the Dissertations on Agriculture Major ─── 农科专业毕业论文的质量管理
8、During the 20-minute tea break, you can refresh yourselves with coffee and dissert outside the meeting room. ─── 在20分钟的茶歇时间里,你可以去会议室外面用一点咖啡和点心,稍事休息。
9、Graduate students starting work on their dissertations often ask me for strategic advice. What are the hot research areas? ─── 许多开始写博士论文的研究生总要我给他们些战略性建议,比如现在热门的研究领域是什么?
10、But in his head he was thinking, "Aha, that Cicada, she will make one tasty dissert. ─── 但是他心里想的是,“啊,那是只蝉,他可以成为我饭后可口的小吃。
11、Zhang, Yongge, engaged in urological surgery nearly 20 years, is the head of urology in the third Grade first-class hospital for years and has published more than ten dissertations on chinese medical journal. ─── 从事泌尿外科工作近20年,任三甲医院泌尿外科主任多年,在各级医学杂志上发表论文十多篇。
12、Improving teaching-methods in the teaching of English-writing and raising students'writing skills in their dissertations ─── 改进英语写作教学提高毕业论文质量
13、One is frequency distribution, time distribution, distribution in dissertations of masters and doctors, distribution in three Universities and distribution in research fields. ─── 思辨法、量的方法被作为了学前教育领域最基本的研究方法,每年都有相当数量的学位论文运用这两种研究方法;
14、Historical materials, paintings, dissertations, and audio-visual recordings. ─── 收藏历史文献、油画、论文和视听纪录。
15、Discrimination and interpretation of errors of statistical expression and description in medical dissertations ─── 医学论文中统计表达和描述方面的错误辨析与释疑
16、A Survey and Analysis of the Use of Statistic Methods in Masters'Dissertations on Sports Sociology ─── 体育社会科学硕士研究生论文中使用统计方法的调查与分析
17、The systematic dissertations is about the poem, Ci poem and articles of Han Yuanji, and the poem, Ci poem and anthology of Han Biao, including the analysis of contents and feature. ─── 三、四章侧重于文本研究,逐一系统地剖析论述了韩元吉与韩淲的词、诗、文等文学创作特征。
18、making available university content, in particular types of content that have been difficult to access till now, for example dissertations, etc.; ─── 将大学产出的内容,尤其是难以取得的学位论文等内容,供社会大众近用;
19、This thesis analyzes network characteristics about the Dissertation and Copyright Protection of dissertations. ─── 摘要网络环境下的著作权问题是网络技术的兴起与发展带来的新问题。
20、He has written 33 pieces of scholarly works including dissertations, books and summaries. One work in English and another in Dutch are keptin the Technische Hogeschool Delft library in the Netherlands. ─── 主要论文、著作、总结等33篇,其中英文、荷文各一篇已存入荷兰德尔夫特大学资料室。
21、Contains citations, with abstracts, to books, working papers and articles in economics journals. Also contains subject indexing to dissertations, collective works and full-text book reviews. ─── 含有带摘要的各种图书、工作底稿和发表在经济期刊中文章的引文资料。同时含有论文、集体著作和全文图书的主题索引。
22、By reviewing the topics of the dissertations and the contents of their studies, this paper analyzes the changes and features of their studies. ─── 对这些博士论文的选题及其研究内容进行考察与点评,分析其变动的轨迹和特点。
23、Educational innovation can be achieved by encouraging students attending symposiums, academic conferences, devoting themselves to topic researches and writing dissertations of high quality. ─── 创新教育可通过使学生参加专题讨论、学术会议、课题研究和撰写高质量学位论文的方式得以实现。
24、GIGI:I may dissert each little thing and put myself out there too much but at least that means i still care. ─── 我就是喜欢剖析每个小动作自己添油加醋的乱想但这至少说明我在乎。
25、Analysis of and Solution to Anomie, Violation, Infringement of Signature in Academic Dissertations ─── 学术论文署名失范、违规、侵权的分析及应对
26、mass communication Ph. D. dissertations in America ─── 传播学博士论文
27、The references in the doctorate dissertations of the Third Military Medical University: their descriptions ─── 我校博士学位论文参考文献著录分析
28、Ceremonial addresses; lectures to professional audiences; certain types of correspondence; some academic writing, such as dissertations and some term papers; scientific reports; articles and books addressed to scholars and cognoscenti ─── 典型用例:典礼上的演说;对专业人员的演讲;某种特定书信;学术上的著作如论文、学期报告、科学报告;写给学者、鉴定家的书和文章
29、Ph.D. Students who haven't completed their dissertations by the time their fellowships expire face a difficult dilemma ─── 哲学博士生们在研究生职位期限终止时还没有完成其论文就要面临一种进退两难的境地
30、Raising the Quality of Doctoral Dissertations in the Wake of the National Doctoral Thesis Contest ─── 以优博论文评选为动力促进博士学位论文质量提升
31、What's more, it also points out how to correct the false result with which many dissertations confront but ignored in computing a variety of VI abstracting. ─── 对植被指数提取的关键部分进行分析,并给出植被指数提取的技术关键。
32、Discussion on literature requirements of surveying and mapping science teachers through analysis of citations in dissertations ─── 从引文分析看测绘学教师的文献需求
33、Dissertations and theses ─── 博硕士学位论文
34、Ph.D. students who haven't completed their dissertations by the time their fellowships expire face a difficult dilemma: ─── 哲学博士生们在研究生职位期限终止时还没有完成其论文就要面临一种进退两难的境地:
35、Looking at the Construction of Medical Colleges' Literature Resources from Doctoral Dissertations' Citation ─── 从博士论文引文看医药院校文献资源建设
36、doctor/master's dissertations ─── 博硕士论文
37、Citation Analysis on the Doctor's Degree Dissertations ─── 博士生学位论文引文的分析与研究
38、The professors are deliberating over the post graduates dissertations. ─── 教授们正在商讨研究生的论文。
39、dissertations resources ─── 学位论文资源
40、degree dissertations ─── 学位论文
41、doctorate dissertations ─── 博士论文
42、Statistical analysis of dissertations authors and citation of journal of the Armed Police Academy ─── 我院学报载文作者及引文统计分析
43、An Analysis of the Collection and Citation of Scientific and Technological Dissertations of NeiMongol University in SCI ─── 我校科技论文被《SCI》收录和引证情况分析
44、Quantitative Analyses on ERP Dissertations from the Database of PQDD ─── PQDD数据库中企业资源计划(ERP)方向学位论文定量分析
45、We have written our dissertations day in and day out for a whole term, without a holiday. ─── 我们已连续写了一个学期的论文,一天也没有休息。
46、He is good at using the modern high-tech medical facilities into the practice of medicine and has Published several dissertations in relating publication. ─── 善于将现代科技医疗设备应用于医疗实践中,曾在相关刊物上发表学术论文多篇。
47、The "Two Dissertations" (1765) of his last years breathes the benevolence and gentleness. ─── 他晚年的《两篇论文》(1765)中却不乏慈爱宽容之心。
48、Subject Analyses of PhD Dissertations for Library and Information Science in PQDD Database ─── PQDD数据库中图书情报学博士论文主题分析
49、There are many dissertations on abolishing death penalty or keeping it. ─── 关于废除死刑还是保留死刑,这方面的论述颇多,尚无定论。
50、What's more, she has published several dissertations on Chinese pharmacy publications and participated in the foundation of “safe dispensary”. ─── 在国内药学刊物上发表论文数篇,曾参与“放心药房”的创建工作。
51、excellent national doctorial dissertations ─── 优秀博士学位论文
52、Manuscripts, dissertations, newspapers, theses, unpublished letters, artifacts, and other miscellaneous sources were included. ─── 其中包括手稿,論文,報紙,論文,未發表的信件,文物,和其他各式各樣的類型也包括在其中。
53、Tapir - Tapir provides additional functionality to digital asset management software DSpace primarily designed for Electronic Theses and Dissertations supervision, submission and dissemination. ─── Tapir为数字评估管理软件DSpace提供了额外的功能,主要为电子主题和学位论文的监督、提交和分发而设计。
54、Includes materials of different formats, like individual articles, Buddhist studies dissertations from South African universities, South African Buddhist web sites, etc., in both English and Afrikaan. ─── 包括英语和南非荷兰语的各形式的资料,如个别文章、南非国内大学佛教研究毕业论文、南非佛教网站等。
55、doctor's dissertations ─── 博士学位论文
56、JANE I've been looking at some of last year's dissertations. ─── 我看了去年的论文。
57、Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, NDLTD, http:. Www. Ndltd. Org. ─── 国外学位论文数字化起步较早,如美国的网络学位论文数字图书馆。
58、Development of Educational Technology: An Analysis of Relevant Doctoral Dissertations in U.S.A. ─── 从美国教育技术博士论文看教育技术的发展。
59、Historic Bible positions are being adroitly neutralized by learned dissertations based largely on emotional appeals for fairness, equality and justice. ─── 历史的圣经的立场正被一些学术论文熟练地抵消掉了,这些论文主要是基于情感对于公正、平等与正义的要求。
60、As far as structure is concerned,titles of academic dissertations fall into three types:"phrase" type, "colon" type,and "title-subtitle" type. ─── 学术论文篇名的结构主要有三种类型:短语型篇名、冒号型篇名、正副标题型篇名。
61、quality of project master's dissertations ─── 学位论文质量
62、Instead of spending a day in the copy room, professors can upload class syllabi, track student progress, update homework assignments, post academic papers and dissertations, and track the achievements of the department's alumni, all online. ─── 与其在影印室中耗费终日将所有文件印出,系所网站要能让教授上传课程概要、踪学生进程;让学生上传作业报告、议论文;并让校友能在其上不停加注其逐渐增加的成就。
63、The advisor name on your thesis dissertation copyright license agreement also must consist with the name on thesis cover, title and the electronic theses and dissertations system. ─── 博硕士论文授权书中指导教授内容需与纸本论文封面中指导教授、书名页中指导教授、全国博硕士论文资讯网中指导教授栏内容一致。
64、China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Databases ─── 中国博士学位论文全文数据库
65、The paper discusses the feasibility of establishing the digitized management system of dissertations with ASP.NET, DC and XML. ─── 摘要对运用ASP.NET、DC、XML技术建立数字化学位论文管理系统的可行性进行了探讨。
66、What readers overseas care about is how Taiwan is actually doing in various areas and not technical discussions and dissertations. ─── 作为海外读者所关心的是台湾各方面实质的现状,而不是各种专文评论。
67、No, but it's dissert, and you will like it.Let's go to Mcdonald's. ─── 6岁生日时父母在车上吵架,最后出了车祸,母亲被玻璃割破喉咙,死亡。
68、We spend the final term writing our dissertations. ─── 我们用最后一个学期的时间写论文。
69、Graduate students starting work on their dissertations often ask me for strategic advice. ─── 那些开始学位论文的研究生让我提一些战略型建议。
70、We have written our dissertations day in and day out for a whole term, without a holiday. ─── 我们已连续写了一个学期的论文,一天也没有休息。
71、About 200 dissertations got published in different public periodicals both in China and abroad and 18 treatises.There are 2 completed topics at the university level. ─── 在13门必修课中,有11门由高职人员任主讲,占13门课程的84.6%。
72、From the Angle of Graduate Dissertations Probing into the Tasks and Reformation of Document Retrieval ─── 从学位论文的现状看文献检索课教学的任务和改革
73、Abstract: The overwhelming majority of studies& research foundings are crystalized in dissertations, and economics is no exception. ─── 摘要:绝大多数学习和研究成果总是通过学术论文来体现的,经济学也不例外。
74、The theory dissert and rethink rationly on the feasibility of implementing the government’s performance management, considering our country have many advantages to practise, too. ─── 以此为理论基轴,对我国当前实行政府绩效管理的可行性进行了理性的剖析和反思,认为我国亦存在实行政府绩效管理的诸多有利条件。
75、Doctoral Dissertations on Asia ─── 亚洲问题博士论文题录
76、The Relations between Uighur and Other Ethnic Groups to North of the Gobi Dissert ─── 回纥与漠北草原诸族关系初探
77、These holdings include books, periodicals, reference and index volumes, dissertations, microforms and computer materials. ─── 这些收藏包括了书籍、期刊、参考索引目录、学术论文、微缩胶捲和电脑配件。
78、But in his head he was thinking, " Aha, that Cicada, she will make one tasty dissert." ─── 但是他心里想的是,“啊,那是只蝉,他可以成为我饭后可口的小吃。”
79、Discussion on Indexing English Descriptors for Agricultural Dissertations ─── 关于农业学位论文的英文叙词标引
80、This paper introduces several problems of designing the description metadata standards of theses and dissertations. ─── 介绍学位论文描述性元数据标准制订中遇到的几个问题;
81、Hughes clearly knows enough that he could write whole dissertations on any of the chapter headings. ─── 休斯清楚地知道,他可以就每一章都写出来很多东西。
82、" Most of the nervous students began intently scribbling out long dissertations. ─── 大多数学生很紧张,都开始专心地写他们的论文。
83、Those who have successfully defended their dissertations shall be conferred the doctor's degree. ─── 对于通过论文答辩者,授予博士学位。
84、Reference is an important part of dissertations. ─── 参考文献是学术论文的重要组成部分。
85、The Two Dissertations (1765) of his last years breathe the benevolence and gentleness. ─── 他晚年的《两篇论文》(1765)中却不乏慈爱宽容之心。
86、Most of the nervous students began intently scribbling out long dissertations. ─── 大多数学生很紧张,都开始专心地写他们的论文。
87、A Discussion about Constructing Network Information System of Postgraduate Dissertations in Heilong Jiang Province ─── 我省研究生学位论文网络信息系统建设探讨
88、A Research Report on the Dissertations of the Eighth and the Ninth Chinese Academic Conference of Psychology ─── 中国心理学会第八届、第九届全国心理学学术会议论文的研究报告
89、Way of improving the cultivating quality for graduates by blind peer reviewing the dissertations ─── 从学位论文盲评探讨提高研究生培养质量的途径
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