dominator 发音
英:[ˈdɑːmɪneɪtər] 美:[ˈdɒmɪneɪtə]
英: 美:
dominator 中文意思翻译
dominator 短语词组
1、geometrical dominator ─── 几何支配者
2、dominator gun ─── 控制枪
3、dominator krause ─── 支配者克劳斯
4、dominator app ─── 支配者应用程序
5、photopic dominator ─── [医] 高照度优性质
6、dominator sewer kit ─── 支配者下水道套件
7、dominator industries ─── 主导产业
8、immediate dominator ─── [计] 直接支配节点
9、dominator race products ─── 霸主种族产品
10、universal dominator ─── 普遍支配者
11、scotopic dominator ─── [医] 低照度优性质
12、dominator yachts ─── 霸主游艇
dominator 词性/词形变化,dominator变形
dominator 相似词语短语
1、nominator ─── n.提名者;任命者;续任者
2、comminator ─── n.威吓;诅咒(commination的变形)
3、divinator ─── 卦师
4、denominator ─── n.[数]分母;命名者;共同特征或共同性质;平均水平或标准
5、dominated ─── adj.占主导地位的;强势的;占统治地位的;[数]受控的;v.控制,支配;处于支配地位(dominate的过去式)
6、abominator ─── n.嫌恶者;憎恶者
7、dominates ─── 控制;支配;高出;统治;占据支配地位
8、domination ─── n.控制;支配
9、dominate ─── vt.控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位;vi.占优势;处于支配地位
dominator 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions. ─── 而中国“秦制”以后赋役制度的基础在于,皇权是一切“子民”人身和财产的最终所有者、支配者。
2、We believe that everyone hopes to live a better life, to own better things and have free thoughts;to be outstanding in some domin. ─── 人们都会相信,就是每个人都会希望自己的生活好一些,都希望自己拥有好的东西,都希望自己的思想洒脱一些,都希望自己在某一领域能够超俗。
3、Small as a feather is, it shapes up under Tao's control.Tao is the only dominator;he is the hand behind the curtain in charge of the change and development of everything. ─── 万物的生死、成长及变化,都在其掌控之中,而这股掌控及左右的力量,却从来也没有人知晓其来自何方。
4、dominator tree ─── 支配节点树
5、The new class, which adhered to and served the KMT regime, was a real dominator in the rural area and a basis of the KMT's regime in the country, but also impeded rural reforms. ─── 他们依附和服务于国民党政权,是广大乡村地区的实际控制者,是国民党在乡村的统治基础,但又阻碍了国民党乡村改良政策的推行。
6、2 Some people however, believe consciousness and think human is able to excel heaven. They think it ridiculer that consciousness and brain are set aside to follow a strange dominator. ─── 有些人则相信意识,认为人定胜天,认为意识靠边站,不要动脑筋、不要用心思,去相信并且跟随一个自己所不熟习的陌生主宰是可笑而荒谬的。
7、Objects dominated (retained by) another object can be said to be owned by that dominator. ─── 由其他对象占用(保持)的对象可以称为由该占用者拥有。
8、minimum connected dominator set ─── 最小连通支配集
9、Academically, he learned from the science of Cheng-Zhu, boosted confucian moral tradition, and became the leader of morality and spirit of feudal dominator inner in late Qing dynasty. ─── 在学术上,他师承程朱理学,标榜儒家道德文化传统,成为晚清后期封建统治阶级内部的道德领袖与精神领袖。
10、scotopic dominator ─── [医] 低照度优性质
11、During this period of time,some dominator ever abandoned this decree but it always existed. ─── 其间虽有个别统治者发布过废除诽谤罪的敕令,但该罪始终存而未废。
12、Paruromys dominator ─── n. 酋家鼠
13、Power relationships, under present bureaucratic and dominator power arrangements, may give an outer appearance of relinquishing control by soliciting input from teachers, but present practices in some schools tell a different story. ─── 当前以官僚主义为特点的权力体制下,学校权力关系中有可能呈现通过征求教师意见和建议下放学校部分权力的表象,但实际上某些学校却并未如此。
14、Justice department often adopt some strategies to ensure public interest of copyright in China, such as removing the knowledge and information in public domin, getting rid of the unlawful works. ─── 摘要我国目前的信息资源版权司法实践中,司法者维护版权公共利益的途径主要有:剔除公共领域的知识和信息,还原著作权权利范围;
15、It plans to combine its fixed-line service with the new 3G service to compete with market dominator China Mobile. ─── 它计划将固定电话与3G服务捆绑起来以与市场支配者中国移动竞争。
16、“Emperor” and “Dominator” usually loss it’s true meaning; ─── 先秦儒家政治思想之真谛又往往在这些争论中,失去其真正的意涵。
17、A man can make a living in society, or even becomes a dominator. He must have a certain talent and can serve other so that group and other must depend on him. ─── 一个人在社会上能立足,甚至于成为一方霸主,首先,他本身就必须具备一定的才能,可以为他人提供服务,进而成为群体或他人所必须仰赖的依靠。
18、Though, mankind is the dominator of the robot of artificial intelligence, but them can not like feudal slave owner for slave so treat them, robot has own space, we should cherish them. ─── 人类虽然是人工智能机器人的主宰者,但他们不能像封建奴隶主对奴隶那样对待它们,机器人有自己的空间,我们应该爱护它们。
19、Design the alogrithm "BDD Decomposition based on Generalized Dominator ". ─── 设计了“基于通用决定因子的BDD因式分解”算法。
20、In pursuit of instrumentalism of criminal law and he awed functional of penal, dominator always embraced weightily punishment in managing state affairs. ─── 对刑法的工具主义和刑罚的镇慑功能的追求,使得统治者历来信奉重刑治国。
21、Dennis Dragon was developed based on the chassis of Dennis Dominator. ─── 丹尼士巨龙型巴士是在丹尼士统治者底盘的基础上发展出来的。
22、"I came in a bit tired as I have been doing exhibitions during the World Cup, " said the 43-year-old, nicknamed 'The Dominator'. ─── 人称“主宰者”的43岁的赫尔南德兹说:“我在世界杯期间一直做表演,感觉有点累。”
23、We have to have the notion that we are not the dominator but a serving group to the universe, one that takes all responsibilities and seeks benefit for others. ─── 我们必须有这样的观念,我们不是宇宙的主宰者,而是服务者。作为承担一切责任为一切牟利的种群。
24、In other words, the teacher is the dominator and students are followers, guided by the underlying principle that students should obey the teacher. ─── 在教学中教师是支配者,学生是服从者。学生必须听老师的话已成了一种潜意识。
25、Don't walk behind me, I don't want to be a dominator; ─── 不要走在我的前面,我不想成为跟随者;
26、When a rock band add magic into their songs, they open a hole between Hell and Earth.This unleashes a horde of demons and Dominator, the demon Lord of dead rockstars. ─── 当一个摇滚乐队在演奏的歌曲中加入魔法后,他们为冥府开启了通道,释放出一群恶魔和主宰者-死亡摇滚之王。
27、The XCM Dominator Joystick includes 2 very special features: Combo Attacker and Independent Rapid Fire.This will allow you to dominate your opponents with ease. ─── 现在"XCM统治者格斗摇杆"将解救弱者,让你想放就放,可录四种招式,单键施发,等在其他摇杆看不到的超强模式!
28、Battle Racing Ignited Burnout Dominator ─── 火爆狂飙统治者
29、Analysis of BDD Decomposition Based on Generalized Dominator ─── 基于generalized dominator的BDD布尔表达式优化分解
30、Mankind is just the dominator of world, robot assists merely the human life and production that carries out society. ─── 人类才是世界的主宰,机器人只是来辅佐人类进行社会的生活与生产。
31、5 The first finger is used in finger and toe counting and then the second is used, until to the twentieth. It always is me as dominator who counts. ─── 第一根指头用完就完了,换第二根指头,这样以此类推,直到二十根指头用完,主导者始终是那个我在计算。
32、9 In controlling but not leaping on them, control is Tao and heaven.In being chief among them but not dominating them, chief is Tao and heaven as dominator. ─── 为而不恃,“为”是道,是天了,长而不宰,作为其主导者,为其“长”的是道、是天,因此,很显然的,人完全是被动的。
33、However, the Psychic Dominator located in San Francisco is cut off from its power and fails to activate.The western coast of the United States retains their free will for the time being. ─── 幸运的是,位于旧金山地区的心灵控制器由于断电而布置失败,美国西海岸的人们因而依然具有自由的意志。
34、” He announced that his religion is “cosmic religion”.He admitted that there is a dominator in this universe, but there is no heaven and hell. ─── 爱因斯坦说,他的宗教是"宇宙宗教",在他的教义里,他承认天地间有位主宰者,可是就是没有天堂、地狱这回事。
35、In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions. ─── 而中国“秦制”以后赋役制度的基础在于,皇权是一切“子民”人身和财产的最终所有者、支配者。
36、If you would like to purchaz thi domin name, pleaz xD click here to make an ofer. ─── 原网站的一切业务与我们没有任何关系。
37、In fact, the second dream can not be called as ideal, because it is under the stress of poverty, that's also a kind of worship to the dominator ofmoney. ─── 其实第二个理想根本不能叫做理想,因为那是为贫寒所迫,是一种对金钱的支配力的崇拜。
38、"No Dominator": the Ultimate Pursuit of China's Traditional Political Thoughts ─── "无主":中国传统政治思想之终极诉求
39、Historical facts recorded in the history of a country reflect the ideology of the dominator to a certain extent. ─── 国史记录的史实在一定程度上反映着统治者的思想观念。
40、dominator node ─── 支配节点
41、14 The problem is that we are long being told that the consciousness is the dominator of the conduct. ─── 问题是,我们自小被告之,意识是行为的主导者。
42、The role of the supervisor and the dominator are often mixed and alternated. ─── 监管和掌管的角色常常混淆和错位。
43、In pursuit of instrumentalism of criminal law and be awed functional of penal,dominator always embraced weightily punishment in managing state affairs. ─── 对刑法的工具主义和刑罚的镇慑功能的追求,使得统治者历来信奉重刑治国。
44、35. any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a domin form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets. ─── 主要为美洲的数种小栎树之一,通常具灌木状习性,主要生长在贫瘠干旱的土壤上,有时形成茂密的大片灌丛。
45、9 Tao itself is of no-self, so it has no its own action and requirement. Thus it becomes a dominator of selflessness. ─── 无私,是作为一个领导中心的必备条件。一旦有相就难免存有自我,有了自我之心,就很难成为一个照顾大局的领导者;团体的内聚力就不够坚固,群体也就容易崩散了。
46、Who is Dominator? -Studies of the Issue of Classroom Education Philosophy ─── 谁主沉浮:课堂教育哲学问题研究
47、The contemporary archctecture historians considers that it is accord with facts that the ancient dominator classes were favorite for economy and against luxury in coustruetions. ─── 以翔实的事实说明:当代建筑史学冢认为古代统治阶级崇尚俭德,反对奢侈的观点,是符合实际的;
48、On no account shall China seek hegemony of any form, nor shall she take over anyone as the new dominator of the world. ─── 中国疆域存在了二千年,至今没有大的变化,将来也没有向外扩张的可能。
49、The guest depends on, drive ruler, drive dominator, drive controller, passive, empress with, defend, be placed in a quilt predominant position. ─── 客是依附者,被统治者,被支配者,被控制者,被动者,后随者,防守者,处于被主导地位。
50、They are like dominator of this world who treat all things fairly and selflessly. ─── 恰像这个世界的主宰一样,这些人公平的对待宇宙万物;
51、Scotopic dominator curve ─── 暗适应明显者曲线
52、The life will understand Only love is dominator Never regret tomorrow In your world Is there my existence? ─── 生命会明白爱才是主宰不让明天有感慨你的世界是否有我的存在?
53、photopic dominator ─── [医] 高照度优性质
54、Kong Lin, who is the assistant of Mo Zun (魔尊, Dominator of Demons) seeks to retrieve the three precious treasures of the demons. ─── 孔喱嗯,谁是助理鄚尊(魔尊,统治者魔鬼)旨在撷取三个宝贵财富的恶魔。
55、The teacher "s role changed from a traditional initiator, dominator into a guide, cooperator, and promoter with a good knowledge and perfect knowledge construction. ─── 教师由传统教学的传授者、主宰者转化为引导者、合作者和促进者,并具有良好的知识素养和完善的知识结构。
56、immediate dominator ─── 直接支配节点
57、So he required that the dominator should pursue virtue,insist on the principle of humanitarianism,choose and appoint worthy person,combat war and protect peace. ─── 为此,他要求治国者自身不断加强道德修养,坚持人道主义的伦理原则,选贤任能,反对战争,维护和平。
58、Based on above discussion, innovation pattern under different dominator is studied. ─── 在上述基础上,本文继续探讨不同行为者主导下的创新模式。
59、The first finger is used in finger and toe counting and then the second is used, until to the twentieth. It always is me as dominator who counts. ─── 第一根指头用完就完了,换第二根指头,这样以此类推,直到二十根指头用完,主导者始终是那个我在计算。
60、Anyhow, Gold East Paper Co., Ltd. should have existing and developing space both in direct and indirect channel in order to be the dominator of market. ─── 总之,为成为市场主导者,金东纸业公司应在直接渠道和间接渠道两种模式上都应有生存和发展的空间。
61、Historical facts recorded in the history of a country reflect the ideology of the dominator to a certain extent. ─── 国史记录的史实在一定程度上反映着统治者的思想观念。
62、Two schools to share resources, complement each other, is in Shanxi Province a model for schools to domin xiao . ─── 两校资源共享,优势互补,是山西省名校办民校的典范。
63、He admitted that there is a dominator in this universe, but there is no heaven and hell. ─── 然而,医生的“知”是否真能彻底解决病人的痛苦呢?
64、Both equity and non-equity joint ventures are subject to risk and profit sharing: their common dominator. ─── 不论是股权式合营企业,还是非股权式合营企业都要共同承担风险,分享利润。
65、dominator on magazine ─── 杂志主宰
66、General Motors Corp. finally give up the dominator position to TOYOTA in 2009 over 77 years in global automobile industry. ─── 美国通用公司终于在2009年结束了自己长达77年之久的世界汽车业霸主地位,将其拱手让给了丰田。
67、As the technology proceeds to DSM, the delay of interconnect has been the domin portion in all delays. ─── 当工艺水平发展到深亚微米级,互连线时延比重已经占据总时延的绝大部分。
68、As the one standing on the top, I am the Dominator of Destiny. ─── 凌驾在所有命运之上的至高存在。
69、To dispel the curse of money, as a matter of fact, is to get rid of the ridiculous thought that we have been set on mind.And meantime the worship of the dominator of money will be weakened. ─── 消除金钱的魔咒,其实就是要消除我们自己给自己设定的荒谬思想,减弱对金钱支配力的崇拜。
70、They are like dominator of this world who treat all things fairly and selflessly . ─── 恰像这个世界的主宰一样,这些人公平的对待宇宙万物;
71、dominator algorithm ─── 支配者算法
72、modulator dominator ─── 调质控制器
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