certes 发音
英: 美:
certes 中文意思翻译
certes 网络释义
adv. 的确;诚然
certes 短语词组
1、certes renew ─── 某些更新
2、certes def ─── 当然
3、certes ssl ─── 当然是SSL
4、certes mais ─── 当然
5、certes acme ─── 某些顶点
6、certes company ─── 某些同伴
7、certes github ─── 某些githubs
certes 词性/词形变化,certes变形
certes 相似词语短语
1、cerges ─── 阉割
2、ceres ─── n.刻瑞斯(谷类的女神)
3、curtesy ─── n.鳏夫产业(夫继承亡妻财产的权利)
4、certs ─── n.确实的事情(cert复数)
5、cerites ─── n.[矿物]铈硅石
6、Laertes ─── n.拉厄耳忒斯(希腊神话人物,奥德修斯之父);雷欧提斯(《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚的哥哥)
7、cerastes ─── n.角蝰(一种产于非洲及小亚细亚的毒蛇)
8、cerated ─── adj.涂蜡的;上蜡的
9、cermets ─── abbr.陶瓷金属(ceramicmetals)
certes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The tapestries of machines that control transportation, banking, the power grid and virtually anything connected to the Internet are all unbounded systems, observes CERT researcher David A. ─── 控制大众运输、银行、电力网路的电脑,以及连到网际网路的任何东西,这一大串电脑连成了无边无界的系统。
2、Certes this is a serious matter. ─── 实在是一件严重的事情。
3、CERT, the Computer Emergency Response Team located at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute, has been a center for network incident reporting and analysis for the past decade. ─── 位于卡内基·梅隆大学软件工程学院内的计算机紧急响应小组(cert)在过去十年中已经成为网络事件报告和分析中心。
4、CERT Computer Emergency Response Team ─── 计算机紧急情况反应小组电脑输入缩微胶卷
5、for a cert ─── 的确确实
6、certes internet for that lets que tinguem web the out of have Firefox enxufat. ─── 寐 Twitter bbd glass creme and 寐寐 寐寐寐寐寐寐寐寐.
7、Certes, he deserves admiration, being the greatest of all the Gods! ─── 的确,他应受赞美,上帝的最伟大之处!
8、That falls in well with mine, and certes brought ─── 正合乎我的心意,那天,的确
9、You have exceeded your developer certificate requests limit for today. Please wait 24 hours before requesting any more Developer Cert ... ─── 你这种情况就是24小时内已超过你当前帐号每天所申请的数量,请24小时后再申请!
10、Although there are a lot of security organization, a lot of people on security and a lot of security products, an ascend trend of intrusion events were shown in the CERT security report. ─── 但是在有很多的安全机构、逐渐壮大的安全队伍和逐步完善的安全产品的同时,CERT的安全报告显示近年的网络入侵事件呈逐年上升趋势。
11、Cert in Auto Refinishing Trade Development ─── 汽车整修工艺开发证书课程
12、Cert, to Follow Soon ─── 证书随后附上
13、byte[] plaintext, byte[] signature, java.security.cert.Certificate cert ─── 使用指定用户的证书对签名进行验证。
14、To get a certificate, search google for OPDA CERT. ─── 否则,您将获得证书错误。
15、a cert extent ─── 在一定程度上
16、cern, cert, cret=sure, separate, ─── 表示“搞清,区别”
17、We can bring the theater, art, con certes, and sports events into our homes when we might otherwise never be able to see them. ─── 当我们不能亲临现场时,电视把剧场,艺术表演、音乐会和体育赛事带到我们家中。
18、There is no tea for cert on the saucer except herb to flavour food. ─── 在茶杯碟上,肯定没有茶,只有调味的香草!
19、After obtaining the CISSP and a solid technical cert, take the CISA.It is a well respected IT audit certification. ─── 获得CISSP和坚实的技术之后,拿个CISA,这是至尊的信息技术审核认证。
21、The certificate can be accessed through the Cert: drive. ─── 可通过“Cert:驱动器”访问该证书。
22、As to which test result approaching the defective certes that you need particular to explain it via all kinds of reproduction test . ─── 至于实验结果的证明有缺陷时,你尤其需要通过各种再次试验来解释。
23、Chinatown CERT was established and hosted a press conference in CCBA. CCBA will become an Emergency Center immediately if there is any disaster issue occurred. ─── 华埠紧急支援部队正式成立,并在中华公所召开记者招待会。如发生灾难或严重事件,中华公所将立即成为其中一个紧急支援中心,更有效及快捷地帮助侨胞。
24、Another CERT module you will want to read is ─── 您应该阅读的另一个CERT模块是
25、Must hold CAAC cert 、convert FAA cert、JAA cert, valid category II health certificate. ─── 持有CAAC、FAA、JAA现行有效的飞行教员执照和体检合格证。
26、Pls kindly keep us informed once your electrical appliance products had got the GS and CE cert. ─── 一旦您的家用电器产品获得了GS和CE认证资格,劳驾知会我方。
27、Cert Ed ─── abbr. 教育学证书 (Certificate in Education)
28、BEd (Taiwan Normal), MPE &Cert Adv St (Springfield);Dip Bus Mgt &Dip Fin (CUHK). ─── 教育学士(台湾师大),体育硕士、高级证书(春田),企管文凭,财务文凭(中大)。
29、dazedly cert ─── 拿得准的事,绝对确实的事
30、Young lively style , fresh and tender Da Kuai , golden succulence fried chicken, satisfied and dead cert getting the whole nation consumer. ─── 年轻活泼的格调,鲜嫩大块、金黄多汁的炸鸡,得到全国消费者的满意和肯定。
31、Cert Holders'Data Report Nuclear Vessels (Alternate Form Single Chamber Comp Shop-Fabricated Vessels) ─── 核反应堆容器合格证书持有人的数据报告(单室压缩器厂制容器备用表格)
32、Cannot open existing Cert store. Use -f switch to force Cert store creation. ─── 不能打开现有的证书存储。使用-f开关强制证书存储创建。
33、CERT is a center of Internet security expertise, studying security vulnerabilities, publishing security alerts, and developing information and training to help you improve security at your site. ─── CERT是汇集Internet安全专业知识的中心,其工作是研究安全漏洞、发布安全警告以及发布信息和培训以帮助您提高站点的安全性。
34、a) Applicant's birth cert / NRIC (both sides); ─── 申请者出生证/居民证(两面;
35、So long as sincere feeling expressed in sincere artistic form can move the hearts of men. Tschaikovsky's music will continue to hold a high place in the Con- cert hail and opera house. ─── 只要在真诚的艺术形式中所表达的真诚感情能够打动人心,柴可夫斯基的音乐就将继续在音乐厅和歌剧院中占据一个很高的位置。
36、National Cert in Motorcycle Engineering ─── 摩托车工程学国家证书课程
37、Command your platoon of Worms in battle! On varied terrain take it in turns to blast your opponents worms out of the ground using an assortment of devastating weapons! Cert 12. ─── 中国手机之家资讯网提醒各位网友:如果无法下载,请使用本站搜索功能,将本文章所介绍软件名称复制后,粘贴到下面的搜索框中,然后点击后面的搜索按钮以找到下载地址!
38、Kiwa International Cert Zertifizierung GmbH is a dynamic registrar with certificates that are recognized world wide. ─── 沿袭德国总部风格,定制了后台管理,以及增加了企业认证证书搜索功能。
39、It's like a database for certes and keys. ─── 它就像一个密匙与证书数据库。
40、National Cert in Auto Electrical Engineering ─── 汽车电机工程国家证书课程
41、PG Cert Management of Health and Information Services ─── 健康管理和信息服务
42、That's no problem,once you have the divorce paper from court,you can marry to any one after the dated in cert. ─── 我在澳洲,刚和前妻离婚,假如我再马上于海外的结婚会有问题吗!
43、That falls in well with mine, and certes brought ─── 正合乎我的心意,那天,的确
44、However, pls note that Form A is a must, so, pls do not forget to apply this cert. ─── 另外请注意原产地证书。千万别忘了去申请。
45、All material, plating and heat treatment certes should be provided on a regular basis. ─── 所有资料、电镀及热处理亮应该定期进行。
46、dead cert ─── n. 拿得准的事(绝对确实的事)
47、There is no such thing in sports as a dead cert. ─── 在体育比赛中根本就没有定局这回事。
48、Higher Cert. ─── 就唔清楚喇!
49、He' s a dead cert / certainty for ( ie He will certainly win ) the 100 metres. ─── 他稳拿百米第一.
50、II.We could train crew to get cert of professional training, record book, cert of competency, cert of special training, etc ─── 我公司可组织船员参加专业培训合格证书、适任证书、特殊培训合格证的培训班。
51、The Morocco international was widely seen as being a cert to move to Arsenal when his contract runs out in the summer. ─── 目前夏季合同结束的摩洛哥国脚被媒体普遍认为转会阿森纳。
52、"Certes, he deserves admiration, being the greatest of all the Gods! ─── " "的确,他应受赞美,上帝的最伟大之处!
53、a cert cure ─── 有疗效的药
54、What , motherland's dead cert , dead cert of the people we do not demand , do not are really our maximal honour. ─── 我们并不要求什么,祖国的肯定,人民的肯定,才是我们的最高荣誉。
55、One day a boy came to his teacher and said:"Teacher, pa wants to know if you like roast pig." "I cert... ─── 一天有个男孩去对他老师说:“老师,我爸想知道你是不是爱吃烤猪肉。”“当然啰,”老师说,“去告诉你父...
56、We'll be able to start tomorrow for a cert. ─── 我们明天肯定可以出发。
57、a dead cert ─── 必然发生的事情绝对确实的事物
58、SSL Cert: No valid SSL on this Host, Get Secure ─── 没有合法的SSL在这个主人,得到安全
59、With only an SPM cert, your future won't be as bright, because you won't get much promotion chances, so your salary will only increase little by little each year, if any at all. ─── 你是个男生吧?我举个例子。你有女朋友吗?将来要结婚生子吗?父母需要你养吗?你知不知道当你开始负起这些责任的时候,你一个月的薪水要多少才够?
60、In the absence of the refresh messages, the routers delete the reservation after a cert..... ─── 如果没有刷新消息,则路由器在某一时间之后保留。
61、If you've got the inclination, spend at least a month or two reading the BUGTRAQ, CERT, and RISKS mailing lists. ─── 如果你有兴趣的话,可以花费至少一到两个月的时间来阅读BUGTRAQ、CERT、RISKS邮件列表。
62、Certes didst thou me unveil meekly life pristine. ─── 当然,你曾顺然将我质朴生命的面纱拂去。
63、;) are generalizations of the anthesis or mutual correlation between cert... ─── Definici n de 阴阳: Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Yin and yang ( ;
64、one original copy of signed inspection cert. ─── 经签字的检验证明正本一份。
65、So although CERT still scrambles its team of crack counterhackers in response to large-scale assaults, most of its funding (about half of it from the DOD) now goes to research. ─── 因此,虽然CERT仍旧勉力整合反骇客团队以应付大规模攻击,但大部分的资金(约有一半来自国防部)现在都用于研究上。
66、The result reveals its stiffness and first set inherent frequency both have a cert... ─── 结果表明:主轴结构优化后,其刚度和一阶自振频率均有一定程度的提高。
67、The client cert name does not matches the user name or the KDC name is incorrect. ─── 客户端证书名同用户名不匹配,或KDC名称不正确。
68、Jim Smith BA Cert Ed ─── 吉姆·史密斯文学士, 持有教育学证书.
69、Base in SuzhouDiploma/Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related disciplineMSCE or CCNA cert...... ... ─── 公司名称:丽星邮轮旅行社(上海)有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-3-28
70、cert of his innocence ─── 确信他无罪
71、CERT IV in Health Science Foundations ─── 健康科学四级证书
72、have/be a Cert Ed ─── 有教育学证书
73、Error in opening the cert file. Error code %1. ─── 打开证书文件时的错误。错误码 %1。
74、You'll certainly win if you use this method; it's a dead cert. ─── 你用这种办法一定会赢,可以说是万无一失。
75、When it comes down to it, you can't really protect the password, without going through lots of hoops, or by using a SSL cert, which is ultimately the best solution. ─── 到这里,你会发现不多动点脑筋似乎很难保证安全性,那就使用SSL协议吧,这个最简单了。
76、a cert person ─── 某人
77、Extract an Issued Cert from MDB Database ─── 从MDB数据库提取已颁发的证书
78、Right. But the 1119 cert can help u if ur uec english is not good. ─── 只要想来这里读,就申请!你的成绩有没有到达标准让国大南大来决定,不要自己堵自己的路!
79、International oil pollution prevention cert. ─── 国际防止油污证书。
80、You haven't installed the cert, or have installed the wrong cert. ─── 你还没有安装证书或者安装了一个错误的证书。
81、TUV NORD CERT is an internationally recognized certification company with many years of experience in the field of management system certification. ─── TUV NORD是国际公认的在管理体系认证领域具有多年经验的认证集团。
82、CA Subject name matches Cert Issuer ─── CA主题名不符合证书颁发者
83、Using self signed certes, this works fine. ─── 使用自签名证书,这很好。
84、Can anyone tell me how to obtain a Cert. ─── of Registrar of Marriage if through 教堂行礼?
85、Actually, my EFA cert is being tahan by BP Area (Tat happen during my secon ... ─── 要不然你就写封信去全国总部咯,那个拿到你证书的人会乖乖的寄去峇株区的,到时候你才去看吧!
86、Date of foam supply or date of last analysis cert. ─── 泡沫供给日期或最近的化验证书日期?
87、In some cases, organizations involved in phishing attacks were contacted directly, or the incident data was forward to the local CERT . ─── 在一些案例中,我们与被涉及网络钓鱼攻击的组织进行了直接联系,或者将这些攻击相关的数据转交给当地的应急响应组织。
88、Requirement:-Bachelor degree in Computer science, Telecommunications or related fields-Cisco CCNP certified-MS MCSE cert...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海特朗思大宇宙信息技术服务有限公司工作地点:上海市静安区发布时间:2009-7-11
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